How do I lose weight fast??
eat nothing but oatmeal and homemade croutons (cut bread into square pieces and place in oven until crunchy).its tasty and it definitely works.i got food poisoning and was forced to eat nothing but that for 5 days. im out of the country (im in ukraine by the way. judging by your name your russian?), so i dont know how many pounds i lost, but i hear 3 kilos is a lot for that time period. and i wasnt even a bit hungry the whole time.and STAY AWAY from drinks. water is you best friend. even juices arent good for weight loss!!!
Change in lifestyle, eating habits, and some exercises/ yoga are the best way to lose weight. First of all you do ten sun solutions and there after lye down on floor or hard bed and make zero by rotating your both the legs in clock wise and anti-clockwise direction and do Urdhvahastottanasana Ek Pad Utanasana and Pawan mukta asanas. Stop taking junk and spicy food, deep-fry food, processes food, ice cream, high fat diets chocolates, sweets, wafers and high carbohydrate food like potatoes, rice and pasta as these items lose nutrition balance and causes deposition of excess fat on body. Eating too much than the required amount of dietary intake may also cause obesity. I f you do not know to do the asanas you can take the help of ebooks for other system for loosing weight and diet supplements.
If you drink pop/soda, then cut that out of your diet completely. Drink only water and 100% fruit juices, and lean more towards the water. If you were a heavy pop drink before (two or more a day) then the elimination of this will drop 15 pounds in one month easily. The next thing to do is go for walks or bike rides for a half hour to one hour per day. Have a small breakfast, large lunch and small/medium sized dinner.This, peppered in with light exercize and the elimination of all artificial sweets should have you shedding pounds in no time.
try limit what your eating for starters, mainly eat fruit its high in water, low in calories, and fills you up fast. also slip a glass of skim milk or yogurt, because more calcium allows fat to exit your body faster.if you can get to a rowing machine i recommend using it. it burns the most calories of any exercise.try doing sort bursts of energy a few times a day, this burns more calories than a work out adding up to the same time!good luck!!
* Take one pound at a time* Set Reachable Goals* Stay off the scales* Stay focused on being healthy, not thin* Fat Free?* Drink plenty of water* Reward yourself* Seek help if you need it* Watch your portions* Eat your food slowlySearch :How to Reduce Weight Quickly - Healthy life every day! lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all btnG=Search
cut off your legs lolThere s no safe way to drop a large amount of weightit take time and efforthowever I did drop about 60 to 70 pounds with going to the gym and taking Burn 60 from GNCgood luck
Jambuster!!! Lose 10 pounds in 10 days
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how old are you?how much do u weigh?till when do you need to lose it?
Run 9 miles every day.
why is this so difficult for people to understand?? diet and exercise!!!