Sunday, May 10, 2015

Help/im im 12 and i need to lose weight fast? -

ok im 12 yrs old and i am 145 pounds and im 5foot 2 well around there and i want to lose weight fast im doing 70 sit ups a night but i want to lose 20 to 25 pounds or at least 15 pounds HELP ME?

i need to lose weight fast First, you don t NEED to unless a supervillan has taken your family hostage and will kill them unless you lose weight. You WANT to lose weight. That s perfectly fine though. Second, 1-2lbs of fat per week is going to be the fastest you can go. Get used to it. Anyone that says they lost more weight than that in 1 week also lost a significant amount of water and muscle mass.If you want to lose flab/cellulite/fat from your abs/thighs/butt you need to first realise that spot reduction is a myth. Anyone that says Oh do crunches to get rid of the fat or your belly is a looney.You can do 1,000 lunges, crunches, stiups a day but that fat isn t going anywhere.You can t lose fat in one specific place, you have to lose it over the entire body. That s just the way us humans work.To lose fat:1.DON T BELIVE THOSE FAD DIETS!2.Eat healthy and eat about 500 calories a day less than you normally do (DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!)3.Do light/moderate cardio 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes each time.4.Do some strength training to make sure you lose fat and not muscle. Don t worry, you won t look like the hulk if you lift weights.5.You should lose about 1-2lbs per week. If you lose more than that, chances are the rest is stool, water weight, or even muscle mass.6.Weigh yourself only once a week at the same time (ie every Friday morning). Your weight fluctuates a lot during any 24hour period because of water and food intake and also bowel movements.7. Be patient and be smart.

Ok look, I lost 10 pounds in two weeks...All I did was run and drink water constantly. Do not eat fast food at all, I only ate salads. Cereal in the morning, regular salad for lunch, and chicken salad for lunch.

I can suggest you Acai berry diet for weight loss, its an excellent natural food also good to clean your body