Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to lose weight? -

Im a 17 year old boy. I am 6 feet in height and i weigh 13 stone.(183 pounds) and i would like to lose weight before i go back to school in september and i would also like to gain some muscles aswel. What would be the best way to start this. Because i am seriously And i dont want to over do it early on or i wont do it at all.! I also dont eat very healty food. Can anyone please give me an answer to this. Im in real bad need of an answer.!

Start off by exercising everyday... If nothing else, go for a 30 minute run.. your fitness will increase at an amazing rate as you find you are able to do more and more exercise.

I suggest going on a raw food diet.

get yourself down the gym, ask for a programme to be tailor made for you and around month 3 you willbe fit, healthy and muscle toned

Anybody can loose weight.Just follow some tips.Here is a good website offering free tips on weight loss,

watch what you eat and how much, then walk, walk, walk.

(Given w/ your info above your current BMI [website below has references] is 24.87, so your normal- going to overweight... )Try to eat a bit more healthy, such as LESS oily foods. You can still eat the food, but CONTROL yourself. Don t over eat!Fit some time for yourself to go to the gym- run, jog! Lift weights... etc. And, at home do some crunches/ sit ups everyday.In order to reach your goal, you ll have to stick to it. Don t give up! In time, you will see the differences. Good luck!

How to lose weight? -

well, i am 16 and i have a bmi of 33. so, the question is, how do to lose weight. i exercise and eat moderately. i eat veggies, fruits and meat. i can stay constant at a certain weight but now, i want to lose weight. how? thanks in advance! =)

Dieting Tips Be aware of what you drink!It s amazing how many extra calories are in the sodas, juices, and other drinks. Cutting out soda completely can save you 360 calories or more each day. AVOID diet soda too, the artificial sweeteners are probably not good very good for you they tend to make some people hungry. Drink a lot of water. Switching from whole to nonfat or low fat milk is also a good idea, or switching to soy milk is even a better idea. Move your body!You may find that you don t need to give up calories as much as you need to get off your behind. And don t get stuck in the rut of thinking you have to play a team sport or take an aerobics class - try a variety of activities from hiking to cycling to rowing until you find ones you like. Not a jock, you say? Find other ways to fit activity into your day: walk to school, jog up and down the stairs a couple of times before your morning shower or take a stroll past your crush s house - anything that gets you moving. Your goal should be to work up to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week - but it s fine to start out by simply taking a few turns around the block before bed. This may also help you to avoid becoming a TV, video game, or Internet junkie! Start small!Drastic changes are much harder to stick with than small changes. Try reducing the size of the portions you eat and giving up regular soda for a week. Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life. Stop eating when you re full!Lots of teens (and adults) eat when they re bored, lonely, or stressed or keep eating long after they re full out of habit. Slowing down can help because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize how much is in your stomach. Sometimes taking a break before going for seconds can keep you from eating them. Avoid eating when you feel upset or bored - try to find something else to do instead (a walk around the block or a trip to the gym are good alternatives). Many teens find it s helpful to keep a diary of what they eat and when. Reviewing their diary later can help them identify the emotions they have when they overeat or whether they have unhealthy habits. A registered dietitian can give you pointers on how to do this. Eat less more often!Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals. Stick a couple of healthy snacks (carrot sticks, a low fat granola bar, pretzels, or a piece of fruit) in your backpack so that you can have one or two snacks during the day. Adding healthy snacks to your three squares and eating smaller portions when you sit down to dinner can help you to cut calories without feeling deprived. Five a day keeps the pounds away.Trash the junk food and buy lots of fruits and vegetables! Five or more servings of fruits and veggies aren t just a good idea to help you lose weight - they ll help keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy. Other suggestions for eating well: exchange white bread for whole-wheat; drink lots of water and make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Don t skip breakfast. (Having low fat cereal and milk and a piece of fruit is a much better idea than inhaling a donut as you run to the bus stop or eating no breakfast at all!) A registered dietitian can give you lots of other snack and menu ideas. Avoid fad or prepackaged diets.If we were meant to eat from cans, they d grow on trees. It s never a good idea to trade meals for shakes or to give up a food group in the hope that you ll lose weight - we all need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Teens, in particular, should stay away from fad diets because they re still growing and need to make sure they get proper nutrients. Avoid diet pills (even the over-the-counter or herbal variety) unless your doctor prescribes them! These can be very addictive! Don t banish certain foods.Don t tell yourself you ll never again eat your absolutely favorite peanut butter chocolate ice cream or a bag of chips from the vending machine at school. Making these foods forbidden is sure to make you want them even more. Besides, you need to have some fat in your diet to stay healthy, so giving up all fatty foods all the time isn t a good idea anyway. The key to long-term success is making healthy choices most of the time. If you want a piece of cake at a party, go for it! But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out later in the evening. For more on Fast Foods Forgive yourself.So you were going to have one cracker with spray cheese on it and the next thing you know the can s pumping air and the box is empty? Drink some water, brush your teeth, and move on. Everyone who s ever tried to lose weight has found it challenging. When you slip up, the best idea is to get right back on track and don t look back. Avoid telling yourself that you ll get back on track tomorrow or next week or after New Year s. Start now.Some Dieting Rules Remember, any successful diet means consuming fewer calories, eating less food, but eating healthy food, (see Fab Foods for more). You are fooling yourself if you think a diet that permits you to eat anything you what will help you to lose weight. To lose weight follow these simple rules: Don t eat a large meal in the evening when you ll have little opportunity for exercise afterwards. It s best to eat more at the times when you are going to be the most active. Eat a hearty breakfast, a substantial lunch, and a light dinner. Never skip breakfast! Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food. Don t eat while you re doing anything else like watching TV, using the computer or doing your homework. Stop frying food. If you must snack, stock the fridge with low calorie snacks like raw vegetables and low fat yogurt. TWELVE GREAT WAYS TO BURN CALORIES (WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT)Calorie Burning Tips 1. Instead of riding elevators or escalators, take the stairs. 2. At the supermarket park farther away from the door as you usually would. Take a couple extra laps around the market too if you have the time.3. Instead of plopping down on the couch during Friends , do some house chores or better yet go for a nice brisk walk.4. If you take the bus or the subway, stand in the aisle and let someone else have your seat.5. Instead of going out to dinner, go out and walk, rollerblade or play pool (something physical).6. At work, instead of taking coffee breaks, take walk breaks, and no smoking please!7. If possible once or twice a week, ride your bike to work or to the gym.8. Instead of sitting back and watching your younger siblings play (or if you are baby-sitting), get on the floor and play with them, at first they may think you are crazy, but they may like it.9. Instead of letting the dog out to roam the yard, take the dog for a walk.10. Cut your grass (with a push mower), your parents will love this too.11. While watching TV, lie on your back and do some leg lifts or some isometrics with your arms while watching.12. Wash the floors, it burns calories and uses many muscle groups. A clean floor isn��t so bad either. Just be careful of your knees.Good luck dieting and remember to eat smart!

well to lose weight it takes time eat right and do the right amount of exercise. also by working out you will gain some body mass and you might weight a little bit more heavier but you are losing fat and getting a lot more solid.

HELP!!! How to lose weight in one month? -

I am going on vacation in one month and have to lose some weight. I am a younger teenager. I m not that fat , but I have a bit of a tummy. What are some healthier vegetarian meal alternatives? How many calories per day? What are some breakfast, brown-bag lunch, and dinner ideas? Also some ideas for after-school snacks and light desserts?food options must be vegetarian(they may NOT contain meat, but may contain dairy/eggs)

If you like eating cabbage. You can go on a cabbage diet. Search cabbage diet on yahoo. It will give you a bunch of recipes. It is one of those diets: The more you eat the more you lose. My dad lost 45 pounds in one month. It gives you certain rules for certain days. For example, it tells you that you can only drink juice one time a day. It is a really good diet. You should try it!!!!

i am vegitarian as well. u should try increasing ur dairy intake. drink 2 or three classes of milk daily. i have a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch or a salad. white bread and pastas tend to help weight gain so stay away from that. for dinner u can have noodles. they will fill u up and dont have much calories for the most part. if u count calories try to keep at 2000 per day u can go under that amount but dont go too under. u dont wanna be to slim either. the most important part of have an ideal weight for urself is just be happy and dont stress over it or u will can more or lose to much.

same question. Im 6 4 and weigh 230, i want to weigh like 210 ish. I have been trying to eat good and workout more but nothing is happening and im pissed

I went on slim fast a year ago. Drank the 2 milk shakes a day and for lunch I order steam vegetables with white rice and garlic sauce from the chinese place in my neighborhood. Lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks 3 days.Love my body went off of it because I didn t want to loose anymore weight. Side effect a year later I am 45 pounds over weight.

Since you are young I would definitely not diet. Try getting more exercise instead. Make sure you get enough healthy fat in your diet especially coconut oil (high quality organic). The more healthy fat and the fewer high processed carbs (cereal, bread, pasta) the better. Make darn sure to stay away from processed diet foods (energy bars, shakes) and especially anything with diet sugar (sweet n low, splenda, sucralose). Eat mainly veges with healthy fat, eggs, beans, nuts/seeds, fruit and be sure to eat enough! When you cut calories your metabolism just slows down.A great way to tone is to do Pilates. The best dvd is 10 minute solution . While it is nearly impossible to lose fat from one specific body area, Pilates will help you develop long and lean muscles so you look thinner in the middle.

oh, simply drink more than 12 glasses of water everyday and NO TO CARBONATED DRINKS, spicy, fatty and salty food. Also, don t eat chocolates, sweets and food with preservatives. Then simply make 16 sit ups every morning so as to get rid of your tummy.Try! I lose weight from 75 kilos to 62kilos in 3 months!Have a nice day :)

The most you can safely lose in a month is about 10 pounds. Cut out any sugar and saturated fats, drink one half ounce of water for every pound you weigh. If you weigh 130 it would be 65 ounces, or about 4 16oz bottles of don t want to dehydrate. If you are exercising, drink more water to replace what you sweat out. Eat high protein and fiber. You can look up those foods on the internet.Just remember you need to eat less calories than you burn to lose weight. If you lose too much too fast you will be sick and spoil your vacation, so don t go on a starvation diet. Drinking water before eating will help you feel full so you won t want to eat more.

Why dont you try Lemon Detox diet. Google lemon detox .

anenima(or however the hell you spell it) you re intestines have like 20+lbs of feces in it :)

A good way is to eat three to five small meals a day, chicken breast, tuna, eggs, two percent milk instead of whole milk. Eat whole grains such as wheat breads and cereal. The hardcore way would be adding a good thermionic formula coupled with exercise, weight training, and plenty of water in your diet. The more water you drink, the more weight you loose. Discipline.P.S. Skin firming cream

Your best bet is to do some crunches or similar exercises to strengthen your stomach muscles.

why don t you try fruitz(any kind),cut them into bite size and put some ginger syrup,you can eat it for breakfast or for snacks..

You can Lose 9 lbs every 11 days after you know these facts:Low Fat Foods DON T WORK......... You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.Low Calorie Diets DON T WORK........ You won t lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body s fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.Low Carb Plans DON T WORK....... You ll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.In fact,the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT!!!GO to the source below,,http://www.yesloseweight.comIt will tell you the whole secret of weight loss and tell you how to lose weight by eating Chicken,Fish Filet,Cottage Cheese,sandwich and so on.You can find weight loss is so easy and so happy!!!!!

Exercise everyday like jogging around the blockSkip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fullEat fruits at night if your hungry.Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.

GET AN ABLOUNGE!!! It really does work and doesn t take alot of time out of you day. The video with it lasts about 5 mins or so and you will feel the burn. PROMISE!!!! Drink lots of water, it helps flush away the toxins. If those aren t good for you try diet pills. Ive used Propolene, Slimquick, Relacore and right now am using Relacore PM with a little bit of ablounge work and have lost 5 pounds in a little over 2 weeks and I change no food. I work night **** and we order alot of fast food so I need all the help I can get. All of these work for me and you can buy them at any drug store. Hope this helps!!! Good Luck

Buy this book Eating for Your Blood Type .Once you start eating whats best for You (and I don t mean dieting or eating only food thats good for you.)you ll start loosing weight.My mom started about 3 weeks ago and has lost over 16lbs.Try it!!

this covers it all

I dont eat meat, just chicken..... but a really good thing to burn calories for me is .... 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 lime.... one in the morning before breakfast and one before go to bed. Well of course the best thing to do is stop eating junk food and sodas.Is not that hard...... and for me is pretty good !!!! Good Luck !

How to lose weight?????????????????? -

im 15 yrs old and 5 1 90-93lbs and im going to hollywood soon. i want to lose a little weight like 5-10lbs. its just that people their are so skinny and fit and i just want to look good while im there. i dont want to hear its not healthy and that im at a healthy weight. and i dont want to take pills. any suggestions? thxxx

Eat more meat and less carbs.Fat is ok,as long as you don t eat the carbs with it.Hoped that helped.(It really works.)

well it sounds like your at a normal weight and that you dont want to lose a lot of pounds. i have just the right thing.stop drinking juices, soda or any liquids that contain sugar in it. instead drink water only along with your meals. drink a lot of water. restrain yourself from soda and sugary drinks that are saturated with me this works. i lost 15 pounds in a month and a half by simply drinking only water instead of sugary drinks like soda. plus once your used to it you wont crave things like soda anymore.drink water its healthy!good luck!!

Eat healthy, make sure to get lots of fruits and vegetables in a day and cut back on the junk food. Don t starve yourself or you will gain it back and more.

Do sit ups and crunches every morning before you eat breakfast and every evening before dinner do up 100-200trust me, im 13 and it works for me

Ur healthy and ur at a healthy weight and take some pills. :P

omg your soo lucky and soo skinny omg you really dont need to lose any weight!

Maybe eat small mounts of food each day til then..and go jogging and exercise alot

How to lose weight without dieting? -

I don t wanna go for dieting.

If you want to lose weight without dieting you must eat in a sensible and healthy manner. (After making sure that you leave some time for exercising duirng the week). (You do not have to exercise on the level of trainning ofr the olympics)First you will have to make a few changes in your eating habits.1- First and foremost increase the amount of water that you drink each day to about 80 to 100 ounces of water a day.(This will help regulate your metabolism and it will wash away fat and toxins from your system. It will also cause your kidneys and liver to function better there by stabilizing sugar levels. In other words: water, water water drink as much water as you can.2- Stop drinking sugary soft drinks. (sodas snapples etc. Even fruit juices Even diet soda (artificial sweeteners also cause you to want to eat more.3- a daily exercise program and more movement in general Walk to a place if you can instead of driving 4 blocks to the local store (walk. whenever you can). 4- Also eat smaller meals and more frequently during the day. Have healthy snacks in between your meals. 5- Don t drink the fruit juice (apple juice orange juice etc). Instead eat an orange or eat an apple instead of drinking the juice from a container)If you follow these slight and easy changes you will lose weight. in a very painless way. Above all the first two steps are the most important. Drink water water and water. Stop drinking sugary drinks. A refreshing change could be: squeeze fresh lemons into some water and drink the lemon water. Do not add sugar or other artificial sweetners. just drink plain lemon and water. It is a real thrst quencher.By drinking as much water as you can during the day you will feel less hungry and lose weight without dieting. Also cut down on the amount of any sweets that you are eating. Cut down does not mean totally eliminate. You can still occasionaly have some desserts or a smaller amount.If you do this then you will lose weight painlessly and without having to diet as they say.

So do you think this work and have you every tried to do this and i heard that you can drown of drinking to much water and their is a such thing as a limit and you are suppose to drink at least 8 cups of water a day and eat at least eat a meal a day and bascial you are saying starve our selves Report Abuse

THe best ways to lose weight, without giving up the foods you like, is to exercise and cut your portions down.

Helpful Tips for weight loss:1)A good way to loose weight is to use a calorie counter watchKeep to a 1,200 food intakeAdd 1,200 plus 3,500 (equals one pound of fat) ...and that is the total amount of calories you need to burn each day. Its actually really easy once you start watching the numbers and it doesn t seem like work or exercise. Its just a matter of changing the way you think about loosing weight.I use this method when i gain some pounds. The first time I did this I went from 168 to 1272) Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body s principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day

Some easy ways to lose weight include exercising a little while every day (walk if you can!), cutting back on empty calories and sugar, and drinking water instead of soft drinks.

This is as simple as it can get -1) Eat more steam food, lean meat, vegies and fruits2) Cut out the junk food, soda drinks and snacks3) drink plenty of water / green tea4) Exercise - look at combining weights and cardio into your program. you can look at alternating upper and lower body exercises without rest, say bicep curls, then lunges , rest and repeat. With cardio, try sprinting 100m, jog 100m and repeat.Here s a review link to a program��5) Have 5-6 healthy meals a day(1 plate portions) to keep your body satisfied6) if you have cravings drink water or eat fruits

If you want to lose weight without dieting, you have to exercise daily. You should still keep a health diet, though.

exercise everyday like jogging around the blockskip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fulleat fruits at night if your hungry.drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.# Here are my ten top tips to tip the scales your way: CREATE YOUR OWN VIRTUAL REALITY.# EAT NUTRITIOUS WHOLE FOODS.# ELIMINATE HIGH GLYCEMIC FOODS.# DRINK PLENTY OF PURE LIQUIDS.# MOVE YOUR BODY. BUILD MUSCLE.# INCREASE HIGH FIBER FOODS.# CUT OUT BAD FATS, ADD GOOD ONES.# ENJOY DOING IT YOUR WAY.# HAVE A SIMPLE ORGANIZED PLAN.# FORGIVE YOURSELF AND MOVE ON. -------Weight Loss Ten Top Tips----- -- task=view id=83 Itemid=62 -- Please enjoy it!

Just eat more healthy foods, eat 6 small meals a day. Also stop drinking soda if you do drink it, That alone would be like 10 pounds instantly.

How to lose weight? -

well im 12 and a hald years old(turning thirteen on july) and i wieght 50 kg im 153 cm, i think im fat in my age so i want to loose weight on my stomach(espacially it doesnt show all that fat when i sit) and also on my thighs and a lil on my arms...but my question is how do i loose wieght? like 2-3-4 kg a week?PLEASE HELP!

find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day8 glasses of waterhave complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energyhave lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs musclecardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight trainingdont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

Well, I honestly believe you should just eat fresh fruit and vegetables, a little meat and an odd egg or two, and drink only water, and you will be just fine. I wish I were your age!

You will get many answers and many will be complicated.Here is a simple one --- Cut down on your portions, cut out the fast foods, and only eat three healthy meals a day. Walk as an extra 30 to 60 minutes a day. Get a walking partner --- walk and talk you will not mind the time.In a few weeks the reward -- people will call you skinny.

You don t need to lose any weight you re only 12 you re still growing. Ignore all this size zero rubbish, they re practically anorexic, enjoy your childhood you have plenty of time to worry about your weight when you re older then you ll realise men love women with curves! :0)

110. pounds for 5 2..hmmm i think ur ok but if u really wanna lose soke weight start walking every morning eat six small meals durning the whole day not before 9 though and maybe some snacks low calories that is and maybe some cardio 3 times a week for 30 mins......member that diet is 80% of wieght lose 20% is exersise...hope that helped

You re still younge and it s normal to put on a little weight right before you grow.And you re at the age a lot of people have their grothspert.But if you really want to lose weight just eat less junk food and more fruit and veggies or play outside more.Walking at night is a fun and relaxing way to get exrecise. =)

At your age, you shouldn t be worried about something like that. But if you still feel like you re uncomfortable with yourself get into dancing. It an easy way to lose weight and gain muscle. You could also join a team such as soccer, football or baseball. Losing 2-4 kg a week is NOT HEALTHY especially at your age so please, don t even think about it..don t even try. I hope this helps, but even though I don t know how you look, i m sure you are very beautiful just the way you are. The key to looking great is accepting yourself the way you are.

I don t think you need to. But DO NOT use diet pills or anything. Good old fashioned try drinking water and excercise, and cut out junk foods. (I am 12 as well.)[Tori]