Friday, September 25, 2009

How to lose weight in 1 month? -

i am a 15 yr fe and i m ready exercise 3 hrs a day morning evening there any diet which helps u lose weight in 1 month say abt...8-10 pounds (thats healthy)

well the best and the fastest way to loose weight is running, running and only running. for the past three weeks i m taking only fruits, and salad and jog for 45 minutes in the morning. i loosed 5 kgs in just three weeks. dont forget to take protien in ur diet. protien is a great source of energy. i know u can do it, if u are really serious about loosing weight strong will power is must. best of luck.

Eat nourishing food with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables being part of it. Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will activate signal to the brain as soon as u have had enough. Besides this change in eating style, take regular light exercises and brisk walks every day. U will be able to shed all extra weight gracefully and in a reasonable time span.

8-10 pounds is actually ambitious and it is actually advisable to start slow with healthy eating so as to maintain your weight even AFTER THAT 1 MTH....but if you really want that, take more fibrous fruits because it helps your digestion..that 8 glasses of water a day is also no joke...try not to run but jog instead.Also try to alternate your exercising routine and concentrate on different parts of your body each time...hope it helps yeah...cHeeRS~

do winsor pilates =p.just 20 minutes, 3x a week loose inches in a month. it really works. =p.

chose the right food and cut back on the exercise.. 15~20 mins of intesnse cardio in the moring + 45~60 mins of resistance training will do

You are only 15 years old and your body is going through a lot of changes. Working out 3 hrs a day is a little bit too much. I am sure you can squeeze that down to 55 minutes or less. Diet (eating too little calories) is a guarantee weight loss failure. Your body needs calories to survive. If your body does not get enough calories to sustain life, your metabolism drops to protect itself. Will you lose weight with dieting? Yes��. However, it is not a permanent weight loss. You will eventually gain the weight back plus more. When you diet, you will lose weight, which consist of water weight, muscle weight, and maybe a little fat. I am sorry but there is no short cut to weight loss. It requires time, persistence and hard work. If you want to lose weight safely and effectively, I outline the some general tips. 1. Exercise (resistance training): Lifting weights can add muscle to your body. Your metabolism is highly correlated with how much muscles that you have. Your muscle is where fat is being burned. Basically, the more muscles that you have, the higher your metabolism, the more calories that you can burn even when you are sleeping. That is why 255-pound bodybuilder can eat more than 5,000 calories a day because of the amount of muscles that they have. They need to eat a lot just to maintain their muscle. Here are some exercises that will give you the best bang for your time. Squat, Dead lift, lunges, Military press, Push-up, Bench Press, Lat Pull Down, Pull-up, Row, etc. Focus in multi-joint movement to involve more muscles. 2. Aerobic training: One way to boost your metabolism so that you are burning more calories is through interval training. Interval training consists of alternating between high intensity and low intensity training. For example, jog for 2 minutes to 30-second sprint. Repeat for 20 minutes. Interval training is much more effective that steady state cardio e.i. 30 minutes running with the same speed. Interval training allows you to burn more calories while reducing your time. 3. Supportive Eating: Eating smaller meals through out the day can help boost your metabolism. Eating smaller meals every 3 hours helps fuel your body. Think about it for a second. I am sure that you know someone who eats all the time and yet are lean and you probably know someone who eats very little and yet the person is fat. What should you eat? In every meal, you should attempt to eat lean protein, starchy carbs, and fibrous carbs.Lean protein such as chicken, white eggs, turkey, soy, lean meat, fish, tuna, salmon, etc.Starchy carbs such as oatmeal, brown rice, red potatoes, yams, etc.Fibrous carbs such as fruits and vegetables. These tips alone can help you a lot of you follow my guidelines. Remember, losing weight too fast will not be a permanent weight loss. Take your time and commit to eating better and exercising and you will eventually lose that weight. Quick tips: Limit your sugar, saturated fat, and hydrogenated fat. Drink plenty of water. Good luck In your health, Arnel RicafrancaNew Jersey Fitness Boot Camp Coach, Fitness Expert, Personal Trainer

low fat and high protien!! chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, hard boiled eggs, fruits veggies and tons of water to flush out the body. yogurt and fiber too. but be careful with too much exercise, you can hurt yourself permantly if you overdo it!!

If you have time attend a workshop on weight loss to learn more. on 13th January 2007. Call 64825411 to register. Happy New Year.

Check the following diet tips Diet Reminder Application it may help to have a diet Quiz to increase your diet Information use Diet Calculator Wishes,Have a Nice Day

How to lose weight in 3 month? -

how much can i lose in 3 month and what should i do (like a schedule) so help

RUN ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or go on a diet!

How to lose weight fast and easy for a 10 year old!!!10 points for best answer!? -

Please help I wanna fit into my 2 piece bikini I weigh 80 pounds please and my stomach is fat help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?10 points awarded!

You should not be worrying abput your weight because you re very young. However, you asked a question so I ll try to answer it the best way I can. I m sorry to say eating less and healthier won t cut it. You also need to exercise regularly. Cardio is extremley important when you want to lose weight, as well as the food you eat. Avoid eating food you know you can resist if you try hard enough. One valuable lesson I learned was to eat when you ARE hungry. I used to just eat when I had nothing to do and became a fatty! Have 3 healthy, but filling meals a day with snacks inbetween (for example: fruits). Continuing a diet and exercise is important since it s so easy to become lazy, but if you have the strength, integrity, will-power, and determination, you can do it! Hope I helped.

You re but since do that too around that i ll help.Okay first rule on loosing weight never ever starve yourself for the simple reason when eat after you did you will gain wait for the simple reason you re body thinks thats gonna be the first and last time you ll eat that day.Exercise regularly and eat good food.

honey, you re too young to be worrying about this stuffjust go play outside. run around. it will help