Friday, July 11, 2008

How to lose weight if you dont have healthy food? -

I want to lose weight, I dont mind excercising, but I do only a little per day. The problem I have is, I have nothing healthy in my house to eat, and my parents refuse to buy anything healthy. At school, the healthiest thing is a (I think) Low fat sandwhich (but dont quote me), it s some kind of ham or turkey sandwhich, would it be okay to eat that every day? Anyways, what can I do at home? Thanks.

If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you ll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn). Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don t think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.Don t make all of these changes at once or you won t be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you ll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner s Guide to Dieting -

Just don t snack a lot. Your parents must have veggies or fruits around the house. Eat fruit for breakfast, try to bring something from home to eat for lunch. School lunches usually are planned to be fairly healthy. They must have salad of some kind. Eat that, with low fat dressing or no dressing. Simply you just have to attempt to eat under 2000 calories a day. Don t drink sugary drinks like soda, and if you must, drink diet. Try to drink lots and lots of water throughout the day, as this will stop you from feeling hungry. I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks by only eating when I was hungry, eating healthy, and drinking nothing but water.

Spend your pocket money on fruit and veg?, why on earth would your parents, refuse to buy anything healthy?. It need not be expensive, just small portions of healthy things for their child who is concerned about his health? I would have a more in depth conversation with them. You could eat the sandwich at school everyday if you want, just add things like bananas to keep you full and energised.

The truth is it you dont gotta eat healthy. I mean yyou can like have a double Cheeseburger or a steak like once a week but dont have it every day.Your body needs those fats and other nutrients to function properly.Even eating veggies all day cant be good for i say a little too much of one this is too much .Just work out excersice and jog/run/walk the track 2--3 times a day.Try to go to and see what it says.Folow those food servings.Good Luck!

a little exercise, and no healthy food?losing weight will be hard, just eat less of what ur parents buyand go jogging, alot of jogging. Lots of cardio will help u shed the poundskinda messed up that ur parents arent supportive*** cutting back on fat wont help u lose weight. Althoug some fats are bad for u ( avoid trans ans limit saturated) your body needs some fats, and they actually can help u lose weight ans stay healthy. *You need to avoid anything with sugar in it and limit simple carbs and calories.

Eat the closest thing to healthy. Up the exercise. Walking 30 minutes a day or more will help big time. Carry a back pack with book to add weight and burn calories. Do push-ups, 3 sets 25 reps. Build up to it, then add more. Your body needs fuel to burn, the trick is to only eat what your body needs, and little more.

jusst save up money and buy ur own food thats healthy. That s what I do. I keep all the healthy food in my room since i am the only on in the family that doesn t fill my body with junk lol.

its really important for you to control your portions. Watch the grams of fat your taking in. anything 8 grams and under a serving is good.

go to a gym and exercise or if you have no good food eat the food right like it breakfast lunch dinner and one snack a day

Then try to exercise some more and then eat the sandwich at school.

I can t belive your parents refuse to buy you anything healthy... my parents refuse to buy me anything UNhealthy!! Anyway, you could try speaking to them about how you feel, and tell them that you want to eat more healthily. I m sure they wouldn t mind buying a few healthy things?It isn t a good idea to eat the same thing for lunch every day although the low fat sandwich would be a good thing to eat 3 days a week at the most. Here are some tips for you:As I am sure you know already, cut down on all fatty foods, drink 8 glasses of water per day, eat 5 fruit/veg per day and choose low fat options.You could try joining a club such as weight watchers as this will give you lots of diet plans and help you to stay motivated.Exercise :You should exercise for a full twenty minutes at a time, five days per week to stay at a healthy weight.Remember, don t over-do it and certainly don t try to lose weight too quickly. The more quickly you do it, the more quickly you put it back on. Also, it s not good for you to just suddenly start exercising vigorously. Do it slowly and that way you will be able to keep it up and not put the weight back on.The best exercise for burning calories is cardio-aerobic. Jogging, cycling, power-walking, swimming, aerobic dancing or general aerobic workouts. However, strength-training is also important to increase muscle-fat ratio.Exercise does burn calories but it takes a while to lose 1 pound of weight! However, exercise is essential to maintain weight loss and maintain your body at peak efficiency.Thought you might find this useful:Type of Exercise - Calories/hour Sleeping 55 Eating 85 Sewing 85 Knitting 85 Sitting 85 Standing 100 Driving 110 Office Work 140 Housework, moderate 160+ Golf, with trolley 180 Golf, without trolley 240 Gardening, planting 250 Dancing, ballroom 260 Walking, 3mph 280 Table Tennis 290 Gardening, hoeing etc. 350 Tennis 350+ Water Aerobics 400 Skating/blading 420+ Dancing, aerobic 420+ Aerobics 450+ Bicycling, moderate 450+ Jogging, 5mph 500 Gardening, digging 500 Swimming, active 500+ Cross country ski machine 500+ Hiking 500+ Step Aerobics 550+ Rowing 550+ Power Walking 600+ Cycling, studio 650 Squash 650+ Skipping with rope 700+ Running 700+

How to lose weight and how much calorie intake should I eat ? -

Okay I m 6 3 254lbs And I have been working out to lose weight what are some things that I should eat and how much calorie intake should I eat

There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc. Here are a few helpful links.��������

don t worry about calories. they are merely energy, cutting back on calories is cutting back on your energy. anyway, you should eat very small meals every couple of hours (every 3-4). that balances out so that you re not over hungry and don t gorge yourself on food. remember to exercise though, otherwise nothing will work... and if you re 6 3 then you really don t have to lose much weight. Good Luck!!

Stay away from foods with added sugar, stay away from artificial sweetners, no soda (regular or diet). Stay between 1600 - 3000 calories a day. Burn more calories than you eat in a day. You body burns more calories recovering from a workout than you do during the actual workout, so don t kill yourself in the gym. Plus your body burns plenty of calories carrying out its natural functions throughout the day. Try using a free online diet and exercise journal to help you keep track.

How about trying the lil jack workout��

Any good weight loss tips? -

This is how my week goes:I have 2 kids one is 2 yrs old the other just turned 1.Mon wed fri- I am home with teh kids from 8-2 and then i work from 3pm-11pm tues thursday i go to college from 8-2 and then work 3-11I my problem is usually i can start jogging and i will lose it in no time and not even have to change my diet but now i do not have time to go jogging. I am willing to change my diet but i just dont know how or what to do I am trying to find a good way to lose weight. i thought about trying to do exercises when the kids are napping but I do not know where to begin with this.

Exercise with the kids also, try out If you don t have the time to exercise at home take the kids out for a walk in a double stroller, you ll drop the weight fast. But if exercising can t be done yet, I would say change your eating. You can start by eating 5 small meals a day. This will increase your metabolism. Breakfast: 1/2 cup of oatmeal try to omit salt(it helps us to retain water) change milk to 1% or soy and try some sugar in the raw in place of white sugar. Omit your breads because its fatting and try some EVO(extra virgin olive oil) in place of the margerine.Sometime for breakfast I have a milk shake made with 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk4-5 frozen strawberries1 bananaiceExperiment with the milk (use more if you have to), and fruit.I tried to ues regular whole milk and I didn t like it at all, and I love whole milk!!Lunch: you can have tuna with lettice and tomatoes or a turkey burger and make some honey mustard using regular mustard and a pack of honey. I don t think mustard has calories.Dinner: You can have baked or broiled chicken with fresh greens and a small sweet potatoe.Snack: Eat some nuts. All natural almonds, or try some fruit like apples, pinnapples or grapes.Also drink plenty of water. If you don t think you can, try a no sugar drink. I can t remember what the name is but it s good and only 5 cal.Hope this helps, good luck!!

Portion Control, Portion Control, Portion Control.

You ll achieve your goal of losing weight thru a well balanced diet (80% alkaline foods meaning fruits/vegetables and 20% acidic foods daily), regular exercise (three/four times weekly 30 minutes each), and drinking 8 glasses of water daily. However, I ll go one step further to show you the best and safest way to lose weight so that your entire system will achieve a balanced pH and not be depleted of the essential minerals that it needs. Here s why.As the typical American diet is mainly acidic, except for most fruits and vegetables, it is close to impossible for our body to attain the alkaline levels that spells good health without the proper nutrients. This being the case, it is very difficult to lose weight unless you monitor closely your body s pH. Let me explain. An acid pH has considerable influence over the majority of weight problems, including Diabetes and Obesity. It seems that a habitually acid pH can directly cause immediate weight gain. Here s what happens when a system is too acid. A condition known as Insulin Sensitivity or Syndrome X results, which forces too much insulin to be produced, and the body is flooded with insulin so that it won t waste any calories, it diligently converts every calorie it can into fat.It is thought that an acid pH immediately signals the powerful genetic response to an impending famine, directly interacting with the all important and very sensitive, Insulin- Glucagons Axis. This makes the body produce more insulin than usual, and in turn, produce more fat and store it. In general, the more insulin is available to the body, the higher the probability that fat will be produced and stored, rather than used and burned as energy.Thus, an acid pH will probably alert the genetic response to famine, directing more insulin to be produced and storing more fat than usual. Conversely, a healthy, slightly alkaline pH, will be more likely to yield normal fat burning metabolic activity, making no demands on the body to overly produce insulin and make fat, allowing fat-weight to be burned and naturally lost. And, with a healthy pH, there s less likely to be any yo-yo effect, or rebounding from a diet with additional weight gain. As long as nutritional stores are maintained, a healthy, slightly alkaline pH allows fat to burn normally for energy, rather than being hoarded under the mistaken biochemical belief of an impending famine.The best way, though, to drink 8 glass of water daily is to mix it with Xtreme X2O, a natural and organic, coral calcium with 70 trace minerals, which transforms the pH of the water beverage to 9.9 (highly alkaline)!You may ask why not just drink plain water? The answer is: When you drink lots of water, all of 8 glasses daily, it does not have the essential minerals (calcium, magnesium with 70 trace minerals) that your body needs to elevate its pH and therefore, alkalize your body as the pH of plain water is rather low and very acidic (pH 7.0). Alkalinity equals Oxygen and Oxygen = Good Health.If you would like to know what your pH level is, let me know. Thanks.

I was on my way to work this morning and I heard this ad on the radio. It was talking about this new pill or extract that comes from Africa. It was said to be fractured on Dateline and CNN so maybe you can look there. It is said to help curb your apaitte and increase your metabolism.

Change your diet to LOW carb not NO CARB but lowup your protein intake and buy the pilates tapes plan

Switch your dairy products to soy. I usually have a Silk brand Live smoothie in the morning for breakfast....

Eat less excercise more. Eat the right foods and in well balanced proprtions. Eat a variety of fresh fruits vegatbles. Drink fluids, esp adequate water consumption. Get the required amount of is critical to diet, health weight loss. Avoid junk food. Keep a diary of what you eat, how much you eat and how you feel when you eat. Identify why you eat and avoid stress eating. Never eat on the run. Eat sitting at a table and not in front of the TV. Dish out the proper proportions and do not eat seconds. Think about and enjoy the food while you eat it. Drink water with your meals. Focus on health fitness and not the number on the scale.

Low carb and 2o-30 minutes of pilates a day works great for me.

I used the adkins diet after I had my son.

In short:1. Don t eat much2. ExerciseGood luck.

Medifast....I lost 20+ pounds since exercise.

How to lose weight on legs? -

I m pretty skinny, like average at the most. I wear a size 5 or 7 in jeans, and i would like to lose a few on my legs before school starts. I dont have access to a gym so i cant really lift weights or run a treadmill, but I am in a musical theatre play that involves a lot of dancing. Got any tips for me? I wouldn t mind losing weight anywhere else but it really isnt necessary. thanks dudes!! =)

WHY WHY WHY do people ask questions that have already been asked?��

How to lose weight with a under active thyroid? -

I walk on the treadmill every night, eat sensibly, take my medicine as prescribed, but the scale never seems to move. Most of my weight is in my tummy but it s next to impossbile for me to do situps. I m very toned everywhere else. My doctor says I need to lose 30 pounds but nothing I ve tried succeeds. HELP

You need to have the first thing in the morning TSH around 1.0 or it will be extremely difficult to lose weight. Also you need at least midrange free t3 levels. Most of the time we are given a T4 med for hypothyridism with the idea that we will convert t4 into T3. The problem is many of us are poor converters. Doctors don t know this because they rarely do a free t3 test.I ve been where you are. I got my first thing in the morning TSH around 1.0 and I still could not lose weight. I then got on a T4/T3 medication (Armour) hoping that would help, but it didn t, though I did feel 100% better with this med change.The next thing I did was get tested for insulin resistance by having a fasting insulin and glucose test. The weight gain from the hypothyroidism caused me to get insulin resistance. I got put on Metformin ER and began to lose a little weight with diet and exercise. So far, I ve lost 30 pounds with 20 more to go. Below is a link to a thyrid exercise forum in case you are interested.

well my thyroid is over active and lm so very thin. but what you should do is go for lots of walks and do alot of workouts as well. you should lose a few pounds

sit straight up in a chair and do leg ups. it will work the bottom half of your abs. you can also do a technique called the plank which tones the stomach.Good luck!

Weight loss tips? -

Okay, so, I feel really embaressed, but I m 5 9 , I m 13, and I weigh 265 pounds.It s just I ve never really cared about anything like that until suddenly now.So, I m just wanting weight loss tips.I m hoping to lose 100 pounds by the time I start highschool.And 8th grade is starting next week, and I ll be starting highschool in Semptember of 2008.So, yeah.I hope someone can help.Thanks.

One of the easiest things to do is stop any soda and other sugary drink intake. If possible, drink only water and be sure to get 8 glasses a day. Soda and other sugar drinks give you a lot of empty calories and for some reason, woman have more problems with retaining water if they are heavy soda drinkers.The other is to eat several small meals during the day instead of 3 big ones. If you constantly make your digestive system work, it can reteach your metabolism as well as burn calories because digesting food takes energy.If you eat meals that contain negative energy foods (foods that burn more calories digesting then they contain) you can get ahead without doing much. These foods are all negative calorie foods:FruitsApricots, Blackberries, Cantaloupe, Blackcurrant, Peaches, Plums, Damsons, Raspberries, Grapefruit, Rhubarb, Guava, Strawberries, Honeydew, Melon, Tangerines, Lemons, Watermelon.VegetablesAsparagus, Fennel, Gourd, Broccoli, Leek, Cabbage, Lettuce, Carrots, Marrow, Cauliflower, Peppers, Celery, Radishes, Chicory, Spinach, Cress, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Turnips.You might also want to start walking a little bit every day. Start with 5 minutes at a medium pace and work up 2 more minutes every day. Once you get up to 30 minutes at a medium pace, speed up a bit. Don t try to overdue it by going full tilt for 30 minutes on the first day, otherwise you will tire yourself out and lose interest. Slow and steady is the way to go.

Email this guy at and he maybe can help you out. He has some products that you and your parents my want to try that work really well. You have to go by the book with them but if you do that you will loose weight and its a healthy way of doing it. Hope he can help you out.

Easiest way to lose weight fast and safely is to cut your calorie intake by eating more on fiber, fruits and vegetables. You ll feel full with fewer calories on them. Fruits, vegetables and fibers are packed with nutrients but less on calories. I lost 10 pounds in just 2 months using these tips.Here are Tips to help speed up your metabolism plus help you lose weight without being miserable. they worked for me =)1. Fill up on Fiber and Lose Weight FastFill up on Fiber - Foods rich in fiber will make you feel satisfied and help curb your appetite, helping you to lose weight fast and safely - so make sure to pack your diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.2. Boost fat-burning metabolic rate by 50% by sipping coffeeSipping coffee before a meal can supress appetite by 35%, plus boost fat-burning metabolic rate by 50%, according to extensive research at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The study-proven dose : 250 mg of caffeine daily, taken either in supplement form or by sipping to cups of coffee or 4 cups of tea.3. Lose Weight just by eating YogurtYogurt is a calcium-rich food. Research links calcium with lower cortisol production, and it has been proven that women who increase they re intake lose up to 40% more weight than calcium avoiders.Plus Yogurt has live microorganisms which helps proper digetion and absorption of nutrients we take. Make sure to get yogurts that says with live microorganisms in labels/packages . 4. Try this Hunger-Taming TrickCut fat and you ll cut cravings. Consuming a high-fat diet may supress your body s natural satiety signals, according to a new study from Pennsylvania State University. Animals who d been consuming a diet rich in fat ended up eating 40% more of a high-calorie snack than those on average diets. Keep your fat intake to less than 30% of total calories.5. Feel full on less food.Apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that slows the digestive process, so you ll feel full on less food.The result: You ll eat just enough food to make you happy, reducing calorie intake.6. Studies suggest people pursuing a healthy weight could lose more weight and burn more fat by including 24 ounces a day of low fat or fat-free milk in their reduced-calorie diet, instead of 8 ounces or less.7. Speed fat burn with Cranberries. The ascorbic acid in cranberries helps thin liver bile, making it easier for the organ to emulsify fat so so it can be quickly flushed out of the system rather than stored in cells.8. Boost your protein intake and lose almost a pound a week without hunger. You can try protein smoothies. Packed with nutrients and low in calories, smoothies are a fast, easy and great tasting way to achieve good health.You can find a wide collection of healthy fruit smoothies at : http://fruitsmoothierecipe.bravehost.comBy boosting your protein intake from the typical 15% of total calories to 30%, you may be able to cut your daily calorie intake by 440-enough to lose almost a pound a week without hunger, according to a recent University of Washigton study. A high-protein diet appears to fool the brain into thinking you ve eaten more than you have, says the study s lead author, Scott Weigle, M.D., a professor of endocrinology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Stick with lean protein rather than high-fat, artery clogging meat and dairy products. For breakfast, use low-fat milk instead of water in your oatmeal and sprinkle nuts on top. Eat plenty of beans, fish and skinless chicken breast.9. To counteract a binge, keep your body s fat-burning furnace running on full blast by drinking Green Tea. Green Tea contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) , which is proven to boost metabolic rate. In fact, in a recent 3 month study, participants who took Green Tea extract lost 4.6% of their body weight without changing their diet. To get the benefit, drink at least 3 cups a day. Whenever I ate too much, I just drink green tea and I don t have to worry gaining weight.10. Speed weight loss and double energy levels by eating Coconuts.This tropical treats contain medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), a unique fat that is shuttled straight to the liver and immediately burned for fuel. Research shows this little detour revs metabolic rate by up to 50%, speeding weight loss and doubling energy levelsPlus my favorite tip : Before you eat, drink a glass of water. This will help you feel fuller without additional calories (water has no calories). More of these Fast Weight Loss Tips Safely from: http://www.medicalfactsandfallacy.braveh�� - great tips really Others:http://fruitsmoothierecipe.bravehost.comhttp://all-about-health-and-beauty.blogs��

Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.Details such as my experience, meals, snacks, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog

I wanna know how to lose weight before i start school? -

how can i lose at least 10 pounds before August 24, 2009?

Eliminate hidden sources of calories and sugars from your diet - soda, chips, ice cream, etc.Then, focus your diet on even protein/fiber/carbohydrates. Eat lean meat, veges, and fruit. Be sure to have a hearty breakfast.Try to do 30-60minutes of cardio each day, preferrably before meals. While doing the cardio (running, power walking, etc), try to keep your heart rate in your target heart rate, 50%-75% of (220 - your age).

Well..Thats unrealistic if you wnted to lose 10 pounds PROPERLY you should have started before,it s possible but beofre Aug 24, might not happen, eat properly, exercise regularly, no midnight snacking, stay away from sugars because it s eaiser to add fat when you eat excess sugars. And praise the Lord.

the only way to loose 10 lbs before then is to starve yourself and even then more then half of it would be water weight. just try exercising a little bit every day. I ve been doing yoga which I really love, it relaxes me and is a great workout. Also eat healthy things, like oatmeal, raw vegtables and fruit, cutting out meat is a great way to shed unnecessary calories as long as you make sure to get the protein you need. I ve been eating these boca burgers, which are full of protein, but depending on the kind you get can be as little as 90 calories each.Also drink lots of water and I ve heard green tea helps.good luck!

I don t think you re going to be able to lose that much that soon. The only reliable way to lose weight is, of course, eating right and exercising, and those don t have instant results. Whatever you do, don t eat less - ie, don t starve yourself! That won t help, even though it sounds like it would. If you do lose any weight from that method, it d probably just come off your breasts or butt before anywhere else. (That s what happened to me, once! :\ I was barely eating because I was depressed, and the only place I lost weight was my breasts, wich suddenly went flat as pancakes! And that royally SUCKED! So don t do it!!)So just eat better food, maybe with slightly smaller portions if you really think you need to. Drink lots of green tea - it s supposed to help with weight loss, especially tummy fat. That s all I can think of. Good luck! :)