Sunday, August 18, 2019

How can I lose weight fast? I exerise but all I do is gain more weight.? -

Your losing fat.. and gaining MUSCLE!! =]Muscle weighs more than fat. Im trying to do what you do.I now weigh 114!! BEFORE i weighed 105!! wow right? and i go to the gym and work out

you should check with your doctor if you are suffering from some hormonal imbalance (TSH cortisol levels ) if this is not the case you should plan a healthy life style try to boost your metabolism watch on calorie intake increase physical activity its intensity

you probably gained muscle mass. you need to burn more than you take in that s the whole idea. if you just exercise but you eat the same that you used to, then you re just feeding and growing your muscles

This is what I used: http://www.biosyourlife.comMaybe it ll help you too. Good luck. :D

You may be gaining muscle not weight. Stay on a healthy food diet.

ur loseing weight and gaining muscles.

Try a balanced diet!

muscle weighs more than fat

I need to lose weight fast? -

i need to lose weight fast and get myself into hsape for the air force.what shoul di do?i only have 4 months to go befor ei go to enlist.and i need to lose like 55 pounds.i have workouts that i can do but i m not good with the diet part.any tips?

Try the lil Jack workout��

There is no healthy way to lose 55 pounds in 4 months. Not and have it stay off, anyway.But it looks to me like you need a friend to help you. Don t bring junk food into your house: That way you won t be tempted to eat it. There are some tasty (and healthy) recipes out there, so look them up and learn how to use them. And get your friend to support you while you re trying to control your weight- and you in turn can support him.Good luck.

I see your problem. I was fat no long ago and no matter what I tried nothing seemed to work for me. The a freind told me of a site (sounds corny, but it s true) that they had used. So I gave it a try, Bingo! it did the trick and it s stayed off too. You can find them at http:www.slim-and-healthy.infoGood Luck, hope you make it in time.Diz.

Without a proper diet, you wont lose weight. Unless you diet you will not reach your goal. You have to lose about 3-4 pounds a week. Diet HARD and run 2+ hours a day if you wanna make it.