Saturday, September 15, 2018

How can i lose weight fast?? want to lose about 1/2 a stone but finding it hard!!? -

u should try the lipotrim diet, ask your chemist about! i lost a stone in a week and 3 stone in a month! its tough but well worth it. . .best of luck. . .

go and take a run Report Abuse

You are finding it hard, because you want to lose it fast, remember that slowly and steady wins the race!You know all you have to do is eat healthy, not too big portions, cut out alcohol/sweets/choc/cakes etc, fill up on fruit and veg, lean meats and fish, have wholemeal carbs instead of white rubbish, and away you go.They say to aim to lose 1-2lbs a week, and thats a good steady weightloss.Also, exercise for at least 30 mins a day, walk, jog, run, swim, anything that you like doing, like dancing, cycling etc.Good luck!

Hi Becky Theres no really fast way to lose weight but .. you can lose your 7pounds in one week if you look at what your eating, change fries burgers etc for fruits pastas etc also drinking plenty of water will help ,They do say you can lose up to 10 pounds your first week this is due to the fluid loss .Eating a healthy breakfast is one major point in dieting dont go without that meal it is the most important meal of the day .Good luck i hope you do it .if you need any more advice please get in touch....w.w

shed ur head

Try This Site To Lose Weight Free, Quick and Easy:http://www.weightloss.surfingarena.comHope This Info HelpsCheers,,

you should try the lighter life food sachets, you can buy them on ebay you have to drink loads of water no tea or coffee no food at all to touch your lips just the lighter life shakes and soups think you can have 3 a day. if you can do that for 1 - 2 weeks you should lose the weight fast. A friend of mine did it last year for 6 months and lost 6 stone

Drink lots of water and grilled chicken breasts. Thats it. Its highly effective

How can I lose weight fast? -

What ways can I lose weight, like eating, or not eating, that will help me lose fat? I M SO TIRED OF BEING BIG! Please help!

Well, as I am sure you probably already know, eating healthy and exercise are the best ways to lose weight. If you eat less, exercise more you will naturally lose weight. The thing to keep in mind about losing weight is that there is about 3500 calories in a pound, so in order to lose weight you need to cut your calorie intake down and exercise to lose the weight. You should only lose about 2.5-3 pounds a week if you want to still be healthy and have energy. I would start off with good diet of veggies, fruit and proteins low in fat(chicken can be cooked any way but fried and be healthy. peel off skin though). Keep your calories low but eat constantly throughout the day. Eat about 5-6 small meals a day of about 300 calories for each meal. Try to eat no more than 1600-1800 calories a day. This means no more fast food, one combo meal alone can equal over 1600 calories.(Whopper, large fries, and milk shake=about 1800 calories) Also stop drinking soda, either regular or diet are pretty bad for you. Drink water mostly throughout the day and some fruit juices as well. Not too much juice because although healthy, they are high in calories. Iced tea with Splenda is good also.You also want to start a good work out program, by doing cardio for about 45-60 minutes about 4-5 days a week.(you should be about to burn at least 400-600 calories in one cardio session) Make sure your heart rate is up and also make sure you are sweating.(Sweating helps you lose weight) I would also lift weights at least 2 days a week as well. Lift light so that you are toning and not bulking up.If you stick to this plan you will lose 10-12 pounds a month and will lose inches even quicker. The mistake a lot of people make is that they starve themselves or just diet alone and this is why they have still have body fat and saggy skin. Or they try to lose like 20 pounds in one month which is really unhealthy an the weight comes right back after you get off the diet. You have to work as also and change your lifestyle and eating habits, otherwise you gain the weight right back again. Once you get to your goal, keep working out and increase your calorie intake of about 200-300 a day for a total of about 19,00-2100 calories a day to maintain your weight.



I know where you are coming from. Diet and exercise were not working for me. I started a nutritional cleanse that works on the inside and shows on the outside through lost inches and pounds without exercise! I started on Thursday and have lost 8 pounds in 4 days!!! Nothing I have tried gave me these results! If you would like more information about the nutritional cleanse I am doing please E-mail me at

I feel the same way about myself and every time I ask people what to do the say I should diet (not eat much fattening food) and excersize! the only problem I have is that I tend to eat a lot more than I planned. so now im trying that if i get the feeling of eating something i try to make a salad or eat an apple or carrot and it seems to be working okay. i also would recommend the 100 calorie packs - they are very filling!

How can I lose weight fast? -

on june 27th im leaving for vacation in florida with my best friend and were going to some water park and stuff so i want to lose some weight. What is the fastest way to lose like 10 to 20 pounds by then?

LMFAO. Why are people so obsessed with trying to lose weight fast. The simple answer is you can t.Why not start now, and make it a lifestyle, eating healthy and exercising so you never have to ask this question again.Instead of starving yourself and losing healthy tissue, and water weight, and then just going back to the same sloppy lifestyle and gaining it all back plus some unhealthy tissue.

Never a good idea to try and lose too much weight too fast. Lose it slow and steady, and you ll lose it for good. Rather try and get yourself flattering bathing suit, and have a good time!

Drink a LOT of water(Try to get a gallon a day)Eat basically fruits, veggies, and lean meatsExercise as much as possible(Running/Jogging, Jump roping, sit-ups, push ups, etc.)Healthy wise, it is only recommend to lose 1-2lbs a week(That is if you WANT to keep it OFF) But do whatever, you should have started sooner.

get as much exercise as possible and eat nothing but lean protein, fresh veggies and fruit, lots of water, one serving of daily lowfat dairy, and one serving of whole wheat daily.

Lower your caloric intake and increase your caloric usage.

Liposuction.Actually, I lost 15 pounds in about two weeks by playing Dance Dance Revolution on a home console for about an hour and a half per day.

purging and methamphetamine

How do i lose weight fast!? -

i dont know how to stop eating junk food! how do i get motivated to exercise and eat healthy?

Fast weight loss is not a smart, healthy, or recommended thing to do. It is better to lose weight slowly through life-style change. You could start by not buying junk food. If it is in the house that is temptation territory. Instead, cut up raw veggies ie...carrots, cauliflower, cucumber slices, radishes, broccoli florets, etc...put them in ziploc bags so you could easily grab them when you feel hunger pangs. Keep fresh fruit on hand as well. Apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, strawberries, etc.. These are all much healthier snack choices. Eat a well-balanced diet everyday. Exercise 30 minutes at least 3 times per week. Increase your water intake to 6-8 glasses a day. Eat lots of veggies.

there is no health way to lose weight fast , unless you take drogs , which i don,t recomend , so think about how better you will look and hit the esport club..... good luck

How can I lose weight the fastest from Cardio? -

For my body type I need about 1500 calories daily to lose slowly at a healthy rate *APPARENTLY*. So if I join a gym, and workout 300-500 more calories off my body, do I lose weight faster? Or do I HAVE to eat more to get to 1500 for my body to be able to lose? I need to lose weight at a faster pace. Any foods I should be eating more while im working out now? Meats? Thank you guys!!Chrissy.

Chrissy,Your weight loss will come from a combination of cardio, weight training and eating better. Most females need to have a caloric intake of no more than 1800 calories a day, couple that with a moderate to intense cardio/weight training regimen you should be able to lose 1-3 lbs a week safely. As far as the food goes it really depends on your personal likes and dislikes. One of the best things to do is to consume massive amounts of water about 1/2 -1 gallon a day and try to stay away from fast and fried foods they can be the culprit of derailing your weight loss efforts and even if you do eat them then I would say just eat in moderation and you should be fine.I hope this answers your question.

How do I lose weight fast?!? -

Do you know any diets or anything to make me lose weight fast? I am 12 and I weigh 140 something pounds.. help me

You shouldn t go to low in calories because you are still growing I just recommend these tipsTIPS:If you follow these tips you will lose weight.First of all your body can healthly lose only 2-4 lbs a week. Also i would not reccomend one of those diet books or programs because once you lose the weight you will go back to doing what you did before and gain it all back.Here is what you need to cut out of your diet or limit.-sodas they are empty calories and just add fat.-also juices try to limit 1 cup of o.j. has as much sugar as a can of soda.-fast food. they provide no nutrients and terrible meals they do have healthly selections at all fast food stores if you pic those you will do much better. -junk food is also empty calories its ok now and then just don t over do it.Here are foods that you can indulge on.-veggies since they are so healthy for you and provide you with many nutrients the calories in them are meaningless.-water!! you should drink64oz. a day at first you will pee alot but then you will get used to it.-when eating meat try to eat chicken because it is the best.other tips- try to have baked foods not fried.-eat breakfast and try to have it mostly be complex carbs like oatmeal and wheat bread they will give you energy all throughout the day.-don t skip meals when you do your body thinks it is being starved so it will hold in more calories instead of burning them.Try joining a sports team or just working out more and I m sure you ll burn of the extra weight your holding.

There is no way to loose weight fast: sorry dude...just watch what you eat and walk or run a couple miles a day..

I found this on this website. There are more tips and need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn t say DIET) plan that works for you; You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking. Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!Good luck, you can do this!!More infomation the link: -- task=view id=200 Itemid=62