Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How do I lose weight by January? -

I am only 15 years old and I am wondering how to lose weight quickly. I am roughly 130 lbs and 5 2 . Are there any diets or exercises you could recommend? Please help!

130 lbs at 5 feet 2 is not overweight. You probably look great. Stop looking at girls like Paris Hilton or Taylor Swift as some kind of ideal body - types. They are pathetically anorexic-looking. Marilyn Munroe was a size 16 and was perhaps the sexiest woman who ever lived.

1. First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 AM to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.2. Do all the sit-ups you can. Just do them. 15 or 20 whatever, we don t have a lot of time to work with. Rest 1 minute repeat, do this for 6 sets. Already you are breathing hard and feel worn, because the body is working extra hard at being up earlier and then going right into exercise. If the early morning hour lets you get your cardio in, go ahead and do it. 30 minutes.3. Diet. Cut all current meal portions in half, just cut them in half, nothing fancy or complicated, CUT IN HALF! Cut out all bread products, all gravies, candies, chips, night snacks, etc. If you crave at night eat a banana, other fruit or best a non-fat yogurt. There are some tasty ones out there.4. In the evening do another 6 sets of sit-ups maxing out each set. Cardio again. The trick is to stay with getting up earlier. Yes it��s hard, that��s why it is so effective. Why do you think the Army gets up so early, it is intense training to the max.Source(s):ok i didnt write this but i copied and pasted the words but i just put it in number order and made it easier to read.

I lost 56 lbs. just counting my calories. I didn t do any super hard workouts or anything. For women/girls, eat 1,200 calories a day, for men/boys, eat 1,500 a day. I used that simple thing (as long as you don t have any health concerns) and added up my calories on Worked great, took a little time and then my fat just melted off. It does work. My mom did it too... she started after she saw it worked for me, she s lost 25 lbs. Just remember you must eat at least 1,200 calories a day if your a female, because if you don t eat enough, you wont lose weight either. I tried. I hope this works for you too!

If you know right diet information you can lose weight. I use the way here this site and I lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks. It is very fast to lose weight. You can find my diet way that lost me 17 pounds in 5 weeks here link below.

Here is a very efficient way to lose weight. I m going to link a page and make sure you go through the presentation, because it really works.good luck.

How to lose weight in 3 weeks WITHOUT hitting the gym? -

Try this if you have the will power. It s not for wimps.��

If you want to lose weight some weeks. You can try Lose weight a week plan first!Day 1:Eat the soup accompanied with watermelon and melon for your main food all day long. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before you go to bed.Day 2:Stop eating fruit at all! Consume your soup and you are allowed to eat green salad. Make sure the salad contain no dressings, peas and corns.For dinner you can consume roasted potato or baked potato with butter (don t ever think to fry it)Day 3:Consume the soup, salad and fruit but no potato today.Day 4:Eat the soup accompanied with a glass of skimmed milk. Consume 8 pieces of banana to provide your body enough energy. Your body now need carbohydrate and protein also calcium to lessen body need for sugar.Day 5Eat your soup again. Today you should consume salad and salmon fish. Make sure the salmon fish don t exceed 10 ounces.Day 6You should consume maximum 10 ounces of meat along with your soup. You need the protein here.Last DayConsume 4 table spoons of rice with vegetables. Drink fresh watermelon or melon juice without sugar and eat your soup also today.Search: How do I lose weight in a week?;_ylt=A0oGkwRcnBBITWwB.zNXNyoA? y=Search fr= ei=UTF-8Please enjoy it!

i gained 25 lb when i was pregnant so when i gave i want to lose weight fast, now this is not healthy but if it is just for a few days or couple of weeks it will work... i was taking 2 prenatal vitamins per day and salads all day now salads with no dressings or cheese or croutons... just lettuce (romane andiceberg) spinach, tomatos, cucumbers, celery put salt pepper and lime (lime juice actually helps a lot to lose weight)u can add a grilled chicken with just salt and pepper, or some turkey ham... drink lots of water and dont forget the vitamins... i was eating tis every day (actually drinking milk too) for 2 weeks NOONE belive i just gave brith afer those 2 weeks it really worked for me... now im eating healthy my 3 meals per day plus snacks and excercicing too...good luck!!!

Weight Loss Tips You Must Know and Practice :1 : Have a Goal : The most important tip is to have a goal ,having a goal tells you were you are going and how to get there. When you have a goal you don t get discouraged because you know where you are going and as Les Brown will always say when the dream is big ,the problems doesn t matter.2 : Before You start that weight loss program , take a picture of Your present self and keep it for future reference. You should also know your present weight and make sure to keep a record.3 : Quality Exercise: This is not an entirely new method ,but this step should be taking seriously by any one who intends to reduce weight and have a good shape. Exercise could be difficult but any one who is really interested in losing weight must endure for a minimum of four 40 minutes sessions in a week.4 : Aerobic/cardio Work out : Aerobic/cardio workout helps in the reduction of fat and metabolic rate. Ensure to engage in serious aerobic/cardio training 2 to 4 days a week will help in the fat burning process and also in metabolic rate. Many believe Calorie are being burnt while engaging in aerobic exercise only but the truth is , you are burning calories during the exercise AND you are conditioning the body to burn more calories even after the cardio session is done. Short cardio sessions ( 10 - 20 minutes ) will help increase body metabolic rate so as to burn off more calories even when sleeping or resting.To see more results fast endure to engage in cardio sessions for a minimum of four 15-20 minutes sessions a week .5 : Keeping a food diary can be a huge asset in successful weight loss. Devote some time each day to record what you have eaten and how much, your hunger level prior to eating, and any feelings or emotions present at the time. A food diary can provide a large amount of self-awareness. It can identify emotions and behaviors that trigger overeating, foster greater awareness of portion sizes, and help you discover your personal food triggers. Study any patterns that emerge from your food diary and identify where you may be able to make more healthful changes. A food diary provides an added benefit of keeping you focused on and committed to your goals. Start keeping a food diary today byprinting our food diary.6 : Do not Skip Meals : Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the the rest of the article at��

Do not undertake any exercise if you are in pain or feeling unwell. If you feel faint, dizzy or unwell while exercising stop immediately.Abdominal Exercises--------------------------------------��The stomach and abs region is one areas of the body where excess weight is most noticeable - especially in men. Use the exercises in this section to strengthen the abdominal muscles and to really tone that stomach!Stomach Tuck-In | Waist Twists | Sit Ups / CrunchesWhy not take a close look at our dedicated section for abdominal exercises or consider the abdominal exercise machine?Backs--------------------------------------��One of the largest muscle group areas on the body - it s also the muscle groups that many forget to use properly and also forget to train properly.Back ExercisesBalance--------------------------------------��Included are some examples of some simple exercises that you can do to improve your balance. Many of the exercise examples shown as part of the Exercise at Home section require a certain degree of balance, so this section should be very useful.BalanceLeg Exercises--------------------------------------��Exercises that target the calves, thighs, hamstrings and buttocks. These exercises are also suitable for beginners and can be a added to for a more challenging workout. Click on the leg exercise links below to get a full description of the exercise. You may find the section on exercise equipment helpful if you keen on toning and strengthening your legs :Squat | Lunges | Front Leg Raise | Side Leg Raise | Rear Leg Raise | Alternate Leg Raise | Leg Cross Over | Thigh Squeeze | Calf RaisesMobility Improvement Exercises--------------------------------------��Exercises to improve mobility of the neck, shoulders, hips and ankles. Great exercises for those right at the start of their exercise program.Mobility ImprovementStamina--------------------------------------��Increasing your stamina will help you complete your every day tasks more easily, and ensure that you have raised energy levels and feel fitter. There is also more information in the Cardio section.StaminaUpper Body Exercises--------------------------------------��Helpful exercises for those who would like to improve their upper body strength and tone. Some of the exercises require weights, and also a weight bench would be of use, but for those exercises like the bicep curls why not consider using a bag of sugar, or maybe some tinned produce to give that extra workout. Have a look at the resistance straps and free weights if you would like some information on additional exercise equipment to help you out while doing these exercises.

be a vegan. and i mean strictly vegan. just take essential vitamins to be sure.for a month, i lost 15 lbs, just being a lacto-ovo vegetarian. what more if you re a vegan? :D

thats really not possible or healthy, but the only solution to that is drink plenty of water eat healthy (extra healthy) and hit up the sauna. It ll be torture and hell but there ya go

eat food with lots of fiber.. and don t eat things that says non fat.. most of them have substitute fats that isnt healthy.. have simple exercise at home too...

stop eating meat, bread, cheese and pastas!! eat more vegetables and fruits

Eat less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

krispy kreme s and beer

How To Lose Weight !!? -

I am overweight cuz i am 140 and only 5 2 and 12 years old I am flabby on the arms tummy butt and thighs how do i lose weight. I know people say lose weight drink water be specific. Also i am 12 years old and i dont want to starve my self and i can t drive myself to a gym. Helpp I want to be tone and not just be the fat girl of the school. But it is hard choosing the right foods!

just eat less food and the food you do eat should be healthyalso just be sure to exercise for at least an hour each day

You need t ocut back on your carbs and participate in a physical activity. Cut back on your soda intake too. try drinking Diet sodas and unsweetened iced tea.

Do you have any sports at school? I would join one if you can- it is a good way to meet people, lose weight, and learn something new. Talk with your parents about your plans and get them on the same page with you so that they know you are making an effort to lose weight/make better food choices. Good luck!

It s quite easy actually! :) Eat cereal w/fruit for Breakfast...bring a healthy sandwich for lunch(Turkey on wheat bread/with tomato and lettuce) or a thermos of soup,a piece of fresh fruit, and don t forget a healthy snack. For dinner take a plate, and divide it in half. On one side put vegetables..on the other side, put one piece of protein and one piece of starch (Potato, rice) the vegetables first, then the protein, and then the starch. Do this, and you will see the weight drop in no time. :) If you don t know what foods to eat, think healthy. AllFruits, Yogurt, Nuts, Cereal, all kinds of vegetables, bananas are great if you are feeling low on energy, eat toast if you are sick of cereal, a frozen waffle, scrambled eggs even. You don t have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight. Simply eat in moderation. Good Luck!

Okay, Im in the same situation as you, I started a spot, Surf club.Don t have Snacks between meals, and drink water.

I think eat smaller than what you usually eat and don t eat alot of starch like rice

How to lose weight??????????????????????????? -

im almost 13, in 7th grade. and im overweight by like 10 pounds. im constantly getting made fun of for my weight and my next the school year i want to be skinny, so all the people who made fun of me would look at me and show some respect. how can i lose it??

NUTRITION!1. eat organic2. eat wheat free dairy free gluten free foods3. Make yourself a milk smoothie with yogurt and add Whey powder (Make sure you get it from whole foods, trader joe s, or a health food store.) This made me gain weight faster4. eat small portions of food (Like a small fruit salad, salad, or HEALTHY smoothie) every 3-4 hrs.5. (I checked your weight and height) and saw that you need to drink about 40 oz of water per day.6. Take MULTI VITAMINS.Vitamin List:if you re a woman take wheat germ, to limit risk of cervix cancerMALE OR FEMALE:Take BEE Pollen sold in health foods store once a day. Take a ONE small pollen at first, second day 3, third day 5 etc to limit risk of allergic reaction.Take MSN (once a day) sold in health foods store to make bones stronger, and make hair shiny!Take OMEGA 3, 6, 9 fish oil once a day sold in health foods storeTake FLAX SEED oil once a day. SWITCH once a day omega oil, and one day flax seed, day day omega, next day flax seed etc.If you wanna lose weight take cardio for 1 hr 5 times a week.If u wanna gain weight, take pilate s or yoga.This made me lose 25 lbs in 2 months without drugs and ALL ORGANIC!!THIS IS FOR KIDS AND ADULTS:)Good luck!!

The short answer is take in less calories than you burn. This will result in a weight loss. Also, incorporate a healthy diet higher in vegetables and lean protein (chicken). With some mild cardio exercise on top of everything else, you will most likely lose weight. It all depends on your level of dedication.

all you need to do is start taking yoga.. with yoga it elongates your body and helps you burn off those unnecessary calories.. do that for about 5-6 days a week eat light foods even cooking for yourself would be a excellent start and the weight should melt off... you can make it a healthly lifestyle.. by doing a little bit of yoga everyday either in the morning or in the evening but since you are young you have a high metabolism and the weight should melt off with ease.

Ok first of all the thing that happens is you don t need to worry because if you are eating somewhat healthy meals than when you are older you will most likely be skinny, but really you are not overweight unless you have a 30 bmi or something like that, look seventh throught eight grade sucked oh well, but for me i hated that time until i got into highschool and had many friends, the only reason they say that is to make themselves feel better, and becuase they having a boring life and the fill up the time by making you waist your time listening to them.

Ok first of all don t diet just make healthy choices in eating. Eat fruit that tastes sweet to substitute in for sugar. I do a daily workout like 20 push-ups 40 sit upss and 100 jumping jacks and you could also try doing a wall sit 4 times for 10 seconds each. I m about to turn ten. My height is 4 feet 6 inches and i weigh 70 lbs. I have belly fat but that is it so. Follow this and it will go away after 4 weeks or so. Hope i helped.

Hi There -There is a community for teens on a healthy lifestyle and it has many helpful tools on there such as calorie counters, teen groups to join. This site has a lot of helpful information and also other people your age that are facing the same challenges that you are experiencing.www.sparkteens.comHope this helps!YT

oh my gosh, I m the same age.! Okay, losibng weight isn t the easiest have to be committed. One thing you can do ( on top of diet and excersiseing daily which is veryy important) is trying acia berries; . they burn fat and clear your system. hope this helped..=)

i would say go on a diet work out a couple times a week and eat right thats is how i got into shape and don t be a coach potato either get run around and do sports at ur school even p.e just do something and most important eat right

Samet thing is happening to me!! People. please help me!!

i know how you feel. I would just try eating a little less each day and start trying new sports and exersize a little more every couple days

Go to the GYM or buy a Home GYM.

start running and eat healthier

run at the park, cut down on food a little bit. it will take time tho

exercise more often and watch what you eat.

How to lose weight,quick? -

I am way over weight, i live on a mountain in france 15min of 15, what shall i do to lose a bit of weight, no pills or anything orders please

Despite the way it feels, losing weight isn t a mysterious process. It s a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you ll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.Rules of Weight LossTo lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn t want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you go along.Calculate your activity level. Use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. It helps to keep a daily activity journal or you could even wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned.Keep track of how many calories you eat. You can use a site like Calorie Count or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out.Add it up. Take your BMR number, add your activity calories and then subtract your food calories from that total. If you re eating more than you re burning, (your BMR + activity is 2000 and you re eating 2400 calories) you ll gain weight. If you re burning more than you eat, you ll lose weight.Example:Mary s BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories in daily activity with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories but, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she s eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain one pound every 2 weeks.This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it s also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow. You can start by making small changes in your diet and activity levels and immediately start burning more calories than you re eating. If you can find a way to burn an extra 200 to 500 calories each day with both exercise and diet, you re on the right track. Try these ideas:Instead of...Do this...An afternoon CokeDrink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)An Egg McMuffinEat a small whole wheat bagel +1 Tbsp of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)Using your break eat sweetsWalk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)Hitting the snooze buttonGet up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)Watching TV after workDo 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)Total Calories Saved: 532 (based on a 140-pound person)How Much Exercise Do I Need?Exercise is an important weight loss tool, but how much you need varies from person to person. The ACSM s weight loss guidelines suggest at least 250 minutes per week, which comes out to about 50 minutes, 5 days a week. If you re a beginner, start small (3 days a week for 20 to 30 minutes) to give your body time to adapt. Don t forget, things like walking, taking the stairs and household chores can burn more calories as well. Learn more about getting started with exercise.

Eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible. Also cut out the soda and sodium. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you can, exercise briskly thirty minutes nonstop a day. The weight will fly off pretty fast. I have been doing those for two weeks now and have drop 15 lbs already. Good luck.

avoid foods with too much sugar in it. this includes cookies, ice cream and desserts in general. reduce the amount of food eaten per meal. try drinking water before eating to make you get the feeling of being full and savor the food that you eat. running or any other form of cardio is sure to cause weight loss.

I used TrimGel, it aint no joke, 8 lbs in 6 days crazy, but I know it s not healthy to lose too much weight too fast I read it

How to lose weight when only 13? -

Hey ya ll what up? I m ____ name not important but I need to lose weight for this guy I know why do you need to lose weight bla bla bla see I m 13 and play soccer, exercise, eat healthy food, drink water and vitaim water it s just I can t seem to lose weight I can t take phils but can you give me some places to go to lose weight?

Hi There -There is a community for teens on a healthy lifestyle and it has many helpful tools on there such as calorie counters, teen groups to join, exercises, workout programs, and weight loss experts. This site also has other people your age that are asking the same questions and facing the same challenges that you are experiencing.www.sparkteens.comHope this helps!w8losschick

you are doing pretty good..just keep it up the only thing that i recommend you to do is drink at least 8 cups of water a day so u lose the pounds faster,, nd to eat 4 to 5 small meals..what that does it will increase ur metabolism and burn fat faster..i remember i did this for 2 months and i went from 2 15 to 190! hope it works

Try the company fitnessfun, they help anyone with their fitness goals. They are a nice and helpful company. It totally web base, so you do not have to see someone and have them check you out. I used them before and now I m happy with my six pack abs. You should try (website)good luck

You can buy some DVDs that suit you!Try looking for short effective workouts that are not complicated!

try the Little Jack workout�� it really works

How to lose weight???????? -

i was wondering how a 12 year old who hasnt gone through puberty yet could lose the most weight but swims for 7 and a half hrs. a week????

1 Dietary Balance and reading labels: watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It��s really that simple. This involves some calculation. The approximate normal daily caloric requirement for an average male who performs light activity is 2,200; for a female, it is 1,900.Do the math. Eat less and eat at least five meals a day. Your actual caloric requirement can differ depending on your height, weight, activity level and your body s metabolic rate. Identify your exercise. No exercise was created equal. You might like running, so run. You might like jogging, so jog. You might like stationary bikes, so bike stationary. Find the one that works best for you. Don��t pick a routine that you don��t like and won��t stick with it for long. Try yoga. Yoga is one of the best ways of losing weight. Of course I can��t go into a full lecture about yoga over here but I can tell you that I have never seen people with better-toned bodies than those who practice yoga. One of the benefits of yoga is that you learn to control virtually every muscle and joint of your body so that the issue of weight gain will cease to exist. Photos and Joining online support group : Take before and after photos. There��s no easier way to illustrate your progress. It��s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends helps as they know things that you couldn��t possibly know, and they��ve probably been ��in your shoes�� at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find one that fits you. Water you waiting for If you��re not drinking enough water, your body will let you know. Thirst is an amazing sensation �C quench it. If you��re not hydrated, your body won��t be working at peak levels. If you��re worried about ��water weight,�� remember that you��re likely to retain more water when you��re not giving your body enough of it in the first place. I��m not going to dictate how many glasses you should drink, though �C as that��s going to vary from person to person. Zone out. There��s a reason why people exercise to their favorite music �C listening to external stimulus takes your mind off of the physical activity making ��exercise time�� fly or situate yourself in front of TV or video games involving exercises. Sleep it off. To be an efficient fat-burning machine, If you think that you��re doing yourself a favor by sleeping less, you��re mistaken. Give your body time to rest itself, both mentally and physically. Sleep is very, very important. 8 Keep a food diary. All you have to do is jot down what, when, and how much you eat in a notebook, or you can do it online at a Web site . A food diary gives a clear picture of your current eating habits so you can identify the changes you need to make to lose weight. Be confident and motivated.You need to believe in yourself!. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fail to achieve your target , find out why is it so. After evaluating, look ahead. When you have thought of giving up, visualize how good you will look when you manage to slim down successfully.

Hi there,I think you might be getting a little mixed up with what you want exactly. You say that you want to lose weight but that means you might want to get rid of some muscle too. You then say that you d like to shape (I d call it tone) your body a little which implies you want to build some muscle. I m not trying to pick at your question - I just want to clarify the point for you.To answer it in the best way, I am going to look at it as if you want to get rid of fat AND build muscle at the same time. If you re looking to trim and tone your body, and espectially because you suggest you are not that overweight, I would suggest you start performing more intensive aerobic exercises such as jogging. I wouldn t think you need to change the whole way you eat or go on a diet because if you re wanting to build muscles - it s better to do it all with exercise.Exercises like jogging won t exactly build your muscles on your stomach but they will help reduce the extra fat around there. Depending on how fit you are, you should go on daily or bi-daily jogs of around a mile. To build muscles, you should concentrate on anaerobic exercises such as sit-ups to help build muscles.These muscle-building exercises will give your muscles the toning and training they need to grow and become more prominent. To start to see a real difference with sit-ups, you should be looking to do no more than 100 every day (more than that will often hurt your muscles).If you stick to doing those two forms of exercise - jogging and sit-ups, you should see real improvements in a week or two. Remember, you should do them as often as you can (I.E every single day).

There are more tips and info.How to lose weight naturally has been in debate for years.Some say low carb. Some say high carb. Some say it s how much food. Some say it s how much exercise. But none of these covers the whole picture.How to lose weight naturally is not rocket science. It just takes accepting the facts of these seven natural laws of weight loss, plus good old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness.Seven Laws of How to Lose Weight Naturally1. Make a commitment to whatever it takes. 2. Start from a foundation of happiness.3. Design your own healthy diet plan. 4. Manage your emotions. 5. Find a way to exercise daily. 6. Keep a Journal. 7. Be persistent.- Healthy life every day!

Little Tricks To Help You Lose Weight FastYeah we all know that we are supposed to cut calories, do cardio and hit the gym to get in shape, but there are lots of little tricks you shouldn t ignore if you want to slim down quick.Take The Stairs Taking the stairs instead of the elevator every day can help you burn some extra calories. It may not seem like a lot but it adds up. Over a period of a year, taking the stairs can burn off an extra five lbs. of fat.

No matter how you slice it, diet is a dirty word. It smacks of deprivation and hunger pangs. To overcome the pain, you need a plan.So WebMD asked the experts for advice, and put together their quick tips on how to get your weight lossgoing.1. Know Your Weight Loss Goals2. Understand Your Weight Loss Personality3. Double Up: Diet Exercise4. Make a Firm Weight Loss CommitmentFinally, be sure you re committed to losing weight for yourself -- not because someone else is pressuring you to do so.Then, take things slowly, keep these tips in mind, and you should be on the road to weight loss in no time.

To refuel during and after exercise, add 5-10 grams of a special sugar called D-Ribose to your drinking water. It has a zero glycemic index (actually less than zero �� it lowers sugar), increased energy an average of 45% in a study I recently published, and prevents post exercise soreness.

If you know right diet info you can lose weight. I use the way here this site and I lost 15 pounds in 30 days. It is very easy to lose weight. You can get my diet way that lost me 20 pounds in 6 weeks here link below.

You can lose weight by eating a balanced diet and a proper exercise. You can try cycling, jogging, walking, or even light weight training since you are still growing. Visit to learn more on how to lose weight effectively.

if you are 12, just cut out crap food, like soda, chips and chocolate and eat lots of good stuff, fruit, cereal (not the stuff in boxes but muesli). i find swimming makes me really hungry... maybe cut back on swimming and do some walking or biking.

Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health problems.

Just eat a well balanced diet and exercise...

swim and walking is your two best things you can do!!

buy a bike, join a gym and eat healthyits the only way, there is no shortcuts

stop eating