Monday, June 27, 2016

Someone kknow how to lose weight fast? -

anybody know how to lose weight fast please help me!!!!

Drink lots and lots of water and eat a lot of fruit and veggies. By the way the quicker you drop the weight, the quicker you ll put it back on

Drugs and puking will not make you thinner. Drugs will mess up your life way more than a few extra pounds will, and puking will only leave a bad taste in your mouth. How may pounds do you need to lose, and how long do you have to lose them?

You really shouldn t lose it fast. You will just gain it all back and +some. Just lose it at a good rate. You will keep it off longer

If you are serious about losing weight, the caloriesin the food you eat should be less than theenergy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at

make ur self throw up

The Best Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly��Helpful Tips to lose weight��http://tips-to-lose-weight.blogspot.comHealthy Weight Loss : Start right away��

Don t listen to that crap... The only healthy way is diet and exercise. You have to burn more calories than you take in. Try eating 6 times a day. 3 small meals and 3 healthy snacks.....Don t forget the exercise!

Yes-----if you need to lose about 20 pounds fast you can go on the same diet the Hollywood stars use-----it is a soup comprised of easy to find veggies at your local grocery store and you can eat all of it your stomach can hold (if that s your thing) and you STILL still lose weight fast.............this diet is only recommended for those who are otherwise in good health.------------you may find it by doing a search for Hollywood Diet

try waking up at 5:00 in the morning and go for a jog around the block or go to a gym or cut down soda,cookies.chips and fatty things thats what my cousin does it everyday!

The only healthy soultion is....excerise

Does anyone know a quick weight loss diet to lose weight fast so i can be skinny for my wedding! =]? -

i dont need to lose a TON i just need to lose enough

well you didn t say how mush time you had. But i can tell you the diets like atkins and other diets leaving out important food groups are bad for you and do make you lose weight but that called water weight when you lose it like that then when you stop the diet it comes right off. the eat clean diet helped me so much lose that extra weight trust me ive tried Alot of diets and the eat clean diet worked the best i lost 45 pound in one year and it stayed off the link is but if you are not faithfull by going to the gym at least 3 times a week you wont lose the weight. Its not easy but you will look great and stay great. Another great diet is south beach diet. it can be quite expensive though. but 80 percent of looking great is nutrition you cant have any sugar if you want to have great abs. And again i the eat clean diet helped me out so much if you lose 2+ pounds a week for a year or even a month using the eat clean diet like i did you will look amazing but your diet will have to be very strict. ill write out a dailt and cardio activity for you to help. Once a week you can have a cheat meal glass of wine burger king ect BUT ONLY ONCE A WEEK it would be bettter if you didnt have one but after eating chicken and sweet potatoes everyday its nice to eat something different. Also always make sure you eat 6 times a day because if you dont you will lose all your hard earned muscle beacause your body will eat your muscle if you are not having enough protein. never forget to have a protein shake after your workout either its essential to give yourself essential protein to your body when needed most after a workout. Now remember it may sound like a lot but its the best way to lose weight and have great stomach.Hope you have a great marriage!P.S when working out do less weight with more reps to lose more weight.

I dont know how much enough is or how long you have to lose it but start eating healthier and exercizing! If you run 4-5x per week and dont eat fried or junk food then that should do the trick! Also drink a lot of water, this wont make you lose body fat but it will prevent your body from storing water and so you wont look or feel bloated!?

I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins. Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The toxins get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

Depending on how long you have, go to the doctor and they can give you some diet pills that will curve your appetite. They really work. Also pick a good workout program and stick with it. In four months between the diet pills and the workout I lost 35 pounds and have kept all but 5 pounds off in 10 months. The workout I chose was the firm which has 4 different videos.

RUN NNhe more running and walking you do will help you loose weight fast. but keep at a steady pace cause if you are running and walking at the same time then your heart will start acting weird and you wont loose anything.also.....if you have a wii i suggest wii fit.this is a great excersise and you don t even know that you are loosing weight.good luck :)

just for your wedding? how about so you can be healthy?go running every morning completely cut out soft drinksand fast food. its a lifestyle

When is your wedding and how much u wanna lose? Exercise will get fat off quicker than diet.

well should of thought of hought iof that befire yu decieded ti fget married and go get layed by hya ma

give up red meat, supplement as much of ur diet as u can with fruit, and run every day

How long do you have???

an apple a day!!! really becasue it has lots of fiber which will make you poo a day

low carb stay between 15-20 carbs a day with high protein...

How Do I Lose Weight Fast? -

im 12 ,5 8 , and 200 lbs but i look like im in my 150-160 s. i need an easy diet that drops pounds fast. pls if u can find me something that works in 2-3 weeks

How to lose weight?Food:Stay away from white grains like pasta, bread, flour, and rice. When eating grains go for whole wheat, it��s a lot healthier and has fewer calories. When eating meat, always go for lean or extra lean if available. Also stay away from junk food �C of course! But, don��t demonize it, because if you are the type who loves their chocolate bars and you completely cut yourself off, you��ll only want them more. Cut down you junk intake to once a week, and on the day you have that chocolate bar make a mental note to get an extra 15 minutes of exercise that day.Make sure you drink lots of water; it helps your metabolism and hydrates your body (obviously). If you don��t drink enough water your body will think its going to be starved, and will go into ��survival mode�� �C this��ll cause your body to retain all the water you do drink and all the fat it can get because its preparing to be starved. Also, drinking green tea every morning increases your daily metabolism by 17%. You can take vitamin b complex to increase your metabolism as well. Try eating 5 small meals a day to keep your metabolism working, and never skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast will slow your metabolism for the day!When you snack only snack on fruits and veggies �C they��re nutritious and delicious! And low in calories. My doctor recommended eating a slice of cheese with a piece of fruit as a snack so your also getting protein with your fruit. Try to stop eating after 7 pm, and only drink tea, milk, or water after that. This��ll prevent you from going to bed with food in your stomach that won��t be burned while you��re sleeping; it��ll just get turned into fat that you don��t want.Exercise:For exercise, make sure you get AT LEAST 30 minutes a day, but I��d recommend 60 minutes. Do cardio exercise every day as well as strength exercises like push ups and crunches. Combining the two exercises will help to prevent having saggy skin once you��ve lost weight. Swimming can be a good strength exercise if you like going to the pool or lake �C it tones everything at once and its fun! While you��re doing cardio (like jogging or running) make a routine that��ll challenge you but not over work you. Try running for 5 minutes then walking for 5. If that gets too easy try running for 6 walking for 4 etc.

You can t lose weight fast and expect to keep it off -- I m speaking from pure experience (okay, and tons of research). I m 26, 5 4 and 199lbs (as of today) -- was 240 last Thanksgiving, and 220 just this July. I began my career into fat-dom at 12. . . I ve done several lose weight fast diets, including the Atkins and have hurt myself more than helped. After I failed the Atkins diet, I put on more pounds than I ever had (which lead to a scary 240). Like you, I look like I weigh less, as I m a size 14/15 right now. I have begun to rapidly lose weight as time goes on for a few reasons:I have started cycling (very recent) an hour or so a day.I make all my meals from scratch (or as close as possible).I have drastically increased my consumption of Protein and Veggies.I eat 5 meals a day (smaller meals).I have drastically increased my intake of Fiber (either by adding Benefiber to my yogurt snacks, or cooking only with whole wheat flour or eating the darkest breads I can find).Cook everything that calls for sugar with HONEY instead of sugar.Staying as FAR WAY from diet products containing Aspartame as possible and eating as little Splenda as possible.Increasing my water intake (had to buy a Brita filter b/c I hate water).A day in the life of me eating:Breakfast:2 Crepes (made with WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR) stuffed with Cottage Cheese (I actually don t really like Cottage Cheese, but if you add a ton of Cinnamon to it, its actually pretty good!) and topped with HOMEMADE blueberry sauce (boil Blueberries with a touch of water and sprinkle of honey) and a tall glass of water with a propel packet in it.Snack (3 hrs later): Light Yogurt with Benefiber and a glass of water.Lunch: 1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread, Toasted with PB and Honey and a Banana (and if you think that adding a 2nd piece of bread won t matter... it does! that s 100-150 calories right there!)Snack: Light Yogurt again, glass of waterDinner: Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza Dough topped with Pesto Sauce, FRESH Spinach, Feta Cheese and fresh diced tomatoes.

Food: Make a schedule of what you eat everyday make a schedule of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. you need to be careful of what you eat avoid the junk food and eat healthy food for snack try to eat apples, bananas, grapes, and oranges. Avoid white grains like someone said up there if you eat butter on your toast stop that that s fat going into your body. Eat healthy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Exercises: I advice you to do 60 minutes of exercises try and do 60 sit-ups if you have a house and a backyard go to your backyard and do jogs in your backyard for like 5 minutes do squats for 30 seconds you re 12 so it look likes your in middle school in middle school they have p.e. classes you should probably run the mile if they run the miles at your school. Try to do exercises daily and you ll see changes in your body-fat. Dangerous Things: Please do not take exercising pills or try to be anorexic you ll probably loose weight faster but guess what it damages your liver and all that kinda stuff so just take the advice that i , giving you and try to take in every word and don t take any pills or anything that will kill you

wow. hmmmbreakfast- special k cereal or oatmealslunch- sandwichdinner- anything ; just not frozensnacks- fruitsexcersize- walk up and down the stairs about 30 times after a mealrun/jog for about 20 minutes every other day (3-4 times a week)do tonss of lunges and sit ups. and drink 8-10 glasses of water a dayoh yeah do some yoga which heps loose weightthen you should be seeing results in no time!

Start eating veggies. Why do you think vegetarians are so skinny. When you get hungry have some baby carrots with ranch, or make a salad. you can always add some meat to your salad. I prefer chicken. But you also need to walk for at least 20-30 min 3-4 times a week. And you ll see a difference in a week.Hope this works.

Well, If you lose THAT much weight in 2 weeks, you might experience weight rebound. But otheriwse, I would have a good diet of maybe all vegestables and eggs and stuff. Run a lot, and remember: Eating a bunch of small snacks is better than eating 3 big meals.Hope I helped!

You must have correct information if you want to lose weight. You can did method that I lost 16 pounds in 55 days. It works just amazing and It will work for you too. You can find more information from

Stop eating food for five days, drink juice so you ll have energy during the time you are allowing your belly to shrink. When your belly shrinks and it will then begin to eat small portions. It works like a champ! Good luck to

Unfortunately there s no quick fix, it s always easier to gain than it is to lose. Try burning more calories than you re consuming.

Sit ups, and lots of sit ups. I do 70 a night and I ve got a fit and flat stomach. Have no snacks whatsoever. Go jogging every morning, that s what I do. Hope this has helped you xx

exercise (it sucks at first but it gets results), do it with a friend 2-3 times a week to motivatedgood luck (:

How can i lose weight fast and without pills? -

i weight 155 lbs. and i want to get down to 120-130 lbs. fast

Drink plenty of water have six small rather then three meals donteat after 6pm Try the lil Jack Ecercie Program��

use your common sense, and heres the basics1. Eat smaller meals, you may eat healthly but you may be eating too much at ,meal time2. Obciously cut out all the sugery and fatty stuff from your pantry3. Dont do heavy excerise, just when your watching TV, maybe get up and start shaking around, as a warm up or your bodyLosing weight fast is not healthy, i mean in the furture, you will have trouble with yuour vital organs, and its will weaken your entire body systemIm sorry, everyone wants a quick fix, there is no such thing, Maybe 200 years from now they will have made some sort of wonder pill, but its 2008, and we havent advanced!!OR if your really seirous, buy some worm eggs and eat them, youll be shedding the kilos in no time!!

hey, i m trying to lose at least 24 lbs before school which is in 3 weeks. and i know how. i lost 6 lbs in 2 days.i follow my mom s diet, which helped her lose 30-40 lbs in 1 month. i know its unhealthy, but she told me she gained it some back :(but eggs for breakfast, nothing else.never eat rice or bread, i stopped eating rice and lost weight.dont eat too muchdrink plenty of water.dont eat junk food.activitiesevery other day i go swimming for 2-3 hours and on the rest days i go walking for 20-30 minutes and play tennis for about 30 dont have to do tennis, just any other sprot you like.hope i totally worked for me, i glad.i was 122 lbs, now im 116... and still goingim still young yeah.hope i helped.and dont tell anyone else my idea.its my mom s.thank her.

I quit drinking cokes and only drank water, and limited myself to about 1500 calories a day. I lost about 10 pounds a week with my normal excersice program of 45 min a day. 5 days a week.

I just don t believe there are any quick fixes for weight loss. Try getting a trainer or research online what exercises is best for the areas you want to lose the weight.

you must exercise daily it will make you lose weight easily

out with all the soda and junk food (if you eat junky food and drink soda)eat all healthy stuff.look at online diets.

starve yourself a little

walking with a sauna suit