Monday, May 28, 2007

Weight Loss Tips? Im Getting Fat lol.? -

I have always been curvy but I used to be smaller before I got married, but then as we all know what happens when you get married, you get Fat and Happy lol. But I would like to lose my post-nuptual poundage... (about 40 lbs.. I know, I know.. it s terrible haha.) Have you all got any good tips for me to lose this gosh darn weight? Ol Humpty Dumpty here is gonna have to do somethin about this, she s startin to waddle. :)

I myself am trying to lose the extra weight from having 3 babies and being married , I have been doing Pilate s its rough but it is a good way to tone and strengthen .I also have been taking Green tea diet pills its all natural and the cost is very cheap . Try denise austin work out videos , just watch portion sizes and eating late at night .I HAVE LOST 22 POUNDS ! It takes a lot of self control but if you want it bad enough you can do it.

Well, it depends. Are you just going to work out at home? Or go to a gym? Either way, read this beginners guide to fitness. will get you started on the right track :)

Check out for some great tips on exercising and losing weight.


Hello everyone!I am 14 yrs old. I m 5 3 and weigh 113.5 lbs. I would like to get down to about 110 lbs and then maintain that weight. The problem is, I have been dieting for about two weeks and have seen no results. I drink 8 glasses of water each day, eat small portions, jog/walk 2 miles per day, and have eliminated putting salt on ANY foods. I often have a bloated feeling and have a slight pouch of a stomach that I am not happy with. Does anyone have any tips that ACTUALLY work? I am leaving for the beach next week and I want to feel like good when I go. 10 points for best answer :)Thanks.

You can lose weight if you did correct method. I tried many method, but could not lose weight. I found the best method that works amazing for anyone. I lost my weight fast using this diet method. You must have look correct info that works. I lost 18 pounds after 45 days with this diet method. I highly recommend you. You can find more info from

POLL: Have you ever deleted your computer search history and why? -

I have - because I didn t want my parents finding out I was searching for weight loss tips! (They think I don t need to lose weight)

Yes I share my computer so I just always delete my history

Yes. I use to find links to viruses in my temp internet files. We got hit bad once, so I now go through and delete everything in cookies, history, and temp internet files every now and then. It gets crazy with multiple users though, cus there are like 20 places i have to go to.

Yes, only because this is a work computer.


a few years ago because my friend searched hot boys on the family computer and i was embarrassed

yea because i went on a bad site accidently

My mom does just to make my dad wonder what she s doing

I have mine set to delete it every time I close the browser...not that I have anything to hide, but my business is my business.

I delete my history everyday. I don t know why I just do.

Yes. It takes up too much space.

i have b 4 bcuz it frees up space....

Oh yes - My computer history at work is set to 0 days.Why ? Online shopping!!


yaya cuz i dont want ppl 2 b looking through my searches

I just deleted it because I didn t want my parents to know I look at porn. Totally kidding. I just occasionally delete it so that it isn t taking up and space on my computer and the computer s internet goes faster after I delete it.

the only time i delete my search history is on my laptop when i do research for school. i do this so i could keep a clear track of sites i was on. usually the sites were a dead end so i felt no need to go back to that site.

I do all the time but not for any particular reason

YesI searched for some things.....:]

yes, becuase if the police ever come a knocking, they won t know that i watch movies for free online

i have becuase i dont want my parents ot see what i seee....

haha this is weird to ask this question bc mi dad ALWAYS looks on da search history to c if im on myspace bc if he found out he would KILL me so i just told me he saw me on it and showed me da history so now starting today i started delteing everytime i go on lol(hope he doesnt c this gulp!!)

I do it every day just for maintenance on the computer. You should do it regularly.

yup....and i shall keep that to myself

yea so my parents dont see what i do

yes i was booking a surprise holiday so sist want him to know

yep everyday, i don t know why i just s a habit.

lol no. idk how!

I have and I do all the time to delete tracking cookies. It will slow your computer down.


yes.. i just don t like people snooping around my business...

I am an extremely overweight 13 year old? -

I am a 13 year old girl, 5 4 and 197 pounds. I know I need to lose weight, and weight this much, and being so young/short, is very bad for my health.So, what are some weight loss tips?Also, Every time I try to lose weight, I lose a few pounds, then get discouraged and gain it all back. how can I make sure this will not happen?

Healthy weight loss tips��Strength training and aerobic exercise --Aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories, Strength training increases metabolism by increasing lean muscle mass which helps in long term weight loss. Eat fruits and vegetables --Increase your intake of fiber rich foodsThey are low in calories but high in fiber. Fiber is digested slower, keeps us feeling fuller longer Eat breakfast everyday --Eat smaller, more frequent meals--Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--Drink more water--Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.Increase your protein intake--Protein makes us feel full. It is also important in replacing and building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat. It helps to increase your metabolism - which burns calories.Do not skip meals--Skipping meals makes you hungry which you tend to compensate by eating a lot later. Spice up your food--Spices boosts metabolism, suppresses appetite, reduce fat absorption Eat Negative calorie food --Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain. Take the stairs and park your car further away from the shops--Eat slowly--Chewing your food longer will help prevent you from over eating.Cut down the sugar intake---Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism--Tips to stop food cravings��Boost metabolism����

stay active! do things that are fun that don t seem like exercise. stay away from fast food and too much junk food. its okay every once in a while but don t get comfortable eating them. ask your parents if they can help you by not buying too many sweets and learning how to prepare healthy meals for your family. most of the reason why kids are fat is because their parents are fat and are teaching them bad eating habits.

well i d say exercise like 1 hour 30 minutes everyday...or 6 of 7 days a week and for snacks, only eat veggies. or just eat less. Or do what i do...dont eat lunch

Any Weight Loss Tips?? 12 year old.? -

Hey, My best friend is looking for a way to lose weight and doesn t have a computer so, im asking on here. She is 5 5 and 160 pounds. Shes trying to get to at least 140 or 120. Please help her! She desperately needs help! Thanks?

There are fast weight loss diet programs out there that will give you the weight loss that you need and show you how to maintain it. You need to find a fast weight loss diet program that will allow you to eat a variety of healthy foods that you can continue to eat with no problems. The key to fast weight loss diet is to increase the ability for your body to burn fat and calories. This can be done by calorie shifting. Shifting the types of healthy foods that you eat each day can turn up your metabolism for maximum weight loss. Switching between proteins and carbs, fruits and vegetables will put your body into fat burning mode. It is also key that you eat a lot of small meals throughout the day to increase the effect. Taking a great multi- vitamin and drinking plenty of water can help the process also.Another important element in fast weight loss diet is exercise.

Got hurt, gained weight cant fit any pants too broke to buy more any fast/quick weight loss tips? -

liposuction! diet and exercise!!!!! gastric bypass surgery!

Any fast weight loss is dangerous to your health. Simply do cardio, eat right, drink water, stay relaxed, and get a good nights rest for as many days as you can and your body will do the rest.

Any weight loss tips.? -

Hi, I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 219.4 and at my lowest so far I ve weighed 208.4. I ve been running and exercising every day and watching what i eat, and its worked. But, now i feel that i need something new to boost my workout regimen does anyone have any tips?

Keep running, although any cardio is good. Remember that running faster will not make your burn many more calories. Running twice as fast will not make you burn twice as many calories. Be reasonable so that you don t quit. Watching what you eat is great too, but don t start eating a lot less or stuffing yourself. Metabolism is important to maintain or you will gain back all the weight you loose. To sum it all up:1. Keep running or doing cardio2. Watch what you eat and the amount. Don t stuff yourelf or start eating a lot less.3. Drink more water. Try to replace sodas or other drinks with water.

Your body builds a tolerance to every exercise you do over time and does it more efficiently. To combat this, change your exercises. If you re a runner, climb stairs. If you climb stairs, ride a bike, etc. Don t forget to also steadily increase the amount of exercise once it becomes too easy.

You can lose weight if you did right method. I tried many method, but could not lose weight. I found the best method that works amazing for anyone. I lost my weight easy using this diet method. You need to have look right info that works. I lost 17 pounds after 60 days with this diet method. I highly recommend you. You can find more info from

Good weight loss tips? -

Exercise and eat right.Stay away from fried foods, and foods with high fat content. I.E no mcdonalds, burger king, or fast food.Eat a 1200 -1400 calorie diet, and exercise one hour a day for 3-5 days a week.Eat foods such as chicken breast, turkey, fish, egg whites, (try to stay away from the egg yolks), anything wheat is usually really good for you (wheat bread pita bread) Incorporate a lot of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Fish is also good. Try to eat three meals a day, or you can split up your meals into six meals a day. Stay away from trans fats, and stay on a low fat diet (20 grams per day). Oatmeal, and those healthy bars are good. For snacks, you can eat those 100 calorie packs.As for lean cuisine for lunch, stay away from that. Lean cuisine meals have a lot of sodium on them which causes you to retain water.There are also a variety of pastas now that offer whole wheat--just letting you know.A sample lunch can include: a sandwich on wheat, with a bottle of water and a large apple. Breakfast could be oatmeal, or yogurt with fruit. Dinner could vary. You could bake fish, or bake chicken. Just stay away from junk food and greasy foods. Do not fight untill dinner. Eat healthy snacks. You can eat pop corn without better, celery, carrots, fruits, and soy chips.For toning, you can do crunches, and push ups. For exercise take up running, swimming, jump roping or anything that works the heart. You can create simple workouts at home without a gym. (at first you might weigh more, but that is due to muscle weight) PS, try to exercise at least three times a week for a hour a day.Good luck!Remember to drink lots of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated!

visit this site. this might help you on your weight control plan.

Cut out fat, carbs, and soda. Add lean protein and fruit and veggies to your diet. Three times a week do 30 minutes of cardio.