Wednesday, August 12, 2015

How do i lose weight fast? -

i both want and need to lose weight extremely fast and with little or no excercise besides walking because i dont have excercise there something i can take or do or what??? please help me.

well the first thing you can do is start to eat health...elimating fats, sugar, and some carbs. That is the main dont need to exercise with can just do some excerises at home....depending on what you need to work on you can find something excerise on health places on the internet...

If you are serious about losing weight, the caloriesin the food you eat should be less than theenergy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at

just do not eat drink lots of water

There is a natural and healthy no diet weight loss plan out on the market that is super easy to implement into your life and it only takes about 10 minutes a day to follow the plan. I have lost 24 pounds (without exercise) and 2 3/4 in my waist on this plan in 32 days (27 pounds to go). No diet meaning no special foods to eat or to buy. I also drink a natural and healthy high energy drink 2 times a day. This speeds up the metab, curves the appetite, and assist in loosing weight.

Do a 10 day fast of drinking only juices or soup broths. Lots of water. If the hunger gets to you then do a fruit and veggie diet only for 10 days. I almost do better by doing a juice fast than I do with a raw foods diet though. Supplement with spirulina tablets from the health food store. It supplies your b vitamins for energy.

Hi, A friend of mine lost 15 punds in 11 days using a 9 day cleansing program from Isagenix. You can find out more about the program at They ve got some great news reports on the product where they actually put it to the test and I thnk you will be amazed at the results.

STOP ******* EATING!!

The Best Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly��

well... there is no way for you to lose weight etremely fast... losing weight takes time... but if you really want to.... you can lose weight medically... like mesolipo or taking diet pills... but you can never be too sure about these procedures coz it can be dangerous to you... I suggest you eat healthy, eat foods with lots fiber, eat fruits and vegetables.... skip foods with too much oil and fat... and about the exercise thing... you don t need equipment to exercise... walking and running are great exercises... but, you also need to lift some weights so that your body will be toned... and so that your excess fats inside your body won t be saggy and floppy... Hope this helps......

don t eat after really works

Here is what you need to do, if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off. Eat 6 small meals a day about every 4 hours. Here what that will do for you, your metabolism will increase (i.e. Loose weight) and you will have more engry. If you go on a diet and eat less, your metabolism will slow down and store to fat. That is why diets dont work. Only the size of your fist, carbs (examples:baked potato, pasta, oatmeal, beans, corn, melon, apples, fat free yogurt, whole wheat breads)in one and protien (examples:chicken breast, swordfish, shrimp, turkey breast) in the other. You can also eat vegetables and salads with any meal, they dont have none or little fat). 30min cardo exercise every day. Any of these(examples: walking, jogging, swimming,running, biking, ect), Monday cardo, tues upper body (arms: curls, tricep extensions,pull ups, front press)(abdominals: leg pull crunch, leg raises), (chest: bench press, butterfly, pullover)(shoulders: front press, arm pullover, cross county skier machine)(back:seated row, lat pull downs, back extension)(YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IN ONE DAY, mix it up) wed cardo, thurs lower body (legs: leg pull,leg press, squats, lounges) fri cardo, sat upper. Sunday eat anything you want and dont exercising, you do this on sunday so your body doesnt go into starvation mode. YOU NEED TO TAKE SUNDAY OFF. If you stilck with this you will have a great body. also drink aleast 8oz of water daily! Stay away from Mcdonals, Wendys, ect because there is nothing good for you on the menu s even the salads are bad (beaon bits, cheeze, dressing, ect) Good Luck :)

You have to set up a goal to see how much you want to lose. and get rid of all the fatty and sugar food.And drink 8 glasses of water everyday.But you have to want to get rid of your unwanted fat. I get all my info from the shape magazine,You can go to the store and buy exercise dvd s,jump rope,go to the health store to get herb pills.See if that might help you.