Saturday, April 28, 2007

Teen Weight Loss tips Please!!!!!!!!!? -

I m 15 years old, 5 ft 1in, and I weigh 135 lbs. I m a size 10 when girls my height I know are size 2 or 0. I ve tried so many things to lose weight. And nothing seems to work. I ve recently started walking/jogging on a treadmill for one hour for the last 3 and half weeks but I weigh exactly the same. I ve been tryiung to eat less food, like if I use to eat a wrap for lunch now I m eating half a wrap, I ve been limiting my food. Yet I still don t see any results and it is really starting to frustrate me. My other problem is that if I see food that I enjoy to eat, I can t control myself and I eat it. Like when my mom buys cupcakes or something, I m not hungry but I can t stand seeing them there so I ll eat one, even though I know it s bad for me. Does anyone some sort of teen weight loss product or advice, I m really desparate to lose weight?

I m in the same situation. I ve been trying to limit my diet and here s a few thing i ve done or have helped me: drink lots of water, if u see something u want to eat but you re not hungry then either go into another room, distract yourself, or grab a bottle of water. Also, I completely cut soda out of my diet, instead i drink water, iced tea, lemonade (low calorie without all the sugar), juice, or milk. Eat slowly at meals, it gives you more time to digest. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you re full. So take your time and don t be afraid too leave something on your plate. I also hear that if you drink a lot of water before you eat you get fuller faster without eating as much. I haven t tried this yet but I will soon. It s good that you cut your meal in half. And I m glad you have time to exercise. I hope you and I can both loose some weight. Good luck :)

You need to conquer your self control first. You need to see the cupcakes, and tell yourself, that nothing is going to taste as good as being thin is gonna feel, and don t eat it. You ll be really proud of yourself when you can look at sweets and tell yourself that you don t need it, and you don t eat it.If you can t control yourself around food, that s the first thing you need to learn how to do. Exercise is second.

Whenever you are trying to lose weight, you should concentrate on these three things which all work together in providing a healthier and quicker weight loss goal for yourself. I have found this combination really successful in my weight loss plans. The first thing is exercising and how much you can put forth into it. The more you exercise, the more results you will see. The next thing is dieting and the calorie intake. If you exercise more, technically you could eat more? Always watch what you eat.Now the last step in a good weight loss plan is always a good diet pill that can help you get to the end of the road. I have found Proactol which is a natural herbal diet pill to be the best around. It s an appetite suppressant along with being a fat blocker which stops up to 28% of fat you eat. Read up about it at where I saved money on it. Proactol really works well with exercising which gives you plenty of energy to perform. Along with that you diet will be affected by Proactol due to the appetite suppressant and fat blocker. If you slip up on meals, the fat blocker kicks in. It s really great to stop food cravings.Concentrate on those three things and the combination is deadly for the fat cells in your body. Good luck and I hope this helps.

Self control is the most important thing in staying healthy. You have to have some self control. For you, it seems like keeping a journal of EVERY SINGLE piece of food you eat each and every day would be the best bet. That way you will know exactly what you are eating each day and it will help you realize what you are eating that is bad for a cupcake for instance! If you see in your journal that you ate a cupcake, you d prob be very disappointed in yourself and decide to run an extra 30mins that day or whatever....

ask your mom to buy healthier snacks like fruit, yogurt, or even the 100 calorie packaged snacks are ok.

Don t be hard on yourself for eating the odd treat here and there, just concentrate on eating healthier. Don t cut back on your portion sizes you won t do yourself any good. By eating less your body will slow down your metabolism. Remember you re only 15 your metabolism is at its highest because you re growing. Don t do any drastic and stay away from dieting pills just concentrate on eating better.If you need more help take a look at my blog and free report for more help.

OMG! you dont want to be a size 0 or 2 its proberly impossible we all have our own personal average size and if your bones are are wider than i size 0 or 2 than your not gonna get that small.the average size in england is a size 16 im a size 10 and you shoulndt try and eat less because your body needs some fat otherwise youll get spotty your periods will be all over the place etc just because your friends are that slim doesnt mean you ahv to be there proberly naturally skinny and if not then there just damaging themselfs + its been proven that men prefer girls not just bieng a skeleton with som meat on them a size 10 is a good healthy size to be and even if you dont like your body you want physicialy be able to get down to that size so my advice it just go to the gym every now and then and just tone up as long as your nice and tyoned then youll look fine.just dont do anything stupid liek starve yourslef youll proberly put on wieght becaue your hormones will be all over the place.and about not bieng able to control your slef around fatty foods it will be even worse if your not eating youll want it even more and then feel bad for eating it.

Hello ppls! wht is the normal weight for a gurl who is 14 1/2? -

hi agian, i m 14 1/2. i m athletic and the last time i weighed my self i was between 145-150! umm i was wondering if any of u ppl have a clue on how heavy i should be! i m athletic and i m about 5 6! i don t feel fat unless i m in my bathing suit w/ my theighs sticking out! i hate them soomuch! my stomache is okay, but w/ my theighs i feel fat! if u have any answers, pls if u could also give me some weight loss tips! next yr is my 1st yr in HS and i want to look good! and also for this hot guy(grade ahead of me). if u also could, plz give me tips on how to catch his eye and help us start a convo! he s super shy! and we talk but not as much as i would like! thnx

As long as you are in shape, and your doctor has not said that you need to lose weight, then you are the right size for YOU. Bodies can be big, medium or small bones, different shapes like the apple, pear, hourglass, and pencil. As far as losing weight, just do a little at a time, if you really feel like doing so. Cut out the food after 8 pm. Or forget that one extra cookie or candy bar. You ll do fine. One other thing. If you are active like a lot of teens are during the summer, don t be surprised if you lose a few pounds without even trying. And good luck next year!

Welcome to women-hood..... You will soon learn to love you new figure... you sound perfectly lovely and it is normal to have are supposed to stick out a bit here and there.......that is what makes your body womanly and attractive to males. You sound like a pretty clever girl and your weight and height sounds in-proportion. You are physically active and doing all the right things. Just relax and let nature take it s course soon you will have so much attention from the opposite sex that you will be fighting them off with sticks. lol... As far as your hot guy goes boys mature a little slower than girls and are often shy to make the first move for fear of rejection or make him feel relaxed by smiling, being friendly by just saying a friendly Hello every-time you see him...if he doesn t make a move this might mean he is just not interested or you are not his type.. Don t worry as their are plenty of males who are super hot and you are still very young. Happy hunting.....:)

No need to worry you are in the healthy range for weight. Since you are very active that is really good. so dont worry. you do not need to lose weight. be happy with your body.

Quick weight loss tips? -

I have gain about 40 pounds and I have been working out 5 times a week for 45mins on the liptical, eat right and even snack on cherries when I need a sugar fix but still cant seem to loss these extra pounds

the workout dvds the P90X works really well.... it has 12 dvds to work out to and most of the are an hour long except for the yoga its a hour 1/2

Im getn married in 49 days and need to lose about 25 pounds. Any1 got any speedy weight loss tips? -

You know what they say... you get happy, you get fat ! I didn t get huge or anything, but I want to get back to the size i was, when we met. Which means I need to lose about 25 pounds, and I d like to lose all or most of that 25 pounds, by May 26th. Does anyone know of any diet/exercize stuff, that will drop that kind of weight in approx 7 weeks? Please help!!!!!!

i have lost 30 pounds in 1 month with tenoid tablets.good luck

dear i made a mistake in spelling the name of the tablet its (( tenuate )) ita amercan tablet u can find it. good luck Report Abuse

ok. thank you for correcting that. Now i should be able to actually find it. thanks again! Report Abuse

yes water and exercise is good. and remember one thing. Eat ONLY when your phisically hungry (not your mind telling u ur hungry), and when you eat. eat ONLY 1/3 of what your stomach can hold. remember your stomach is not your belly. your stomach is actually almost the size of your palms put together. just eat one third the amount. NEVER stuff your self. good luck

Cut out all carbohydrates-no bread, cake, rice, pasta, potatoes, beans, peas, carrots,tomatoes, fruit. Eat chicken and fish and green vegetables

Protein diet. Get a protein shake that is high in protein and no sugar. Drink a shake for breakfast and have a snack about two-hours later. Have a shake for lunch with a salad or vegetables or something. Have a snack two hours later. Eat salad or vegetables for dinner. I lost 15 lbs in 10 days. You will put the weight back on but atleast you will lose it for the weddings. Remember to drink lots of water and excercise!!!!!

no way to do that safely. Liposuction maybe.But really, so long as you fit into your dress, you are fine! Your husband would rather have you fat and happy than skinny but dizzy, cranky, or ill from desperate dieting.

Start eating moderately; by that I mean less portions but more times a day. Try to eat breakfast and don t eat after 6:00 pm. You have plenty of time. I lost 30 lbs. in one month by following this routine.

That s tough and not to be mean, but you should have started sooner. I started in October and my wedding is in June. I ve lost 27 pounds and have only 16 left to go. Start eating between 1200-1500 calories a day, never go below 1200, that would be very unhealthy. The only way to do this right is to measure your portions and keep track of what you eat. Remember, liquid calories count, too! And you have to exercise. I do 60 min of cardio 6 days a week and weights 4 days a week. If you don t belong to a gym, go for walks, bike rides, do exercise videos, swim, roller blade, etc. My weight loss was a little slow because I have a very hard time with the food part. If you really stick to it, you could lose most of your 25 pounds by then. If you like to drink alcohol, cut it out completely, that will help a lot. Alcohol is one of my downfalls.

Yes, crack. It has helped me lose 50 lbs, my wife, job, house, car. It really works wonders.

Lot s of water and excersize

Start sticking your finger down your throat!?!? I still don t think you will lose that much though!

It can be unhealthy to lose more that 1-2 pounds per week. All I can advise is a lot of water, no fast food or soda, and enough exercise to feel the burn , but don t wear yourself completely out, that ll have an adverse effect.

First of all, don t do fad diets, they can be harmful. Rapid weight loss is not healthy and can cause you to actually gain weight in the long term.Go to the gym and do 1/2 to an hour of cardio a day. Do crunches, take a kickboxing class. Drink a ton of water. Stop drinking soda and eating sweets. don t eat at fast food. eat less than 2,000 calories a day. Losing weight means making a lifestyle change. Any quick fix will just make you balloon up again. You need to change the way you eat and exercise in order to lose weight healthy and permanently

South Beach diet. Follow it to a tee and don t cheat the first two weeks (VERY IMPORTANT) At Target $6 paperback. Cardio exercise.

Yeah heres an excellent one. If you ever have a craving for faty foods than drink a whole glass of water. In 15min. that craving for your food should go. Then you can also try making healthy lunches.

skip 2 meals during the day and the one meal you eat make it supper small and if tou have a craving drink water or gatorade

Go to the doctor and get a weight loss script for Phentermine 37.5mg. or order it over the internet. congrats on the wedding.

What are some good weight loss tips? -

lets get a lot of answers here!!

There are no great mysteries. There are no magic formulas. No matter how many calories you count, no matter how many complex rules and plans you follow the basic secret to being slim never changes.Something I ve observed over the years is that the people who talk about calories and carbs, red days and green days or say things like you can t eat potatoes or that s not allowed after 6pm. are always the ones constantly on diets having trouble keeping the weight down.The people who appear naturally slim are those who realise that eating a sensible diet with plenty of fruit and veg, and not too much junk (but not being obsessive about it- if you want a chocolate bar or a dessert for heaven s sake have one - just not three times a day!) and getting some exercise three times a week like the experts say you re supposed to will in 9 out of 10 cases automatically mean that you will never be seriously over weight. You may never look like a supermodel- few people do - but you will always look healthy, and what s more, you will actually enjoy your life instead of obsessing over food all the time. SO that s the tip - use a bit of common sense in your food choices, and get on your bike, off to a salsa class or down the gym. And keep going with it- there are no quick fixes.

No sodas. Eat small meals during the day. Exercise. Even if it s just a little bit...get your heart rate up with a brisk walk or a ride on an exercise bike. I didn t have to starve myself or even suffer that much, I just did those small things and I lost weight without even having to suffer.I also researched how many calories where in foods AND drink. It made me aware of what I was putting in my body, I was surprised!

Eat lessExercise moreThe main factor in weight loss is taking in fewer calories than your body uses, thereby requiring your body to burn fat for energy. Thus, if you are overweight it is for one reason and one reason alone (barring some extreme medical condition) - you are simply eating too much in relation to your activity level.Argue with it all you want. You re eating too much. Accept it.


Move Move Move Park out further and walk. Drink water. Eat only half your serving in a restaurant. Move Move Move.

Eat 6 small but balanced meals per day. Your carbs should be high in fiber, your proteins should be lean, and your fats should be sparing but high in the omega 3 6 fatty acids. Avoid greasy foods, alcohol, and candy.Lift weights or perform power yoga. These are resistance exercises which will increase your lean mass and burn extra calories 24 hours per day. Also, some cardio helps.Use a measuring tape instead of a scale to measure your progress because the measuring tape is more accurate.Here is a sample workout and a sample meal plan:����