Friday, May 19, 2017

How to lose weight every week ? -

Did i do good on my 1st day of dieting?breakfast:2 apples,orange juice(220 cal)lunch:chicken salad(400 cal)snack:granola bar,1 mango(180 cal)dinner:roasted chicken,1 1/2 cup white rice,steamed vegatables(595)total:near 1400 caloriesthis is what i do every day:i do 30 min cardio in the morning.and another 45 in the 25 curls-ups.a couple of times a week i would play sportswith friends for an hourcan i lose at least 2-3 lbs a week by doing so?

Yes. You are doing great. Drink alot of water also. Very healthy what you are doing. Keep the commitment.

Looks good...I would try shifting the calories you take in... Try calorie shifting ..your almost theregood luck

Go on a ******* diet.

yeah i d say. :)

Am 20 yrs old want to lose 15 to 20 pounds, what protein shake should i buy to help me lose weight faster? -

started going to the gym two weeks agoweight about 210

Protein shakes are intended to help you gain and maintain, not lose. Not the best for someone trying to lose weight.

Weight is a problem for many people, especially those trying to lose it. I tried out acai berry and it certainly worked for me. There is a free trial going on at the moment at , why not check it out, what have you got to lose?

If your goal is to lose weight, dont take any protein, its common sense. Also Protein shakes can make you fatter if you dont lift right. Start by your changing your diet, its more important than weightlifting

What is a cleanse? and what cleanse is the best to make you lose weight fast? -

It is what it says....a cleanse. Depending on the type you get, colon or total body. Total body hits your colon and liver. I just started Cleansesmart from Renew Life. I got it at the health store for $20.00 and it works wonders. It makes you poo a whole bunch. I lost ten pounds from it and I am near the end of the bottle. You will see some weird and interesting droppings....very weird! It is best not to buy the ones of the Internet, because once they have your credit card they might charge your card every month.