Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What can i do to lose weight fast?!? -

i want to lose weight in 2 weeks, is there any method that works fast? please help!

The simple fact about weight loss is: Calorie Intake vs. Calorie OutputCalorie Intake= Amount of Calories from foodCalorie Output=Natural Body Processes+exerciseThe simple fact is-Calorie Intake must be less than Calorie Output...and you will lose weight.The great news is-you can attack this from both ends. Eat healthy and Exercise.We feel full from weight in our stomach.So if we eat a gram of protein-we will feel as full as eating a gram of fat.1 gram of protein = 4 calories1 gram of carb= 4 calories1 gram of alcohol = 7 calories1 gram of fat = 9 caloriesSo aim for eating foods high in protein and carbs...low in fat. You will feel just as full...if not more.Be sure to eat some fats (but only look for unsaturated fats like nuts-almonds etc...) your body does need fats.If you use these guidelines, you could follow a healthy diet-eating low fat foods and exercising-I promise you will lose weight in a healthy way that will lost weight and keep it off.

Run forest run! Start running your butt off! Also download some simple fat burning exercising, like sit ups, crunchers, etc to do after your runs. You need to exercise for 1 hour everyday for 2 weeks the weight will fall off you! I m not kidding, it worked for me. I was even eating MORE food and still lost weight!So eat more food! I know it s sounds crazy, but if you body feels like it doesn t need to store fat, then it will burn it off. Stay away from ALL forms of sugar salt (cos salt holds water in your system) and the most important thing of all drink HEAPS of water! And i mean heaps! Even put lemon juice in your water to flush out your bodies toxins.hope this helps! Good luck :D

truthfully.....this isnt healthy but i used to be a high school wrestler and i just wouldnt eat....i dont care what people say, it works...eat a banana for breakfast, salad for lunch, and just a peice of grilled chickin for dinner, and only water...that was my diet while i wrestled....like i said it isnt healthy, but if you just want to lose it for a special occation i would go with that

Do the master cleanse diet, and have willpower.

How do you lose weight fast? -

im wondering how to lose weight fast on your thighs and belly!! so desprite!i want to know how to lose weight fast but in a good way!

you cant lose fat fast or choose where you lose it from...You need to eat lean meats (chicken, fish, turkey, lean beef) , low gi fruits (apples, bananas, pineapple, oranges), green veggies (broccoli, celery, green lettuce, spinach), only whole wheat breads (look on the package and see if the first ingredient is whole wheat flour, if it is it should be good unless it has high fructose corn syrup like Mrs Bairds does). Jillian Michaels from biggest loser has a great quote, before you eat your food ask yourself, does it have a momma or did it come from the ground? If not don t eat it. Eat 5 - 6 small meals a day, this will increase your metabolism and help you to not feel so hungry in between meals. It��s all about portion and calorie control regardless of what food you are eating, but remember cleaning up your diet and eating X amount of calories of lean good healthy foods instead of X amount of calories of candy bars (I know you are probably not eating 4 candy bars a day but its just an example) will help you lose it faster. The leaner you are eating the faster you will lose it, and you will get a toned healthy look instead of a skinny jiggly look. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses (8oz) of water a day. Sometimes hunger is mistaken for thirst so if you are hungry drink 8 oz of water and wait 30 minutes, if you are still hungry then eat a light healthy snack. Water also helps you feel fuller longer and helps flush out toxins that may prevent fat loss. Also allow your self a cheat day (but don��t go over board and eat everything in sight or like 5 cakes in that day). Allowing yourself a cheat day once a week will help cut out cravings�� Think of it like a reward if you did well with your diet and exercise that week have a piece of pie�� If not just stick with you healthy food. You can find recipes for decent tasting healthy foods on sights like bodyforlife.com and bodybuilding.com and also on recipe sights like allrecipes.com, foodfit.com, cookinglight.com and foodnetwork.comYou need to do a good mix of both cardio and strength training, strength training is not going to make you look like Arnold, I promise (unless you are taking test). Toning and building muscle strength will help you lose fat quicker as you will be burning calories all day to feed your muscle tone instead of just while you doing cardio activity and it increases metabolism. Running, walking, rollerblading, swimming are good cardio work outs. You can also get some at home videos. I personally like Gilad s Kick boxing, Cathe Friedrich, ten minute solutions videos (ten minute solutions are good because they have 5 ten minute segments and you can do one or all five or three or what ever you want to do at the time and they have a variety, like dance, pilates, yoga, etc.), shape and woman s health videos. Also if you get cable/satellite, find the Fittv channel and scroll through the guide and see if anything sounds interesting and do it or record it if it doesn t fit into your schedule at the time the program comes on. Get your self some 5 pound dumbbells or a gym member ship and do bicep curls, push ups, sit ups, squats, dead lifts, lunges, tricep over head extensions, chest presses, shoulder presses, etc. You can do most of this on your own if you just go and buy some free weights, but a gym membership is helpful as well. If you do end up getting a gym membership I would consult a personal trainer (most memberships come with a free session) they can show you what to do and come up with a meal plan for you... You can find the videos I mentioned on the web at collagevideo.com, or at ross (cheap cheap at ross) or walmart or any other place that sells dvds.Lastly, don t get discouraged, it takes time (it didn t didn t get there over night, its not coming off over night)... you should be losing 2 pounds of fat a week safely, more is not typically safe. but you could gain weight especially if you are gaining muscle. So if you get on the scale and it says you ve gain two pounds don t freak out... just look in the mirror and go by how your clothes look and feel on you. Hope this helps! email me if you have any other questions!

- Play Sports during weekends or when you have free time = Sports like basketball, football, softball, baseball are perfect because they include running.- Jog like 1-2km every morning or just walk 1,500-3,000 steps a day.- If you have budget and time, sign up for a gym class to help you loose weight- Balance your diet; you must have go, grow and glow foods every meal. = The Banana diet in Japan is great for breakfast (just search for it)- Dont forget to avoid stress and sleep early

wat takes time to come on will take time to come off, even if you lose a lot at first most of it will come back, as studies have shown. i ve done diets like those but i put on even more weight than i lost, so i gained weight.you should have abalancedd diet instead, try to work out daily and watch what you food intake toohope this was helpful... =]

Exercise every day . The quickest way to loose weight is to do lot of exercise. You need to increase the rate of metabolism. If you want to loose belly do abdomen exercises.

A super duper fast way but unpopular way would be the lemon detox diet. You can lose like a kg every day on that thing, however the taste of the solution makes alot of people gag..

no soda, lots of water, lots of walking, biking. or weight loss pills (i.e. speed)

eat less exercise morethat s the only way

go to sleep, then hope for a dream to come along

What is the best diet to lose weight fast? -

Best diet is a well-balanced, calorie restricted one. Think whole grains, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, low-fat dairy, and plenty of water. Keep your calorie range above 1200 per day, but try to limit this (upper limit will depend on your activity level). If you can cut 500 calories per day, you will lose a pound a week.Meanwhile, try to get into the habit of exercising. Start by aiming for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Start by walking if you have to. Later, you can add basic strength training, running, increase the frequency, duration, and intensity. Focus on changing your unhealthy habits for healthy ones. If you change your lifestyle, you can lose weight and keep it off.

low cal and high activity

Yeah definitely stress!!! I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and I didn t change my regular diet, but I have to say that I was really stressed. But this is not a healthy way to lose weight, though.The diet that has work for me the best is Atkins, you lose up to 8 pounds in a week or 10 pounds in 2 weeks (depends on your metabolism). The good part of this diet is that you can eat a lot of things that would be forbidden most of the time, the bad part is that you cannot do it for a long period of time.The secret is to eat just proteins fat like meat (all types), bacon, eggs, cheese, nuts, sugarless coffee or tea... NOT sugar, bread or rice; a little amount of some vegetables (not all are allow).And you can t eat up to 8 times a day! So you never starve!

If you want to lose weight consistently and safely and keep it off, check out this website: http://www.burnthefat.com/ It s not as fast as fad diets or using diet pills, but it s 100% safe and it has one major advantage over get thin quick diets -- you ll be able to keep the weight off without having to buy special food from someone (like Jenny Craig or NutriSystem) and without having to give up everything you love. This is an eating an exercise plan that you can live with for the rest of your life.

5 small meals a day and exercise,

stress made me lose 10 pds

If you want to lose it fast try a diet pill-but it will most likely come back. If you want it to stay gone, then just walk about fifteen thousand steps a day (get a pedometer) and change how you eat. Basically, stay active and don t starve yourself. Eat salads and low-fat dishes.

How do you lose weight fast? -

I am not overweight, but I would like to be skinnier. What are some healthy foods that I can eat?

there is no one thing or things to eat. Eat a well balanced meal BEFORE your hungry. Combine well balanced nutrition with a motivated workout, both cardio and weight training.

Drink a lot of water all day especially before meals. It helps you to fill up and you will eat less. Eat fruits and veggies, they keep you filled up longer. Dont snack and dont over eat but dont under eat. Chew (sugar free) gum, that helps me to not snack.

Darlin,U didn t say how big U think U ???? Whisch leaves us guessing...hmmmmmm...Why, I ask myself??? hmmm.Well, lets all pray ur e not shooting for real skinny...like anorexia??When U want to tell us what is going on so we re not assuming.....which is not not good....let Us know....Good Luck!!!

raw carrots and 94% fat free pop corn

umm..oatmeal, cream of wheat, whole grain products

definitely fruit, watch out for veggies to not be greasy in salads, also eat yogurts they taste good and don t get u fat but slimmer all these satisfy the stomach and should slimming the body but make sure to exercise

cabbage soup

fruits and veggies of course, lean cuisine, healthy choice frozen foods are your best bet when your in a hurry, and they taste really good.absolutely no sodas, just water.no fast food AT ALL,no candies or sweets.have special K for breakfast,the first bowl usually tastes kinda gross if your used to chocolately cereals, but it tastes good after about 2 days.actually, try going on the special k diet.and make sure you work out!45 minutes to an hour!

There is no way to lose weight fast (in a healthy manner), losing fat would be a gradual process and will need patients.Fresh foods will be your healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, meats.Start your day off with protein such as eggs, avoid any foods that are sugary (cereals) and fruits, this will cause you to crash later on that morning, they don t provide the right energy source for a body that is breaking it s fast from sleeping.

Fruits and veggiesDiet pills...I m taking hydroxycut and they work so far I v lost 20 pounds

whole wheat, lots of fruit and vegetables (but skip bananas, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, corn, and peas), and lean meats like fish and chicken. skip butter, red meat, white bread, white rice, or any bleached starch products. don t try to lose weight fast because it will screw up your metabolism and you ll end up gaining weight later even if you lose it immediately. plus, metabolism shocks can affect your metabolism for the rest of your life.

hold your breath


Get up and sweat doing something Go outside if it is safe where you live and take a fast brisk quick step walk NO walk in the park on a Sunday afternoon kind of walkWalk starting with 2 miles you can walk 1 mile in 20 minutes so big deal with 2 do it and see. Keep records on a wall calendar.=======----=====------==========

well honestly thats me i am not fat but i would love to be skinny this is what i am doing and it work for me its call banana diet its like banana shake with skim milk for 5 daYs three times a day and u will drop 2 to 3 pounds in a week hope it works for u

u cannot lose weight fast by using healthy food,but if u want to lose it very fast u can follow Atkins s diet(not healthy) at all

when u lose weight fast it is often done in an unhealthy manner and in the long run u will just gain it right back however if u just want to look a few pounds lighter for a special occasion or something try the cottage cheese diet ya just eat fat free cottage cheese for however many days if ur not a fan of cottage cheese try the cranbery juice diet you eat nothing but craberry juice GOOD LUCK!

Someone told me about the seaweed...green tea also but I am not sure...I think a balanced diet will allow you to loose the extra fat...you also can use extra virgin olive oil instead of any other fat....keep your meals at fixed time.....Hope this can help u Good luck

umm... yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, granola bars, fruit veggies, water, i guess anything natural oh whole grains.

Go to realage.com and check out YOU: on a diet.

if u want a temporary fix for a special occasion u can cut salt completely from your diet that means no processed foods or anything that has sodium in it and drink 8 glasses of water a day and u will lose a noticable amount of weight pretty fast unfortunately soon after u start eating salt again u will gain it all back hope this helps

EXERICISE!!! THE BEST WAY!! dont eat diet pills.... they re bad for ur body.. TRUST ME!!

Im thirteen stone and only a teenager, i need to lose weight fast anyone know how? -

i m bout 5 6 and weigh thirteen stone i need help fast..my weight drags me down.

Hi!Unfortunately there is no quick fix to weight loss. It s a long, slow process ,but it is SO worth the end results.If you crash-diet, not only is it awful for your body and will make it harder to keep the weight off afterwards, but your body is likely to go into starvation mode. This means that your metabolism slows down and your body stores fat in case it doesn t get fed. You could actually stop yourself from losing any weight at all if you starve yourself! Also, if you lose weight too quickly, your skin won t have time to catch up, and you will be left with folds of excess skin. So take it slow! To get down to 10st could take between 6 and 12 months. You may lose more at first, because the more you weigh, the more calories you can burn through excercise. Eventually this should even out to a weight loss of about 1-2lb per week. It could take longer than a year. But it s best to do it know before your weight continues to creep up. The sooner you start, the sooner you ll get there!You need to have an understanding of what makes you put on weight in order to understand how to get rid of it.To put on 1lb in weight, you need to eat 3,500 calories more than you need. This is the equivalent of say two extra chocolate bars per day, or a few cans of pop. It is very easily done and does creep up on you.Therefore - to lose 1lb, you need to GET RID OF 3,500 calories. The average teenage girl needs around 2,000 calories per day to maintain her body weight. So lose 1lb per week, you need to get rid of 3,500 calories per week.Divide 3,500 by 7 (7 days of the week) and you are left with 500 calories per day to get rid of. You could do this by eating 500 less calories, burning 500 calories during excercise, or a combination of both (the easiest and best way!)500 fewer calories over 7 days = 3,500 calories lost in a week. This means you lose 1lb a week!Rather than going on a diet , you now need to make a decision about how to live your life from now on. This is not a temporary fix - you have to change your view of food for good This does not mean you can never eat another pizza or chocolate bar ever again; but rather that you should do this in moderation and start making more healthy, low calories choices like fruit and vegetables instead of high calorie food. Keep a food and drink diary (include EVERYTHING that passes your lips! Even if it s squash with only 10 calories per glass. 10 glasses of these = 100 calories. Same thing goes for sweets!). You will feel much more in control of things once you know you can keep track of your eating. You ll also start to realise that the more healthy options you choose, the more you can eat! Which is always good :-)There are lots of websites that will help you lose weight if you are confused by it or don t have the motivation (as is the case for most of us!). In fact, I would strongly advise that you see your doctor first. He will advise you about groups (such as Weight Watchers) and how much exercise you should do. You will need to take it slow at first. Don t be embarrassed to see your doctor - he will be impressed that you want to do something about it.Well done for making the first move! Get some professional advice, read the website below and good luck!This might seem confusing, but it will all make sense once you talk to your GP!I hope this helps :-) You ll get there in the end!xx EmmieP.S. - Snooksville, you are talking to a teenager. Why answer somebody s question if you are just going to give out insensitive abuse? I m very tempted to report you, you high-and-mighty idiot.I ve read some of the answers Snooksville has given to other people, and let s say that he/she is very opinionated. To the asker - most of us put on weight, it happens to us all at some point! Snacks and treats and goodies are readily available to us and when we don t know any better, we just go for it. (We even go for it when we do know better!) Do not let this person make you feel bad. I m sure they are not perfect. At least you want to improve yourself. I say well done to you. Keep up the good work.

Stop eating junk food. Force your mother to cook you healthy veg and grilled chicken or fish. Cut out sweets and fizzy drinks. Take some exercise for heaven s sake. If you don t lose weight soon, you are heading for an early grave. Oh, and diabetes, heart disease, higher risk of cancer. You name it, you re going to get it.Find that shocking do you? Well so you should.

You need to lose some, yes. By my calculations, about 2.9 stone (or 40 lbs.). Eat less, eat better (no junk/fast food)--lots of vegetables, lean meats, poultry and whole grains. You will feel so much better. Lay off the sodas--even diet. And get out and walk for an hour every day. And I don t mean a stroll. Put your butt into it! LOL Good luck.

look - ever heard of puppy fat? this is all it is hun - but of course you feel a little concious about it - thing is not to lose it too quickly - this aint going to be an overnight blessing - you need to take your time when your as young as you are - otherwise you could end up with stretch marks that could take ages to go - firstly teach yourself to eat properly - when your body tells you that you are full - stop eating - trying drinking a glass full of water before meals - this fills you up a little bit - eat your meal then half hour later go for a brisk walk - swimming is also helpful - gentle jogging 13 stones isnt too bad a weight for a 5ft 6 person - you could just about carry that off - dont be in too much of a rush to shed those pounds hun -i hope this is of help

The faster you loose weight the faster it comes back. One way to help weight loss is to have a heaped bowl of all-bran at the start and end of the day. Have it with chilled soyamilk, very nice, another tip is always have healthy food with you, Fruit/edible seeds/ trail mix etc, and a bottle of water, something for when you get the munchies. Also, if you can, increase the amount of physical activity you do it will help get your weight down. If you keep a log of your weight and what you ve eaten.

You can try finding an incentive or something. Don t do it alone, make sure you talk to your family and friends about it and keep a diary. Make notes on what you are eating and how much exercise you are doing! Be careful aswell though, don t push your body too much because you run the risk of making yourself ill! Good luck!

Dangle a leg over the side at Sharkworld.

a stone is 14 pounds for the americans ;Pyou do not need to lose weight FAST.13 stone is high for your height but body shape also needs to be taken into account, you may not be as overweight as you think or imagine you are.slimming world etc can be a great help in controlled weight loss, but only if you are determined to stick with it, the benefits will be worth the effort, fitter, slimmer, you will feel better all round and enjoy more from life and doing it as a teen could help shape you for later life.dont try to do it on your own, go to a class where a dietician can help.i wish you good luck and remember, even a pound loss a week, is a loss, that is 52 pounds over a year, quite a bit.

you cant lose weitght quickly, that would be unhealthy. you just need to be healthy, give up snacks, eat well, take up a sport. I am 13 stone and have lost a stone since last month simply by joining the gym and eating well.

what the hell is a stone oh well try eating less 100 sit ups a day 100 leg lifts and 100 push ups not the girly ones and im a girl!

Right, everyone else is saying that you should eat better food, cut out the junk food and the fizzy drinks, drink lots of water and get plenty of exercise.They are all correct. Well, except for the guy who suggested you visit SharkWorld, but you should just ignore the eejits ...But I was like you and I can imagine how daunting such drastic changes can be, and how hard they can be to maintain. So here s a suggestion: aim to change one thing a week, i.e. to develop one good habit a week to replace one bad habit. I think that for you, it might be a good idea to start with regular exercise, but do check with your doctor if it s okay. Walk briskly (at a speed at which you will cover about a mile in 15-20 minutes) for 20 minutes, making sure you stretch your legs properly before and after. Wear suitable shoes and comfortable clothes for the job, tracksuits are not required, they are an option. Do this for a week, then next week walk a little longer, say for 25 minutes, and change something about your food. Try cutting out chocolate bars or crisps or fizzy drinks and replacing them with apples or water. Remember, change only one thing a week. Third week, start keeping a food diary, and be honest with yourself. Write down EVERYTHING you eat/drink. This is to get a clear picture of what you are eating/drinking. Don t forget that you have already made some changes and may even be starting to see the effects, note this to yourself as a way of motivating yourself to keep going. Also, increase your walking time to 30 minutes a day, and keep it brisk.Keep changing one thing you eat or drink a week, and stay with the changes you have made before. You should start seeing some real results in about 6 weeks. Most of the time we reach for the handiest things, and believe it, food manufacturers know this. Or the nicest things ... chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks (which are slow-acting poison, by the way), chips, fatty burgers, sausages ... The food that s best for us requires a little more work on our part to prepare it, peeling or chopping or cooking, but it is worth it. Bear this in mind when keeping your food diary, but do understand this - you can have an occasional treat. Chocolate isn t a banned substance, but it is cheap and convenient energy food that should be kept as a special treat, and certainly not eaten every day. I m sorry to tell you this, but there is no easy way of losing weight and keeping it off. Getting and staying healthy takes some work, but it is a question of developing good habits in place of bad ones. Start educating yourself, talk to your doctor, find out what s good for you, learn how to prepare healthy snacks (takes about 2 minutes to peel 3 carrots and chop them into fingers to be eaten raw. Learn about interesting healthy dips you can make from yoghurt, tomatoes, or avocados to make them tastier), learn how to feed yourself properly so that you look better, and more importantly, feel better. But keep it gradual - this is the key.

stop eating the rubbish you have obviously been tucking into and start eating an healthy diet. see you gp for some help with a diet programme....

Stop eating so much, and shop in the produce section...

You dont need to do it fast,you need to do it healthily.Aim at 2lb a week loss and you will stand more chance of keeping it off.Its just good old fashioned healthy eating and exercise.Walk a lot,run up and down the stairs,and drinking lots of water is great for you and will help to fill you up too.

This is important, FIRST SEE YOUR DOCTOR and get his view on the matter.Try, walking, swimming, games, running. Plenty of OUTDOOR activities.By the way, you could have said if you are male or female and tat would help in the range of suggestions that could be made in your case.Result of Websearch Overweight Children KidsHealth Parents Food Nutrition Weight Overweight and Obesity The percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate. On the whole, kids are spending less time exercising and more time in front of the TV, computer, or video-game console. And today s busy families have fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals, day in and day out. From fast food to electronics, quick and easy seems to be the mindset of many people, young and old, in the new millennium.Since the 1970s, the percentage of overweight kids and adolescents in the United States has more than doubled. Today, 10% of 2- to 5-year-olds and more than 15% of children between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight. If you combine the percent of kids who are overweight with the percent of kids who are at risk of becoming overweight, about one out of three children are affected.Preventing your children from becoming overweight means adapting the way you and your family eat and exercise and the way you spend time together. Helping your children lead healthy lifestyles begins with you, the parent, and leading by example.Is Your Child Overweight?A child with a body mass index at or above the 95th percentile for age and sex is considered overweight. BMI uses height and weight measurements to estimate how much body fat a person has. To calculate your child s BMI, divide his or her weight by his or her height squared, or wt/ht2. (Important: To use this formula for BMI, the child s weight and height measurements must be in kilograms and meters, respectively. If you use pounds and inches, multiply the result by the conversion factor 703.)An easier way to get your child s BMI is to use a BMI calculator. Once you know your child s BMI, it can be plotted on a standard BMI chart. Your child will fall into one of 4 categories:Underweight: BMI below the 5th percentile Normal weight: BMI falls between the 5th and the 85th percentiles At risk for overweight: BMI between the 85th and 95th percentiles Overweight: BMI at or above 95th percentile BMI is not a perfect measure of body fat and there are situations where BMI may be misleading. For example, a very muscular person may have a high BMI without being overweight (because extra muscle adds to a person s body weight - but not fatness). In addition, BMI may be difficult to interpret during puberty when kids are experiencing periods of rapid growth. It s important to remember that BMI is usually a good indicator - but is not a direct measurement - of body fat.These days, you may be hearing more about BMI. Doctors are using BMI during routine check-ups and many school districts are including BMI in their annual health assessments.If you re worried that your child or teen may be overweight, make an appointment with your child s doctor. If your child is overweight, your doctor may ask about your child s eating and activity habits and make suggestions on how to make positive changes. He or she may also decide to screen for some of the medical conditions that can be associated with obesity (see below). Depending on the child s BMI, age, and health, the doctor may refer you to a registered dietitian for additional advice. For some overweight children, your doctor may recommend a comprehensive weight management program.The Effects of OverweightOverweight children are at risk for serious health conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol - all once considered exclusively adult diseases. But overweight children may also be prone to low self-esteem that stems from being teased, bullied, or rejected by peers. Overweight children are often the last to be chosen as playmates, even as early as preschool. Children who are unhappy with their weight may be more likely than average-weight children to develop unhealthy dieting habits and eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, and they may be more prone to depression, as well as substance abuse.Overweight children are at risk of developing medical problems that affect a child s present and future health and have direct impact on quality of life including:high blood pressure, high cholesterol and abnormal blood lipid levels, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes bone and joint problems shortness of breath that makes exercise, sports, or any physical activity more difficult and may aggravate the symptoms or increase the chances of developing asthma restless or disordered sleep patterns tendency to mature earlier (overweight kids may be taller and more sexually mature than their peers, raising expectations that they should act as old as they look, not as old as they are; overweight girls may have irregular menstrual cycles and have fertility problems in adulthood) liver and gall bladder disease depression Risk factors present in childhood (including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes) can lead to serious adult medical conditions like heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. Preventing or treating obesity in children may reduce the risk of developing these conditions as they get older.What Causes Overweight?There are a number of factors that contribute to becoming overweight, either alone or together. Genetic factors, lifestyle habits, or both may be involved. In some instances, endocrine problems, genetic syndromes, and medications can be associated with excessive weight gain.Much of what we eat is quick and easy - from fat-laden fast food to microwave and prepackaged meals. Daily schedules are so jam-packed that there s little time to prepare healthier meals or to squeeze in some exercise. Portion sizes, in the home and out, have drastically increased.Plus, now, more than ever, life is sedentary - children spend more time playing with electronic devices, from computers to handheld video game systems, than actively playing outside. Television is a major culprit. Kids younger than 8 spend an average of 2.5 hours watching TV or playing video games, and kids 8 and up spend 4.5 hours plopped in front of the TV or wriggling a joystick. Kids who watch more than 4 hours a day are more likely to be overweight compared with kids who watch 2 hours or less. Not surprisingly, TV in the bedroom is also linked to increased likelihood of being overweight. In other words, once many kids get home from school, virtually all of their free time before dinner, doing homework, and getting ready for bed is spent in front of one screen or another!And although physical education (PE) in schools can help kids get up and moving, more and more schools are cutting PE programs altogether or cutting down on the amount of time spent actually doing fitness-building physical activities. One study showed that gym classes offered third graders just 25 minutes of vigorous activity each week.Genetics also plays a role - genes help determine your body type and how your body stores and burns fat just like they help determine other traits. Because both genes and habits can be passed down from one generation to the next, multiple members of a family may struggle with weight.A greater reliance on food fixes to deal with emotions can also contribute to weight gain. Some people tend to eat more when they re feeling sad, stressed, or bored. People in the same family tend to have similar eating patterns, maintain the same levels of physical activity, and adopt the same attitudes toward being overweight. Studies have shown that a child s risk of obesity greatly increases if one or more parent is overweight or obese.Overcoming Overweight and Obesity in Your ChildThe key to keeping kids of all ages at a healthy weight is taking a whole-family approach. It s the practice what you preach mentality. Make eating and exercise a family affair. Get your children involved by letting them help you plan and prepare healthy meals, and take them along when you go grocery shopping, so they can learn how to make good food choices.Avoid falling into some common food/eating behavior traps:Don t reward children for good behavior or try to stop bad behavior with sweets or treats. Come up with other solutions to modify their behavior. Don t maintain a clean-plate policy. Be aware of kids hunger cues. Even babies who turn away from the bottle or breast send signals that they re full. If kids are satisfied, don t force them to continue eating. Reinforce the idea that they should only eat when they re hungry. Don t talk about bad foods or completely eliminate all sweets and favorite snacks from overweight children s diets. Children may rebel and overeat these forbidden foods outside the home or sneak them in on their own. Here are some additional recommendations for children of all ages:Birth to age 1: In addition to it s many health benefits, breastfeeding may help prevent excessive weight gain. Though the exact mechanism is not known, breastfed babies are more able to control their own intake and follow their own internal hunger cues. Ages 2 to 6: Start good habits early. Encourage kids natural tendency to be active and offer children a variety of healthy foods. It may take 10 or more tries before a child will accept a new food, so don t give up. Ages 7 to 12: Encourage children to be physically active every day, whether it s an organized sports team or a pick-up game of soccer during recess. Keep your kids active at home, too, through everyday activities like walking and playing in the yard. Let them be more involved in making good food choices. Ages 13 to 17: Teens like fast-food, but try to steer them toward healthier choices like grilled chicken sandwiches, salads, and smaller sizes. Encourage them to be active everyday. If they are not into organized sports, suggest intramural programs, fitness classes such as yoga or pilates, or alternative sport like skateboarding, inline skating, or mountain biking. All ages: Cut down on TV, computer, and video game time and discourage eating while watching the tube. Serve a variety of healthy foods and eat meals together as often as possible. Try to include 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day in their diet, plan healthy snacks, and encourage kids to eat breakfast every day. Encourage your children to try a variety of activities. Don t force any one sport or activity - and help them find what they enjoy and then support them in their efforts. If you, as a parent, eat well and exercise regularly and incorporate healthy habits into your family s daily life, you re modeling a healthy lifestyle for your children that could last into adulthood. Talk to your kids about the importance of eating well and being active, but make it a family affair that will become second nature for both you and your children. Most of all, let your children know you love them - no matter what their weight - and that you want to help your child be happy and healthy.Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MDDate reviewed: August 2005Originally reviewed by: Sandra G. Hassink, MD

Walking 2-3 miles a day, I lost 56 pounds in six months doing this!

I m sad you feel like that at such an age but a PMA (positive mental attitude) will help, think about what you eat and get as much exercise as possible as this burns up fuelKeep positive:-)

It is normal to rapidly gain weight during puberty, however I suggest you get advice from a doctor or endocrinologist before you attempt any weight loss plans as doing it the wrong way may impair your physical development. I am not a doctor so ask a doctor before attempting to lose weight please.

start playing sports and eat right eating candy is OK some times but do not eat a lot

if you do it fast you ll end up putting it on again and your skin (even young skin) doesn t recover aswell as it does with a steady weight loss.if you do it steadily you ll have more chance of keeping it off. the best way i ve found is the sliming clubs. they offer support, ideas and the dreaded weigh in - which for me was the reason i stuck at it.don t forget to exercise either.good luck x

Lots and lots of fruit and get yourself a good bike. Cut down on your crisps, chocolate and coke. And walk to school instead of your mum driving you there. Finally set yourself a goal, maybe lose 3 stone by christmas.

Read tips articles on different types of diets, exercise programs, yoga much more....All about weight loss, weight watchers, Tea diets, easy home exercises to name a few

weight watchers is the best diet!

Excercise more and eat better. Speak to your doctor or school nurse about a healthier eating plan.