Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How can I lose weight fast...? -

I am not fat, but I could lose a little fat off my stomach and thighs. I don t like weight lifting or jogging. My idea of exersize is biking or walking. I don t seem to be losing much..But I walk daily for 2 hours. How can I lose weight off my stomach and thighs without having to do anything drastic like weight lifting which can injure the body, or sit ups which aren t good for the back???Please help!

Eat healthfully, and EXERCISE! Follow these tips, and you ll see results:1.) Get a good amount of sleep each night, about eight hours, bodies seem to crave food for energy when you haven t gotten enough sleep/rest.2.) Always try to eat breakfast! It s the most important meal of the day. Best breakfast to eat: Eggs (for protein), and oatmeal (very good for your body)...and drink a glass of orange juice.3.) Only eat foods that are either baked or boiled! No fried foods! Avoid SUGAR too! Eat lean meats: chicken (no skin), turkey, and fish. Avoid red meat. Red meat has a tendency to cause women to develop belly fat! I learned that from my college nutrition instructor!4.) Consume more of fruits, and veggies! Choose either fresh or frozen veggies, for canned veggies lose their vitamins.5.) Eat about 1,200 calories a day. 6.) Consume no more than 25 grams of fat a day...that s the ideal allowance for women--for men, it s 40 grams.7.) Drink eight glasses of water a day, to flush out your system. Also, when hunger cravings strike...try drinking a glass of water FIRST, because sometimes your body s thirst signal can be confused as a hunger signal.8.) Soups are filling, so try to eat as an appetizer (or a meal) a nice, low-calorie/low-fat soup for dinner.9.) WORK OUT!!!! Exercise helps speed up your metabolism, and increases your body s ability to burn fat. Try jogging...that actually helps burn fat around your middle (tummy) as well! Aerobics and Taebo/kick-boxing is GREAT!! Do about and hour of cardio exercise a day...And a half-hour of strength training. This combination will really get your body tight, and toned! To see some great, effective exercises to whip your body into shape, click this link:��10.) Keep a food/exercise diary/journal...Recording your food intake, and exercise regimen will hold you accountable, and give you incentive to stay on track!11.) Last but not least, STAY POSITIVE, and BE PATIENT!!! Results don t come overnight, so just keep up your energy level, and a great CAN DO attitude...Remember, if you can visualize it...You can BECOME the person you want to be!

Unfortunately if you loss weight fast you tend to put it back on fast, I would suggest that the best way is to try to find a way that is slow and not hard on your body so you can continue over a number of years losing weight. Your body will reach it common weight and if you are happy with this that is great. Change the little things in life don��t try to do it all at once.

You can t expect to loose fat off your stomach without lifting weights. (And just so you know, weight has nothing to do with being healthy. Muscle weighs more than fat)If all you want is to get rid of stomach pudge, then you should do crunches.

To successfully lose weight, you must carry outa plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionallybalanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. I found useful informations at

sanam, stop giving unhealthy dangerous advice to other people asking how to lose weightu just told someone to eat ice for 2 weeks and lose 20 pounts?!!!anyway yoga is really good. to tone the entire body.

Unfortunately, you can t lose weight and get into shape without a little work. Sit-ups are great when you do them properly and work wonders on the belly area. If they re hurting your back, you aren t doing them correctly. Walking and leg-lifts are great for the thighs. As far as losing weight fast, you don t want to do that! Two pounds or so a week is the optimum amount to lose. Any faster, and it won t stay off.

crunches/ 33

Excercies like push ups and stuff just not on equpment,how to lose weight fast HELP please? -

ok i need help i am trying to lose weight and im watching this guy on fit tv but i am trying to gain musscles and lose my stomach so how do i do it and wat excercies can i do to lose it in 2-3 weeks

go to my site and than to forums and than to female bodybuilding you will find great exercises not requiring any equipment, also check out weight issues for great nutritional eating advice as well as nutrition for great recipes. if you still need help let me know good luck

Short of surgery, you re not going to lose a stomach in 2-3 montyhs (though you could go the distance in toning yourself there in that amount of time). The stomach area is sort of the Fort Knox of fat, only the most strenuous exercise will break that area down. Also, muscle gain is as permanent as muscle loss - short term gain can easily disappear - you really need to work long and hard to build up appreciable muscle.

well to lose your stomach u need cardio and sit ups. To gain muscles yes those are good options too.

cardio is the best way to lose weight