Friday, June 22, 2007

How can I loose weight fast before my senior prom? and after too!? -

I am trying to lose a lot of weight before my senior prom this year it is in may or june. I need a fast way to lose weight that doesn t involve me starving myself. I am also hoping to continue my weight loss after. any useful diets? weight loss tips?exercisee plans? thanks!

1 Dietary control and exercise. It��s true what they say - all you need to do is watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It��s really that simple. You can quit reading this list now, you now know everything you need to know and didn��t need to fork over $500 for the privilege of me telling you the secret of losing weight. You don��t need to read a 4,000 page book, you don��t have to buy a tape series, you don��t need to stay up late at night to watch infomercials to understand this basic premise. It��s 100% true.2 Change your lifestyle. If you��re calling this a ��diet,�� then you��re going to gain all the weight back (and more) within a few months of losing it. Diets do not work. Diets are temporary. When you change your dietary lifestyle, however, you��re changing your habits - and you��re putting yourself on track for long-term / continued success and weight maintenance. Don��t ever tell anybody you��re on a diet - ever. I��m speaking from experience, here - a reformed low-carber. Worked out well for a while, but ultimately failed because my entire lifestyle didn��t change (permanently).3 Join an online support group. In my case, I created my own - FatBlasters. It��s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends (new or old) is typically a smart move. I just heard about PeetTrainer, but didn��t know about it when I began down the road to weight loss. You have to know that others are out there for moral support - they know things that you couldn��t possibly know, and they��ve probably been ��in your shoes�� at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures - share them. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find the one that fits you.4 Take before and after photos. I know it sucks to see yourself as a chunky monkey (sorry, that��s what I called myself - if only to get myself motivated to meet my weight loss goal). However, there��s no easier way to illustrate your progress. The ��after�� photos are far more fun to capture and share, admittedly. Find yourself on Flickr! It��s good to see yourself how others see you. Do you like how you look? In many ways, Flickr helped me lose weight.5 Hire a substitute teacher. Don��t reach for the brands you know and love immediately - or without thinking first. Eggs are ��good�� for you, but consider using egg substitutes instead (in fact, many restaurants will let you order lower calorie foods). There are countless ��lower�� alternatives for you to try. If something different doesn��t taste good, by all means - find a better substitute, or eat less of the original. In some cases, the substitute may be worse for you than the regular version of the product. The good news is, healthier choices are silently replacing their ��normal�� counterparts - and they taste just as nice.6 Start reading labels. I know it sucks, but you have to do it - and there��s no way to avoid this tip. If you don��t know what you��re putting in your mouth, you��re flying blind. Don��t assume, either - triple-check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must rely on yourself for this; nobody else is going to be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It��s not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calorie count.7 What��s so funny about bovines? If you like cheese, you must buy the Laughing Cow brand, and keep several of the suckers in stock at all times. The individually-wrapped wedges make for excellent snacks, and are wonderful when melted over just about anything edible. I��d be careful about straight-up American cheese, though - it��s oil, but not necessarily as good for you as (say) a slice of cheddar would be. I have yet to find something as calorie-light and filling as Laughing Cow (I don��t know how they do it).8 Tell your family. You��re not going to lose the weight alone, even if you ARE alone in losing the weight. If you��ve got a family at home, talk to them about it - initially, not incessantly. Let them know what you��re going to do, and that you want (and need) their support. If you don��t let them know, you��re running the risk of them inadvertently sabotaging your efforts. You want them to help you get to your goal(s). You want them to share in your happiness when you��ve made it past a certain mark. Who knows? Maybe some of your new habits will rub off on them and they��ll become healthier people, too?

Start by cleaning your body from processed foods and chemicals, Do a 7 day detox diet such as the cabbage soup diet. This will clean out your system and prepare your body for a healthy new way of life.The 7 days are very easy to complete, you basically eat fruits and vegetables and towards the end of the 7 days introduce proteins and good carbs. This can help shift up to 10lbs in only 7 days alone.Drink plenty of water and increase your exercising, start off slow and work your way up. Once you have completed the 7 days continue to eat balanced healthy meals and remember you can have treats but in moderation. Continue to exercise and you will soon lost the weight, increase your energy levels and will be toning up.This website provides everything you need for free for the cabbage soup diet, including recipes for everyday of the 7 day plan including things like vegetable burgers and even healthy french fries! Together with a motivation page, no diet secrets and how to glow with energyhttp://www.theeasycabbagesoupdiet.comGood luck :)

It is a possibility to lose weight rapidly but you should be realistic and understand that if you lose weight quickly then you will inevitably put it all back on again just as quickly. The sole thing which definitely worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box underneath, they have a handful of free trials in stock, it was highlighted in Reader s Digest and USA Today. I shed 30 pounds, it definitely does produce results!

If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you ll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn). Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don t think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.Don t make all of these changes at once or you won t be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you ll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner s Guide to Dieting -

Walking and treadmill exercise are great ways to lose weight. I incorporated the treadmill into my weight loss routine along with taking desert burn hoodia and honestly the weight started falling off. It s simple really, if you control your appetite and are eating less and you exercise more it s a great formula to drop as much weight as you desire. What I liked best about hoodia was that I didn t feel like I was dieting. It took away my hunger and I didn t feel all lightheaded and run down like can happen when you cut back caloric intake. I had plenty of energy and hiking was more enjoyable and effective as I lost my weight. Watching what you eat is great and it sounds like you just need to fine tune your approach to your weight loss. When I was dieting (and believe me I still watch my weight even though I have achieved my weight loss goals for the most part) I realized right off that the most important thing is to control your appetite. If your stomach s not always growling and your not always craving food it is sooo much easier to stick to your guns and stay on your diet. With hoodia I would literally go a whole day sometimes and simply forget to eat and I didn t get tired and run down like diets can sometimes make you feel. Once my appetite was under control and I wasn t always thinking about eating then and only then could the weight start coming off consistently and steadily because the hoodia kept my mind off of food and I would go longer on my diet and as I did that naturally I lost weight. You have to remember that consistency is very important when losing weight. If you cut back a little on your food consumption everyday your body will change (stomach will shrink and you won t be eating as much) and with that consistency over a few days, weeks and months you will lose weight just like I did and you will be in the best shape of your life like you desire!!! Hope this helps. GOOGLE: online health desert burn hoodia : to read more info. on how. Take care.

Im overweight, How can I lose weight? *10 points best answer*? -

This is not one of those questions that are OMG! I look fat so, I need to lose weight! even though they re perfectly healthy.I m actually about 10 pounds overweight and I want to have a healthy weight both to look better and be healthier.However, I ve never done a thing in my life to lose weight so, I m kind of stuck. I know that I won t follow through with strict diets. So, what are some weight loss tips that will help me lose some weight? I hope to lose it within 2 or 3 months if possible.

Well 2 or 3 months is possible. It is said to only lose 1lb a week.What you do is lose more calories then you eat. You should eat ATLEAST 1200 calories a day.. If under its unhealthy and bad. If you want to lose a pound a week simple. You need to lose 500cal a day. For there is 3500 cals in 1lb. So just exserise till you lose 1700cals in one day and eat around 1200 cal NOT under. Do that everyday for 2 and 1/2 months you have lost 1lbs. Tips: run, walk, jog, sit ups ,push ups, STRETCH before these and after, stair walking, lifting weights, bike riding, dancing silly to fav. song, etc. Eat your fruits and veg. No candy , chocole ,etc. drink 6 glasses of water a day. only water ( and maybe some milk and orange juice.) eat 3 meals a day. No snacking. Get motavation. Visit ur local health store. hope this helped

Be motivated, drink plenty of water, eat healthily and excersize lots.Or just burn off more calories than you consume.That s pretty much all you need to do in a nutshell, ha.Whatever you decide to do though, don t crash diet or starve yourself. Weight management is about long term success, if you crash diet, although you ll be slimmer faster, it s more likely that you ll gain it all back, and possibly more.Good luck. :)

Eat a balanced 5 meals a day (snacks in between to keep your metabolism going) make sure they are healthy, try to cut out bread, rice, pasta, anything white basically, exercise daily (cardio, whole body tone ups) and drink lots of water. Worked for me in about 2 months! not 10lbs. but a couple which was nice!

Eat a balanced diet not some crazy thing where you eat one thing exclusively or anything absurd like that. Work out a few times a week. Jog, walk, swim. Just do something.

I run a mile everyday (outside not on a treadmill) diet (completely ban fastfood) Lots of carrotts apples bananas protein

Here is an article called Top Ten Principles and Tips for Weight Loss. It is very good.

Here are some healthy weight loss tips��

eat less exercise more

I need help. I want to lose some weight.? -

im almost 17, i weight i think 160.. maybe less, and i want to lose a little weight.I need some weight loss tips.What are healthy things to eat, and what excercises can i do at home?Thanks in advance.

Okay. I was always told instead of junk food grab fruit or veggies, like an apple or carrot. Its better for you and your not tacking on that extra fat that you dont want. DO NOT starve yourself but you can limit your portions of food.

to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. therefore if you re 17 and 160 your BMI should be about 1200 calories to maintain to your body at rest. and a pound of fat is 3500 calories. so maybe you should eat about 1200 calories and burn off about 500 with cardio and resistance training. i recommend running in the morning, which i particularly burning fat calories before breakfast. because your body already used up the carbs and protein calories. and resistance training raises your metabolism and tones your body. also try eating 4-6 small meals all day rather than eating 3 big meals.

Do some walking and jogging or biking. Write down what you are eating and the calories that go with it. Set a goal saying I won t eat over 1500 calories a day. Normally people burn around 2000 calories a day without doing any physical activity at all, so a little walking, weight lifting, crunches, or push ups, plus eating slightly less, will get you on your way. (3500 ~ 1 pound) Cut out the sweets and junk food. Watch what you drink too, soda is a big no-no, just try to drink water, and only water.

Always say to yourself I shouldnt eat a lot just reduce eating fatty food or even healthy food maybe just alittle, BUUUT go to the jym a lot and always check your wait every day. YOU WILL ALEAST LOSE 10 POUNDS IF YOU FOLLOW THIS INFORMATION!!!!!GOOD luck.... fatty lol jk .. jk..

young as you are u should be able to drop it fast!u can eat all the stuff u normally eat, but not the super fatty foods (fried chicken, bacon, ice cream, etc.)and try to jog around ur house, or at ur school on the trackdont stress it

Low fatHigh proteinhigh fiber8 glasses of water a daylots of walkingfruits and veggiesno junk fooddon t eat late at night - no sodas or sugar (if possible) except in fruit,Good luck,Heather

plain chicken breasts are good, along with fruits veggies and other lean meats. just take in less calories than you burn every day and you lose weight fast. also good excersises are squats, lunges, and abdomnial crunches.

eat protein and fiberrun, swim etcjust have some determination, you;ll do it

give it to me. i need to gain some weight.


more fruit, take 30 minute walks each day, stay active

Pre-planning weight loss.. help? -

I am pre-planning next school year. I am aiming to lose weight during summer and the school year. So all you weight loss experts; heres your calling!SUMMER;So, Eat 6 smallish meals a day. Bike ride for 60-90 minutes a day everyday but wend. Cutting out all pop. Cutting out on junk food also. How much weight should i loose? Is this a good plan? Tips?SCHOOL; (this is more specific)Bacon, Egg, and cheese on a bagel with orange juice. Lunch Salad with Italian dressing (In little packets) - Light lettuce, croutons, and cucumbers. Fat free milk and orange juice. Excirse wise - I have gym 40 minutes every other day so that plus 30 minutes on my bike days w/ gym and 50 days without.Good? How much weight loss? Tips?:D

I have been through it all and know what s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I ve worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can t eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it s good for the heart.However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It s so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I ve found a great addition to help any one out, it s a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don t get all crazy on me and say diet pills don t work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn t meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It s an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it s the best pill I ve tried and I ve tried cupboards full. Now this doesn t mean you have to follow my foot steps but I ve successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.

Just Eat smaller portions. Stop eating when you are not as hungry, don t keep on eating till you feel full