Sunday, March 26, 2017

How can I lose weight fast? -

I m looking for a reliable way to lose weight without taking any sort of diet pills. Can you help me???

Don t skip breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast can help you eat in moderation at lunch and dinner. A high-fiber, low-fat breakfast may make a major contribution to a total reduced food intake for the day.Losing weight is simply a matter of limiting calories consumed and burning off more calories with exercise and daily activities. Also, eating Negative Calorie Foods , also called fat-burners, is great way to lose weight. You can eat more and still lose weight.Check out It has an article on Negative Calorie Foods and to monitor your calorie consumption and daily activity,

I ve been on sandwich diet, I own a sandwich shop so it s easy for me, but I guess you can do Subway $5 foot long. What I do is eat 6 for lunch and 6 for dinner, and I run 30 minutes in the morning. I m stuck though, I ve been doing it for about 4-5 weeks already but only loss 5-6 lbs, I want something faster, I m looking to lose another 15lb by June. So if anybody have any idea, please post! THANKS

okay you don t need diet pill hun just do 40 sit up and 20 push ups and 100 jumping jacks a day and drink only water for an etire week with no soda or any other drink a week and you will loose up to 5 pounds =D good luck

Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I m also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me (it s all 100% natural - a colon cleanse that was really gentle on my body. I feel so good and I lost 15 pounds). You can check the website at

I can help you. you must go to

Reduce caloric intake and increase exercise. It remains the only plan that will work for the long term. Forget fast. Just get started because a day without a plan is a day wasted or delayed in your plan.

How do I lose weight more effectivly? -

I m 15 years old and about 40 pounds over weight, for the past month I have workout constantly; running for about 2 hours ADA and lifting weights every other day , yet I have been losing and gaining weight back and forth. My diet is fairly good but I was wondering if there is some way to lose weight faster and more effectively?

1. Discipline is the key.2. Eat a balance diet3. Count your calorie intake4. Exercisecheck this out:��and also:

Do you know that acai berries are not only known for its nutritional content and acai berry top products such as the juice and capsules? The versatility of the fruit in dealing with almost any kind of product needed for human consumption is also a very good candidate in making goodies and recipes to satisfy our appetite. Euterpe Oleracea also known as Acai berry contains very nutritious elements such as omega 6 and 9 fatty acids that are very nutritious to sustain one s health.Since the discovery of acai berries years ago by the Amazon natives, the acai berries have already been used as a source of food by the villagers. They found out that by eating acai berries, it has renewed their energy and since then these fruits have already been included in their diet. The acai berries serve as their breakfast meal in the form of cereals. Since then, different kinds of food were transformed from acai berries.The primary reason why acai berries are included in the diet of the people since the time it was discovered is because of the fruits nutritious elements that are certainly very useful for one s health. Considered as the super food, acai berries are not only used as acai berry juice and other extracts but it is also used as recipes for food such as cookies, sorbets, puddings, sauces, milkshakes and even energy drinks. People are now including acai berry in their diet because of its nutritional benefits and this has also gained an appealing taste for most people.

go 4 diet too.go 4 vegetables( fresh/boiled). least or no fat. least carbohydrates and proteins. leave cola drinks and chocolates.go 4 green tea with out sugar. diet plays major role in reducing wt

How to lose weight fast? -

Hello. i wanna lose weight fast and get over with it . any help?

dont bother losing it fast - its wont stay off. Drink 2 litres of water a day or more. Avoid fried food and already prepared food. Fill your diet with Fresh fruit and vegies as well as lean meats. If you want to speed it up don t over do the carbs - lean more towards higher protein but prepare for death breath... Good luck!!Losing weight takes time - MAKE SURE YOU EXERCISE AT LEAST 30 MINUTES A DAY! and not a little walk make sure your actually a bit sweaty and sort of breath. Dont look for a quick fix, it will only get you stressed. Really focus on it and when you reach your goal you will appreciate it more PLUS you would have changed how you eat and added exercise to your lifestyle... Once again good luck...

Eat light and more vegetables.

Isagenix. This is a nutritional cleanse that will help you get to the weight and size you want to be while improving your overall health. You can visit my website, and watch the are you toxic video. There is a link there that can help you sign up and buy products. If you have any questions please e-mail me. I have lost 20 lbs in 30 days so anyone can do it. Especially if you have weight to lose, a desire to lose it, and want to be healthier.

eat light ,go jogging every day, drink water, powerade, or all this and u will lose weight. fast fast fast :^()

Fast? uhhh surgery. But the right way is diet, and exsercise...

Try to get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile and get the advise from them to lose weight fast and healthy.

Well, eat right. Seriously, eating right is like 80% of losing weight. The rest is exercise. Cut out empty calories like chips, candy, and sodas from your diet. They don t offer any real nutritional value and they contain a lot of fat.

i tell everyoneBUY natural ephedraits legalIM me if u need more infoits the ONLY thing that works

it takes some time, just get on a steady diet and exercise a lot. you will see results.

drink a lot of water to lose your water weight. i know it sounds crazy kidn of but your body retains a lot of water to keep it hydrated. the more you drink, the more your body gets the message that you are hydrating your body properly and it will lose the retained water. and a nice diet will not hurt.

What program should i carry out so that i lose weight fast and effectively ? -

am really fed up, am 243 lbs, 172 cm tall, it has been a while since i was trying lo lose weight, i don t know what exactly should i do what to eat, what to work out, and when should i notice changes, and also the nasty problem of controlling hunger specially at night before getting to bed, am really getting depressed, what do u think guys ?????

south beach diet the longer you stay on 2 week induction the faster your results I had done it for like 2 months maybe more over the course of 8-9 months I had lost 80-90 lbs while pumping ironA few recommendations -Track your calories I use a fiber supplement-Take a Multivitamin-Take a low carb protein supplement I use Optimum Nutrition brandgood luck buddy your gonna need it

I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins. Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The toxins get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

It is feasible to lose weight quickly but you should be realistic and accept that if you lose weight fast then you will inevitably put it all back on again just as fast. I lost 10 pounds recently when I had a wedding to go to, and I did it by following the tips given on the web resource in the box below.

You need to find a diet program that is right for you. All diets work to lose weight, but every diet will not work for everyone. Finding the best diet for you is the key to lose weight effectively. This article will help you to find out how to choose the right diet.��

Take 2 effervescence tablets containing 1000mg vitamin C with any combination half hour before breakfast daily.i worked for me and i retained my freshness

eat healthy and dont skip meals...besides that you should try the swizz ball and yoga.. i did that i cant beleive i have lost so much weight with.. it really helps..gud luck..

Exercises that make you lose weight fast? -

What are some good exercises that show vesults fast and work really well burning fat? i don t wanna bulk up though i mma female =]thanks..any others tips are also appreciated

Weight Loss Tips��--Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--��online weight loss workout videos��Yoga And Weight Loss��

It is feasible to lose weight quickly but you should be realistic and accept that if you lose weight quickly then you will without doubt put it all back on again just as quickly. I lost 9 pounds over the past few weeks when I had a special celebration to attend, and I did it by following the tips presented on the web portal in the box below.