Saturday, January 26, 2019

How can a 17 year old male lose weight fast? -

i m a 17 year old male.5 10.208 lbs.anyone have any tips on how to lose body fat fast [safely]?i d also like to build some muscle;although not too much.i only have two ten pound weights to work with, though.XDtry to be specific pleaseee.helpmehelpmehelpme. :T

well, i d say, workout the better version of what u really like. I like cereal with milk. When tryin 2 lose weight, I tried sugar free, low carb cereal with fat free milk/skim milk. Also switched bread from white to wheat. Cereal bars to rice cakes or protein bars. Sodas to water/no cal-no sugar juices, and also included atleast 8-10oz water intake with every meal/snack. I wud suggest healthy eatin all thru the day, not juz with snacks. If u r already doin it, gr8, keep at it. U ll c results in 2-3months. Do indulge urself with ice-cream, hamburger, etc. But try the smaller versions, like if u were upto eating a gigantic banana split, make it a single scoop instead, triple burger to double and then single. Skip the extra cheese on pizza and go with thin or pan crust. If u like milk shakes, go for the low fat yogurt, instead of icecream. If u go out for a big meal, promise urself u ll eat juz salad 4 ur next meal and stick to it. Dont starve urself, u ll lose the battle and eat more. Instead make healthy choices and you ll see results. Boy, once u c, u ll stick to losing weight. Well, thats what I did and it worked out great for me. I liked this sign, which I printed out and kept everywhere - NOTHING FEELS BETTER THAN BEING THIN FEELS. and that is sooo... true.Edit- Also workout, If doesnt sound good, then spend more time outdoors, now with summer and all, well, skip the car and go 4 a walk to the diner, if possible with friends... Make everythin seem fun, juz do adjustments... Put on Rambo movie and start workin out, well, Sylvester Stalone, sure wil help u get motivated... lol. Good luck

I am glad you want to lose weight safely. You should avoid any weight loss supplements because they are bad for your heart and metabolism.One way to lose weight is to eat about 5 small meals a day. This should help drive your metabolism up and help burn off fat. Try to eat a lot of protein because it helps you stay less hungry.Instead of eating things like pork and beef, you should try chicken and fish (tuna is cheap and good).Exercise will be necessary if you want to lose weight. Walking is an underrated way to lose weight, but you need to go on long walks and keep up a decent pace. If you don t have a lot of weights, you can try doing pushups, pullups, ans sit-ups. Lifting your own bodyweight is a very good workout. I hope this helps.

Run, Swim laps, Jump rope. Doing aerobic exercise helps burn calories and will build muscle. The more muscle you build the more calories your body will naturally burn every day. At 17 you shouldn t have any trouble losing weight. Just do 30 minutes to an hour of hard exercise a day and you ll be fine.

Hi,I ve tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don t work!A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss (it s actually a colon cleanse) and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it (it s 100% natural). The results were excellent. I lost about 20 pounds in 2 months with this detox. That s why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.Good luck!

well it doesnt matter what age you are. but there are no safe ways to loose body fat fast. you loose it fast then twice as much comes back, starting the yoyo effect. you need to take ya time and do it properly

eat less or just portion what you eat. no more sodas and run or take the stairs for starters!

I REALLY need to lose weight FAST! Everything and anything helps! Just no guilt trips plzz. Thanks everyone!? -

Okay so I am majorly over weight. I need to loss as much weight as possible as fast as possible. I dont care if it is unhealthy. I cant do any dont eat at all things though. Please no one tell me how unhealthy it is to lose weight fast. Also i am 5 3 and 175lbs. I would like to be about 100 lbs. by June thanks.

Look, 100lbs at 5 3 isn t healthy. Losing 75lbs in 3 weeks sure as hell is deadly. Exercise, quit eating processed food, NEVER eat out. For the love of god, drink water or milk (or tea), that s it. No soda, no diet soda, no chocolate milk, nada.You will be surprised how fast the wieght comes off. Honestly, if you drop weight way to fast, you will put it back on in 2-3 months.