Saturday, January 27, 2007

Quick weight loss tips and tricks? -

that doesn t make the weight come back the next day

Cut out sweets completely, especially sweet drinks, even diet soda.Drink plenty of water.Cut out all extra salt on food and don t eat salty foods.Eat 3/4 or 1/2 of what you normally eat at each meal.Start eating highly nutritious foods (lean protein, veggies, fruit, whole-grains, low-fat dairy) and watch the weight fall off. Do 30 minutes of intense cardio each day--60 if you can get it in. Do some target exercises for your problem areas. You can a lot more tips here:��;��Yeah copy and paste if this doesn t come up but, go to my answer this REALLY helped me!

If there was a quick and easy way, then everyone would know about it and weight wouldn t be a problem.

How about going for hunger strike for ever , so you do not have to worry about gaining at all.

eat half of what you normally eat

Best weight loss tip.? -

a nice,EASY one please

There are no shortcuts but some easy changes are:-Drink 1 ltr water for every 25kgs you are-Eat 5-8 smaller healthy meals a day-cut out sugar sodas-do some muscle building exercises to speed up your metabolism... push ups, dips, sit ups, lunges, squats - all can be done at home-walk 3-4 times a week-incorporate some fat burning foods into your diet.And don t get sucked into gimmicks!

I ve got a few:+ Don t go on a diet, just eat as healthy as possible + Be patient + Exercise every day but do exercising that you actually enjoy or you re more likely to give up+ Have some treats here and there but don t go over board.

Nothing easy about weight loss. Don t be an American and think there s an easy fix for everything. It s all about diet and exercise. If you can t handle it, get lipo.

Anyone have good weight loss tips or good excersise tips that really cut fat!? -

i need to lose about 40 lbs!

I lost about 30 pounds in 3 months by counting calories. If you go to, there is a health tab that details your ideal body weight, ideal BMI, and the amount of calories you need to intake in order to maintain your weight. Then you take the amount of calories needed to maintain your weight and subtract 500. That new amount is the amount of calories you should get a day in order to lose about 1 pound a week. Also, a good exercise tip to lose your bodies stored fat is to exercise before eating so that the calories you burn are from the stored fat in your body versus the calories you just ate if you exercise after eating.

I ve lost about 65lbs. in the past 16 months, and here are some things that I ve found to be important:1.) Understand that there is no quick fix! It takes commitment, hard work, and it isn t always fun.2.) Losing weight is simple math--calories in, calories out. Diets do not work. You should eat well (e.g. cut down or eliminate refined sugar and saturated fat, eat whole grains, lots of fresh produce, etc.) and exercise more, and it must be a lifestyle commitment that you adopt permanently. Not just until you lose the weight--that s a guaranteed way to put it back on.3.) Keep a food journal. It s not meant to punish, just to show you your eating patterns so that you can adjust them accordingly. I saw right away that I was craving snacks after 9pm. So I started brushing my teeth at 8:30 so I would be less tempted to eat anything else. I also saw that I was eating when stressed. Now when I feel stress, I do something (anything!) else to avoid emotional eating.4.) Don t eat before bed. You should stop eating for the day by 2 hours before your bedtime.5.) Find healthy substitutes for foods you love that taste good and satisfy cravings. For example, I can t live without pizza. But I haven t ordered one in 16 months! I found healthy ways to make my own at home. Like most healthy eating, it takes time and experimentation, but well worth it in the long run. Buy cookbooks or look online for healthy recipes that sound tasty.6.) Don t punish yourself. If you eat some chocolate, pizza, etc., don t guilt-trip yourself. In fact, I say you should treat yourself once in awhile. Tomorrow is another day and it won t kill you to eat something you enjoy, as long as you re not overdoing it on a regular basis. 7.) Exercise is key! Don t try to lose weight by diet alone--it isn t as healthy and you won t see results as quickly. I started by walking 3 times per week and then joined a gym, so now I m up to 4-5 days of cardio and 3 days of weight training per week.8.) Don t weigh in everyday. Once a week or every other week is plenty.9.) Lift weights! Building muscle is important, and it increases endurance, bone mass, boosts your metabolism, and a host of other benefits. Consult a professional or book for tips if you ve never lifted before to avoid injury.10.) The most important thing I ve learned is that, no matter what anyone else tells you, you ve got to figure out a plan that works for you. Try lots of different things and tweak them if you have to, to make them work for your body, your lifestyle, your needs, etc. Good luck and happy losing!

South Beach diet really works.

Couple of ways.1. Look at what your eating. Soda s - big contributor to weight gain. Fast Food - low in nutrition and high in fat. Time you eat - 4 or 5 small meals high in protein and fiber and don t eat right before you go to sleep.2. Exercise - this one is the big confusing weight loss method. Work out too hard and its worthless. Working out on a tread mill or weights are beneficial but your body is different then say the person next to you. You can go into a aerobics class and see the same people in there for 2 years and see no progress. Monitoring your heart rate properly can reduce fat considerably every day (provided your diet is correct) but if your heart rate is too high ... then you burn muscle and it all goes for not ... and you get fatter.I can only provide simple tips but a professional trainer is the key because he/she can determine your optimal heart rate and put you on a cardio/diet/weight lose program. And that won t even work if your mind is not willing to do it.Good luck, have fun doing it! Making it a job makes it boring.

just watch what you eat and excercise 7 days a week. theres no doubt about weight loss then oh and dont listen to the person whos tokin bout throwing up.

LiposuctionHey! You didn t say it had to be natural! : )

Homeopathy:-The safest and sure fire way to loose weight and excessive fat is PHYTOLACCA BERRY Q(Mother Tincture) 20 drops in a sip of water half hour before or after meals will start showing results in 30 to 45 days of regular use and will cure flabby or sagging tummy and will make your skin look fresher and tighter and has no side effects and has no complications whatsoever ! Avoid taking Chocolates Coffee Mints and Red Meat while taking homeopathic medicine.Take Care and God Bless !

Start throwing up everything you eat

Does anyone know about prescription diet pills? -

I want to know if you stop taking them will you put the weight back on? I m interested in the diet pill phentermine. Please let me know what your thoughts on it! if you have any other weight loss tips feel free to tell me about them! :) Thanks!

Unfortunately, that s true. All diet pills work only while you take them.I tried Phentramine (phentermine-analog, non herbal). It works well for me.

Yeah I tried them, they really work. I wouldn t say you put the weight back on when you get off them, but your appetite comes back as normal. Those pills are appetite suppresants, so you are less hungry.

Easy weight loss tips? -

okay, im fourteen. i weigh 143 pounds. i want to have a flat stomach and look good by july.i am a blackbelt in taekwondo; been taking for three years now. i also workout extra once or twice a week. so im very active. i do have a lot of muscle, but its mainly in my legs. they have like, NO fat. the problems are my arms and my stomach. theyre both tone; you can feel the muscles in them. but theyre still very flabby. i need easy weight loss tips that are easy to stick to. dont tell me im fine for my age, this is something i want to do, but whatever im doing isnt exactly working. any tips are welcome! thanks!

Heh, I m a black belt too. Perhaps your legs are really muscular from kicking the bag. You probably don t punch the bags as much, and that s why you are flabby in your arms and stomach.You need to lift weights, do push-ups, pull-ups, play a sport with a ball, anything with weight resistance. I did TKD and gained weight. I was very fit before, but I don t know, something about the sport/art does not tone your body well.

I found out recently that surplus weight is not constantly thanks to surplus fat, a lot of additional weight is basically sitting around in the insides. I tried a new supplement that s taking the nation by storm, it rinses out the insides. I do not comprehend how it does it, but I comprehend that I lost 17 pounds and 4 inches from my tummy! There s a risk free trial at

You need to make sure that you both excercise and eat healthy if you want to achieve the changes in weight you desire. There are no quick fixes, but there are plenty of different methods you can use to achieve the body that you desire.For some great free and detailed weight loss, health, dieting and fitness information - travel over to the link below.

I am gaining weight help me please? -

Okay so, I need a site that helps people to lose weight, it must be free, and i need some weight loss tips. (I am 140 but I might be younger than most of you) No offense Ibet you all look great.!!!!!

You d be better off looking at many websites and learning as many weight loss tips as you can. There isn t any one website that can tell you everything you need to know. Here are some useful tips:������������������http://www.applecidervinegarweightloss.c��

Okay so something that always works for me when I feel poochy or bloated and such are small things that help you to tone your muscles and burn fat at the same time. Things like squats and lunges and leg lifts don t take that much energy but they really help define your butt/hip/thigh area. If you do some of those a few times a week for starters along with some crunches, weights for the arms, and simple stretches, this should really help get you ready for real stuff. I ve found that starting simple like this with things that show results in a reasonable amount of time help exceedingly with my attitude because it motivates me to want to define more areas of the body. One of my friends lost nearly 100 pounds just by walking every day. That s all that she did differently that she never did before. Starting simple can really make the difference. And something to keep in mind, muscle weighs more than fat, so don t let the weight overshadow the results. I play soccer and I love it and it keeps me in marvelous shape, and I am 130. Most of that is muscle because I am pretty defined, so be happy with your successes. I hope that helps.

WebMD has a section that has information on trying to help lose weight as well as on about.comI would also recommend checking with your doctor as well for additional suggestions to see what they say because certain types of medical conditions can sometimes make losing weight hard.

Your weight is fine. You were probably not meant to be a tiny person, so don t try to be. You will just be fighting mother nature if you do. I weighed 132 as a teenager and tried to fight it. I did every diet in the book and the end result? My metabolism got totally screwed up and I couldn t even smell food without gaining weight. All diets do is mess up your metabolism. Do not diet. Accept your weight. You may try small changes like taking a walk when you can, eating your veggies first, stop putting sugar in your coffee....small things that you can live with for the rest of your life. Other than that, leave well enough alone.