Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I am 100 pounds overweight, can you suggest weight loss tips? -

I am 22, I was at a healthy weight a few years ago, then decided to try fad diets, which turned into eating nothing, and then eating everything...I am in counseling for my dysfunctional relationship with food, I am now ready to combat my obesity. What are your suggestions for someone as out of shape as myself?

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

I am also very overweight and am trying to get back in shape. I had 2 babies and 2 c-sections, but I am through with the excuses! I don t have a very healthy relationship with food, either, but I m giving it my best shot. I have started working out twice a week at the gym, and I have found that the exercise helps me be more aware of what I m eating since I can equate how much work it is to work off the food I am eating. I love to use the elliptical machine because it isn t as intimidating to me as some of the other machines, and it is a low impact work out.I drink a lot of water--If I feel hungry or bored I try to drink water instead of eating. Don t give up! If you fall off the wagon, get back on again. Also, try to find yourself a gym partner--they will be able to encourage you when you just don t feel like making the effort.Good luck!

Weight Watchers is good, and does suggest healthy eating. They have a good support system.I have known people who have had great success with this program.This link should give good information too.

Whenever you are trying to lose weight, you should concentrate on these three things which all work together in providing a healthier and quicker weight loss goal for yourself. I have found this combination really successful in my weight loss plans. The first thing is exercising and how much you can put forth into it. The more you exercise, the more results you will see. The next thing is dieting and the calorie intake. If you exercise more, technically you could eat more? Always watch what you eat.Now the last step in a good weight loss plan is always a good diet pill that can help you get to the end of the road. I have found Proactol which is a natural herbal diet pill to be the best around. It s an appetite suppressant along with being a fat blocker which stops up to 28% of fat you eat. Read up about it at TheWeightLossPlace.com where I saved money on it. Proactol really works well with exercising which gives you plenty of energy to perform. Along with that you diet will be affected by Proactol due to the appetite suppressant and fat blocker. If you slip up on meals, the fat blocker kicks in. It s really great to stop food cravings.Concentrate on those three things and the combination is deadly for the fat cells in your body. Good luck and I hope this helps.

Eat chicken, fish and veggies about 4-5 small meals aday , stay away frome fructose corn syrup products and aspartame. Stay away from diet soda, they dont work. Add fiber and take enzymes. You should see many results, its easier to lose mass weight than the last 20 lb or less. Good luck.

First of all, congratulations on deciding to do something about your weight! Stay encouraged, even when it might seem like you re not making progress, keep at it! Some important things to remember is to enjoy life, enjoy eating, and stay active. Eat regular meals, try consuming most of your carbs in the morning, more protein towards the afternoon/evening hours, and really watch your sugars. Drink plenty of water, consume the good fats (EFAs), and maybe try keeping a food journal. I personally hate the treadmill, but hand me some dumb bells and its on! Work out, but make it enjoyable...it shouldn t be a chore, it should be fun and a stress reliever!

Hi, your problem with weight loss can be defied. Just look my article: http://drug-infostore.com/weight-loss/1.html

try thishttp://www.ehow.com/how_2245097_lose-wei��to detox and loose weight

Here are a few tips:1. You MUST exercise if you want to lose weight and keep it off, so do something every day, even if it��s just a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood. Don��t say you don��t have time for exercise; you have to MAKE time. Yes, it takes time and effort, but you��re worth it, right?2. Walk as much as you want, but don��t do cardio for more than 40 minutes at a time. If you do, you risk burning muscle instead of fat.3. If you do strength training, use light weights and do lots of repetitions. That��ll really help you ��tone up.��4. Your diet will make you or break you. You have probably learned bad eating habits over time (most people do). That��s not your fault, but now you have to deal with it. Make a commitment to yourself to unlearn those bad habits and re-learn better habits.5. Eat breakfast every day within an hour of getting up. People who don��t are 450% more likely to be overweight.6. Eat six small meals or snacks per day instead of three squares per day or one big meal per day. Your body expends energy digesting your food, so eating smaller portions more often keeps your metabolism running high because you��re constantly digesting food.7. Avoid these as much as possible:-- Trans fat (any type of partially or fully hydrogenated oil)-- High fructose corn syrup (soft drinks are LOADED with it)-- Fast food-- Junk food-- White sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes-- The deadly C��s (cookies, cakes, candy, chips, cola)8. Build your diet around these trim-body-friendly foods:-- Nuts, any kind (almonds are best)-- Beans/Legumes-- Fresh vegetables (green is GREAT!!!)-- Dairy products (as long as they��re low-fat or non-fat)-- Eggs-- Lean meats (fish and poultry top the list)-- Olive oil-- Whole grain breads/cereals/pasta-- Fresh fruits (anything that ends in ��berry�� is a winner)-- Tea (green tea or black pekoe tea)-- Cold water or ice water (your body has to expend extra calories to heat it up)9. Desserts and treats are the exception, not the rule. Having said that, however, (1) you can have a couple of pieces of chocolate every day �C just don��t overdo, and (2) Allow yourself one ��cheat meal�� every week where you eat and drink whatever you want as long as you don��t gorge yourself. That��ll help keep you from feeling deprived and it��ll make it easier to stick with your new healthy eating plan.Good luck!

i lost 80lbs after a pregnancy by using South Beach Diet. It allows you to eat pretty much anything. You just learn to replace bad carbs with good carbs. you can even indulge in the bad from time to time, but they teach you not to overdue it. The craziest thing is, after the first 2 weeks on phase 1 (the most difficult) your blood chemistry changes so that you don t even crave the bad carbs anymore. If you want them, it s purely psychological. (you just THINK you want them)--but here s the really crazy part---the junk food doesn t even taste the same or even good anymore b/c your body is used to going without it. AFTER ONLY 2 WEEKS! You can lose btw 8-13 lbs in the first 2 weeks too. and it STAYS OFF! it s just AWESOME! you always feel full. you can enjoy good tasting things. (i use a LOT of splenda)I wouldn t fool with signing up for the website. Invest in the book. It s got all you need to know. you can find them like new or used in good condition on websites like amazon.com and ebay. It looks like an ENORMOUS book to read, but MOST of the book is recipies (that you don t HAVE to use) different people prefer different diets, but i SWEAR south beach works AND works well.If you DO decide to do it, don t freak out by the limitations set in the first 2 weeks. (phase 1)it s only 14 days.(AND SOOOOOO WORTH IT) you ll never be hungry, you just have to avoid certain foods. and MOST of the foods will be reintroduced into your diet in phase 2 on day 15. one trick i used was putting up an older photo of me on the mirror from before the pregnancy when i was smaller. i used this as inspiration. whenever i felt like cheating on my diet, i went and looked in the mirror, to see where i was at the time, and where i could be again. it kept me motivated.i wish you the best of luck. i ve had eating disorders as well. I conquered my issues and i believe you can too.

Fast healthy weight loss? -

i am currently trying to lose weight and i have about 40lb to lose. i am eating about 1500 calories per day and my calories come from fresh produce and lean meats, as well as whole grains. i drink lots of water and i am doing strenth training 3 days per week and cardio 3 days per week for about 30 minutes. i also walk a bit. i am just wondering if this is a fast healthy way to lose weight? if anyone has success stories i would love to hear them!

Hi, I lost about 25 kilos which is 55lb in the last 3 months, I ve done it by cutting out all meat, cutting down on all carbs and by going on the tredmill for 1 hour a day and danced for 2 hrs each week. But what I think helped me the most was not eating after 5 pm .I was worried that I wasn t healthy but my doctor was very impressed so I hope this helps you!

If u want to lose ur wait for the first u need to do a lot of exercises.Then u must avoid JUNK FOODS. Have a lot of RABBIT FOODS like vegetables and fruits.@ Always Avioid Junk food. @ Dont eat pizza, milk, potato and oily food.@ Dont drink Softdrinks and soda.@ Eat a lot of fruits@ Eat a lot of vegitables.(salad)@ Drink a lot of water@ Do not eat candy or chocolate@ Sleep well@ If you can, do mediatation and yoga.@ Dont drink alcohol and don t smoke@ Eat hygienic foods.@ Don t get yourself starve@ After breakfast, make water your primary drink.@ Switch to ordinary coffee@ Eat 90 percent of your meals at home.@ Eat only when you hear your stomach growling.@ Eat at least two servings of a fruit or veggie at every meal.@ Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.@ Eat more soup. The noncreamy ones are filling but low-cal.@ Walk around the mall three times before you start shopping.@ Eat without engaging in any other simultaneous activity. No reading, watching TV, or sitting at the computer.These simple tips will help you to lose weight.good Luck ..!!http://www.rd.com/living-healthy/easy-wa��http://health.yahoo.com/weightloss-motiv��

I honestly don t think anything fast will be long term. Make it permanent and concentrate on 1-2 lbs a week. Excercise if you are able and change to only include low fat and no fat items. And if you don t loose any weight at any given week. Don t give up but don t beat yourself up either. There are times when you will possibly reach a weight and seem not to move up or down. Just hang in there. You can do it!Best wishes for a successful weight loss.

I think it takes longtime to collect all the weight so it will take time to come off .keep doing what ever u do remember less in more out and no eating after six pm .if u feel hungry have some drink ins ted of solid food. use some breathing exercises also if u can.

Cant think of anything at this time however I would sugest focusing on the doctor recomended 1-3 lbs /week

Spiritual fast and dieting? -

ok here is my deal. i have starting a weight loss program about 2 weeks ago. i dont really wanna call it a diet because its more of lifestyle change. i have done really well. i have lost 22 pounds so far. next week our church is on a spiritual fast and by me being a part of the youth staff, i think i should do this fast with them. but, i dont wanna throw myself off and stop the weight loss progress or regress into gaining weight again. i know that by not eating a certain number of calories in day causes the body to slow down metabolism and u will end up gaining weight instead of losing. (example:if i dont eat all day, then at 4:00 pm i can eat, my body will store that food as fat instead of burning it as engergy). so what should i do? please help me out, this is so serious to me. fasting is serious to my spiritual goals and my weight loss is serious to my health. please help me out!!!!!

discuss fasting and spiritual goals with your church leader or pastor or priest or who ever is leading your flockHere are six simple tips that will have you losing weight in a balanced and healthy way.1. Lose weight with water.Water is essential for everybody - it is also the key to losing weight. If you haven t been drinking enough water, your body has developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight.By drinking more water, you are not only flushing out toxins, you are also teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. Drink at least 60 ounces of water (about 8 glasses) a day. Boil water and sliced lemons, and drink this throughout the day to help with fluid retention. If you are still not sold on the merits of water, try this on for size: water is a natural appetite suppressant.2. Soup up your weight loss program.A simple dietary change will have you shedding pounds: eat a bowl of soup at least once a day. Nutritious, low-salt soups will nourish you as they flush waste from your body. People who eat a serving of soup daily lose more weight than those who eat the same amount of calories but don t eat soup. Go for homemade soup whenever possible, as canned soups are loaded with salt and chemicals.3. Eat early to keep weight off.The human body follows a circadian rhythm, which means that the same foods eaten at breakfast and lunch are processed differently than when eaten at dinner. Studies show that when you eat your daily protein and fat at breakfast you tend to lose weight and have more energy; however, eating the same things at dinner tend to increase tendencies toward weight gain. I suggest that you eat your last meal of the day by 7 p.m.4. Eat smaller meals, more frequently.Follow an eating schedule with five little meals every day. Eating steadily through the day keeps you from becoming famished and overeating at your next meal. Make a low-fat trail mix from raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, dried plum, and apples and have it available at all times to avoid the tempting lure of high-calorie snacks.5. Adopt a balanced approach to your diet.Most of the fad diet programs out there nowadays are extreme in a few recommended foods, or else deprive the body of food altogether. This works in opposition to our metabolism and the results usually don t last, producing a yoyo effect that depresses your metabolic function - not to mention your self-esteem. We are natural beings that need a balance of nutrition from all sources.Your diet should consist of a balance of organic sources of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead of white rice and pasta, opt for brown rice, bulgur, millet, or buckwheat.Eat more green, chlorophyll-rich foods such as broccoli, kale, spinach, and asparagus. Eliminate candy, sugar, soda, and all simple sugars from your diet. Excess sugar ends up being stored as fat in your body, which results in weight gain. Also, keep dairy to a minimum because most dairy products are high in saturated fat. Avoid fatty foods, processed or fried foods.6. Walk off the weight.The No. 1 cause of weight gain is inactivity. Physical activity is the key to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. The best way to be physically active is to use your legs! Walk as often and as long as you can. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.Step outside during your break at work and take a walk around your building. Consider joining a local hiking club. Try taking a walk 30 minutes in the morning or 30 minutes in the early evening.I hope this article helps you shed some pounds and add on the years! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.May you live long, live strong, and live happy!-Dr. Maoyahoo health

i guess if u were drinking a lot of water ur body could be fooled a bit and i dont think fast will thow off ur diet too much... its not like ur going to gain 20 lbs back... u just have to eat healthy after the fast and not pig out its only one day good luck

One thing that will help you lose weight: diet pills. I was one of those who did not believe in them until I tried it. And I tried a few until I found a great one that works (its all natural too!). You can go to http://www.fit-diet-fun.us and order you free trial, also you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling. Good luck!

Cuddle, the purpose of a fast is two fold, medicaly it is good for a cleanse, spiritualy it is to draw you closer to God. Your desire to use a fast to draw closer to God is good, but if you think that by fasting from food is the only type of fast then you are mistaken, a fast for spiritual reasons is the giving up of something in your life for a specific time period in which you would spend that time in prayer and meditation. So my question to you is what other things in your life can you fast from besides food that you can offer as a scarfice to God? That is what a fast is is a scarafice to God. What ever you choose to do, God will bless because he knows your heart and desire and He will bless that intent and action. God bless

Random, but this have been bothering me... -

alright, you know the weight loss program NutriSystem?well, not that i need or want to use it, i was just curious after seeing countless commercials. anyways, how much does this thing cost?!i mean, its food, enough food for weeks. i d think it would be pretty high up there.anyone know?

i am pretty sure its like 10 dollars a day.which is actually pretty good.