Saturday, September 20, 2014

Does taking laxatives help u lose weight? -

or what is the best way to lose weight fast......i want to lose 10kg in a month......

It can because the food moves through your body quicker so that there is less time for calories to be absorbed, but this is quite dangerous and can completely throw off your electrolytes (as can excessive vomiting). Imbalances like this can cause cardiac problems among other things.You lose weight when your calorie intake is less than your calorie expenditure. So eat less fat and sugars, and increase your physical activity; it s that simple. Everyone knows this already, it is just a matter of self-discipline! It is better to aim for weight loss at about 1kg per week because it is easier to keep that weight off. Losing weight fast makes you more likely to put it back on and in extreme cases, causes acute renal failure and metabolic disorders.

Not really weight. All laxatives do is cause you to go to the bathroom. By the time the digested food makes it to your colon, which is where the laxatives work, all of the nutrients and calories have been absorbed.Fast weight loss is really not safe or effective. Cutting the calories in your diet by about 400 kcal a day and exercising 3-5 a week should result in a a healthier, though slower, weight loss.

No. because if you take laxatives to lose weight you have an eating disorder. literally.You should only try to lose weight in a healthy way and at a healthy rate. The best way to lose weight is to exercise (lightly at first) for 3-5 times a week, eat a low calorie diet, with snacks to keep your metabolism going, and NOT using any fad diets/laxatives/unhealthy behaviors to lose weight/etc.By doing these few things (and NOT doing a few) you will lose weight at a healthy rate, because if you lose too much it can damage your health.So remember, you should be eating at LEAST 1200 calories a day and make sure you eat smaller portions.You should be losing about 2-3 lbs a week. any more then that and you could be losing weight too quickly.... which is never good.I hope this helps ?

I personally don t think it works, and even if it did, it s a terrible thing to do to yourself. Losing 10kg (22 pounds) in a month is not going to be safe no matter how you do it.I wouldn t do anything other than diet and exercise. Cut your calorie intake, here s a link to calculate how many calories you should eat per day.�� Try to watch your nutrients too, not just calories. Cut carbs, go for whole grains when you do eat carbs, but eat mostly fresh fruits and veggies. You can use this site to calculate the calories for foods that don t have info on the label: do cardio exercise as much as you can. Also if you re going for a certain look, like a flat stomach, do exercises that target specific body parts, like crunches.I don t know if it s available in Europe but the only weight loss product approved by the FDA here in the US is called Alli.

Lose Weight FastIn this article we are going to show you some sensible PROVEN Ways to lose weight fast.1. Drink water2. Eat regularly3. Eat lots of fibre4. Consume more good fats5. Get plenty of quality protein6. Carbohydrates can help you lose weightHow do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!search : lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all btnG=Search

It does but it can be harmful to your health. The best way to loose weight is cut down on your meals and drink lots of water and exercise.

Using laxatives to lose weight is dangerous to your health and can lead to dehydration.

Laxitives are not a good idea because they can dehydrate your body if you take too many. Try the slim fast diet.

Ew why would you want to do that to your body? Exercise and cut your calories. That is the best way.