Thursday, January 14, 2016

Small portions of peanut butter to lose weight fast ? ? -

I know a mix of all foods is best but i need to lose some weight fast and dont want to starve and peanut butter is most convenient for me..and i have to watch carbs becasue they make me tired.i tried the peanut butter thing before like 1 tablespoon every 3 hours 5 x a day for 2 weeks.would this be ok for cholesterol?

Haven t you heard the commercial ... Diets don t work. If you want to lose weight effectively, you need to be dedicated to exercising and eating healthy. -Replace- all of the processed food in your house with lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables. And -replace- all of your drinks with water. I promise, this alone will make you shed the weight within weeks. And if you exercise you will definitely lose the weight faster. Jog for 30 minutes everyday.

It is feasible to lose weight fast but you should be realistic and comprehend that if you lose weight quickly then you will inevitably put it all back on again just as quickly. The only diet that definitely worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a handful of free trials remaining, it has been highlighted in Fox News and USA Today. I melted away twenty pounds, it definitely does produce success!

first why would you do this to yourself? the best way to lose weight and keep it off is with whole foods. eat veggies fruits ect. not canned and processed, but real fresh foods. I mean really peanut butter as your only source of food may work, but in the end you will lose weight and muscle mass and all around your health. has great tips for weight loss and eating right to lose weight. and good luck

That kind of is starving yourself don t you think? Try eating fruits and vegetables ONLY. I did that with exercise and lost weight pretty fast. Its easy because you can still eat as much as you want. Just note that this isn t any kind of permanent diet, just a quick one.

you need to eat things other than peanut butter just cut down on calories

Are there any foods out there that help you lose weight faster? -

I heard that celary and yogurt are good for that, is it true? Are there any others??

celery is a negative calorie food. it takes more energy to eat, chew and digest celery than the amount of calories it actially has in it. All i know is yogurt cultures are good for digestion. Drinking Ice cold water helps burn calories too because it takes energy for your body to warm the water to your body temperature.

Yogurt, and drinking milk after exercise.

Most vegetables are really good in loosing weight. Lettece peppers cucumbers... All have fiber and water that will fill you up and have little calories. Beans are also really good for the same reason. I like black beans because they feel kinda of starchy like potatoes but don t pack on the calories. Plus they are high in protein and other good stuff. Green tea and coffee along with the veggies and beans are a good way too lose weight assuming you stay off junk and meats and exercise.

Fruits and veggies for sure.

Grapefruit. When I lost 15 pounds I ate a grapefruit in the morning.

Im 14 and i would like to lose weight fast!! should i....? -

so should i work out with sweets and layer them on so i sweet even more and lose more weight quicker. will this work some one plz help me it would be greatly appreciated !!

sweets are something you eat.sweats are something you wear to exercise. Do not try to lose weight fast-- the faster it comes off, the faster it will return. Talk to the family doctor or gym teacher at school and inquire about different exercises and better diet. Take care of yourself.

What is the best exercise to lose weight fast and tone up? -

I have an exercise bike at home and cardio videos I do but I m not seeing results. I eat right and was wondering if there are more effective and faster ways to reach my weight loss goals? Thank you!

I would try this workout. At the same time you will be gaining muscule and burning fat. So its awesome. WHAT YOU LL NEED: Two 5 pounds weights.* means one 5 pound weight in each hand.If you don t have two 5 pound weights try using water bottles full of water.Workout:Stretch*20 Bench Press x3 20 squats x3*20 side arm lifts x320 crunches x320 push-ups x3*20 lunges x320 leg lifts x3Ride your bike for 30 minsOne cardio videoStretchalso you should try to get in a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood about 3 times a week.Stretching before your workout helps you not to pull a muscule during your workout.Stretching after your workout helps you not be AS sore afterward. I try to do this everyday, but I m sure you would get results doing this only 2-4 days a week. I recomend everyday.Eat 1500 calories a day and drink 8 glasses of water daily.You will lose weight and tone up!I ve lost 6 pounds and I ve only been doing it for a week!You can do it! i know you can!You will be sore. and it will hurt but you can do it.Don t be scared to add more excercises of more reps.Hope this works for you!

If you are serious about healthy eating, fat loss, and body tone up, I have a program that will give you the body of a fitness model. It is a 4 months program that I made for my best friend to get her ready for her wedding. You can repeat the program as many time as you want or until you achieve your goal. With in the program you will find answer to many confusing questions. It is free. If you are interested you can email me at crazyeddie8228 at yahoo, and I will reply with the program.

I have been walking 2-4 miles a day for the last two weeks and have lost 8 pounds. I am keeping my calories very low also, I an 47 years old.