Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How can I lose weight faster? Im 13 so i cant join many gyms or fitness programmes? -

I m 167cm 5,5 13 almost 14 I weigh 58kg about (130ibs) I m size 10 (english sizes) I have very muscley legs and toned stomach but i want to lose some weight for my holiday for greece. Does anyone have any good plans for me?

Although at your age you shouldn t be attempting to loose weight but..if thats what you want then u should do your own excercises at home ..stay away from fatty foods (basically anything fried) and try to eat alot of vegetables. You dont have to join a gym or program to lose it yourself.Look on google or something under what ever body part you trying to work out. Such as various abdominal workouts it should tell you and just do the workout and stick to it...stick to everything you attempt to do and before u know it youll have shown progress.

pick one day of the week were you eat nothing but drink loads of water!

Well, first of all: EAT HEALTHY! I know this isn t exactly descriptive but instead of eating chips have a salad. The actual best way to lose weight is to have as much food as you want before 5 o clock and after that if you are REALLY hungry drink just a bit of water or have a slice of apple. My friend lost 5 kilos in 2 weeks like that. Also, try to run a mile everyday if you want to lose weight EXTRA fast. Good Luck!

hi i am in the same position as you.i am 12yrs, 5 6ft and 100lbs and want to loose weight fast.i suggest a cold shower. it is good for waking yourself up in the morning and for loosing weight.also go on a diet and eat pleanty of fruit and drink LOTS of water.

Have Lots of Water During the dayMinimum 1 Lt Per 20 Kgs Of your Body Weight1st Thing in the morningHave Fresh Lemon With Honey In Warm Water You are a growing person Baby fat will start melting in its own course of timeGo for a brisk Walk In the Morning Evenning START With 20 Minutes WALK Graduallu Reach to 45 Minutes

im a uk size 6/8 i never eat and always exersise.

you can start by eating the right foods which you can find on the internet and get more involved in physical like activities like running, jogging, playing sports, get more involved in school activities cut down on sweets and candy and drink more water .

If you are allowed to pick an elective at your grade level, choose to take an extra gym class. The more exercise the better and above all DON T DIET without doctor supervision! Up grade your veggie and fruit intake. Completely cut out candy, crisps and all other junk. Drink tons of water - just plain water - not that fancy-schmancy stuff! That isn t dieting - that s eating correctly. Don t tell ANYONE (except your Mom Dad) why you re eating differently, because at your age the teasing can be merciless!Walk-walk-walk-walk-walk! Excellent exercise! Is there going to be a Breast Cancer 60 Mile walk in England? There is one here in the US - great exercise and a terrific fund raiser to held fight a horrible disease! Enjoy your trip to Greece. I spent a summer there in 1984 and I enjoyed everything there - especially the food! Good Luck to you!

ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY LBS ?And you need to lose weight ???Im 13, and 196 lbs.Maybe if you lose about 10 thats ok, but reallly, WHY do you wanna be like 60 lbs and thinnest girl on earth :)Just eat healthier, and excersise at home.Even though im under-age, im using spark people, who help you lose 2 lbs a week :)Its really good, free too, and gives you meal plans and everythingxx

How do i lose weight fast without regaining it or taking pills? -

ok im 12, at 5 8 i weigh 156 pounds. i really want to lose my belly fat. can yu please give me helpful tips? if yu give me a website , can yu give me one where yu don t have to pay to find out what there secret is to lose weight? ive tried lots of stuff but nothing works): please help!!! please thanks(:

You may feel like you want to lose weight fast, but to lose weight without putting your health in danger and have the best change to keep it off you need to shoot for slow, steady weight loss, like 1 to 2 pounds a week. At your age the biggest and probably easiest thing to do is simply increase your exercise. Any kind of movement can be exercise....whenever you move more than you have in the past and keep doing it without increasing your calorie intake you will lose weight. You can put on music and dance in your room, all by yourself or with a friend or friends. You can take longer walks in your neighborhood (if it s safe) or in the mall.So the secret is...move more, eat less. Drink lots of water (not soda). If you are peeing more often that s good, every couple of hours is not too often. If you get bored with water try adding a squirt of lemon and some Splenda to sweeten it...instant lemonade and no calories! You can also drink some fruit juice but not lots, and water it down so you re not taking in so many calories. There is a great book you can probably get at your local library called Volumetrics, or anything by the same author, Barbara Rolls, that explains how to make small adjustments to your diet and feel full on less calories.The good news is, at your age, a fairly small increase in activity (if you keep it up) can really make a big difference. When I was your age I went to camp for a week. I wasn t really overweight but I wasn t in very good shape. After only about four days of canoeing, swimming and more walking than I was used to, my jeans were definitely looser, especially around the waist. Good luck, you can do it!

I know this isn t probably what you want to hear, but there is no miracle cure for fast weight loss... at least a safe method. The best way to become healthier and lose weight is to start eating a balanced meal! I know it sounds cliche, but if you eat 3 meals a day, smaller portions and fill them with lots of fruits and veggies, it will help a lot. Exercise at least 20 minutes a day doing something that you enjoy. Overall, try not to obsess over your weight. I find that the more you focus on each pound, the more weight I gain. Just change your eating habits and exercise schedule. This should help you not just for the short term, but your whole life. Good luck!!

your problem might be that you think there is a secret of some sort. there isn t. You take in less calories than you burn off. That s it.To do this requires a change to a healthy balanced diet and regular cardio exercise with strength or weight training.There is fast way to do it without starving yourself (literally) and as soon as you eat again you will regain it all, so it is pointless.

have u tried regular daily exorcise? stop eating the junk foods, stop eating the red meats. get up on the veggies and fruits and white meats. Dont pig out till your stuffed at each meal. Dont starve yourself good healthy veggies in your belly will help ya lose wieght as long u stay activejoin a soccer team or something, get involved in something that forces u to be active on the daily bases.Oh and fyi, 5 8 156 pounds doesnt sound to me like your overwieght.GL

try watching what you eat. don t starve yourself. eat only 2000 calories a day. eat the portions that they say on the side of the box. it says: for example 24 cashews is x amount of calories. serving size:1. so you get x amount of calories per 24 cashews you eat.i m not saying live on cashews and diet like crazy. but you shouldn t be worrying too much about your weight. maybe going for a daily walk around your neighborhood would help. try eating fruits if you get hungry instead of cookies. eat salad for lunch instead of mcdonalds.

I ll just link you to a good s from a bodybuilding site but the topic is fat loss, so you can just ignore the stuff about lifting and supplements. Understand the facts about fat loss and you ll be able to keep it off because you re not going to do some fad diet or starvation or something.��

Dont loose any weight, muscle weights more than fat, its good to loose fat, its ebst if u gain muscles. eat healthy varities 2000+cals a day, drink 1+cup water per hour, hard exersize 3+hours a day, strech 2+hours a day. mon upperbody, tues cardio wed lower, thru cardio, fri upper, sat car, sun rest. muscles pain 1-7days after a session is good, dont do more then light exersizes w. a sore muscle, wait until it stops hurting b4 u work it hard agian.answer mine? its about whats your fav body type, pics inside!;��

Acia Berry Here is a web site that has free diet reviews, Top 10 diets and you can also get free samples mailed to you, Take a look, it may help, Good Luck

There is no secret to losing weight. Everybody knows how to do it, it is widely published. Eat right and exercise. And genetics plays a strong role as well.

EXERCISE!!!lots of EXERCISE!!!Yoga and cardio combined is your best bet.

There are no secrets! You must diet and exercise! See a nutritionist if you ve already tried it with little or no success.

Eat less and a little better.Be active.Work on things like push-ups and sit ups, ect.

Ask your doctor to send you to a dietition

Will i lose weight faster because of my height? -

im 5 9 and im excersising to lose weight, but im just wondering, since im tall for my age will my height give me an advantage to lose weight faster?

HI, NO IT WON T MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT ANY FASTER, BUT it may be easier for you to lose 5 pds ( for example) than someone who is only 5 feet 2 if you both weigh the same amount. The reason is not because of your height, but because of what is known as the BMI, body mass index. The Body Mass index is a much better indicator of what you should weigh. I was tall for my age when I was 12 and I was dieting from the time I was 14 or 15. I wasn t fat ( looking back now.) but when you are a young girl it is easy to be influenced by media and the fashion industry. At my lowest weight I was down to 100 pds, and I still thought I needed to lose weight, though I really was a skeleton. This was an example of anorexic Nervosa, but when you are a young girl you dont allways do what is best for you. The best way to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet, low fat, non processed foods, cutting down on sugar, fats, and empty calories.( candy, soda, cookies, cakes, chips, etc.)some fats are needed for the human body to function, but choose healthy oils llike Olive oil, nut oils, etc. Choose healthy meal plans, with protein choices like lean meats, chicken without skin, fish is excellent,( beans, legumes, tofu if you are vegetarian, )fresh fruit and vegetables, and lots of fresh watr. Exercise in moderaton, Take brisk walks instead of driving to and from the mall, or ride a bike to friends homes. There are tons of diet books out there and you can find all the information you need on the internet as well.All teen girls seem to think they need to be on a diet, and if you are eating lots of junk food, fast food, then you may need to adjust your diet, but it doesn t mean that you are overweight.It is better when you are young to not diet, but choose your food you eat carefully and exercise is an excellent way to controll your appetite and exercise will help with firming up and toning muscle. Also lifting small weights will build muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. you may weigh the same, but will fit into smaller clothes, because Fat is what takes up more room and is unattractive. Check on the internet site listed to see what your BMI is, and if it says that you are indeed overweight, then adjust your diet but work with a nutritonist or your mom or another adult to help you with meal planning. Lots of times, a simple adjustment to your diet, will help you lose pounds that have not been comming off. Don t be swayed by fad diets, and shows on t.v. about Models, those are unrealistic examples of what the Real Women and girls out there look like. It is much healthier to be a plus size that is healthy, than a size 0 who is anorexic and sick.Anorexia as well as Bulimia is not just a medical condition, but it is a disease and if caught early can save you a world of pain. If you learn to accept your body type and work with it and dress accordingly, you will be much happier than trying to acheive something that may be unrealistic. For example. A girl that is big boned and stands 5 feet 9 inches, ( your height, ) is very unlikely to ever weigh 110 pds.Unless you are grossly overweight, just keep up with your exercise, that is great that you have decided to exercise. Keep up with the exercises yo are already doing, and you will be in good shape before you know it. Remember to learn to love your body and not get hung up on statistics and numbers that insurance groups put on the old weight height charts. A much better indicator of if you are overweight or not and just how fit you are, is the pinch an inch test. If you can pinch more than an inch on your stomach, hip area or on the lower arms, then exercising witll tighten up loose flab and you will look much better in your clothes as well. Look up the sites listed below and good luck with your exercise program.



no. it doesnt matter what height you are, different people lose weight in different amounts and at different paces

I m a little freaked when you say you re tall for your age. If you are still in highschool or below, and your friends tell you you don t need to lose weight, than you don t. That would be called obsessive.I don t think it will help you lose weight faster, but because you are taller, you probably have a higher metabolism than someone who is 5 feet, which means you demand more calories on a daily basis, which means you can probably eat more than the person who is 5 feet tall and not gain as much weight as them. It is though, probably easier for you to stay on track once you ve lost weight though, by eating correctly.

How to lose weight quickly and safely? -

I m a 24 year old female. Sedentary lifestyle, but I joined a gym today. How many calories should I eat, and what is the most effective way to exercise?

Losing weight quickly is seldom healthy or permanent. Stay away from junk foods and fried foods; eat sensibly (stay away from pills and fad diets) and keep movin -- not just for a week or a month, but make it a lifestyle change. (If you find an activity you enjoy -- mine was rock climbing -- it won t feel like work, but FUN). You ll feel great and be pleased with your body!

ermmm....... idk google like weight calculator or sumtin

Exercise at least 30 min/day, and don t order takeout, fast food, or go out to any restaurant... really, you can t control what they give you or what they put in your food, but you can control what you give yourself, so I d work out a nice diet of 2000-2500 calories a day... i try to enjoy a salad with tons of red/green peppers and cucumbers and with a low-fat or no-fat dressing (around lunch time, but also as a snack if i m hungry instead of going for chips or crackers). i also recommend not drinking any soda, meaning not event the diet, because really the diet isn t good for you because of all the chemicals they have to put in to make it diet and still taste good Also, if you are a coffee drinker, then watch how much cream you add-if you have to, add the dry cream because it has less calories/fat then liquid creamAnother thing is too watch your in-take of carbohydrates. I know they taste awesome and all, but they are loaded with calories, and they don t last in your stomach. meaning that you ll feel hungry faster if for example you eat a piece of toast in the morning instead of fruit or oatmealhope these tips help!Best of luck!

I would recommend the South Beach Diet. I have lost 100 lbs. But you have to do it. At 1,000 calories a day you will loose weight. I write down everything eat and calorie value a day ahead before I eat it. That way I stick to it.

That s great that you joined the gym and that you want to lose weight safely. However, quickly is not usually used with safely . Take it slow, because your health is more important then the time it takes to reach your goals.How many calories should you eat? That s the wrong question to be asking. Counting calories isn t necessary, and only adds stress and annoyance. I would say just keep an eye on your portion sizes. Today, portion sizes are ridiculously huge. We need food, but not in huge amounts. The healthiest diet is one that includes fresh veggies and fruits. It excludes soda and sweets (you can eat them once in a while and in good portions, just don t make it a regular habit). This diet should include six SMALL meals a day. I would go with a portion size about the size of an apple. Don t forget to drink a lot of water. Water is a must with your body, but it also curves your hunger.I don t know THE most effective way to exercise, but I can give you some tips. Exercise daily for a minimum of thirty minutes. Do cardio workouts often, such as running, swimming, skiing, bike riding, etc. Incorporate some weight lifting, but don t overdo it. I would suggest you stay away from two very hard workouts in a row. Do an easy one, then a hard one, then another easty one. You have to be the one to decide what constitutes as an easy workout and what to consider a hard one.Well good luck, I hope this was helpful!

uhmbecome a veganand have lots of sex

theres a lose 9 lbs in 11 days diet that has become really popular online. It works with manipulating the hormones (through diet) that are causing your weight loss. go to http://lose-9-pounds-in-11-days.blogspot

--We are based on a 2000 calorie diet/per day-- The best exercise there is s cardio, because It works all of your bady parts.-- Try not eating carbo anymore, It will surely burn all of your fatty fat fat :)BELIEVE ME. I ve been there.

They should be advising you at that gym you joined!Safely is the key word, not quickly. Cool that you re changing your life. Keep it up, the toughest part was taking that first step. YAY!

go for some non-sedentary activities. Take the stairs when possible, walk to places whenever possibleeat between 1000-1500 calories a day, yoga and pilates are great ways of exercise, check to see if your gym offers multi-task, watch the tv while running on the treadmill or working on the eliptical machine instead of sitting there and watching tv.

Use a calculator like this one:��This will estimate how many calories you burn off going through a typical day with the various activities or lack of activity you partake in. Once you find this number, subtract 500 and that will set up to lose one pound every week. If it says you burn 2,000 calories every day, eat 1,500. Weigh yourself only once a week and do it the first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. If after two weeks you haven t lost any weight, subtract another 250 calories every day. Since you got a gym membership, you can exercise and eat a little more and still get the same results if not better.

I know some people lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks with the help offered on this site.

Maybe u should get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile.

We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out for all info regarding weight loss.

How can i lose weight while getting stronger? -

I am 5ft 7in and 135 pounds and i need to get ready for volleyball tryouts by can i lose weight fast?! and for my height am i overweight?

look fisrt relax, second leave strict diets alone they wont work, trust honey. all you need to do is cut what you eat in half and drink alot of water after each meal so your body can get rid of the toxins, work out regularly of 3 times weekly make sure you sweat alot. next thing to do set a work out routine in bicpes triceps, you can even do pushups or crunches, or lift weights, there u go, you lose weight and get stronger =]=] thats it.

no actually im over weight im 5 7 and i weigh 160 so pleeease answer my ?;��

weight lift. you can actually loose weight and get smaller. just don t over do it.

What are some great exercises to help lose weight fast (im a teen)? -


Knowing how teenage girls are, you could be just 3 or 4 pounds overweight and are stressing about it. But if you are seriously over weight then Adrunn is pretty much right on.I was 5 11 , 251lbs with a 50+ inch waist and I m sure a 60 inch stomach. I now weigh 174lbs and have a 33 inch waist.There is no quick weight loss program without excersice. The more you exercise, the more weight you will lose. The more you change your eating habits, the more you will lose. Muscle is heavier than fat. As you tone up, you will gain weight because the muscle you were not using is now being used. You will also build muscle as you lift weights and work out, so you will gain weight.BUT!!! Don t get discouraged!Everybody normally gains weight before losing weight, because you are toning up your muscles. I gained 10 pounds before the weight and inches started coming off. Once your muscles are toned and ready, you will be surprised at how fast the weight will come off. After I toned up I lost as much as 6 pounds in one week.There will be weeks where you will not lose any weight. This is why you don t go by your weight loss. Go by your measurements. Measure yourself, then keep track of those measurements once a week. At first you will not notice anything, but keep at it. Then your body will take off some fat, then you will tone, then take off fat, then tone, etc....I ve even had weeks in a row where no weight came off, but I had to buy new clothes because the inches did.Remember, there are some beautiful women who are athletes and look small, but you would be surprised at how much they weigh because of their muscle tone.Now get started. Go to the sidewalk and start walking, but not around the block. Walk in a straight line for some blocks so you are forced to walk back. You go farther as you get healthier. You speed up as you get healthier. Speed is not important yet. THE LONGER YOU EXERCISE IS BETTER THAN THE FASTER YOU EXERCISE. If you are way over weight and anybody teases you about exerciseing, don t get discouraged. You have to start somewhere, ignore them. The girls will be jealouse of the new competition for the boys and the boys will be asking you out.As you exercise you will learn discipline to keep yourself healthy through the rest of your life.

Cardio (running, jogging, swimming, bikin) etc.Weights (bench, cleans, squats)Abs (crunches, situps, legups)

Cardio knocks the most weight off. Also, if you use weights, (seperate from the cardio) you ll see results in about 2 weeks in your arms and back. I recommend that you jog for about 5-10 minutes, stretch, then lift some lighter weights (do 12 reps for each, 3 times). Then do walking lunges (meaning you move forward with each lunge, you ll end up across the room), then do cardio. Then jog again, stretch again and you re done.Things to do with the weights:-Bicep curl-Hold the weight over your head with both hands, then slowly bend your arms so the weight is behind your head. Then bring it back up.-Lift the weight from your chin up, then back down-Have an arm at each side, or both hands holding one weight, and stand straight. Then slowly lift the weight until both arms are straight out and even with your chest. Then lower it and repeat. -Bending your knees slightly and having them shoulder width apart, hold one weight with both hands and curve to your side. Swivel to the other side with the weight and repeat. Cardio:-You could run, bike, swim, shadow box, or jump rope.-Some other things you could do would to crouch and jump as high as you can and reach with one hand, and then do it with the other side. Do this as fast as you can for 30 seconds.-Stand next to a step, facing the wall. Jump on and off the step 12 times. Repeat with the other side.-Step up and down a step with one leg doing the stepping each time for 12 reps. Repeat.-With your back against the wall, get into position like you are sitting, so your calves and thighs form a 90 degree angle. Basically, sit in the chair position with no chair, for a minute.-Bicycle crunchesAnother exercise that works great is if you lay on your side. Use one arm to prop your head up (like when you re lounging, you bend your arm and put your head in your hand.) Put the other arm in front of you, palm on the ground. Bend your knees. Then keeping ankles together, squeeze your inner thighs and slowly lift your knee up. Then slowly put it back. Do this 12 times for each side.Remember, when doing crunches, never put your hands behind your neck and head. And when doing lunges, make sure your knee never goes over your foot. Also, sit-ups do more harm than good!

No miracle pills necessary. The truth is ........ what people don t want to hear. You can lose weight if you finally decide to get off your.......... couch. Diet pill companies get rich on people that don t want to do what it takes to lose weight.How to lose weight for free. Most kids workout doing what they love. Go back to what you liked as a child if it s roller blading, basketball, swimming. The thing is to keep you workout fun, so you keep doing it for life. Running is the most effective way to lose weight 100 to 150 calories burn per mile (4 laps on a track = 1 mile). Most people will have to alternate walking and jogging until they build the stamina to jog non-stop. Other benefits of running you don t depend on anybody to get your workout like someone to spot you at the gym or a team in basketball. The other thing is you go at your OWN pace.The body doesn t burn fat by sections. You will burn fat in general when you raise your body temperature by working out the only thing is some fat resist to burn off so you have to work harder at it. Running is a great way to burn fat. Weight training can confuse people. People workout for 2 months and don t see a change in the scale and give up. Weight training is excellent to gain muscle and tone up but if you are gaining muscle thats why you don t see a dramatic change on the scale. Actually MUSCLES WEIGH MORE THAN FAT but this is good. The more muscle your body grows the leaner you will get. Why? Muscles when put into use they burn calories, thus the bigger the muscles the more calories you ll burn and the leaner and tone you ll appear. That why at the gym the trainers will measure your BMI (Body Mass Index). Let me give an example if a guy started going to the gym weighing 200 pounds and 30% of that is fat yet 3 months later he might still be 200 pounds but with only 25% fat that means he gained 5% of his body weight in pure muscle.Step 1Determine Your Daily Calorie GoalTo estimate your daily calorie needs for MAINTAINING your current weight, take your present weight and multiply by 13. That number covers your metabolic needs for the day, factoring in a bit of light activity. So if you weigh 180 pounds, you need about 2,340 calories per day. To lose a pound a week, you must then create a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day (3,500 calories equals one pound).How many calories you can cut from your diet depends a lot on how much you re eating right now. There s a big difference between cutting 500 calories if you re eating 1,500 a day than if you re eating 3,000. But remember: Weight loss is a lot easier when you factor in your running mileage (1 mile = 100 calories). So your calorie deficit can--and should--be created by eliminating some calories from your daily diet and increasing the number you burn per day through running.Step 2Distributing Your CaloriesAfter you ve determined the total number of calories you should be consuming per day to meet your weight-loss goals, divide those calories so that 50 percent of them come from carbohydrates, 25 percent come from protein, and 25 percent come from fat. So, for example, if you ve determined that your daily calorie goal is 1,800 calories, then 900 of those calories should come from carbohydrates, 450 from protein, and 450 from fat. Remember: You re not striving to have every food you eat meet this ratio. You re simply aiming to get your total daily calorie intake to fall within these guidelines.Step 3Selecting CarbohydratesLots of runners will look at the 50-percent carbohydrate guideline and think they ll go into macaroni withdrawal. They ll argue it s not enough--that they need 60 percent or more. After all, carbohydrates are the body s preferred energy source.While it s true that elite runners need a very high percentage of calories from carbohydrates, recreational runners simply don t need as many carbs. Taking in 50 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrate sources will provide you with all the energy you need.Because high-carb foods sustain you during your workouts, they are best eaten just before and just after your runs. When choosing which carbs to eat, opt for those that are fiber-rich and have a high water content to keep you feeling full.Carbs to Choose OftenFruits (about 60 calories per serving)Apple, orange, pear, nectarine: 1 small (tennis ball size)Banana: 1 small (5 inch)Peach, plum: 1 medium (fist size)Grapefruit: 1/2 whole fruitCanteloupe: 1 cupBerries: 1 cupFresh pineapple: 3/4 cupCanned fruit (in its own juice): 1/2 cupLow-Starch Vegetables (about 25 calories per serving)Carrots, celery, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, leeks, onions, green beans: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cookedGreen pepper: 1 wholeAsparagus: 7 spears cooked or 14 spears rawLettuce/raw greens: 1 cup 100-percent vegetable juice: 1/3 cupCarbs to Choose with Caution (watch those portions!)High-Starch Vegetables (about 80 calories per serving)Beans (lima, navy, pinto): 1/3 cupCorn: 1/2 cupPeas/lentils: 1/2 cupBaked white or sweet potato with skin: 1 small (tennis ball size)Pasta/Rice (about 80 calories per serving)Couscous (cooked): 1/3 cupBrown or white rice (cooked): 1/3 cupNoodles/pasta (cooked): 1/2 cupBulgur (cooked): 1/2 cupBreads/Cereal/Crackers (about 80 calories per serving)Tortilla (white or wheat): 1100-percent whole-wheat bread: 1 sliceMini-bagel: 1English muffin: 1/2Pretzels: 3/4 ounce or 8 sourdough nuggetsPopcorn (air popped): 3 cupsSaltine crackers: 6Rice cakes (all varieties, large): 2High-fiber cereals: 3/4 cupOatmeal: 2/3 cup cooked or 1 instant packetStep 4Selecting ProteinsWhile protein s primary role is maintaining muscle integrity, it also satisfies hunger. Protein provides a greater feeling of fullness, ounce for ounce, than an equivalent amount of carbohydrate. The effect: You re content with fewer calories. That s why 25 percent of your calories should come from protein.When you choose proteins, lean is always best. Fat adds flavor to protein--but also calories. So be sure to limit the number of calories in the protein sources you choose. A good rule of thumb: The fattier the protein, the smaller the serving.Protein PicksVery lean (about 35 calories per serving)Chicken or turkey breast (skinless): 1 ounceFish fillet (all whitefish): 1 ounceCanned, water-packed tuna: 1 ounceShellfish: 1 ounceEgg whites: 2 largeEgg substitute: 1/4 cupLean (about 55 calories per serving)Chicken or turkey (skinless dark meat): 1 ounceSalmon, swordfish, herring, trout, bluefish: 1 ounceLean beef (flank steak, top round, ground sirloin): 1 ounceVeal or lamb (roast or lean chop): 1 ouncePork (tenderloin): 1 ounceCanadian bacon: 1 ounceLow-fat hot dogs: 1Low-fat luncheon meats: 1 ounceDairy Products (about 90 calories per serving)Fat-free or 1-percent-fat cottage cheese (calcium fortified): 1 cupLow-fat, sugar-free yogurt: 3/4 cupFat-free, sugar-free yogurt: 1 cupLow-fat cheese (all types): 2 ouncesStep 5Selecting FatsMost dieters immediately start cutting fat. But instead of just cutting out junk-food sources of fat, they also cut fatty foods that are healthy, including nuts and nut butters, and olives and olive oil.Foods with a little fat help slow the rate of digestion and provide a sense of fullness. Try to get 25 percent of your daily calories from good fats by selecting heart-healthy vegetable, nut, and fish sources.Fats of ChoiceFull-Calorie sources (about 50 calories per serving)All oils: 1 teaspoonAvocado (medium): 1/8Almonds, cashews, filberts: 6Peanuts: 10Pistachios: 15Olives (green or black): 8 mediumPeanut butter (creamy or chunky): 1 teaspoonReduced-Calorie sources (about 25 calories per serving)Light tub margarine: 1 teaspoonLight mayonnaise/salad dressing: 1 teaspoonLight cream cheese: 1 teaspoonFat-free salad dressing: 1 tablespoonStep 6Establish an Eating/Running PatternThe wild card in the 50-25-25 eating plan is how you distribute your calories throughout the day. That depends on your running schedule. Because you want to eat the bulk of your carbohydrate calories around the times when you will be active, you need to know ahead of time when you re going to exercise each day. Then select mostly carbohydrate-rich foods to fuel up beforehand or afterward. By eating most of your carbohydrate calories around your runs, you ll then eat most of your protein and fat calories the rest of the day when you re more sedentary.Remember one other guideline when establishing your daily eating pattern: Don t go too many hours without eating or your brain will signal starvation mode and stimulate your appetite. So go ahead and have a morning, afternoon, and evening meal, along with snacks. Just make sure that when you tally up all your eating, you re still within your daily calorie range.Drink lots of water throughout the day to keep hydrated during your runs and enjoy the added benefit of feeling full so you don t eat fatty foods. There are runners websites that are full of great tips. There are also websites By the way. How many overweight marathoners have you seen? Good luck :)

Try this, you can feel and see results in about three days. Muscle will outweigh the fat so don t let the scale discourage you :).For exercise, try switching it out everyday, so your body doesn t get used to the exercise (Monday Arms, Tuesday Stomach, Wednesday Legs, Thursday Rest, Friday Arms, Saturday Stomach, Sunday Legs). Also, one the days where legs or stomach or arms come back around the second workout of the week focusing in that area, try switching the exercise out too. For arms maybe lift weights (if you have none then use cans and be sure to hold them away from you or they won t work). For stomach, you can sit on a bouncy ball and do crunches (don t hold onto your legs), for legs, maybe lay on your side propped up on your elbow and lift the top leg slowly up and down, then switch. If you are can t exercise an hour, that s fine but try increasing the time every week or so. If you are old enough to buy equiptment or go to a gym, try that. As you get further into it, maybe you can buy some equipment for mainly those three areas I listed. Also, walk home from places or on the commercial break, get up and run wall to wall.Also, a REALLY good workout is at and search for 8 minute abs, 8 minute legs, 8 minute buns, and 8 minute arms. Try doing these on other days (ex.: Monday arms and workout from youtube, Tuesday legs not workout from youtube, Wednesday stomach and 8 minute abs, Thursday rest, Friday arms no 8 minute arms, Saturday no 8 minute abs, Sunday 8 minute legs. Try doing those how I listed above and don t do it more than once a day along with your daily workout.For food, which is very important (70% of weight loss is food intake while 30% is excercise, though both are VERY important), try this schedule.Breakfast:Whenever you wake up or an hour after.Drink of choice: One hour after breakfast (all other drinks being water.Lunch: 1 1/2 hours after drink of choice.Snack: 1 1/2 hour after lunch (or two hours after lunch).Dinner: 2 hours after snack.Try portioning your food, one cup for meals and half a cup for snacks and drink of choice. As you get more used to this, you can decrease your portion sizes.Also try measuring your calorie intake and try exercising over the amount of your intake to build muscle which burns access fat. You can measure that at where it measures EVERYTHING for you :).If you drink cokes and need help with that, try slowly decreasing the amount of cokes you drink, one day the usual, and decrease half of the amount of that you usually drink until it s half a cup a day.While your exercising, I have a problem with wanting to eat then and I m sure everyone else does too so maybe bring a mug of ice with you and eat the ice so you get a little munch out of it and you hydrate yourself while doing no harm to yourself or your diet.Hope this helps and good luck! :)Also, at if you do everything it says exercise an hour a day, eat the amount of calories! Just keep in mind that whichever diet you do YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Good luck :)I ve been doing this and so far I ve lost 6lbs in 5 days :)Good luckCheck your BMR and eat that amount of calories (BMR is the amount of calories that you burn daily just by breathing, sleeping, etc. so if you eat that much, you burn it plus exercise will be burning more then your intake :)

What is a DVD workout that can help me lose weight FAST.? -

I really wanna use Acai Berry. But the stupid box says 18 and up. Does that matter?

try the lil Jack workout��and it only takes a minute and half adn works great

One of the most powerful diet pills on the market is the Acai Berry. It has amazing vitamins and anti-oxidents and is even considered a super food. It is so amazing that it has been featured on Oprah and 60 minutes. When used in conjunction with the proper diet and exercise, people have lost over 40lbs in a matter of weeks.

Weight loss and weight trainingWe chose to list this separately from the exercise category because of the significant weight loss benefits attached to weight training in and of itself. The basic equation is this: the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you will burn. This is why world class weight lifters must eat thousands of calories a day to maintain their weight. Muscle is active tissue, fat is not. Thus, muscle burns a significant number of calories each day for its own maintenance. In her book Strong Women Stay Slim, Miriam Nelson, a Tufts University researcher, showed that a group of women who followed a weight loss diet and did weight training exercises lost 44% more fat than those who only followed the diet. While aerobic activity can help burn calories, muscle s where it s at when it comes to giving your metabolism a significant daily boost even at rest.

The one you exercise with instead of sitting on the couch watching.

p90x or Insanity.