Saturday, August 25, 2018

I want to lose weight fast any ideas? -

Hey! I m 14 I weigh 135 pounds I am 5 4 I want to lose weight fast.My doctor told me I am a little over weight but did not tell me what to do to lose the weight so do you know any healthy ways to lose weight fast?Thanks!

well im doing the same thing too.. it really depends on how desperate you are to lose weight. i go with my own technique and it has been helping me out great.but its almost somewhat different for me because i am 5 8

Cut out sugar and salt - stick to only healthy carbs, and limit those (i.e. ONLY wheat-based carbs - few and far between, and at breakfast time only). Drink a ton of water. Exericse.

How to lose weight fast? -

i am 15 years old, 5 9 and 214 pounds how do i lose weight fast

It s probably not the weight that you want to lose, but the fat, right?I know you read about it everywhere, but keep a food diary. Be accurate. You ll learn how many calories are in what you eat, and you ll try to eat fewer calories because of it.Next, set a realistic goal calorie count for yourself. When I lost weight, I consulted a few sources and set the goal of 1600 calories a day. I lost about 2 pounds a week, which doesn t sound like a ton, but I lost more inches/body fat than pounds, which made me look and feel better.Good luck, and be healthy, okay?

Toss/give away ALL JUNK FOOD. for example: if you are addicted to twinkies have a stash, GET RID OF THEM and don t buy any more! if family members keep junk food around, buy a big plastic toolbox with a LOCK - tell them to keep those things LOCKED UP (a combo lock works best..and of course, dont let *yourself* know the combo!).as for meals - simple: 1st off: NO DEEP FRIED FOODS. everything else is FINE! within reason, and here s the trick: eat HALF of what you d *normally* eat - if you are not sure how much half is, put everything on your plate like you d normally do, then put HALF of it BACK! switch to water or diet beverages. i love 4C Light Iced Tea. it has 15 calories per 8oz - guests can t even tell its diet!to satisfy a sweet tooth, having a bowl of pre-sweetened CEREAL helps, with 1% milk...i usually have six boxes of cereal to choose from. then, each night, when i want a snack, if i want peanut butter, chocolate or whatever, i can still get that taste! but only ONE bowl - and not a HUGE one! as for exercise, i ve gotta be the laziest person on the planet. so i decided that WALKING was my best option. around the block once, then increase weekly to 2x, etc. during winter, no excuse - just walk around your house. I DO! or go to the mall and walk - take a look at all of the clothes you ll soon be fitting into. and stay away from that food court!weigh yourself each morning, NAKED (so you can t blame clothes for adding any weight!) and keep track of your results on a calendar. you ll be surprised at how much you can lose in just 1 MONTH! GOOD LUCK!

To lose weight... this is my dieting process...1.Eat eggs and baken for breakfast.2. Eat 5 fruit a day (any type of fruit)3.drink juice once any time in the day.4. eat a healthy dinner.5. dont eat before you go to sleep. wait at least 2 hours after you finish eating to go to sleep. (because when you eat then go to sleep al of the food make you fat) .....note this is a good diet plan but doesent work for all people. give it a try.

First lower the food intake.������Then run for 30 mins to an hr.

starve yourself exercise like crazy but still drink alot of water. But dont do this its very dangerous you might faint and get run over by a truck or something! Losing weight takes time so just lay of the sugar and exercise

Exercise and eat low fat food, and dont eat very much. But dont loose weight too fast, or youll gain it back very fast.

Fast never works, you need a lifestyle change.But check out this website ...

in how long?.. well you can juice fast for 3-5 days and after you just eat fruits and veggies.. exercise..ect..

Stop eating till you reach your ideal, if you can.

Stop eating so damn much.

What home excercises to do to lose weight?and how many? -

tips on how to lose weight

Everyday we update our site with at home tips for exercise and diet. Check it s free.personalhealthandwellness DOT com

How can you lose weight fast? -

I m 21 years old and I am overweight, I m looking for ideas or advice on how can I lose these extra pounds, without having to go to one of those treatment Doctors.

Hi, I graduated high school at 240 pounds and at 5 foot 3 that made me about as round as I was tall. I was one of those overweight teenagers who ate anything and everything without any regard to the effects it was having on my own body. Therefore, I began the diet pills, which did not work; I ate the special diet foods and even began drinking diet beverages. None of this stuff worked for me, just as it does not work for millions of overweight people. Eating less did not work and I was not one to work out or even get up and do anything remotely related to exercise. I knew I would look silly and it would hurt. I never thought or really cared about the health effects this would have on me, back then. A year ago after a successful weight loss plan, now at 120 pounds, it is a major difference. I ve lost 30 pounds in the first month. The most significant change in my life is the amount of energy I now have and the way my clothes fit loosely. Everyone close to me and people I haven��t seen in a while are amazed and tell me that I look really good. This is a life changing experience for me although at first I was skeptical about the weight loss plan. Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life.The weight loss program has proven to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended). Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight The weight loss program is affordable by all and do not need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and the amount of lose weight will reversed back when you stop consuming it.The success has inspired me to help others and i am sure you won t be disappointed. The link is at the source below and discover how you can become noticeably thinner in 11 days by eating in a way you ll actually enjoy.

Hi!Have you ever heard of ��Fat Loss 4 Idiots�� diet program? It s one of the most sellable e-books ever written that talks about losing fat easily and quickly. If you wish, you can check it all out, there��s a link to a great blog in my source.So, what is in it?Generally, the Fat Loss for Idiots is a guide to losing weight and fat as the name implies. In the book, you will be able to read the rules involved in weight loss. These rules, also known as 10 Idiot Proof Rules of Weight Loss are easy to understand and follow as they are stated in the simplest terms. Another thing that the e-book contains is the diet generator. The book will give you meal plans that will last you for 11 days. So for each day, the book has a menu for you to follow.What does it promise?Fat Loss for Idiots promises a lot of things. For the most part, it promises to make you really lose weight. To be specific, the ebook is able to make you lose 9 pounds every eleven days. Another big promise the ebook gives is that it can make you lose weight using a healthy meal plan. Many weight lose plans make you lose weight by skipping and scrimping on some things that your body needs such as fat. With the ebook, you can be sure that you won t be having any of this. As a matter of fact, it will give you a menu of foods that are complete of the nutrients that your body needs. With this, you can be sure that even if you are losing weight, you are also well nourished.Another thing that the ebook promises is that it makes room for those who are on a vegetarian diet. Unlike other weight loss guides that specifically tell you certain things such as forcing you to eat meat, the Fat Loss for Idiots respects your diet preferences. With this, anybody can take part of the program.The best weight control diet allows you to eat the foods that you would normally eat, have in your refrigerator and cabinets. By timing when you eat certain foods, how many times a day you eat them, and balancing the types of food, your metabolism will burn what you take in and then some, because it knows you will be feeding it again shortly, instead of starving.Check out my source �C there��s a blog all about this diet with tons of info. Hope it works for you! Good luck!

Try massaging your partner. This is a fun way to lose weight. It is something that can give your partner a lot of pleasure and at the same time can give you a lot of exertion there by leading to weight loss. The attitude over here should of course be you scratch my back I will scratch yours. It should not be a one sided effort or else the interest will soon dwindle. In fact it is a good idea if couple takes up weight loss routines together. They can keep watch over each other, help control those urges to eat and motivate each other to stick to the routine. There are a lot of things that couples can do together that can help them to keep physically active.

I use many different method to lose my weight, but nothing worked untill I got this amazing method. It works just amazing and I lost my weight easy after I got correct method. I lost 13 pounds in one month and it was so easy. If you are serious and really want to lose weight you should check this out. You can get information from bit,ly/sfgeiu65 (Please change , to . in the link)

If you can��t think of any thing else to do try punching your pillow. Now here��s another one of those weird ideas but believe me it works. Not too many of us have punching bags at home and if you have really fluffy pillow giving it a good punching routine is just as good as anything else. This is also a nice way of letting off steam so go for it. After all something is better than nothing. But I would suggest that you do not hit it too violently or else the stuffing might come out. Do not bother too much about the force with which you hit the pillow. It is number of hits that are important. Try to get at least fifty punches in one bout. I would like to give you a little tip over here. If there is somebody that you particularly dislike like your boss or your neighbor, or may be your ex boy friend or girl friend, try fixing a picture of the persons head on the top of your pillow and then try punching it. I promise you, it will give you a lot of satisfaction.

It sounds strange, but some people have reported that they lost more weight when they drank black coffee before a workout. While there��s no hard data to support this, nutritionists speculate that the caffeine in coffee makes the body rely more on fat for fuel during the work out. It��s worth trying!

Be a vegetariann, and eat light, when i say eat light, i dont mean eat light butter, its ****. and has a loss of nutrients :)Obviously no fast food. Semi-skimed milk :)and EXERCISE. im not saying cut out tv, but i did, for some reason, and i found i lost stones :O

eat nothing but fruit and tuna fish or fruit and steak, drink nothing but water. Lots of protein and fiber = weight loss and it works for me.

i know a way but it has a major drawbackif u start smoking u will loose weight in no timeit happens to mei lost 15 kgs

Is it true that if people dont eat that thy lose weight fast? -

For example i am overweight. I am 5ft 11 and weigh 242 plbs. If i didn t eat for a week would I lose weight?

yes, but it can cause MAJOR health issues. and, it will backfire and you could possibly develop an eating disorder. i suggest watching what you eat- more veggies and fruits, choose low-fat or reduced-fat if you can for snack items, exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, stay away from high-fat foods like burgers, bacon, and sausage. even try going vegetarian, i ve lost around 20 pounds since last October from going vegetarian, its worth a shot and its good for the ecosystem and you body. maybe try joining weight watchers, they let you eat sweets, but they are low-fat (see albertsons or your local grocery store for weight-watcher meals and snacks) please don t try any diets like the Atkins diet. The man who made Atkins died early at around 270 pounds- doesn t sound appealing, eh? also easy ways to fit exercise into your daily life is: using stairs instead of escalators or elevators, park far away from the store you are going to- it makes you walk more, walk in place while watching tv, walk or ride a bike to near-by places instead of driving to burn calories and help prevent pollution. there is many easy ways to lose weight and stay there- but not everyone uses them because the seem like hassle or they waste time. anyways, just please DONT stop eating or starve yourself, what type of influence is that on children? do we really want the next generation to be 82 lbs at 25 and look like manniquins? i don t think so. best of luck to you!!

Not eating is actually doing more harm to your body than good. By not eating you re not replacing the energy needed for your body to reform to the new dimensions of the lost weight. And after a while you develop some really bad heart problems and you can have an increased chance of stroke and risk of dependancy of the actual diet and not eating. It s very dangerous, eating healthy foods in proper amounts along with exercising is what you really need to do if you want to lose weight.

Yes, you would lose weight. However, your body will have gone into starvation mode (where it stores food as fat), so when you started eating again you would gain it back, plus a bonus five or ten.

It s not true. Your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to all of the fat it can. This will happen for about the 1st-2nd week Then you will loose weight, but you will make yourself sick. It s like getting gastric bypass surgery without taking your 20 pills and vitamins twice a day. When bypass patients don t take their medications and vitamins, they end up in the hospital.

yeah. but it would be better, if you ate HEALTHY, and did some sorty of activity that would get your heart pumping fast, blood flowing through your body, and some sweat dripping a few times a week.. than just not eatting-lose weight-eat-then go back to not eatting. you would succeed losing weight while keeping the weight off.

Yes, but you d also have your body think you may be starving, and drop your metabolism. It depends how much you eat in a week to maintain your weight.To lose weight effectively, you want a higher metabolism, not a lower one. That is why exercise is good, it stimulates the muscles and metabloism.

No I did that once and well i got fatter. So anyways My friends were concerned about me told the counsoler at my school and he told me that it wasnt healthy and your stomach needs food and if it doesn t get it , it looks for another way to get it, By eating something inside your body or something like and also if you dont eat, you can t think well. i think its true becuase I did do that and nothing worked. Soo I say no

Yeah - you d also end up in the hospital. A safe way to lose weight is to start an exercise program. Walking is a great free way to exercise. Walk for 20-30 minutes every day. If you also want to tone your muscles, join a gym and attend some classes or work with a trainer to establish a workout regimen. See a nutritionist if you want to set up a low calorie diet.

yes, but don t do backfires and ever heard of anorexia???

How to lose weight in 30 days? -

Do a cleansing diet for 3-5 days, than after that eat well balance meals 2-3 times a day. Exercise, drink enough water, and go to sleep before 10 PM at night, (this is very important, yet often neglected by many people).Take care! :)

Cut a leg

Try Jane Fonda s aerobics videos. oats. Hv oats three times a day. Mix boiled oats with milk fr b fast. With lots of dal fr lunch and anything fr dinner. Avoid junk food completely. Play some outdoor game daily fr an hour. I lost 7 kgs in 30 days by foll the above.

go 2 the gym alot, drink slim fast, eat diet food

It depends how much you want to lose weight. If you want to lose about 2-4 kgs in a month then you can do that. If you want to lose more Thant 10 then it is impossible in the healthy way. the problem with you is you are not getting proper nutrition. we have excess of calories,fat,pesticides, alcohol, tobacco,chemical and deficiency of protein,vitamins and minerals, herbs, fiber. This imbalance leads to unwanted weight and unhealthiness. You have unhealthy cells which grow bigger first we need to repair those cells make sure it will become healthy. If you want more information please contact me at or log on

very short method, adjust your weight machine, very useful way= consult your doctor

run daily for atleast 5kms.. ths s a simple way to lose weight but the only thin is u hav to do daily.

Get a gym membership and sign up for classes that spark your interest. eg, yoga, speed class, aerobics... All classes offered will be able to help.Challenge yourself. Focus on eating things that are healthy, limit your trans fat intake, it s what gets stored in fat pockets in your body. Take a picture of yourself in a swim suit once a week to focus on your body improvements. Pick one body part to focus on and inquire at your gym as to how to focus on that part. If all else fails, get a buddy to lose weight with you, everything is easier in pairs.

Want to know how to reduce weight fast and lose that weight forever? Without affecting your health. Read some Experts selected Articals for useful information.Checkout this link

Sorry but I know only how to reduce weight in 45days.

To lose wait in 30 days is to eat smaller portions of food. Exercise every single day. For about 1 hour a day. Eat more vegetables and fresh fruit.

walk 8 k.m.daily and consume only two chapati and vegetable two not consume tea or any drinks.daily cycling 12 k.m.i think its not only help but definitely loss Ur weight in only 20 days

The best thing is to reduce fats or to increase the time spending in jogging or going to gym

here is a package, see for details, all natural way,

Eat right, don t eat sugar, and pop,drink a lot of water and exercise.

watch your calorie intake and fat intake..when your dieting food and excercise are one of the most important things to consider. i would recommend eating smaller portions a few more times a day then reg. and make sure you watch the foods you eat. low in fat from calories and low in fat thats very important. you can also you help from things like ripped fuel or other diet supplements but probably should see if you can take anything like that first.

Let me start by saying...Drink lots of water. You should be drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day. If you drink a glass of water before you eat, it will make you less likely to over eat and fill you up quicker. Make sure you still are drinking 1-2 glasses of milk a day as well. Dairy is an 3.important factor when loosing way. Try to eat 3-5 servings of veggies a day (preferably the green ones) and appx 2 servings of fruit. A small apple banana are great choices. Always eat a reasonable breakfast= 1c. bran cereal w/ skim milk, banana ( I like to eat mine cut up in my cereal) the bran cereal has lots of fiber which is an important factor when trying to loose weight and stay regular. The fiber will fill you up fast and keep you full longer. Try to do atleast 30 minutes of exercise everyday or atleast 3 times a week that gets your heart pumping fast. Brisk walking, jogging, running, elliptical workout, cardio tape, swimming laps. Do not eat after 7:00pm. If you have a hard time staying focused, try a weight watchers meeting, they are free to attend until you decide to join. Good luck!

I need to lose weight fast? -

What s the best way to lose weight really fast?

Loosing weight fast is put back on just as fast. The only real way to lose weight for longer than a short period is to lose fat. To lose fat you get you heart rate to 65% of it s *maximum and keep it there. The more time you maintain this the more fat/ weight you lose. To lose weight it is also about 80% what you do and 20% what you eat so stay away from too much sugar or fat.There is no easy fix to being over weight. Any easy answers offered won t work.*Max heart rate calculated by 220 - Your Age

fast is not the right way to go about losing weight. remember the tortoise and the hare and do it correctly. fast only gets you more weight and it does not stay off, it comes back and bites you in the behind. eat right and exercise and you will lose the weight. remember the first three letters in the word diet are D-I-E

Many experts say you should not lose many pounds quickly, in fact, this could be very dangerous. The best way to lose weight is slowly and safely, following a balanced diet and a healthy meal plan. You may think that eating fewer times a day will help you lose weight, which is why many people make only one meal a day in hopes of losing all those extra pounds. However, the result is the opposite because when a person eats only once a day, the body thinks that you want to ��kill it�� giving it very little food, so that your body triggers a defense mechanism accumulating fat in order to stay alive longer. So eating fewer times per day is not the solution. In fact, what you need to do is schedule small meals several times a day; a good number is around 5. This will keep you happy all the time and your body is constantly receiving nutrients. If you follow these tips may be able to see good results soon.

Scientists have recently discovered a new diet that acutally worksits calledPUT DOWN THE DAMN FORK

watch what you eat and workout. is the safest way to do it.

I recently needed to lose weight quickly for a special occasion. This is how I did it. I ate these foods for two weeks. Step 1 For Breakfast I ate: ? 1 grapefruit ? 1 cup of black coffee ? 1 slice of whole wheat bread Step 2 For Lunch I ate: ? 1 small cube steak ? 1 cup green salad ? 1 slice of cheese I cooked the stake in a pan with olive oil. Added cheese on top. Step 3 For Dinner I ate: ? 1 cup of cottage cheese ? 1 cup of sour cream ? 1 cup of grapes or any other fruit I mixed all the ingredients together.Step 4Drink a lot of water to help speed up your weight loss. You should drink at least 3 tall glasses of water a day. Those sugar drinks, sodas are going to get you NOWHERE - you will not lose weight fast while consuming those products. They sabotage your healthy diet just like cookies, cakes and candies. Eliminate the sugar drinks and drink water, milk and not from concentrate orange juice instead. V8 s are great too if you can stand the salt.Step 5Find an exercise you like to do if you need to lose weight fast. Exercise is merely a way to get the body moving. So if you hate the thought of exercise , think of it as moving your body instead. You can still lose weight fast if you watch your favorite TV show, march in place and raise your hands up in the air repeatedly for the duration of the show (and commercials too, no cheating!). Sure, it s really exercise, but by the time your show is over, you ll feel better about yourself, you don t have to mentally endure 60 minutes without entertainment and you ll help yourself lose weight faster. If you prefer to go to a gym and do aerobics or cardiovascular equipment - GREAT! Just keep in mind that you can move your body anywhere at anytime and every bit of movement helps with your weight loss. Typically you should move your body for 30-60 minutes, 3-5 times a week for best weight loss results.Step 6Don t give up when you go through the sugar and carbohydrate withdrawals. The first week is not easy I must say. You ll constantly be thinking about the white flour products and simple sugars you ve given up. If you get to the point where you re going to indulge, put your walking shoes on and go walk around the block for 15 minutes. If it s raining or cold out (there is no excuse!!), turn on the tv and march for 15 minutes. While you are walking or marching, remind yourself that these cravings are the thing that got you where you are now (unhealthy and/or overweight). Also remind yourself that you deserve to be healthy and getting through the moment of deprivation is key to your long-term weight loss success.Good Luck to you hope this helps!

good exercise,good diet,and bally total fitness :)

crunches! eat healthy and mabey vegitarian ( i went vegi for a week and lost 7 pounds! soo with to weeks u could lose_!!) DONT TAKE THOSE PILLS! there a short cut and it comes right back at you! lol trust me short cuts work for a little while then u gain more than in the biggining! good luck

Jump Rope, and WATCH WHAT YOU EAT. do not drink SODA. thats the worst for some1. dont snack on unhealthy foods that you do not need. get a scale and keep track

Well, I would exercise everyday and eat healthy. EXERCISE:Do about 60 crunches or sit-ups daily. Maybe even do some push-ups or jumping jacks while you re at it. Jog daily for about an hour. Swimming and biking are also a great ways to get fit. EATING HEALTHY:Avoid junk food like snack cakes, cookies, or anything with lots of fat. Drink water, juice, or milk instead of sodas. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Make sure you are getting the recommended number of servings of food from each food group. You can see a food pyramid here:�� Also, limit your daily calorie intake.Hope this helps!