Saturday, January 28, 2017

How can i lose weight fast but safe? -

i want to lose weight im 14 years old and want to know whats the best way that i can fast but safe i would like to lose 50 or more by may if i could how should i exercise and if their is a cook book that works good when you are on a diet i am 5 foot a little taller and about 200

try the lil Jack workout video��

Stop eating fatty foods incl any fast food, chocolate and other candy. Stop drinking sodas. Try running/walking for 30-40 min 4-5 times a week. Doing some weights will help also. DON T stop eating. It will slow you metabolism and prevent your body from burning calories. You don t need a cook book, it s simple. Don t eat prepared foods, and stay away from anything fried, sugary, or with a lot of oil. Eat a lot of vegetables, breads, rice, lean meats, etc. You probably won t lose weight as fast as you want but if you make this a lifestyle it will last and you will feel much better. Just be consistent.

DONT TAKE PILLS, never. My mom almost died taking diet pills.Safe way, eat healthy stuff, look up recipes on google.Also try home exercise, like taebo, his dvds arent costly and itdoes wonders! also look on youtube they have a lot of videosgood luck

Drink water. I always have water where ever I am. And eat healthy. See if you can join a gym. I joined a gym here in town and I lost 15 lbs since July. And I do go to the gym every day. I do cardio 90 min and weights 15 min and abs 10 min. And always eat less and exercise more.

watch what you eat,eat enough to fill you up and don t be greedy and run as many miles as you can run before you feel you might have to throw up because that is a true sign you have done enough and this should be done on a daily basis

Exercising would help. Try not to eat a lot of calories. Cut off the sugar and sodas that would help a lot and would also be healthier if you cut off the soda.

Choose one. You can t have your cake and eat it too... Wow, that saying applies to this question quite well...

walk 45 min a day and consume 1200 calories a day.

running is the best way to loose

Whats a good diet to lose weight fast!? -

I would like to lose 30 pounds by christmas is it possable? any tips?

you should eat at least 4-5 meals a day.drink lots of water, and eat regularly. don t starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you ll gain everything back, trust lots of fruits and veggies, and if you eat bread, make sure it s whole grain. white bread is pretty fattening. you can also eat lean meats, like fish, turkey and chicken breast. eggs also help when trying to lose weight.skip out on sweets, candy, sugary foods, chips, ice cream, cake, and cookies.if you feel hungry, but don t want to over eat, chew gum. it ll keep your mouth busy and it tricks yourself into thinking your eating.cut out ALL soda! if you stop drinking soda, it helps you out a lot!and don t forget to exercise!try walking, jogging, jump rope, dancing, crunches, bike riding and swimming. try exercising for 45-80 minutes a day.good luck!

Fastest is not best, but you have time to reach your goal doing it the right way. A lot of the answers you will see here will tell you to take some sort of supplement. Don t take diet pills. They are unnatural and dangerous. It is not the lack of pills that got you heavy; that is not the fix you need. It was (most likely) improper diet and lifestyle that got you the extra weight. That is the fix you need.The best way to lose weight is through the principles of balance and moderation. You need to eat good food and eat enough of it.Shoot to lose 1-3 pounds per week. No more. Don t go hungry, just keep yourself filled with good, natural foods.Don t worry about calories. Caloric science is flawed for several reasons. 1) it assumes 100% absorption, but we all absorb and excrete different amounts; 2) It assumes all calories are processed the same, but calories from natural sources are burned more slowly and evenly than from refined sources; 3) It assumes that the amount of energy released by combustion (burning) in a lab is the same amount of energy released when the food is broken down enzymatically in the gut; 4) It assumes that the same exercise done by different people will burn the same amount of exercise, but different exercises will be harder or easier for different people; 5) Correlation does not prove causation. People who are heavier eat more calories: did the calories make them heavy, or did being heavy make them need more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem. 6) people in China consume 25-40% more calories; even the sedentary office workers have more calories and less obesity than we.Asian cultures have long ago figured out how we should be eating, Ever since we have looked to science to tell us how to eat we have seen more obesity and diet-related disease. If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians. This doesn t mean you have to eat Asian food, just adhere to the principles that are common to the different cultures and cuisines.You should eat mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods slow your metabolism because they need to be cooked in your stomach) and a wide variety, mostly fresh and in-season and local, simple grains (more rice, less bread), some fruit, a little meat, no dairy (it s for infants and grows tissue), and no artificial foods.Avoid artificial foods, including sugar substitutes. Don t worry about calories, fat, protein, carbs, nor any one component of food.There are several books that explain this strategy of eating. The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weight, and being well by Bussell explains the diet and its rationale. The Asian Diet: get slim and stay slim the Asian way by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. The China Study by Campbell has the science behind the recommendation.Get some exercise every day, but not too much and not always the same exercise. Start slow and work your way up. Calisthenics are great, as is Tai Chi. Walking and swimming are also great. All other exercises should be in a wide rotation.Follow the principles of balance and moderation and you ll be fine. Most diets in America are not balanced nor moderate.Source(s):http://www.theasiandiet.com

Try and adopt a vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet is undoubtedly better for those of us watching our diet. There are a lot of advantages of keeping to a vegetarian diet but I don��t want to sing an ode to vegetarianism now. What I would suggest is keep to a vegetarian diet as much as you can. Make a non- vegetarian diet a week end event or something if you find it impossible to give up eating all those animals.

run up hills and email this kid hes amazing HE TURNED ME INTO A BEAST THROUGH 1 SIMPLE EMAIL....i would go to information on how to get into shape,gain muscle mass,nutrition,supplements,diet,exercise�� pictures for all muscles!!-its the answer to all your questions and a GREAT site,id recommend it to anyone+you can email him and he will help you gladly! Just my 2 sense.

A more realistic target might be 10-12 pounds,if you set your sights too high you are doomed from the start.The secret is just 4 words :EAT LESS DO MOREAre you desperate enough to try it?��

yes it is

How do you lose weight fast? -

I am 5 3 and weigh 195. I need to lose weight and fast. my health is starting to go down hill and i need help. Should I try weight loss pills first to get rid of the weight and then start to exercise. exercise alone won t take it off fast enough. any suggestions?

A good diet and exercise. If you take it off too quick you will just gain it back. Keeping the weight off is a life style change and doesn t happen over night.Coach

if people would exercise more they would not have to worry so darn much about food...Are you really serious about doing this? We are talking about hard work. Putting down your little debbies, getting off your butt and not only going on a diet but EXERCISING!!! Even if you lose the weight it will come right back if you do not have the desire and motivation to not only look cute but to be healthy. it is going to take alot of inner strength I can assure you of that. 1.) eat 4-5 small meals a day2.) drink lots of water3.)exercise every day4.) do not eat 4-6 hours before you sleep.

Cut Calories, Eat Healthy, Exercise. At there is a free weight loss guide that will help you lose weight. They tell you home many calories you should be eating for effective and healthy weight loss. They let you track your calories and exercise, post on message boards, and more. I know I should like a commercial for them but the website has seriously helped me and best of all it is free. There is really no way to lose weight fast unless you get surgery or something.

You can start off by changing your diet dramatically. Cut out most fats and sweets and eat meals which are high in protein and low in fats. Carbohydrates aren t that bad, but just make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Once you get your diet settled, start exercising! The sooner the better, and you will see the pounds drop right off of you once you start eating right exercising. For exercise, try a variety of things. Swimming, biking, running, etc.

plastic surgery. or weightloss pills

I am 5 3 and weighed 205, but lost 67 pounds in four months. How? EATING HEALTHY AND EXERCISING. There is no magic silver bullet. Pills don t work. Just clean out your cabinets and fridge of bad food and buy fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken and fish. I personally ate shrimp and salmon quite a bit as main dishes. Exercise at LEAST 60 minutes a day. It sounds like a lot but: 1. if it is worth it to you, you will find a way to do it, and 2. you can break the time up and do 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. Also - drink TONS of water. You will lose a lot right away doing that. It definitely works. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU! I know your struggle, and you CAN do this! :o)

Proteins in the morning, never skip breakfast. Salads through the rest of the day. Cardiovascular exercise in the middle of the afternoon but never more than one hour. Drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water throughout the day but not more than that and nothing with sugar or carbohydrates if it is not breakfast. Try it for two months and see how much weight you loose.

cut down on the calorie intake. especially salt and sugar. you will see the change real quick. or try to eat just one meal a day and eat salad with no dressing when you get hungry.

Heart attack and triple bypass should do the trick. Its a scary enough thought to curve your eating habits as well as getting you to do some exercise. Fast weight loss isn��t the way to go, it can bring on added health issues apart of the ones you are trying to solve, a slow reduction is the safest way to go as well as the longer lasting effects. You can try Atkins or similar low carb diet, it is as good as you can get for the fastest weight loss without TOO much damage to your health. Hope you achive your goal.

Don t eat!