Monday, March 20, 2006

Minor weight loss help? -

I m not really fat or chubby. I just really want to be able to see more of my abs. I can also see them quite well, but there is still a bit of fat there that I could do without. How can I get rid of it? Most weight loss programs are for overweight people; I am not. What is an effective way to lose that little bit of excess fat?

just replace bad foods with veggies and fruit and eat plenty of them, this means that you will only loose small amounts of weight and your skin and over all health will really improve from it. also, do light excercise like sit ups and crunches to imporve the muscles and tone the abs. another way to tone the body and make it firm, replace fat with smooth skin and muscle ithout losing lots of weight is power walking, it sounds like nothing much but with the swaying of the hips you re really toning all the time. and becasue its nothing cardiovascular you arent going to drop 10 lbs. good luck!

If I ate nothing but Miso Soup......? -

for 2 weeks straight, 3 times a day would I lose 12lbs? I have a bet to win $10,000 if I can lose 25lbs and I ve already lost 14lbs the healthy way since June 1st, but now its crunch time... my weigh in is September 8th, and I can t lose.... it s TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS I m talking about.... So I know this wouldn t be healthy.... but its only 2 weeks and I m not worried about keeping the weight off because this is strictly for the money....So please, I know this isn t a healthy weight loss method at all so I don t need to be told that.... I just want to know in an unhealthy kinda way...... could I lose 12lbs if I only ate Miso Soup for 2 weeks?Thanks!

In an inexpensive way, rather than buying supplements; stick with that Miso Soup for 2 weeks even it is unhealthy and drink LOTS of water and for nutrients, drink vegetable juice, because you don t want to feel sluggish as if your body feels like it s shutting down. Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money and if you re determined enough, do it. Eat that soup for 2 weeks straight, drink lots of fluids and exercise your butt off. Do Aerobics, that is proven to shed pounds. Well, Good luck and I hope you win!!

No, Miso soup is full of sodium which will make you retain water weight and it will possibly give you higher blood pressure. It s an extremely horrible idea to eat only one food for weeks. There is a reason we have fruits, vegetables and meat on this Earth, so you can live healthy by eating healthy. Eating only one food for weeks will possibly give you malnutrition. I know, it s only 14 days but as women we are at high risk for malnutrition because our bodies are so demanding. If you re looking for a diet, look for a trusted program.

Enjoy your heart attack.No, my body is worth more than that. Besides, miso soup is loaded with salt. You ll GAIN weight from this diet of yours, all while not getting enough nutrients from other foods to maintain a healthy body.If you re serious about losing weight with this diet, replace one or two meals with miso soup. Don t eat nothing but miso.

Try the cabbage soup diet, its like a quick fix. My mom lost around 110 to 15 pounds in one week! No lie!

Hmm, let me go up to my kitchen pantry to look at my miso cup stuff.....ok i made a cup... and it was absolutely disgusting. because it had been in there for about 4 years and the seaweed has just disintegrated. And I dont think I liked it when it was fresh either... anyways -- the package says that miso boasts a well rounded taste and balanced nutritional profile. it may be used in place of meat or poultry as the foundation for soups and stews. Then I looked at nutrition facts and it does have quite a bit of protein in it, but also tons of salt. So, you could live off of it if you wanted to.I think if you dont mind eating it or like to eat it, then go for it. win that 10 k.

How much weight per week should I lose? Please help!!!? -

I have decided to lose some weight and get healthier. I have not drank anything but water (about 70oz daily) for 1 week. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day and about 10 grams of fat a day. I am walking 2-3miles every morning. Anyone have any idea how much I should lose a week? (I am a 29 yr old female.) Anyone recently been on a weight loss program and have any ideas? Thanks!

It will all depend on how much energy you are burning up in relation to the calories you intake. In general, if you are young, healthy, sticking closely to the walking and diet you describe, you should lose 1-3 pounds a week. The most you can reasonably lose under a healthy diet is 3-4 pounds a week. Of course, these are estimates and any weight loss won t be the same every week. You ll have times when you lose weight and other times when you plateau.If you want to lose a little more, don t cut down on the calories. You are pretty much as low as you want to go and stay healthy. Try stepping up your exercise. As a 29 year old, you can start to run a little bit with your walking. Try to do 20 or 30 steps running then 20-30 steps walking off and on for as long as you can. The next day tyr to do it a little longer. Challenge yourself to do a little more each day. Soon you ll be jogging along and that 2-3 miles walking will turn into 3-5 miles running for the same time period.Good luck and stay healthy!

2-3 lbs per week

Can stress cause appetie loss/weight loss? -

A lot of stressful things happened to me last Tuesday, since then food hasn t sounded so good. I try to eat and only end up throwing up or having diarrhea... I ve lost 12 lbs in 7 days now. And I don t know what is really a healthy weight loss but I m sure 12 lbs isn t. Is there any way the stress is causing this? Is there a bug that could make me sick for that long?

stress can DEFINITELY cause appetite/weight loss and the stress hormone, CORTISOL, causes a slew of things in your stomach and bowels so when you try to eat, nausea, vomiting diarrhea can surely occur. you re right, 12 lbs. in 7 days is not healthy... and as far as any bug that can give you the same symptoms for that amount of time, there are many. but it would depend on the characteristics (how often, bloody vs. watery) of your vomitus and diarrhea. you should be wary of metabolic imbalances and dehydration in the setting of your symptoms.

Stress can cause you to lose weight as you get to where you just can t eat sometimes. I would say if you have lost 12 lbs. in 7 days you had better get to your Dr. quick and see what s wrong with you. I think the flu is going around in some parts of the country. Maybe you have that but go to the Dr.

Stress can cause this but you need to see a Dr to find out if anything else could be wrong. 12 pounds in 7 days is a lot of weight to lose.

No bug, just extreme stress and anxiety. The brain acts in mysterious ways and one of them is the affect on eating caused by stress, hardship, mental pain, loss of a loved one etc.

yea stress can cause more problems than you might think

It is possible for stress to cause you to feel sick. I would go to the doctor and find out what could be wrong. It does seem odd that a bug would make you sick this long and it very well could be stress. I d see a doctor for help, it s definitely not healthy for you to lose that much weight. Good luck. : )

it might be stress but you should see a Dr to make sure good luck

What are some good weight- loss tips? -

I m trying to lose 15 lbs. by June. I just want some weight-loss tips and anything to help me lose weight. I m currently 135 lbs. but I want to be 120 lbs. Please help..

f you are looking for natural methods of weight loss then follow these tipsEat proper and healthy break fastAvoid junk foodDrink lots of waterAvoid oily and fried itemsNever eat a heavy dinnerread more about this tips following link��

The simplest way to look at weight loss is simply this:First, you need to be smart about the food you eat. As you ve probably realized, there s no miracle diet out there. Always make sure your fridge is stocked with fresh vegetables you enjoy. This will make it easier to pick a healthy snack when you get hungry. Make sure to include vegetables in each meal. Lean chicken/turkey is also important if you don t plan on going on a strictly vegan diet.Secondly, you need to get moving! In order to lose body fat, it s essential that everyday you burn more calories than you gain. It s also important to add a variety of exercises to your routine. If you walk everyday, you re already burning a lot of calories, but it would help if you added an intense workout in the mix, such as sit-ups. If you re already working out intensely, maybe you need to make sure you do some calmer exercises in order to balance it out.To keep your motivation levels up, make sure to reward yourself for accomplishing daily goals. Find tasty and healthy recipes, find a fun active hobby, or maybe get a dog you can walk everyday.When you get a routine that works, and stick with it, you ll soon start noticing changes in your metabolism and shape.

Yes, you can. However; weight loss is one of those things that sounds easier than it really is. After all, if you just eat less calories than you burn, you ll lose fat, right? Not necessarily. You could be burning muscle, which will turn you into a weak blob of quivering fat if you stay on that diet long enough. And even if you do burn fat, does that mean you have to be hungry all the time? There is a TON of disinformation out there. One person says to follow a low carb diet, another says to follow a low fat diet, and someone else says low calorie is definitely the way to go. Find out more @

The best thing that helped me was just cut calories each day and stick to one serving a food at meals, that is were people screw up, they are eating way to much food during the day. Drink lots of water and when you get the munchies eat fruit or veggies, it is hard at first but after awhile junk food just doesn t taste good. Good luck Oh yea, and walk, walking is real good, I actually lost more weight walking than I did when I was running.

Nowadays, people are very concerned about body image, and, as a result there are many diet pills available and most of these are hazardous to your health. Why harm yourself if there are natural alternatives.I started a month long diet and I have found that I have lost 4 pounds in only one week by Life Style 30 Days which has given me tonnes more energy than I had before and also, the vitamins my body needs to stay healthy. However, there is also a much shorter diet called Life Style 9 Days. And with the right attitude, this program can help you lose weight much can find the programs on the following website:

Do cardio exercise at least 3 times a week. Eat fruit, veg, wholemeal and lean meat (chicken, turkey etc). Eat 4 - 6 small meals a day, to keep your metabolism fired up. Don t eat any wheat based products or processed foods. Don t eat within 3 hours of going to bed, as you re digestive tract slows down during sleep, so excess calories will turn into fat. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. And finally, don t give up, do it properly.

What weight loss products work best? -

i am trying to lose some weight and i have found and exercise program that works but i want to know if there are any other produvts that work?? i do hip hop abs and have seen some(3 Lbs) difference in a week but would like to try some thing else and see what else works!! any suggestions welcomed THANKS !!!!

I think the guide below will help you for the long term. Goodluck and take care of yourself!

I have discovered the Apple Patch diet (not really a diet, just an herbal patch) and it has worked well for me. I am not hungry in between meals and I fill up faster when eating and I have more energy than I did before. Check out the website.��

the best thing is a combination of diet (everything that is consumed) and exercise. incorporating a healthy diet/eating plan with lots of fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, legumes, whole grains, lean protein. keep the salt, sugar, soda, fat and white starches and processed/packaged foods consumption to a minimum. eat regularly throughout the day, eating reasonable to small portions (mini-meals or snacks) every 3-4 hours. that paired with a regular exercise regimen is a good start. don t forget to keep hydrated and drink lots of water. if you enjoy the exercise program that you are currently using and still see results, then keep at it. to avoid boredom, you can alternate different workout dvds or incorporate other physically challenging activities such as weight training, using cardio machines or get out and walk/jog, take the stairs, go swimming, etc.

Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week and you can easily do this without the help of any diet pills. These pills may get more than 2 pounds off per week but it is unhealthy and probably not long lasting. As soon as you stop the pill the weight will come back and you will gain more weight than you lost putting you in a worse position. Instead of trying to lose weight quickly try to do it over a period of time. It is healthier and more likely to stay off for good.Beginners Guide to Dieting -��

Does anyone know of any real weight-loss products that work? -

They all work extremely well for the manufacturer/vendor and not for the consumer.Eat nourishing food with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables being part of it. Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will activate signal to the brain as soon as u have had enough. Besides this change in eating style, take regular light exercises and brisk walks every day. U will be able to gain/shed all extra weight gracefully and in a reasonable time span. No food or drink in between the food and not more than three meals a day, unless u r diabetic.

NO sorry

Hi There are a lot of different weight loss products that are advertised but honestly i have been a Yo Yo dieter all my life and have spent a fortune on weight loss products and they havnt worked the best thing you can do is change your eating habbits and dont think of it as a diet and dont expect to lose your weight over night, change white bread for wholemeal bread stay away from pastry products i was given the total well being diet book for a present and it was great i learnt what was best for me within 2 weeks i had high fibre breakfast cereal or toast for breakfast , ham and salad sandwich for lunch or the flavoured tins of tuna and for tea i had meat and vegetables but i left out potatoes and pasta in the evening meal it kept me full and i was happy and didnt feel as though i was on a diet

Is this healthy weight loss? -

So I changed my diet and exercise!I only eat 1000 calories a dayI only drink water (and tea in the morning)and I run for an hour everyday plus I do half hour of step aerobics 3 days a weekI have been losing 3 pounds per week and my mom said this is very fast and bad for my body?!is that true?!( I m only 15 )

The more slowly we move during an aerobic workout, the deeper the benefits. We are a society in a hurry, and many people who attend fitness classes and/or work out on their own translate this hurry-up mentality to their workouts. Yes, I used to love the high impact aerobics. I jumped all over the place to a fast and exciting beat. When my knees started bothering me, I investigated other alternatives. That is when I discovered the beauty of step aerobics. I could get my heart rate up while saving my joints. When we first started step classes, the music played at 122-125 BPM (Beats Per Minute). Today, there are classes where the step music is playing at 135-140 BPM with the participants feeling that they are getting a better workout because they are moving and jumping so fast. Wrong! It actually takes more work to move slowly than using the help received by the bounding. I didn t believe it either until I noticed the change for the better in my body, along with regaining healthy, pain-free knees. When we are jumping, we are propelled by the jump, so we don t have to work as hard to lift ourselves up and down. When we are jumping fast we can t pay attention to the proper form, so we lose out on that score also. It is the same with walking versus jogging. Walking with purpose -swinging those arms and lifting those feet and legs - is as beneficial, if not more, than running and/or jogging. Hope this Help,Josh

Maybe u can answer the question for yourself. If you only eat 1,000 calories a day, have barely any thing in the morning with vitamins, minerals or even carbs, fat or protein --- do you seem to be out of energy faster than most if not all of your class mates. Look up the word BMI in a serch engine. (Body mass index) and find out what yours is for height and weight. Most people should be a little above the normal/healthy range to get the energy and nutrients they need for the day. check it out :)

You are still growing, up your calorie intake to 14 - 1500. If you lose to fast, you will gain it back even faster. DO NOT STARVE YOUR SELF. Your body will go into starvation mode and shut down losing the weight. It will keep every calorie you eat just to survive. Running for one hr every day, should be changed to every other day. and do the step aerobics on off days of running. Right now you are draining it of its fuel and you are not letting it restore its fuel to stay healthy.

You should be eating at least a 1,000 more calories per day, but be careful what kind of calories they are. Sugary treats are empty calories. With that much exercise, you need complex carbohydrates to keep your energy and basically your body fuel levels up. If you can run for an hour every day, seven days a week and do step aerobics three days a week, you are probably quite fit and do not really need to lose weight. If you do not believe your mother who has no reason to make such a thing up, ask your doctor. Ask the straight questions as well, like, Am I losing too much weight? or more directly, Am I too skinny?

I don t think 1000 cal per day is enough. You need 1500 to 1800 cal per day just for basic metabolic functions (heartbeat, respiration, etc). Because of the amount of exercise your getting plus the fact that you are still growing, you probably need at least 1800 to 2000 cal per day.You can still maintain your weight, as long as you eat the right foods Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Losing weight, depending on your height and weight, may not be healthy for you right now, because of the fact that you ARE growing. If you are currently height-weight proportionate with a good body mass index (BMI), you should not work on losing weight. Rather, you should concentrate on starting a healthy habits lifestyle.

Does running in the morning help you loose weight? -

i ve done a bunch of research and some are just wrong and some are really good and effective, but i can never read those good and effective information because i do not have a credit card. Bummer. So I dont live in the best environment(i dont live in the friendliest neighborhoods) So im kinda of scared to run alone even in the morning...but im gonna try it tomorrow anyways. So my questions are:how long should i run for in the morning time?Is there any FREE weight loss programs that doesnt include buying those pills, buying special food packages, or buying a fantastic book online...-if eating less doesnt help loose weight, than what in the heck does make you loose weight?? They even say eating healthy might not even help loose weight

I would like to recommend you my weight loss way that works fast. I get correct weight loss way and applied the way, then I lost weight fast. You should have the way that works. You can get the best way weight loss that worked for me and lost 8 pounds after 3 weeks. You can get more information here

If you re going to go running, and are worried about being safe, get some pepper spray or something. I knew a friend that ran a lot and told me this.If you want to start off running, try 30min or so at first until you can work up to whatever is comfortable for you later on. Maybe alternate 5min run/5min walk deal, too.And eating less doesn t help lose weight, no. It is about eating healthy, but it s also about portions. Some dieters say it works to have many small portion meals instead of 3 major or large meals per day. Drinking lots of water can help with metabolism also.

I was on for a while and liked it. It is free and sensible, includes nutrition and fitness guidelines, and is customizable to your particular body type. They key is to eat within a calorie range, say 1800 to 2100 (you can get an actual calorie range for yourself at sparkpeople), without going below the minimum or above the maximum. You have to write down everything you eat, count calories, and make a habit out of it if you want to absolutely guarantee yourself you will lose weight.Going below your minimum will make you lose weight too fast and your body will produce hormones that make you feel STARVING and may slow down your metabolism. Going above your maximum, obviously, will mean you aren t losing weight. If you stay within your range, you can try to go near the minimum to lose weight faster (2lbs per week). If you go near your maximum, you will lose weight slower, but that can be a good thing; it means you are more likely to actually turn this lifestyle into a permanent habit, and not gain the weight right back again. Good luck.

How can I recover faster after workouts and have more energy? -

In the past week I have started a new weight loss program. My diet has been really healthy and I have been working out everyday. I don t want to miss a day because I have a lot of weight to lose like 60lbs and I want to lose it quickly as I can. I workout for an hour every day but now all my muscles are really sore and tender and I am so tired I can t really do much of anything after my workout but go to sleep. How can I recover faster so I can workout every day and still have the energy to do normal stuff?

drink lots of water and have a piece of fruit after. have a hot bath.take a walk too after your bath. it ll help work out the kinks and keep u awake. once your body is used to working out, u will have more energy. u will start to notice a big difference after 6 weeks or so. hang in there! u wont believe it.

After a workout, you want to make sure you get some carbs (preferably simple carbs) and quick digesting protein to speed up recovery, especially within 15-30 minutes of working out. The simple carbs (and protein) help stimulate insulin production, which aids the production of muscle glycogen, which is essentially your muscle energy store. There are many shakes you can get on the market to accomplish this, or else you can try a little bit of fruit juice (or gatorade) + whey protein powder.Also, as others have pointed out, to ensure proper recovery and muscle development, make sure you get enough sleep. Some other things you can do for the soreness are myofascial release (basically massage) and foam-rolling, among other things.

Eat a little bit of protein and carbs (good carbs) within an hour after working out. Doing this helps your body recover from your workout and also provides energy. for example, cottage cheese and fruit, cheese and fruit, peanut butter with whole grain bread, etc.

Protein powder and/or amino acid supplements. Take after workout to aid in recovery. The soreness will go away over time, but don t forget to take at least 2 or 3 days off a week and get plenty of sleep to allow your body to repair itself. Follow the link below to learn about how much protein you need. Good luck!

If you are looking for fast weight loss method, you can use my method. I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. If you are very serious about weight loss you must have a look this method. It is fast if you know correct information to do weight loss. You can find more information from

Weight loss tips? -

I m trying to lose a little weight but I started off with something simple so that hopefully I would stick with it better. I stopped drinking soda and drink water or unsweetened tea. I did this about a month ago and went from 160lbs to 153lbs. Not a lot of weight loss but not to bad just from getting rid of soda. This Monday I m going to start going to the gym. Any other tips on small changes that I can make that will make a difference?

Run or going on a morning walk. If you have a bike ride on it. get active. Play sports.Eat healthy foods,drink alot of water. Believe in your self.If i can do it you can do it. all you have to have is 3 things. hope,faith,and believe. Thats how i lost weight. I believe you can do it. Do your best no time you wil be pretty as you want to be.

i did it and i loste 20P just eat half the stuff you eat and if u cant just drink loosts of WATER before any time u eat ok

Drink your daily amount of waterportion control at mealsdrinking green teaNO sweetsbuy all fat free productseat only lean meat (chicken, fish, and seafood)Good tip- when you have a craving for something unhealthy replace the craving with something similar that is healthier for example: instead of a cookie have yogurt, instead of candy have granola. This way you are stiil getting the sweetness but, it is ten times more healthy.One thing my husband and I did besides all of the above was switching to ground buffalo meat instead of ground beef. It has virtually no fat and tons of Iron. It is the best meat for women and you can t even tell the difference. It can be a little pricey but it is worth it if you only eat it once a week.Hope this helps. Dedication is the key. God Bless

Eat more fiber and less processed foods, look at sugar content in everything you eat, and take Hoodia Dex-L-10, 2000-3000mg per day.

dont drink alot of coffee if you do soda is much better than coffee also drink lots of cold water

if you want to lose weight, improve your health generally, and have more energy then getting some nutritional help is vital. Once your body starts to absorb the right nutrients and vitamins and protein then you��ll be amazed how quickly you will feel the difference, usually within the first 48 hours if you get the right supplements and help. I had no energy and felt just generally rotten all round so I sought the advice of a nutritional coach (whose advice was FREE) and got myself some great products, I even got free samples before I got started so I could see just how good they were!! There is a website called If go on there and fill out the details page you will get a call with no pressure about what you need. There is a mall area as well that��s got some great info and its all set out with easy to follow headings so you can find what you want. It��s so easy and the stuff they have is excellent. I have been using their products for over two years and I feel great. I lost 70 pounds in less than seven months!! My sister lost 60 pounds in five months. The stuff is amazing