Sunday, December 24, 2017

How can I lose weight quickly? -

The first thing you need to know, is that I m not some scrawny girl who wants to lose weight when she doesn t need to. I m overweight and need to weigh about half of what I currently do. I can feel the physical effects on my body. I need to quickly drop from 240 to 185 by June. Any tips? btw, I m vegetarian. I changed last year and it made me lose 15lb immediately and I ve kept that off. the only reason i m mentioning this because people talking about diets often mention eating lean meats and that s not something i m willing to do. :)

Have a look at all the thousands of resolved questions on how do I lose weight quickly!

There is one very effective way to lose the wait n stay fit and active for entire day... Its proved..and own experience!Early in the morning, have lukewarm water if possible have it with a teaspoon of honey n lime juice and Just walk faster (No running) at least for 1 or 2 km. Don t stop immediately, slow down the speed and then complete stop. It really works! Results are seen within a week. This should be your very first thing to do in the morning. Avoid tea/coffee!Just go for maximum salad in your diet, instead of heavy food in lunch/dinner. It will help to keep your diet healthy and its summer. Have loads of juice s and water intake, which will prevent the dehydration and will keep you energized. Hope this will help you.

well, i did something stupid and i downed a whole bottle of weight loss pills , and girl , dont be ashamed of your weight , i was 280 , but i sure didint look it , i had little fat on my belly , my family is big boned and tall , which i got from. but yeh i downed a bottle of weight loss pills and i went from 280 - 192 in about a month , but please don t try this as i was consequenced in 3day life support. i feel boney as hell. and im wishing ive never done that. so ya thats the quickest way, I RECOMMEND YOU NOT TO DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Start lifting weights, do a program like rippetoe s starting strength. Then also do some HIIT running, cycling through walking and jogging if you can t run/jog the whole time. Couple that with common sense healthy eating and you re golden.

Start walking every day, running/jogging at a slow pace too- always keep moving. Drink water, take 30 seconds between bites of food, slooow down eating, sleep more.


well this is hard to do go to italy and piss of a mafia and run like hell its wht id do


well i dont recomend it because of the health risks involved but it sure helped me lose some lbs....i stopped eating, then my immune system weakened and i got sicker then i usually do and it lasted a while, well that there was even mroe weight. i stopped eating dairy, and switched to diet soda, and lean meats sorry but i did... u dont have any meat even then i bought my iron gym bar, and some leg weights, and whenever i felt the urge to eat i went and did a small workout, not even enough to break a sweat like 10 pullups and a few more pushups or something... this was a healthy alternative to eating outta boredom..i also started walking eveywhere, and going out more also stopped watching tv... i wish i could say i stopped my computer but i doddnt become that unattached to the world, anyways ive lost a few pounds...quite a few...however dropping 100s of pound in a few months might need some lipo and tummy tucks?

Although dieting is going to be really helpful to you, exercise is going to be equally beneficial, if not more so. Find your way to a gym as often as possible, and eat healthy foods that incorporate carbs. You NEED them especially if you re exercising to lose weight. Vegetarianism is awesome, and definitely keep that up. Try taking up swimming or biking if the typical running, workout-machine routine is kind of boring for you. Not to mention swimming and biking will burn more calories. :)If I m being honest, I don t think that you should drop that much weight by June, but if you CAN do it healthily, then that s wonderful.But health is the main concern here. Don t over eat, don t over exercise. Find a nice, happy medium that makes you HAPPY while you re doing it. It shouldn t feel like a chore, but a lifestyle.Good luck!

Weight loss programs amp; prepackaged delivered foods? -

Have any of you ever been on them?I m looking to do one that doesn t taste too bad and that actually provides results and is not too expensive.If you ve ever been on one like Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig could you tell me about your experience and how much it cost for you?

I would recommend that you create your own diet, for example I drink a slim fast optima along with a banana for breakfast in addition to coffee or tea. For lunch and dinner I have a healthy choice meal, and for snacks I eat fresh fruit.The key is caloric control so for example if you wanted to weigh 130 pounds then multiple 130 pounds by 10 which equals 1300, this means that you must consume 1300 calories daily to reach a goal of 130 pounds. I weighed 200 pounds and now weigh 123 pounds and have kept it up by caloric control and mild exercise.I also indulge my cravings sometimes then I resume my diet the following day. If you would like to contact me for diet support go to

I use the Kenzen Body Balance system, it was fantastic for me. you can only get through my company though. I sure there are others that are close but I ll stick with mine. It has the body cleansing system, burn, shakes, and the rev up, which helps boost the energy naturally.