Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to lose weight dramatically? -

I am 12 years old and I weigh umm 122 pounds : / I need help I wanna be fit for school next year!

I m glad you said fit and not skinny . That is healthy, and the healthiest way to become fit is the good ole fashioned way: a healthy diet and exercise plan. Change your lifestyle. Its possible to lose 10 pounds a month on a good plan. You may want to check a BMI calculator and see what weight would be a healthy for your height, and then you can have a clearly defined goal (how much you could lose and how much time it will take).I could write an essay containing dieting tips, but I think my source site can lay it out much more clearly. Its advice helped me drop 20 pounds without having to make sweeping changes (I took baby steps, basically- made small changes- and they really added up). Best of luck to you. The motto is manage your body like a bank . It ll tell you your ideal wieght for your body type and size, a timeline for when you will lose your wieght if you keep on the diet , and how much wieght you ll lose if you take 200 calories out of your daily diet(yearly, 21something pounds)

How to lose weight in summer? -

Hey i m 13...I just want to lose weight in my arms and mostly up to my wrist to my elbow.Any ideas?Thanks x

you should eat at least 4-5 meals a day.drink lots of water, and eat regularly. don t starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you ll gain everything back, trust lots of fruits and veggies, and if you eat bread, make sure it s whole grain. white bread is pretty fattening. you can also eat lean meats, like fish, turkey and chicken breast. eggs also help when trying to lose weight.skip out on sweets, candy, sugary foods, chips, ice cream, cake, and cookies.if you feel hungry, but don t want to over eat, chew gum. it ll keep your mouth busy and it tricks yourself into thinking your eating.cut out ALL soda! if you stop drinking soda, it helps you out a lot!and don t forget to exercise!try walking, jogging, jump rope, dancing, crunches, bike riding and swimming. try exercising for 45-80 minutes a day.good luck!

If your only 13 don t take any pills.Your probably to young for most.I m only almost 15 ;but i d say that since your still growing and stuff the best you can do it just eat healthier , drink lots of water , exercise any way , and maybe lifting weights are something would be an easy help, since you want to lose the weight in your arms. Just don t loose everything, that would be bad. Don t think that way and become very very skinny. Lol, Okay. That s the best I can say. 3 Good luck with it! :D

honey you re 13.You re still growing and NEED extra fat so you can grow.Like, if you start dieting now you ll most likely not be healthy later on.Just eat healthy and exercise; nothing crazy because you don t need it.

Ill tell you what most people will tell you, drink lots of water, exercise and eat healthier foods. Also, don t eat as much, lol.?

please start doing Kaplabhati pranayam as advised by baba Ramdev in Aastha channel for 10 minutes daily

here s the solution..

work out with weights

I need some tips on how to lose weight fast!!? -

I am going into a new school, and I am trying to look the best I can. So I am trying to lose weight in less then 1 and a half months. Any suggestions?!

Follow this:Breakfast- Oatmeal (non-instant) w/ fruit or bananna snack- appleLunch- Chicken or fish (no sauce, not fried) with brown rice yellow squash or zucchinisnack- celery 1 tsp organic peanut butter Dinner- Fish with asparagus zucchini or yellow squashYou can switch it up... but do this for a month and it will work. Drink a ounce of water for every pound you weigh. Or at least try to drink a gallon a day... The first few days you will be going to the restroom non-stop but that s just your body flushing all the water weight your holding and you ll loose 5 pounds by just doing that.At least 30 minutes of exercise (cardio) a day and 30 minutes of weight training... The cardio is really important to speed up your weight loss... Whether it be walking, running, riding a bike, swimming, anything to get your body active! Weight loss is 75 % diet 25 % exercise. So keep that in mind when you want to eat that cookie after you exercised for a half hour. You are what you eat, and you cant exercise off all that greasy, salty, sugary food. Follow this plan and you ll see progress... 10 pounds one month is what this got me :)

Sounds kinda like my problem,but alright the best way to do this , and the most easiest way in that amount of time is to just run like 3 miles a day and eat healthy ,trust me this simple thing will get you in shape in not time

If you are not into those diet programs, just eat a balanced diet, people think not to eat any fat, but eat the recommended every day, because if you don t eat any foods with fat it, then you have a healthy lifestyle.

i have many articles tips in loss weight in my blog feel free to visit me also you can see the great product number 1 in loss weight

Here s a really awesome site.��

I have the easiest, safest and best diet. Oprah and Rachel Ray lost weight using acai berry. There is a free trial and I used it and lost a lot of weight. Check out my

You should have a look this program that I did. It works fast for me and I lost 11 pounds in one month. You can get more information here

How to lose weight? -

I m very proud of myself,I have lost 2 lbs in 2 days! Yay! I have been eating,and I want to lose another...4 lbs? How could I do that? I m 14-16 years old,not saying which. ANY suggestions.Thanks,anything is welcome! :]

eat a balanced diet consisting of 5 small meals rather than 3 larger meals a day, avoid fast food and sodas/juices with high calorie, don t eat after 8 oclock, exercise, get 8 hours of sleep a night. make sure you moderate your carbs and sugar (especially refined sugars) and limit them. eat lean meats (turkey, fish, esp salmon and tuna) and veggies.remember, calories burned per day calories intake per day = weight loss

south beach.i cut out starchs sugars and carbs for two weeks and lost a ton of weightbasically sugar and bread, pasta, potatos, and fruit.but its hard.switching water for soda for one year you can loose up to 25 lbs.

got on a diet would you get me tips how to lose wieght i reat lot of JUNK food and eat candy a lot please hlep me please

1)Know that weight loss will come as a result of creating a calorie deficit, i.e., spending more calories than you eat. However, too large a deficit will slow down your metabolism and be unhealthy. 2)Determine how many calories you are burning using tools available on the internet, then each day eat 500-1000 calories less than you are burning daily.3)Do not eat less than 1200 calories if you are female, or 1500 calories if you are male, as these calories are needed for basic life-sustaining bodily functions. If this formula is adhered to correctly, you will lose weight. 4)Let your conscience be your guide. Keep a log of everything that you eat. Buy a daily planner and write in it everything that you eat every day. This will keep you mindful of what is going into your body. 5)Do you really want to log in 6 cookies or one half of a cookie? Don t go on one of those fad diets. Losing too much weight too quickly can lead to health problems. All the weight lost from most fad diets will return soon after you transition off of them. 6)Allow yourself to cheat depending on your will power. If you don t have the will power, allow yourself the treats like dessert and a little ice cream (but it s better to go with frozen yogurt). Many people when they try to avoid comfort foods altogether, find themselves binging on those very foods. If you have a very strong will, you will not need to cheat at all. If you have a very fragile will, you ll likely cheat often. Just make sure as you progress, the cheating becomes less and less. 7)Leave left overs when dining out. If you find yourself overeating at restaurants, train yourself to always leave half of the food on your plate. Bring it home for later. Don t feel compelled to eat it all in one sitting since it s usually way too much food for one meal. Or just box it. 8)Only eat when you feel hungry. That way you rely on your body to regulate itself to a healthy natural weight. You must be very honest with yourself! You will never lose weight and keep it off unless you manage to incorporate these tips permanently. Applying these tips for a short time is useless in the long term. Realize that this is for the long term. Take as much time as you need easing yourself into it. 9)Once you have a routine, it s easy to maintain. For example, start exercising once a week NEVER missing a single session. Once that becomes routine, it should be easy to sneak in another day of exercise and slowly have that become routine too If you have unhealthy snacks you re likely to munch on them. Get rid of that temptation. A lot of people will just grab something and munch on it without even realizing what they re doing. 10)Keep in mind that a 3500 calorie deficit will result in the loss of one pound. You can use this figure to decide how many calories to cut back each day to result in the weight loss you want to achieve in a certain period of time. If you are engaging in an activity that you usually snack during, find something to do with your hands instead of eating. Take up knitting, learn to sew, write those thank-you cards, anything to keep you from munching mindlessly while you watch TV, etc. 11)Take a multivitamin. The more good things you put into your body, the more small steps you take to filling yourself with nutrients the better you will feel and look. 12)Do not eat in front of the television, most people eat more when sitting in front of the TV. 13)Avoid gorging yourself. If you are at a friend or relatives house, they will not be offended if you do not eat it all. 14)Salads are a perfect meal, and you can add little bits of toppings to give you some comfort food, but it mostly consists of good lettuce. 15)Avoid butter lettuce. You can add small chunks of chicken, lite salad dressing, a small bit of cheese, etc. Just make sure you keep the fatty toppings, like cheese, to a bare minimum. 16)Your meals should decrease in size as the day goes on. Eat a big breakfast, a somewhat smaller lunch, and a small dinner. This usually coordinates to help you burn off what youre eating. If you work at midnight, then this is not true for you. But if you rise early and sleep normally, then this is how to go. 17)When you don t eat for a while, your body goes into something called starvation mode . Even though our bodies have changed since the stone age where food was scarce, we still hang on to that. Starvation mode is when you don t eat for a certain amount of time, and your body begins to feed off of its fat stores to put off starvation. This WILL cause a weight gain. This is why breakfast is important. It lets your body know its not starving. So this is why you should eat 4-5 times a day. 18)Remember- Protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, while fats of all kinds contain 9 calories per gram. You need an even amount of fat, sugar, and oxygen in your fat cells to burn fat. Exercise all the muscles at once, dont exercise just one area! Differ good calories from bad calories. low calorie diets DONT WORK! They actually havent made a diet pill yet that burns fat! most diet pills make you lose all your water weight not fat! exercise a little and changing your diet together can make a BIG difference! u can also find the answer at wikihow.

How to lose weight from bum and tum without leaving home? -


Have you treid the lil Jack workout?��

The pattern for losing weight is easy - eat less food and move more - the issues surface when we really try to put that into operation! There are a lot of temptations in the real world don t you think?! I learned some good information by reading the site in the box below, they have a lot of guidance, I melted away 6 pounds by taking their advice.

u gotta eat better whole grains fruits veges protein lean protein limit fats but have good fats like olive oil nuts avacados workout cardio indoors like jumprope dancing weight lift or strength train to stay toned