Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Exercising and Weight loss Shakes? -

so far its 2 weeks into my workout routine and i lost 8 LBS in 2 WEEKZ. i run everyday and drink enough water, plus i weigh alot which helped. I eat really healthy, but just one thing comes to my mind... Would weight loss shakes help with my weight loss program?

I own a health and nutrition business, have taught fitness and have done beauty pageants. You don t include your height and weight, so I have a hard time being able to answer your question well.There are good shakes and bad shakes out there. I don t like any that list sugar as the first ingredient - but you also need to stay away from anything that has nutrasweet in it.Go to http://reliv.com and check on Simplicity. They have the best weight loss shake system that I have seen.

HelloSome interesting new research by a doctor has identified several species of parasites and a specific type of goopy plaque that if left in your bowels makes you fat, bloated, developing a pouch and spare-tire belly.This is the cause of people��s obesity -- fortunately, this research also reveals how to stop it. It further explains that the same cause of why people get fat is also the same reason why people eventually get sick and die prematurely -- often cutting off years from their lives (not to mention the quality of their lives).People who flush these parasites out, often report rapid weight losses up to 100 lbs or more -- and without changing a single thing about their diets. Not that you need to lose anywhere near that amount... but it does prove how well it works.More information there http://www.thefatlosssecret.blogspot.com��

Some shakes provide the nutrients your body needs. This a good one.http://www.accuratehealthtips.com/ricens��

Has anyone been on that Nutrisystem weight loss program beore??? -

My mother has. She lost a lot of weight on it. However, she gained it all back. The same goes for Weight Watchers, L.A. Weightloss, Physician s Weightloss, and others that I m now forgetting. You would be MUCH better off speaking with a nutritionalist or even just going to the library to check out books about nutrition, and educate yourself. It s no lie that you cannot live the healthy life you want without exercise. It takes both that and a good diet.I would so not waste my money on something that has a very low long-time success rate. The library is free, and walking outside is free. You don t have to spend a penny to have the body you want. Good Luck!!!

Yes. If you are really commited not too picky about your food it works. I lost 26 lbs on it recently. My boss tried it, didn t like the food the portions weren t big enough for him. It s also pretty expensive, ~$75/wk.

Don t Use anything. companies just make money. those stuff have side effects. I can help you lose weight if you need to. r3vld2005@yahoo.com Thanks.

Good excersize, dieting plan for 19 year old? -

I weigh 145 and im 5 7. I want to lose 20 pounds, 30 if I m lucky. I never excersize and i realize that is going to be the main way i lose weight. I want to lose weight by May, or the end of may. Can someone please give me some tips on what to do to lose weight quickly? i know i have to eat healthy, but excerside tips? i just began hula hooping because i heard it was a great work out. Any suggestions? i need to lose this weight, im going on a cruise this summer, and i want to be able to walk around in a bikini and feel comfortable. This is the biggest ive ever been in my life. I am a sophmore in college, and my freshman year i literally gained like 20 pounds. Please help! Thanks guys. No rude comments please!!! 3

The Freshman 15 rears its ugly head.Just get in some regular exercise...and intensive cardio workout will do. You can look them up online. Make use of the school s fitness center and do intervals on the elliptical machine. Better yet, use the track and do some running. Whatever you do, don t get tempted by that dining hall food. Most of it is terrible for you. It will take alot of willpower to resist the temptation but just think about how great you ll look and feel in a few months.

eat a well balanced diet with proper portions, drink plenty of water and get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. you can do just about anything for exercise. any movement that gets you breathing harder will help burn calories. go for a brisk walk, ride a bicycle, clean house, go swimming, take aerobics or rent a DVD, put on some music and dance!

What weight loss program has worked for ladies 60+? -

The following healthy living recommendations will help you if you��re trying to lose weight, tone up your muscles, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:*1) Burn more calories then you re consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity minus the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). A website that explains this formula in more detail and will help you determine how many calories you need to reach or maintain a certain weight is at http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/��Get a diet and fitness calculator that you can put on your computer or cell phone. This will allow you to easily calculate the above formula, set goals, log your daily calorie consumption, and register your physical activities. Set realistic goals for your ideal body weight. Here are two websites that will calculate a suggested body weight: Adults: http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.ht��Teens/Children: http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/exercise/w��It is difficult and unhealthy to lose more than one or two pounds per week. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you eat 500 fewer calories per day for a week you will lose one pound. If you burn through exercise 500 more calories per day for a week you will lose one pound. *2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement. Avoid ��High Glycemic Load Carbs�� (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as potatoes) and drink lots of water. Read this article for more information on high GL Carbs:http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsou��Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Here is an excellent food pyramid that anyone can follow: http://www.rayandterry.com/html/images/P��*3) Exercise on most days by doing cardiovascular training and/or resistance training activities. Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure your doing all resistance training exercises correctly. A great book to buy that teaches you the resistance training basics is ��Weight Training for Dummies��. A superb magazine to buy with resistance training routines that will not get you bored is Muscle and Fitness . Signup for the free newsletter. An excellent free online resource is at http://www.exrx.net/A good book to buy that teaches you the cardiovascular training basics is ��Fitness for Dummies��. *4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety. *5) Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. A great free publication is ��Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005��. A superb book to read is ��You The Owner��s Manual��. An excellent periodic publication is the ��Nutrition Action Health Letter��. A reputable test you can take to measure your biological age is at http://realage.comLook at all areas where you can enhance your health. For example, make improvements in the quality of the air you breathe. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier. Send me an email or yahoo instant message to gainbetterhealth if you want an indoor air purifier recommendation and if you have any questions.*Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

I would suggest a cleansing diet. I did this and lost 11 pounds and 16 inches in 9 days. I like the program since it works by giving your body nutrition through protein shakes with digestive enzymes and vitamins and then cleansing out the toxins. We get toxins in our bodies from pesticides, preservatives, water, pollution, medications, food additives etc��. These toxins enter our bodies and get coated with fat. To remove the extra fat, we need to get rid of the toxins through cleansing. The program also has a natural diet pill to help your metabolism and curb cravings. It works and it works fast. I lost 30 pounds in 5 weeks and I feel great. My skin has improved as well from the cleansing. You can get more info at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. I think cleansing is really important to health and weight loss. Give it a try and good luck!

60+ ----- lots of fruits and veggies - 20 minute walk after supper.

Fitness and weight loss online journal or community? -

I m looking for a website that can help track my progress in a weight loss program without telling me what to do. I just want a place that will keep a food journal and keep track of the exercise I ve been doing. Maybe a place to keep a blog or share it with other people who are trying to lose weight. Does anyone know of a place like this? I just looked at FitDay but I didn t really like it. Any suggestions? Of course if it s free that would be awesome!

I think slimfast has one. It shows you what to do but you can modify it and insert what you did.FOUND ONE FOR YOU https://www.my-calorie-counter.com

Try diettalk.com. I ve never used them, but it appears to be free to join.

I don t know of a site but ....you can always start one an maybe it will take off right.. the way i see it if u can t find it make it

what about sparkpeople.com or buddyslim.com?