Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Which food will help me lose weight faster? -

Im going to the gym for 1 month, the main reason is to lose some weight, what can i eat so i achive this faster? I m so confused people telling me about carbohydrates and things like that, i need the acctual name of the food :) like: vegetables, rice..etc?

first of all, no food MAKES you loose weight. every food makes you gain weight, you just need to burn it off. as explained:forget about the types of foods you need to eat for now. as long as their low in calories, you can loose weight. in fact, even if you eat just chocolate every day, but don t exceed around 1500 calories, you can loose weight.if you want to loose weight, heres how many calories you need to consume and burn.a pound of fat = 3500 caloriesto loose a pound a week= burn 3500 calories a week = 500 a dayto burn 500 calories a day = cut calorie consumption by 250, and burn an extra 250to cut calorie consumption by 250= eat one less chocolate bar a day. or something with the same calorie content.to burn an extra 250 calories= dance for 45 minutes, walk 3 miles, run 2 miles, OR (the quick way):run up and down the stairs.running up and then down the stairs burns 8 calories each time. doing this 10 times burns 80. this is the fastest way to exersise and lose weight, as you break a sweat faster. (this is when the exercise is working)i hope this helps you. (:

Try the Lil Jack Workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr�� it really works

to lose weight u need to eat right and have a workout plan 5-6 days a week.u have to want it.***try this u need to change ur diet.eat six times a day. ea of ur 3 main meals needs to combine a lean protein such as chicken breast ground turkey turkey bacon egg whts also combine that with a complex carb such as a baked potato or sweet potato wild rice brown rice oatmeal or girts. also add fresh fruit and vegies to lunch and dinner. pick fruits low in sugar like pears and berries. if u get canned vegies get ones with low sodium. eat every 3-4 hrs keep ur metablism moving.***also the most important part is WATER drink at least 64oz. no soda or juice. water will curve ur cravings.u need to hit cardio 3-4 times a week running outside it great workout if u can hit a gym and cardio machine is great at least 30mins***also add weight/strength training 3 times a week.u can google free weight traning guides anywhere. its not hard to find things for free. also for those wanting sexy hot abs. a nice toned stomach comes from a body with low body fat. so if ur overweight and u do a million crunches or any ab workout you r wasting your time!!! cant see the muscles under fat. low body fat equals=a nice flat toned stomach.***plan ur meals ahead of time.always have a healthy snack with u so u wont be tempted to eat fast food. also if u wait to late to eat u will get so hungry u will eat the world. make time to work out start out with 30 mins then increase.its ur body treat it right. ur diet alone can help lose weight but working out makes ur body look good. shows muscles and tight skin which is sexy and beautful. stick with it ur body will amaze u!!! to be healthy and look great u need both in ur life. good luck email me if u have further questions

How do i get myself in a daily routine for exercising so i can lose weight fast? -

im trying to commit to a exercise routine daily that will effectively help me lose the most amount of weight within about 3 months. how should i start and how should i begin changing the way i eat without it being drasticly difficult?

Start small. The first thing you need to do is commit the time. Find about half an hour or an hour you can use every day. It is best to do it at the same time. That way you get in a routine. The best way to start is walking. If you can, run. Just a slight jog or an easy walk. Whatever is comfortable for you. If you can, walk/jog around your neighborhood or on a treadmill watching tv. As it gets easier, start walking/running longer. Changing the way you eat might be a bit harder. If you just try to cut out the stuff you KNOW is bad (candy bars, cake, cookies, sodas), that can help. Then everything else, just reduce your portion size. Eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three big meals is good, too. You can still eat all your favorite foods, just eat less of them. If you get hungry, have a healthy snack like grapes or an apple.

Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Cutting calories is usually a lot easier than you might think. For example, that daily tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of flab (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Other easy cuts include salad dressing (salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American woman s diet) soda pop, candy, and butter. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calories (high-sugar foods). You don t need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you ll lose weight faster.

hey... janet here.. hopefully my own personally story can be of some guidance/help to you..I m 5 8 and at the time I was about 220 lbs.. and was trying real hard to lose weight for almost 8 months... i just had a baby girl at the time.. and during my pregnancy i gained a tonnnn of weight and much of it stuck with me after she was born, and the hubby began getting on my case and bothering me non stop about my new weight problem... so after a few months of that, it really started getting to me, plus summer was about to get here- and i love the beach! So i decided to try and do something about it... ive since tried almost every diet system out there... the standard eat less-exercise more change lifestyle diet, south beach, atkins, slimfast, weight watchers, etc... I also tried taking many different weight loss supplements.. and overall nothing has really worked well for me.... But i came across this diet program http://www.fatloss.pcti-system.com .. which a couple of my girlfriends put me onto, and it worked amazing for me like nothing else has.Right now I m only 180 lbs.. I m still overweight but I ve already lost 40 pounds and I m well on my way to my goal of 160 lbs.. I hope i was of some help.. I wish you all the best of luck!

Anyone trying to lost weight fast should look into the Acai Berry. It is one of the most nutritional foods on earth. The high vitamins and anti-oxidents in Acai contributes to rapid weight loss.

Who much weight will i lose in a month? -

i need a little help can u tell me how to lose weight fast?

may 10 lbs MAX. Eat right No junk foods, Just watch ur portions and exercise also stay hydrated.

Just eat less

What is the best cardio to lose weight fast? -

Would you suggest running was the best form to lose weight fast? If not, then what is? ::excluding any diet drug supplement. Just pure working exercise here::

i would suggest swiming. its a very easy sport which u loose wieght and create muscel in your legs and arms.x

I ve found treadmills and ellipticals to be good, but only if you re eating right. I ve tried several diets and strategies, but the only thing that worked for me was to closely track my intake in terms of calories, and in terms of fat/protein/carb breakdown. There are a couple rules of thumb, such as 30/30/40 (f/p/c), staying away from trans fat as much as possible, and that sort of thing, but the biggest gain for effort I got was by calorie tracking, figuring out what my daily burn was sedentary, adding on any gym work I did, then trying to hit the total less 1000 calories every day. Also, never, ever, have fewer than 1500 (you should check this for females), and drink as much water as you can (I try for at least three quarts, sometimes more than a gallon a day).

Hiit. (Nine times more effective at burning fat than regular running according to one study: http://www.exrx.net/FatLoss/HIITvsET.htm��Nutrition is the major part of it though. Get your carbohydrates mainly from leafy vegetables and some fruit (not from bread, pasta, rice, cereal). If you don t do this, whatever you do exercise-wise won t count for anywhere near as much.

Running works for me but ease into it by walking first and every now and then jog for a bit. The rowing machine is really good cardio, low impact as well as swimming. Depends whatsmore convenient for you and what you enjoy.

Swimming is probably the best, since you use your entire body.But, yes, running is a wonderful way to get some cardio in.Just remember to buy some good running shoes. :]

Its a good idea to do interval training instead of long tedius excersises to burn fat and ultimatley weight. studies have shown that through interval excersises like jump roping or sprinting burns fat HOURS after you are done working out.

lose 9lbs every 11 days guaranteed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!http://danad123.4idiots.hop.clickbank.net/

running and swimming works your whole body

Whats the best and quickest way to lose weight fast? -

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

my favorite method for shedding lbs quickly is circuit training and biking. so start saving $$ for new clothes.

you should eat properly like no junk food, just even fruit and veggies and walk/run:)

You might think about trying this book called The Movie Star Diet by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn t think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.

Hoodia Gordonii for Lose Weight from Thighs, Belly, Love Handles, Face, Even Burn Fat Calorieshttp://www.gordoniihoodia.netHoodia Gordonii Effective and easy way to looose weight and fats from your face,belly, thighs,legs, butt and reduces appetite! Hoodia Gordonii natural herbal pills that makes u rid of skinny body!just like hoodia gordonii cactus diet plant pill for weight loss in 4 weeks upto 30 poundz with money back guaranteed, and let me tell u that it really works, u can also use this during work.http://www.gordoniihoodia.net/hoodia-balance