Monday, September 21, 2009

How to lose weight? -

I am 5 1 and about 220, just had a baby in April. What is the safest and fastest way to lose weight. I mean what should i eat or not eat and what kinda exercise, most of my weight is my upper body. Please help

You can have safe or you can have fast, but not both. You didn t get there in a few months, so give yourself time to lose the weight in a healthy, lasting manner.Eat fewer calories than you use up. Move more. Swimming or water walking is great, and easy on your knees. Avoid prepared foods and processed foods. Fix everything yourself -- that s a big help right there. That means no cuisine by McDonald s! Don t go on a diet; make changes for life, for yourself and your baby. Fruits and veggies and whole grains are your friends. Sugar and flour and grease are not. Avoid all fad diets -- you need a lifestyle you can live with. Know how many calories are in everything you eat, set a limit, and stick to it. You can do it and, if you really want to be healthy, you ll find it isn t so hard after all.

Drink more water and play tennis or swimming

I have had the same problem, I recently had another child back to back and gained 75lbs , now it s been five months, I was in a mission to lose, until my friend Gina referred me to this Dr. in Beverly Hills, he gives these shots that actually work, I have lost 20 lbs in 1 month

Check this web site a Nice Day

Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-PHYTOLACCA BERRY s Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don t get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don t get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girthThe dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results. To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.Take care and God Bless ! P.SRegular active exercise is advised with all weight loosing medicines and remedies :-) Take care

eat sensiblydrink lots of watercut off junk foodexercise regularlybe patient cos it takes time

How to lose weight in one week? -

hey, im 14 + im pretty much 111.3 pounds,im getting a little self contious about my weighti am going to the beach in a weekand im wondering how i can go from 111.3 pounds to 105 pounds in that amount of time, in the fastest way =)

Alriiight welll, 3 weeks a go i weighed about 120 and i really wished i could weigh 100 sooooo i went online and looked up how i could lose it in 2 weeks...1.50 situps b4 bed tightens stomach2.squats tightens leg muscle to burn off xtra or jog 4 times a week for about 30 minutesIT WORKED!!! buttttt i weigh 108 not 100...Trust me you should try it(:GOOD LUCK!

Keep it up

uhhh u can be on a fruit diet.. like eating 500 calories a day and burning them all b4 u go to sleep if u think ur that fat,,doing that for a week... u will lose about 8-9 lbs

Can anyone give me some tips on how to lose weight? -

I am 18years old 5 2 and weigh 119 I know that s not alot but I want to be fit.I work out three times a week and I watch what I eat.I guess you could say I m a health freak.But I want to get back down to atleast 100.Any tips...

Dont go on a restrictive diet or anything........actually you should eat more. Eat 5 or 6 times a day, but make em small meals. This will keep you metabolism ticking over nicely. Dont worry about your weight just keep an eye on your dimensions. Muscle is heavier than fat so if your training you ll put on muscle but when you weigh yourself the scales will tell you youre heavier. Dont worry about that, just measure your waist and things like that. As a general rule if youre training and the scales say your getting heavier but your waist has gotten smaller it means your gaining muscle so its all good. You could go one step further and get your body fat checked. But if you do dont use the bio impedence scales only use the skinfold calipers.

linit carbohydrates to 3 times a week, and onlyu whole grains, like brown rice or whole grain bread or oatmela. No dairy at all. Nothing fried. Eatdried soy nusts instead of peanuts. They sort of taste like peanuts but lighter. No salt too.

Hi Hope your doing great, what I recommend to you is: to Drink lots of water. take care

drink water.

How to lose weight with tea? -

i head of a tea that i can get at supermarket that makes you lose weight does it work

What kind of tea? Green tea is the best. Drink 3-5 cups a day and it speeds up your metabolism. But, if you want to lose weight by drinking green tea, you also have to have a balanced diet. It doesn t mean that you ll lose weight by drinking tea but you eat so much throughout the day. It won t work. You have to diet too in order to lose weight.

How to lose weight? -

smaller portions of food, healthier foods, watch your sugar intake, exercise and get enough sleep.

You can read these tips on 20 ways to lose weight rapidly, hope this helps:

borrrrrrrring......thanx for the 2 pointsstop being so lazy

How To Lose weight by cycling? -

I m 18 years old and cannot afford to go to the gym due to my busy schedule. I cycle a lot though i don t know what exact routine i should follow in order to lose wieght on my legs and arms. Please tell me how i can lose weight by cycling and what changes should i incorporate into my diet ( which consists of a lot of meat, chicken and junk right now)

You should be cycling at a pace where you can talk but not shout, this is the best fat burning zone. If you had a pulse monitor that would be about 70% of maximum. At first 1 hour every other day would be enough to show a difference in weight and more importantly your fitness, muscles are heavier than fat, but they are leaner, so you would look thinner and your clothes would be looser.Cut out the meat and junk food, chicken is OK, try more fish, fruit and vegetables, less bread will make a difference.

The trick with any exercises is to do it until you are pushing yourself. If you aren t , then it s probably not doing any good. So cycle until your heart is beating ast and you are out of breath.YOur legs will build muscle quite quickly, so it s worth measuring them before you start to lse the weight as muscle weighs heavier than fat. Cycling won t buildmusclee in your arms but you will lose weight if you cycle hard and it will go form your arms too.. again measure them because you ay notice a loss in inches before you see it on the scales.As to diet.. lose the junk food :). Chicken is good but try and cut down on lots of red meat. replace it with lots of vegetables and fruit .. Eat some fish or meat within quarter of an hour after being on your bike though to feed the muscles..Good luck with it all! Oh, and if you want to find out how many calories youshouldd be eating, go to and put in your stats .. it s free to do and very helpful!!

How to lose weight? -

how do u lose weight quik im ten how do i lose weight quik

you 10 years old or your a size 10? umm exersie.. and eat right... maybe get involved with a school sport.. trust me you will get skinnier and stay away from POP only drink water

There s no such thing as losing weight quick and being healthy. The fastest way to lose weight quick though is to either starve yourself for a day or two or to cut a limb off. If you re looking into long lasting weight loss, then check out