Sunday, May 12, 2013

How do i lose weight fast? -

i am twelve and i weigh 130 i am not fat just a little pudgy that is what my doctor said but i think that i am fat i want to lose weight i always wear sweaters because i hate the way i look i guess hellp

Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I m also trying to lose weight fast and I found Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet which is working for me. It uses calorie shifting foods that you can eat normally, increases the number of times you eat. Never heard of it or have any doubt about it? You can check the website at:

I am twelve, weigh 115, and I hate the way I look. There is no real way to lose weight really fast. Exercising a few miles every day, and creating good diet habits is a good way. You should work hard over the summer to lose a few pounds. Make goals that aren t ridiculous, like I want to lose five pounds this summer.

Cut out soda, sweets, junk (that s including fast food). Try to eat more healthier foods.Try to work out a few times a week. It s fun!

In 10 days how much weight can I lose, and what can I do to lose weight faster? -

No no no... You, as a woman, should only loose about a pound or two a week. That s it. If you re loosing more it means that your body is malnourished or you re hurting yourself. Don t be so freaked out over your weight, first of all, but for sure don t be hurting your body to loose a couple pounds. Be careful!

70% of losing weight is how you eat. You should eat 5 times a day, about every three hours to speed up your metabolism. Also working out using a lot of muscle Resistance training. Muscle burns a lot of fat very quickly. You want to increase you basal metabolic rate, which is the fat that is burned while doing nothing. Building muscle does this. Also, back to the eating thing proportion is very important. You should divide your meal plate in to 1/3 for your protein, carbs, and fruit veggies. In easier language the size of your protein should be the size of your palm. Good carbs should be the size of your fist, and fruit and veggies are free foods, so eat all you want. Oh yeah, veggies should be steamed with no butter znd stuff like that.Good luck!!!

There are many things you can do... here is a great website loaded with resourceshttp://lose-weight-fast-workout.blogspot��

How to lose weight fast? (pic included)? -

Do you think i look fat? link to pic Everytime i look in the mirror i think im fat. Im eighteen and im 5 3 155lbs is that too much to weigh?? I think i wanna lose 10lbs.

Maybe you could loose like 10 lbs, i think thats a good idea, but you re not really fat, look at the real fat people.

***Your metabolism preserves fat because its hungry its protecting you -**Its working a lot slower now so it doesnt burn up precious needs inside of your body if you start eating again it will slowly adjust to normal**You need more then 2000 caloriesFruitsVegesProtein - have more then 60 grams dude your big - buy skinless white meat and have a serving 5 times a dayIf you miss a meal your body prepares for starvationYour metabolism will then slow down my friendHave fiber one - one cup only - you will number 2 very fast after mealsSome girls diet by taking laxativesHave breadMulti VitaminCalciumA walk in the morning speeds your metabolism up alldaySoup is hella goodGreen tea has 190 antioxidents that clean your body of toxins along with Fiber one - The fiber will clean your intestines so food can move along easier and none of it will get clogged leading to heart diseaseIf you overeat and dont digest by the next meal you will store it as fatI was in your unknowledged situation lol Take this information and help yourselfPeace out

I went on a juice fast for 28 days and lost a stone. I wasn t overweight, I did it to flush out toxins. But you tend to lose a lot more fat (and muscle) if you are overweight.To be honest, I think you look great. However I also think juice fasts are awesome as long as you don t say on it for too long and don t go back to your old eating habits.

Eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of sweets and junk food. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Exercise for 30 minutes 3-4 days per week. Stop eating white bread and white pasta, instead eat only whole grain bread and pasta. Avoid sweets, snack foods, corn and popcorn. And don t consume more than 1200 calories a day.

Just strive to be healthy. Health is a lifestyle, not a weight. Your body will naturally start to remove excess fat and build up great muscle tone.

You might have to lose a little more than 10 lbs. But the picture doesn t look that bad! But if you re uncomfortable with the way that you look and feel, maybe that could be your new year s resolution

Honestly, I think you look fantastic. I LOVE girls that have a tiny bit of chubbiness to them. Don t lose anything. Email me

I m sure you ll lose about 3 lbs like this, it s no fun but eat olny fruit and veggies no soda pop for 3 days .. you ll lose a 1 lb a day

Lose 35lb your overweight for someone your height.

155 for 5 3 is overweight. Just eat healthy and find some type of activity to keep you active.

That s so fake looking. You legs looks like you used the stretch or bulge thing on Photobucket.



you look fine. just dont gain any more

I need help any other tips for me to lose weight? -

i drink about 5 cups of water every day and take 30min walk every morning and have been watching my calories but i have only been doing this for 3 days and i was hoping i would have at lest lost 2 pounds but nothing still164.8 i wont to lose weight fast can anyone help me?

I m trying to loose weight and it s taking awhile, but it won t just happen in three days. you need to have healthy amounts of food. and my dad s trainer told us that we need to have 5 smaller meals a day to keep our metabolism in tune. don t eat after 7pm and have as many calories as you burn. so far you are doing good, but keep with it and don t turn to dietary pills, because... after you re off them, what s going to keep your metabolism up to keep the weight off? it s best to do a more natural way than diet pills and starving yourself. eat healthy, keep fit, and the pounds will go away.I ve lost 15 pounds keeping to a healthy diet with plenty of water and exercise and i did what you re doing for exercise. Keep at it and you ll do fine.

Experts recommend that you accumulate one hour of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve our health. Obviously this is also good if you are trying to lose weight and keeping it off.The rule is the more intensive the activity is, the shorter the duration of exercise. As you progress into activity with moderate intensity, you can cut down to 30 minutes a day for four days per week.There are 3 types of exercise that your body needs to keep healthy - cardiovascular, flexibility and strength. Cardiovascular activities are those ranging from moderate to vigorous exercises.Here are some of the light, moderate and vigorous activities:��

Careful you don t eat too little! Sometimes that is just when your body decides to hang on the every little bit of stored fat it has. Get your total daily energy requirements calculated and have about 300-500 calories less than that on a daily basis, but make sure you don t eat less than 1200 calories per day. Free daily energy requirement calculator below. everyday instead of walking, just run a mile, or less than a mile, but running helps with loseing weight really fast...:)

went from 125 to 110 in a month.lots of diet pills. stress. and slimquick cleanse, that stuff cleans you out. xenadrine works for me. dont eat much.