Monday, July 23, 2012

How to lose weight fast? -

yeah i took a class called superfit at my school and i lost 3 % body fat by my weight stayed the same im guessing muscle gain. but the next testing we had i gained another 2%i was 19% - 16% ----18 % final i dont know what is going on i did all the same stuff, ate the same things it doesnt make sense and i want to lose this weight easy but i dont know my metabolism or something can anyone give me some advice ?

By eating the same thing won t make you lose weight. You should consider making an adjustment to your diet. I��m not talking about just changing what you eat, but also change your eating habits. In some cases, the way you eat: the size of your meals, the time of day in which you eat certain food groups, the time between meals, and the number of meals you eat each day, can have a bigger effect on your weight than the amount of calories that you consume.A possible weight loss method for you to use is Calorie Shifting. Here are the basic principles of Calorie Shifting1. You eat 4 reasonable sized meals each day based on a specific and personal menu.2. These 4 meals contain all food groups (carbs, protein, fat).3. You need to eat the meals at least 2.5 hours apart so they��re spaced out throughout the day.The menu spreads the 4 meals throughout the day which causes a metabolic effect which maintains the rate in which your metabolism runs. This causes your body to burn calories faster than it does with other diets.

I am 13 years old and weight 152 help me give me a solution to how to lose weight FAST? -

i weight 152 well last check up and last time i tried it it kinda worked but then i failed can some one help me find any solutions?!?!?!

Don t listen to these uneducated, judge-mental morons.Eat the same amount of food now because if you eat less your body will start holding on to the fat it has and wont let it go. Instead of eating the foods you eat now, why not try a more healthy choice? Try integrating fruits and vegetables and more protein than fat.Try getting involved with sports and get out of the house more than usual.Slowly change your eating habits and life style and you will surely lose the weight.

Well losing weight fast is definitely not healthy for you. I can imagine it might be aggravating, but seriously losing weight requires patience!Exercise as much as you can, nothing too intense, something easy as walking around the block for 20 minutes a day can make such a big difference. Also eating the right food is just as important of course. I know people who have reduced the amount of food they eat, they still eat breakfast, recess, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner dessert etc but just eat less per each meal, and they have lost a lot. Good luck, and remember you are only 13 years and still growing!

Ok you need to cut down on theamouth on food you eateat a normal breakfasta smaller lunchand only half your dinnerand drink LOTS and LOTS of water loland do around 1 hour walk a day or 30 mins jogging :)Good luck :D(also ask you mom to buy you some celery it was no calories so you can eat lots of it )

The best way to loose weight fast is by exercising and eating right. I personally suggest a simple start off method. Wake up a half hour early n go for a walk. turn that walk into a jog, and the jog into a run. try to eat more fruits n veggies. you should be fine if you really want to loose the weight. its hard at first then you ll find fun in exercising. ok. good luck..

Well you don t have that much weight to loose. Make sure what you do is healthy. Make sure you exercise daily and get rid of junk foods. I hope this helps!

WALK A LOT (get some music on and get going) cut out junk food. Your young so your body should bounce back quick

Exercise everyday for at least a half an hour. :)

you stupid?eat less. move many times has this same ? been posted by dif ppl?

Do heavier people lose weight faster than lighter people? -

We re trying to figure out the fairest way to judge our weight loss challenge -- number of pounds lost, or percentage of body weight.

Actually they do. Imagine it this way...130 pounds running... you are carrying 130 as weight....300 pounds running,,, You are carrying 300 pounds...So basically the 130 pound person is carrying an extra 5-10 pounds of weightwhile the 300 pound person is carrying 175 extra pounds.Pure physics And they sweat more so they lose more.If you are racing someone in weightloss it would be the .... Percentage of body weight.


?f you ask the quantity of weigt yeah at first but if when we talk about the proportion of the lost weigth accordin to their bodies nop ? guess

NO! That is a total misconception. Lighter people on average have a faster metabolism and can lose weight faster than their heavier counterparts.

Everybody loses weight differently - weight is not the only determining factor.I think the most fair way is to come to an agreement on what weight both of you are going to try and reach. Have a time frame that is challenging yet safe. If you re 200 and the other is 500., say the one will try to reach 160 and the other will try and reach 420. Pick attainable goals.. realistic ones.The challenge is not how much weight.. but should be watching what you eat (not more than 1/3 fat content.. some sorts of percentage figures.. not grams etc. . since the one person probably eats more than the other.. you couldn t say no more than 30 grams of something for both of you.)Also include the hours you will spend at the gym or other. If either of you cheat you re disqualified. Also include how much each of you will take in in calories. Keep record of EVERYTHING you eat.. and don t lie to yourself or your partner.If both of you have not cheated in the time frame alloted.. two or three months, go out to dinner at a healthy restaurant. If one person met the goal and the other didn t, the person that didn t has to buy ! It s also good to set mid-way goals.

Yes, because when a heavy person starts a diet, they lose a lotta weight because at the beginning they get rid of a lotta liquid they have in their body. That s why they look thinner faster than a lighter person.

Yes. Heavier people will lose weight faster than lighter people because they have more to lose. The fairest way to determine the contestant winner is by % of weight lost.

Yes, you tend to lose more if you weigh more, but that is just in the beginning. The fairest way to do it is percentage of body weight.


Yes, heavier people will lose weight faster because they have more to lose and the first 10 lbs. or so will be water, making their weight loss that much more.Have a lovely rest of the day.

Heavier people only lose weight faster because they have more to lose. Like if you are 10 lbs overweight you will lose it slower because you are closer to your ideal weight than a person who is, say, 200 lbs over their ideal weight.

they lose water weight, not fat at first thats why it seems like they lose so much