Monday, March 11, 2013

When you run, do you lose weight all over? -

I m planning on starting to run in the mornings everyday before school and I m just curious. If I run for half an hour (about 3km) and I don t eat any sweets, chips, chocolate, candy or pop, will I lose weight fast? I m a generally healthy eater (lots of fruit and vegetables and lean meats) so how long would it take to lose 5-10lbs. As of now I m 5 5 and 123lbs. PS. Will I lose my boobs in the process? (Vain question but I do enjoy having them)

The weight you are now is perfect for your height. I wouldn t recommend losing any more but if you just want to be healthier in general, then what you re doing is fine. And no, you won t lose your boobs. That only happens to people that are extremely overweight that lose it.

If you re just getting leaner, I don t think 5 lbs will effect your boobs, so your e okay. Just remember to wear a sports bra, to prevent stretch marks and sagging/drooping of breasts. I made that mistake, half the time I couldnt change my outfit when I exersiced, I m working on getting it firm againIt s just about getting fit and being healthy anyway

3 k in 30 min is a really really really poor effort, you should try running 3-4 miles in 30 minutes!!!!

ya u gonna lose ur boobs alright

How can i Lose weight?quot;? -

I m about 180 pounds 14 years old and i would like to lose a few pounds. To look good this summer:) how can i lose weight fast and effective some one please help!

Hiya, the best way (I found) to lose weight is to keep busy, question when you reach for a snack or whatever whether you really need it or not, and to exercise more. Being busy makes you exercise more and push boredom snacking out of the way, being straight with yourself about snacking makes you think more about your eating and and exercising not only has the benefit of burning off calories but also makes your whole body healthier - which can t be bad! Remember that the slower weight comes off, the longer it stays off! If the above has no effect over a period of time however (which it undoubtedly will!) then get yourself a smaller plate for meal times - so you don t feel cheated when you eat a meal and just to keep you aware of the amount you are eating.In the end though as long as you are healthy and fit you will look and feel great so concentrate on increasing fitness levels by gradually building up your fitness through sports you enjoy and you will the benefits.Good luck, I hope this helps

Hi, first of all, don t worry. You are very young and you are starting to grow. When you grow at your age, you loose weight very fast. If you want to loose weight in one or two weeks, eat healthy and do 30mins.-1 hour of exercise. Try to get a partner too, somebody that likes to go running, playing soccer, football, etc. That will help. Here is more info:

Please do not take pills that will damage your heath. Take natural products.I started a month-long diet and have lost 4 pounds in one week. It has given me more energy than before and provides all the vitamins that I need. The weight-loss program is called Life Style 30 Days, but there is another program available called Life Style 9 Days. The second program lasts for only 9 days, but you lose weight much faster if you take it seriously. you can find the programs on the following website: http://bellabody.myflpbiz.comThis programme keeps me motivated by teaching me good eating habits and how to lose weight, which improves my health.There are lots of products that will improve your health, and they work for me!The programme is so popular that their items run out of stock very fast, and there are other programmes and products that could work for you.

Do you honestly have to ask how to lost weight. . seriously what is happening to education.Exercise and stop eating as much. . cut your diet in half. . cut out all fried foods, take aways, pizza. . blah blah blah.Jeeeeeeze.

Don t diet. Change your diet instead.Eat healthy food and exercise regularly.

simple, dnt eat junk and eat healthy and do lots of exercise

no diets just exercise 30min a day and after one month you will see big results!

Eat less + move morexxx