Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to lose weight in 3 months? -

So, it s pretty simple. I want to lose about 40-50 pounds this summer so that I can go back to school feeling great about my body. I also think that by doing this I will be more confident in myself. Any suggestions on how to do this are much appreciated! Thank you!

Ok, hope i can help, but what I am doing (3rd day at midnight) is limiting myself to a 1200-1500 calories diet. I am 15, 16 in november. I am trying to lose 15-20lbs in a month so... I am also going to bike and jog in the mornings. I am also going to try to do some toning excersizes so that the jogging and biking are more effective to my stomach (my concerned area) I hope I helped!Thank you!

Unless you re over 350 pounds, It s almost impossible to lose up to 50 pounds in 3 months. Just diet and excersise, that s the key. I lost about 10 pounds in a period of 4 months last year, so I m telling you it s not so easy. I m currently on a diet right now too and have lost like 5 pounds in 2 weeks(the first few weeks you lose the most weight)

Weight loss tips please? -

Currently: 130lbs, 5ft 5inches tall, pants size is a 7-8(mostly 7),age:19. Goal: Pants size: 5-6 If I run 2.5 miles on a treadmill (speed: 5.0 , Incline 4.0) EVERYDAY and also walk 2.5 miles(Speed: 4.0 , Incline 4.0) AS WELL. Will I be able to tone up my legs,butt, and my stomach area? IF I do this 7days a week. Or should I allow myself two days off. like for an example. Work out for two days straight and then take a day break.and then two day excercise and then day break again? What do you think? Want to lose some fat on my stomach/lose inches.

It sounds like you know what you want to do. I would give yourself two days off in a row. At a minimum you need one day off to give your muscles a change to grow and rest. Change up the speeds and inclines just a bit throughout your workout. It will help your body work harder to adjust and burn more calories. Good luck!

You keep doing your exercises as you are doing, but you also take some weight loss diet plans, that will help you better in loosing weight more faster and easier.http://www.weightlosswand.com/ Report Abuse

Targetted weight loss is quite hard, many people would state impossible, nevertheless the only thing which clearly showed results for me is wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box underneath, they have a limited number of free trials remaining, it has been reported in Reader s Digest and CNN. I worked off 30 pounds, it clearly does work!

30 mins brisk walking b4 breaky then 30 mins b4 dinner or after weights. weights 3 times per week work each muscle group only once per week. For more advice go to :http://awoodysworld.blogspot.com/

disregard what other people say about targeted weight loss being impossible to accomplish, by setting goals you are challenging your mind and body to become more in tune with you re persona. it s a healthy way of developing ambition and will motivate you to shed those extra pounds. i m a male, but i don t think weight loss based on gender should be too much of an important variable in this equation... ok, if you want a toned body, don t fluster yourself to do a billion crunches in the morning and then some in the afternoon everyday. set a schedule for yourself to incorporate cardio exercise, resistance, and rest days. your body also needs good nutrition to keep a constant metabolism and burn fat even when you re just lounging. my exercise routines includes sprinting 3 miles divided into sectors and doing a set of 10 push ups or abdominal workout in between..(it s brutal having to do pushups in between sprints, but the fat burns off like crazy) i do that 3 times a week, and i also incorporate weight training mostly for my upper body because i have to balance the leg exercise i do (i walk a minimum of 5 miles a day). eating healthy and cutting out fatty foods has been good so far, and i don t miss snacking on lay s potato chips. i now have baked tortilla strips with garlic hummus... you can develop your own routine, just stick to it, and don t forget to treat yourself to a brownie every now and then, keeping portion control in mind of course! best of luck.

How to lose weight the right way? -

I m 5 4 and I weigh 180lbs and It s really hard to lose weight. It s hard to fight the cravings.

Just the classic eating healthy and exercising daily. Diets aren t always effective and sometimes it takes a long time to find the right one. Eating healthy does not mean starving. The average woman should be having 1500-2000 calories a day. Get rid of all of the junk food in your house so you wont be tempted to eat it. Only keep healthy foods in your house. If you ever feel the need to snack, snack on celery sticks, apples, nuts, and little things like that. It will really fill you up. Try to limit your red meats. They re not good for you and will slow your metabolism down. Instead try some skinless chicken or tuna. I ve found that running is a really good way to exercise. You don t even need to run for too long. Even 15-30 minutes a day is enough. It speeds up your metabolism and burns calories. Also things like aerobics and yoga classes are also good sources of exercise. Becoming a vegetarian is also a good way to lose weight. You can make it a temporary thing just to lose weight. Just make sure that you eat mostly fruits and vegetables rather than a bunch of carbs. A lot of vegetarians make that mistake.

Here are some tips:(1) Eat smaller meals or snacks throughout the day. Start with breakfast within an hour of getting up, then eat something in the 250-350 calorie range every three hours or so. Eating breakfast kick-starts your metabolism in the morning, and eating smaller every three hours or so keeps it running at a higher level.(2) Add exercise. One of the best exercises is walking because it burns fat almost exclusively. Sneak in brisk walks whenever you can, even if it s only for ten minutes. If you can do an hour a day, GREAT!(3) You have to make the bad-for-you stuff the exception and not the rule. I m sure you know what you should be eating and what you should be avoiding, so build your meals and snacks around the good-for-you stuff. EXCEPTION: Allow yourself half a day a week where you can eat or drink whatever you want as long as you don t stuff yourself. That ll make it easier to stick with a healthy eating plan.(4) Eat more protein and less carbs. Carbs are easily converted into fat, but protein requires a lot of energy to break down, so you can actually burn more calories just by eating more protein. WARNING: Protein does make your kidneys work harder, but there s an easy fix: Drink more water.(5) If you can t kick the cravings, you may want to consider hypnosis. Many hospitals and clinics now offer hypnosis for weight loss, and in many cases it s covered by medical insurance. However, you don t have to see a hypnotherapist. There are several websites where you can get hypnosis CDs and MP3s to help you with weight loss and exercise. Here s one: http://www.hyptalk.com/Good luck!

My first suggestion is take a look at what you re eating.. everyone is different. My guess is you are consuming (on a daily basis) large amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and calories. I am not that tall and I seem to notice when I put on 5lbs. I would minimize your portions, start doing 30 minutes of cardio, and eat more healthy. More veggies. I limit myself to one soda a day and I eat pasta once a week. Once you start eating right, your body will feel really lousy when you give in to cravings.

I do little things to keep myself in shape, I go for a walk every day that s about 2 miles with my boxer. Listening to music or taking a friend can keep you from getting bored...And fighting the cravings can be tough, just remember that if you really want something fattening only have a taste. You don t have to restrict yourself completely, but don t let yourself go crazy. Try different kinds of healthy food, who knows? You might find something that tastes better than junk food. I d take seafood any day over ice cream or cake. Remember, always leave some food on the plate when you go out to eat. Restaurants always serve more than a portion. I hope this helps! Good luck!

You can DO IT!!!. You don t need to starve yourself to loose weight, because if you do its just comes back, and haunts you! Just eat sensibly and excersise, if you want to have a cookie, FINE! Just one or two, and to make it a little healthier try a glass of milk with it to get all your nutrients. Trust me the people that starve themselves always gains there weight back.

Replace all the bad foods with healthy ones - try to eat foods from home as much as possible.Stay hydrated with water.Exercise hard and burn more calories than you eat. Don t be afraid to lift weights.Get support from your friends and family.Try fatsecret.com. It s a good site to track your progress. Good luck

*sigh* this is gonna be long. i beta get best answer for this o.O lol jk.well first you must eliminate the junky snacks. the kind that dont fill you up but they are rely junky. we re tlaking bout the chips , popcorn , ice cream , popcicles , candies , and chocolate. eat more at meals and eat stuff that fill u up. then DO NOT EAT BEFORE BEDTIME!!! if u eat b4 bed time you shall gain weight like crazy. eat most at mealtimes perferably breakfast. not hungry at breakfast? to bad :o lol jk. but still eat alot at breakfast. then of course exersize. long walks and jogging can do WONDERS. maybe lisetning to ur ipod while taking a long walk. if you dont like walking bicycling skateboarding ect could be a subsitutte. walk/bicycle/skateboard ect for at least 30min 1nce in morning and 1nce in afternoon. then do 30pushups and 30situps (if u cant do tht much do as much as u can til u can do 30) in the morning and afternoon. u mite wana consider sports too. tennnis is a great workout , so is cross country , and dancing and stuff. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL SUCKS FOR EXCERSIZING. at last of all dont do lean cusine or weight watchers or fake sugar. u realize some of those toxins could give u cancer. pce out hope this helps.

Jenny CRANK... Smoke up some rocks and you ll be good to go. Have you ever seen a fat tweeker? Then again you say its hard to fight cravings. When you get hooked on that crap there is probably no going back.

EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE watch this guys youtube videos there amazing on fitness and ive learned a lot http://www.youtube.com/user/scooby1961

Try your hardest to find snacks that are HEALTHY Cravings. Also exercise regularly.

ermmm well you can try to get some friends and go play something I dont eat all day if my friends are over but we play games like running around and stuff hope this helps!

Everything that taste good is bad for you. READING A BOOK DOES WONDERS.

Be more active, stop eating before you are full but just when u start to feel good. Stop eating junk food if you do.

train yourself to eat smaller portions at meal times! dont snack in between meals unless its like a fruit or veggie! and exercise more often!


just exercise - do an hour a day doing sit ups and the plank etc. It worked for me. The more you eat the more you work out

How to lose weight for teens? -

Im a teen and I really want to lose weight what are some easy ways to do it?

You know what really helps me? Is drinking water! Whenever I get a snack craving I drink water or when it s getting late (I try not to eat past 7, so I lose weight) I drink water. The good thing is you will constantly be feeling full without eating and you will get your 8 glasses of water a day!

Are you overweight, or someone who is at their natural weight wants to be thinner? Either way, I highly recommend against weight loss as a teen. At that point, your brain, bone density, muscle and organs are still developing, and when you lose weight, they stop doing that. This means you risk an underdeveloped brain, a very high risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis as you get older, etc. Not to mention that 95% of diets don t work and usually result in weight gain.I recommend that you work on eating intuitively. Meaning, you eat what you want, when you want it and usually don t eat when you re not hungry. If you do so, you should drop to your ideal weight in a healthy way and be at a much lower risk for all of the fore-mentioned health problems, as well as gaining the weight back.However, if you are hell-bend on losing weight through a diet, the best way to do it is to consult a nutritionist. That way, you can do it in the healthiest way possible.

The formula for losing weight is not difficult - consume less food and move more - the difficulties appear when we in reality try to put that into operation! There are loads of temptations in the real world don t you think?! The one method which clearly showed results for me is wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box underneath, they have a limited number of free trials remaining, it has been reported in Reader s Digest and CNN. I worked off 25 pounds, it clearly does produce success!

If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you ll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn). Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out http://calorieneedscalculator.com The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don t think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.Don t make all of these changes at once or you won t be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you ll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner s Guide to Dieting - http://straightdiet.com

It s good that you eat a lot of fruit. The key to successful long-term as well as short-term weight loss, is instead of eating the normal three times a day routine. Is to eat small healthy meals about five to six times a day. Along with exercise. There are specific exercises that one should adhere to. I recommend you review a program that is focused on just these elements.It will provide you with meal plans that you choose from the meals that you like. You are thus eating healthier, losing weight and improving your overall health all at the same time. You can review this program at: http://www.bestweightlosswithexercise.com.

Hi There -There is a community for teens on a healthy lifestyle and it has many helpful tools on there such as calorie counters, teen groups to join. This site has a lot of helpful information and also other people your age that are facing the same challenges that you are experiencing.www.sparkteens.comHope this helps!YT