Thursday, July 25, 2019

What is the best way to lose weight fast? -

I am 175 pounds and want to lose as much weight possible by my 18th birthday. Which is May 26th.What is the best way to do it? I need help!

Firstly look at how much calories your eating and what kind of foods your eating.Then look at what exercises you do during the day.And when your done then write them down.And then understand that by cutting out all the wrong foods in your list and substituting them with healthy foods (such as wholegrain foods and fruits/veg) and adding a few exercises such as walking and stairs in your house you will at least lose about 20 pounds or maybe more, by your birthday. Just dont eat below 1200 calories as your body will go into starvation mode after some time. If you work hard, and from today you WILL DO IT, not CAN but WILL.Good Luck

don t eat rubish Report Abuse

This is a complex regime and I would get a pencil to write it down, in case you forget any of the intricate details.Currently only using the criteria lose weight there are 7,206 questions and answers on Answers already. Mis-spell it as loose weight and you get another 2,026! Weight loss will add another 1,509. Too fat 12,601 and overweight 2,110. Diet Pills 505 . Do you spot a pattern here?Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, loose weight, not be too fat or overweight, follow these instructions carefully:-1) Eat less2) Take regular vigorous exerciseContinue to repeat 1+2 for ever!

hey try an online diet diary site that sets out achievable goals and tells you what you need to do eat days in terms of calories and fat eaten and exercise needstry gives you a five day trail, where you stick to the goal that it gives you, you enter in everything you have eaten that day and it works out the calories and fat, if the item is not listed then you can also enter it in yourself

Eat a lot of vegetables and a little bit of protein only. Also, have oatmeal and grapefruit for breakfast. Do not eat big meals. Eat small meals every couple of hours (include a little bit of fresh fruits like apple). Take flaxseed oil and mix ground flax with your favorite drink or food per day. Flax helps in burning cholesterol and fat in your body. Cut down on fatty foods, carbohydrates like rice, pasta, etc,. Avoid junk foods and sodas. Walk at least 30 minutes a day diligently and do other exercises if you can. Wish you the best!

Exercise, cut the white stuff out of your diet, and eat half portions. For me, I lost a lot of weight and kept it off with Healthy Package downloads from and with boot camp video P90X from

watch what you eat 3 healthy meals a day and pleanty of excercise your doctor can tell you how much excercise is safe for you

Healthy eating and plenty of exercise

calorie controlled diet and exercise maybe?

Do not diet - you will lose but you will put it back on and more. Trust me - I am twice your age and done it all:Do this:For about 4 or 5 days cut all sugar out your diet. Sugar means the obvious stuff like sweets and chocs. It also means simple carbohydrates like crisps, bread, baked goods, any cereals and some starchy veg like potato and parsnip. This is not like the Atkins diet because you will - and must - still eat good carbs in the form of good veg like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower etc. If you have a day or two of feeling like hell it is only because you are shaking off a sugar addiction. Sugar is such a poison, it is more addictive then cigarettes or heroin for that matter and is the single biggest cause of delinquincy and obesity.After the few days of doing this you will no longer crave or want bread, choc etc. because your body is weaned off it and your blood sugars will have stabilised.So you won t want to eat too much, because a sugar craving makes one want to eat and eat because of the rapid rate at which the body converts these culprits into glucose.And, most important, drink water water water - not tainting it with tea and this and that - just good ol plain water. You will want to pee all day for the first two days, but then your body will start to use it and your skin will glow and fat will be removed easily!Exercise, obviously. Not killing yourself doing stuff that you don t have a hope in sticking with but rather walking more and with a briskness, stairs instead of lifts, and 2-3 workouts of something you enjoy each week like cycling or whatever. Do NOT weigh yourself more than once very week at the very most. From a psychological point of view it is important.Getting back to the sugar thing it is worth observing that originally it was believed that fat made you fat and diets followed this by cutting fat out the diet - everyone got fat!Fat is your friend. Good fat and not too much. Olive oil, Avocados, Nuts (not so much peanuts which are actually legumes), fat in meat is fine too as long don t eat too much.Eat sloooooowly so you know when you re filling up. we all gulp our food down far to quick and don t watch the telly / read anything. Be mindful while you eat. A lot of people overeat because they are subconsciously substituting for some other lack in their lives. At the end of the day that is besides the point as eating won t solve any of these problems.One more note about the sugar thing - why is sugar so available then if it is so evil - there wouldn t be much in a supermarket if you pulled it out (just veg, and meat and dairy) so there is too much of an industry and unfortunately money is king. The food pyramid is totally wrong.In fact if you were just intelligent about cutting sugar and simple carbs that convert to glucose so quickly in the body and did nothing else, you would see your figure improve, and feel amazing.