Monday, February 13, 2006

Healthy weight loss? HELP!? -

i m 16 years old and i ve recently gained ATLEAST 10 pounds due to my birth control, i wanted to know if there was a healthy and safe way or losing weight, even if it s a little at a time, and mainting the healthy weight even on birth control. any exercise tips, eating habits, what to eat, ect. would be REALLY helpful. i dont even know where to start

Here is what you need to do if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off. Eat 6 small meals a day about every 4 hours. Here what that will do for you, your metabolism will increase (i.e. Lose weight) and you will have more energry. If you go on a diet and eat less, your metabolism will slow down and store to fat. That is why diets dont work. Only the size of your fist, carbs (examples:baked potato, pasta, oatmeal, beans, corn, melon, apples, fat free yogurt, whole wheat breads) in one and protein (examples:chicken breast, swordfish, shrimp, turkey breast) in the other. You can also eat vegetables and salads with any meal, they dont have any or little fat). 30min cardo exercise every day. Any of these(examples: walking, jogging, swimming,running, biking, ect), Monday cardo, tues upper body (arms: curls, tricep extensions,pull ups, front press)(abdominals: leg pull crunch, leg raises), (chest: bench press, butterfly, pullover)(shoulders: front press, arm pullover, cross country skier machine)(back:seated row, lat pull downs, back extension) (YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IN ONE DAY, mix it up) wed cardo, thurs lower body (legs: leg pull,leg press, squats, lounges) fri cardo, sat upper. So your body doesnt go into starvation mode, YOU NEED TO TAKE SUNDAY OFF.If you stick with this you will have a great body. also drink a least 8oz of water daily! Stay away from Mcdonalds, Wendys, etc because there is nothing good for you on the menus - even the salads are bad (bacon bits, cheese, dressing, etc) Good Luck :)

You may want to switch birth control, the newer formulas are shown to not cause weight gain. Talk to your doctor about putting you on something else, or ruling out any other problems that might cause you to gain weight.The best way to combat weight loss is with lifestyle. Change your diet, and get some exercise 4-6 times a week. Life is busy stressful at 16, and it is really easy to get into bad habits! Try to eat things that are natural, and avoid as many processed foods as possible. Eat lots of veggies, and drink lots of water!You can check out a program such as weight watchers, or see your doctor, or even speak with someone at your school (a health or fitness teacher maybe?)

A 16-year-old and birth control s long-term effects has not been tested by the medical community.Birth control drugs deplete s your vitamin B-6 mostly, as well as other vitamins. Take a pregnancy vitamin every other day, according to my pharmacist, who should know, and who does this, and he s a 60-year-old man.(He needs to be alert to dispense drugs to people). Vitamin B-6 will get rid of some of the water retention, so replenish your body with under 25 mg. per day, taken in the morning, along with a low-dose B-Complex tablet, with O.J.Cut out any more than a domino-size serving of cheese, (the serving size of cheese) per day- as it has sodium. (If you need a good breast-building diet, add cottage cheese and avocado- good fats for a young girl s body). Hot dogs, sausage on pizza etc.-TV dinners, restaurant soups and Campbell s and prepared food have lots of sodium- keep each serving to under 500 mg.- daily allowance is 3,000 mg.Learn to home-cook your meals and add salt to taste, after dishing it up- 8 shakes is a dash- start with that, or use DASH. Water washes out the edema-causing fluids that accumulate in tissues, as they are two different fluids, and water does this. Take hot water drinks before meals to curb your appetite, and a glass of non-calorie liquid, preferably water in between and when exercizing, drink more or on hot days. Walk off your dinner. A Two-mile walk every day will keep the weight off. Park your car 3 blocks away from a store or destination. Exercise in spurts, at least, every day.Losing more than 2 pounds a week is an unhealthy amount. As a nurse assistant, we must report a patient s weight loss (or gain) if over 4 pounds in one week, as it is not good at all.I went on Pill at 18 for irregular, painful periods. It made my PMS take-off! ouch! I now know these problems I had were from no rest, unrelenting stress thus PMS, and not taking protein snacks in between meals (which is proven to straighten out all aspects of periods- length, amount, pain, and surrounding symptoms, with exercize added) as well as the Pill adding additional problems to it. I had no fat on body- thus not enough hormone-production to even-out and make me have OK periods. I was very skinny from years of neglect from parents, being 80 pounds at 5 6 tall- and felt better during college, where I wasn t restricted in meals and harassed.It took me 8 months to conceive, and I d been married four years from age 19- too skinny.Sometimes you can t minimize the stress, but try.Young girls of 15 are supposed to have baby fat -literally, this fat makes her have a good hormone production for her body to sustain a healthy pregnancy at say, age 25 or so- to have a healthy baby, too. And also, in order to not have the pregnancy deplete her body during this time, she needs to have adequate calcium and the like. At least Three months of preparation for baby-making, of good eating and vitamins before getting pregnant are a must. The weight should preferably not be from edema caused by a birth control pill, in other-words. So tell your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist. It has helped me very much.

For exercise, if you want to do something outside, start out with walking at a good pace. Then go to speed walking, jogging, running and sprinting. Try to do this every day, but work your way up, so don t overwork yourself. Don t eat any sweets or snacks during the week. Just save them for the weekend. That doesn t mean go crazy, but you can have just enough to satisfy your cravings.

hi 16ers!pls dont ruin your life, i beg you..theres more life out there than taking birth control,,,am a mom of all boys how i wish theyd go on relation w/ later on to a girl who hasnt been intimately dated.. at 16 everything in you is pure! just have fun in a different perspective.

Add lots of water, fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet. Cut out the carbs and throw in a lot of walking/running/cardio and you will lose weight! :)

I commend you on wanting a healthy and safe way of losing weight. Slow is better. You ll be making gradual lifestyle changes - Good Habits that will last your last time.1. Eat a healthy breakfast. like A high fiber cereal with some fruit and low fat milk. (not sugary cereals).2. Eat every 3 to 4 hours, this will keep your metabolism revved up and keep you from being hungry.3. Choose your snacks wisely, opt for fresh fruit or a handful of nuts rather than a high sugar snack.4. Drink lots and lots of water. If you drink soda, cut it out. Diet soda is better, but Water is best.5. Learn to say NO to second helpings. If you are still hungry make it a rule that you only have seconds of fruits and/or vegetables.6. Cut down on fast food.7. At every meal your plate should consists of 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs and 1/2 vegetables and/or fruits.8. Increase your physical activity. Exercise 30 minutes a day 4 - 6 times a week.�� This is a good site with good advice, tips etc.Drink lots of water, eat fruit, veg, don t go over your calories,(2000) for women, I think, and exercise, yoga is a great form of ex cerise, for physical and mental health.Don t snack on junk food, snack on carrot sticks, nuts, dried fruit. Its all common sense really.

It is completely normal to gain weight while on birth control. Drinking orange juice will help you lose weight, drinking 24 oz. of milk with 24 hrs. help too. Also depended on the type of bread you eat can actually make you increase your weight. Whole grain bread and Pita bread are the healthiest. Also what body type are you? That can help you out in creating a work out routine that will work for your specific body type. Seeing that you re only 16 years old, you don t want to over due it and lose a lot of weight because you re still growing and your body needs important nutrients to grow and have healthy brain development. Your doctor should help you with this and develop some kind of diet for your own specific needs. Don t try over the counter weight lose pills, every one has a different body type and specific needs, that s why they don t really work for every one.

all u need to do is about 30 min of cargo, eat heathy and nutrishious meals, and eat them in 5 SMALL survings each day, DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!!! if u want to eat but your really not hungrey drink water, it helps...also 8cups of water each day, lots of exersize!!! : ) good luck!!!!!!!!!

Learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss. We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out for all info regarding weight loss.

Actually, I heard from my friend in college that there was a recent University of North Carolina study that said if you vomit every time you eat something you will stay thin. Guys will like you more too. Plus you ll be popular.

Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator�� This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.Beginners Guide to Dieting -��

exercise 30 min most days (could be as simple as going for a walk), eat whole grains fruits veggies, lay off on simple carbs (sugar, white flour products)make sure you eat enough calories! too few will slow your metabolism halt your weight loss.try the South Beach diet, created by a cardiologist. has a lot of yummy recipes.

When does losing weight becomes easier? -

i am trying on a weight loss program and gosh, it is hard!i mean i never though losing weight will be so hard. when does it get easier to lose weight? how long did it took for you?anyone got a easier diet plan?

losing weight always take commitment because most of the time it means that you have to stay away from all those fatty tasty dishes that actually made you fat in the first place, moreover since you are not taking in that energy that your body is used to, you always tend to feel tired, and wandering all the is normal and usual.

How Good is Weight Watchers? -

I have finally decided to do something about my weight. Along with joining a gym, there are several weight loss programs that I want to sign up for.I am considering Weight Watchers. Does anyone have any experience with them? How good are they? What program would you recommend other than WW? (serious answers only please).Thanx for your help!

I m currently doing WW and have lost over 21 pounds in 15 weeks. My wife lost 50 pounds in 6 months and has kept it off over 2 years now.I found that WW has been easy for me to do because it does not require you to eat certain things (I hate most veggies) and it does not prohibit you from eating anything (I love pizza). What it does do is it holds you accountable for what you eat.If I want to have pizza I can plan accordingly and save enough points for a couple of slices. You can basically eat anything that you just have to stop eating when you reach your daily point allowance. You learn that by eating healthier items you can have larger portions which help to keep you satisfied longer between meals.I have tried many diets over the years. Now I am losing weight and don t feel like I am dieting. That s what I call a good diet plan! Good luck!

My aunt tried Weight Watchers, and what it basically taught her that eating foods that are low in calories is the first best rule to follow when losing weight and to eat at a minimum. She was not completely satisfied with the results when she was on Weight Watchers when she bought the total gym from Chuck Noris and Christy Brinkley on TV. Her doctor s nurse told her that the best way a lot of women lose weight is through foods low in calories cut to a minimum each day including your veggies and fruits and healthy poultry with cereals and grains and maybe meat but not required and Cardio exercising. My aunt s nurse said that she needs to walk or ride a bike to increase her heart rate up to make her metabolism faster (metabolism: is the rate at which your body burns fat) to where she will always keep losing weight and keep it off. Now my aunt does weight watchers (on an affordable level) and on some months when the money is tight she only eats veggies (frozen or fresh) with fruit and cereals and poultry (like baked chicken breasts) and walks on her treadmill that she bought for 179 US dollars from JC Penney catalog with the free shipping (you can get free shipping and save a ton by just going to your local JC Penney s and buying the 29 dollar catalog) and using the ticket for your first order for free shipping. My aunt had 3 kids and weighed 385 several years ago. She now weighs 141 pounds and has kept it off permanently. This is how i keep my weight off too by the way. It works for me after having a nine and a half pound baby girl all these years.Good luck, and hope this helps.

It just depends who you are. It works differently on some people than it does on others. One diet that I have found that works for everyone is Ideal Protein. Everyone who has tried it, has successfully lost 3-7 pounds a week and it gets you healthy. It prevents you from losing muscle, only fat.

What are some good weight loss tips? -

I want to loose a few pounds before the summer so I can feel more comfortable in a swimsuit, what are some ideas?And I know dieting and exercising but what types of dieting and exercising. If that makes sense?

Hello!Did you know that 80% of our weight depends on the food that we take and the rest 20% was from our genes? Yes! Meaning you have to change the eating habits that you have. As I can see from your question, you haven t specified your weight. So, I will just give you very simple tips that easy to follow.* Commit yourself to a real diet term. Don��t just do it for 2-3 days because you can��t make everything happened as fast as 3 days. Take note, you gain your pounds not just by eating 3 days. *Drink lots of water. If you could drink more than just 8 glasses of water a day, the better. As you woke up in the morning without having a mouth wash or girdle, it is advisable to drink 3- 6 glasses of water or it depends on your metabolism so my advised would be 2-3 glasses of water would be all right. Then, 30 minutes before you eat your meals, drink at least a glass of water and after you meal, drink at least 2 glasses of water. Take note, don��t drink cold water, this is a part of your diet. *You have to change your eating habits. Eat three meals a day most especially breakfast. Don t believe those friends telling you that skipping one meal can help you reduce weight. Aside from having an ulcer, we will suffer from hunger so, you ll still eat much more than you should eat for one meal. It also includes avoid eating unhealthy fatty foods. Like mono and poly unsaturated fats, they are healthy fats, such as avocado, corn, omega-3 foods and more.*Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. This tip has proved by lots of dietary experts. Eat at least 3-5 fruits a day. Aside from the nutrient that you got, it is easily digest by our body. *Keep your body in motion. Aside from jugging and walking, I recommend you dancing. After you woke up in the morning, try to dance 3-5 music a day. This really helps you burn some strode fats especially within your stomach. Notice yourself sweating after dancing is a sign of fat burning in your body. It allows your body to function very well the entire day.Some tips were based on my experienced. I ll share with you the site where I find some of them. Good Luck!

I hope this article helps.I have worked with many patients and people over the net for the past 14 years on how to lose weight and create a healthier way of life. The most important aspect to weight loss I have found is to break bad habits associated with food both chemical and emotional. A good detoxification/purification program is where I like to start with people.?All Natural Whole Food Supplements, Protein Shakes, Fruits and Vegetables, Brown rice. I recommend Standard Process Brand supplements.Check with your personal doctor as to your ability to participate in this program. Look at the detoxification section of my website for a PDF that demonstrates foods that are recommended with the 21 day program.Gather needed supplements and food,(enough for 21 days)You will need to consume 3 shakes per day, plus purification supplements and food. You can consume all the food you want that is listed with the program, (Fruits and vegetables), but you should consume twice as many vegetables as you do fruits. Also have access to a clean (purified water source. You will need to consume half your body weight in ounces of water. EXAMPLE- a 200 lb person would consume 100 ounces of water per day. After day 11 you may consume a portion of organic chicken or wild caught salmon per day.Exercise at least 1/2 hour per day starting with warm-up, and stretching. Then 15 minutes of resistance training followed by 15-20 min. of cardio. Please check with your doctor before beginning any exercise routine.Good Luck!Dr. Bryan Schuetz

1. the most important thing that works very well for me is NOT eating or drinking anything but water or green tea after 7 in the evening, i myself lose about 3 pounds by doing it only for 2 days. it is a great method. my mom also tried it and lost about 30 pounds in 2 months,2. the second most important is avoiding foods like cookies, muffins, crackers, (even things like special k,...) , and coca cola, soda, fruit juice that is done in the factories (not those at home),3. the third always eat break fast but not things like cereals and muffin , instead you want to eat a peace of whole grain bread with some low fat cheese and some nuts,4. fourth, drink a lot of water during the day,5. fifth get enough night sleep.6. try to walk about 10 mins every morning to make your metabolism start quickly and burn fat quickly.7. eat enough fruits and vegetables each day.8. mae sure to have whole grain products, no alcohol, avoid red meat, fried food mc donalds, milk shake and ice cream.but dont forget, the fist three can work like a miracle, as they did for me, my mom, and my they are in low normal weight, and i m underweight just by this method.and good luck.

Weight Loss Tips��--Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--��

The pattern for losing those excess pounds is easy - consume less and exercise more - the problems arise when we really try to put that into operation! There are plenty of temptations in the big wide world don t you think?! The one thing that clearly worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a limited number of free trials left, it was reported in Fox News and USA Today. I lost 25 pounds, it clearly does work!

They said with Exercising, doing cardio is best -- do the treadmill or aerobics then to burn off the fat, you should do a little of strength training, a little bit of weights and all. For dieting, stay off carbs -- that s what always gets me. Good luck!

Go to the site below it looks like it can really help you!

Hi there. I have some tips you might find useful.

Weight loss hypnosis program helps you loss the weight you want and keep it off forever.

the best diet is watching what goes into your mouth if it is whitestay away from it periodfish is excellentdark green veggiesthe brightest fruitswater, water and more water

Here is where you can read a good article called Top Ten Principles and Tips for Weight Loss��They are good tips that work.

sleep, water, fiber, less salt, less alcohol and live nude oil wrestling

How much water should I drink daily to aid in semi-quick, but healthy weight loss? -

I m trying to lose about 20 pounds in 8 weeks.

The Experts Recommend that for good Heath we should drink 2 Litres of water a Day to keep ourselves Hydrated, it is very good for you.Like anything we eat or drink we can Consume to much of one item and it can actually Kill us. I have heard to many Carrots can be very bad for you. I have also heard that to much water when drunk to excess can Kill you. So stick to the guidelines of Two Litres a day no more.

Always drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day....this is as well as your usual drinks of tea, coffee etc. This is just pure plain water. Be CAN drink too much water. Don t go over 3 litres a day.

My Aerobics instructor told us to drink half your body weight in ounces. This will help you lose weight faster. So if you 150 lbs drink 75 onces of water.


You should shoot for losing 20 pounds in 10 weeks, not 8 weeks ... the rule of thumb for healthy weight loss is 2 pounds per week. Drink approximately 64 ounces of water a day ... and you can t count any drinks with caffeine (coffee, most colas) but you may count things like water soup and even milk toward your 64 ounce total. You MAY increase your water consumption to up to 72-78 ounces if some of what you drink is not straight water but if you drink too much water every day, you can actually drown yourself from the inside ...

Drink ice water, the body burns calories heating the water before it hits your stomach. The minimum requirement for healthy functioning of the body is 2 liters daily.

Are there weight loss products for men? -

I cannot loss weight! No matter what I do I can t loose weight! I want to use a diet pill but are there any out there made for men or men and women not just women?

Hmmm, Cheese Man. For starters, you should slow down on the cheese, it s really high in fat. Diet pills do not actually work since your body will start to depend on them which means you would have to take them for the rest of your life.Men have it lucky since we loose weight easily. Cut out fried foods and increase your veggies, you ll drop the weight like crazy.

First I will say Exercise and Diet coupled with a weight loss pill work wonders. Take a look at Lipo 6 it s been the #1 weght loss product 3 years in a row you can find it by clicking on my homepage below and it has its own small banner in the middle of my page. Brent��

How does a 160 pound, 15 yr old male loose 20 lbs by August? NEED HELP!!!? -

Hi everybody, I m 14 (turning to 15 soon) and I weigh 160 lbs. I do cardio for 1 hour and 5 minutes (weight loss program on elliptical); 6 days a week. In addition I rotate 20 minutes of sprint intervals, weight lifting, or ddr after the cardio every day. Ive been doing this for several months now. In addition, I eat pretty well. Except for the sporadic pizza or Wendy s on Friday nights. I want to loose 15-20 lbs by the end of august. Yet, I don t know how. I excecrise a lot and eat well, how come It seems like I cannot loose the weight?? My weight only fluctuates from 155-160. Can someone help me!

Ok, you are doing a lot of good stuff! What you have to know is that you will reach your goal the fastest by doing a good amount of cardio and weight training. To start with the cardio, you need to make sure that the pace is constant. Whatever pace you choose, don t slow down; keep it at a steady rate. The goal is to keep the heart rate at a steady pace for at least 45 minutes. A good fat burning heart rate would be in between 140 - 145 bpm for you. Higher heart rates in the 180 bpm and up zone burns sugar. Challenge yourself to not exceed a heart rate of 145 or go below 140. You will probable be surprised to find that you will be moving a lot slower than you would. I love spinning and at a heart rate of 140 - 145 bpm I would imagine that I was enjoying a nice jog on a breezy pay in the park. This should work on the elliptical too.Cardio and weight training goes hand in hand. You want to be sure to vary your exercises to at least target the main muscle areas. Arms, Legs, Back, and Core. When weight training men especially like to get their beach muscles like the biceps, pecs and abs pumped while ignoring the rest of their muscles. This is not a good practice. Have a well balanced weight routine help to strengthen and sculpt your whole body. But it also helps to cut down on injuries. A good rule of thumb is what ever you do to the front, do to the back as well. If you work the front of your arms, work the back to. If you work your chest, then work your upper back too. If you work your abs, then work your back too etc. Again this principle will help to sculpt your entire body, provide a safeguard from avoidable injuries and will ultimately improve your posture.As each week passes challenge yourself to do just a little bit more. Do the cardio a little longer of pick up the pace a bit and make the weights a little bit heavier too. Just be sure to do the weight training first and then do the cardio. Muscles are what burns the fat so getting your muscles pumped and working at their max before doing the cardio will help to quicken the results.Now exercise is great but if you truly do create a well balanced diet for yourself, you can cut down on like half the exercise and let your diet sustain your overall physique. Once you reach your target weight, the exercise would just be a little bit of daily maintenance. Make sure you eat a lot of veggies. Leafy greens are especially good for you. Eat fruit but only a couple servings because fruit has a lot of sugar in them and while it is healthier than processed sugar, it is sugar none the less. Watch the kind of carbs you eat. Complex carbs aren t good for you and they are really difficult for your body to breakdown and use as fuel. Only eat as many carbs as you need energy for the day. Make sure you get your protein because protein is the fuel needed to build muscle which again is what burns fat. The occasional treats like Wendy s or a pizza won t hurt your goals but first make sure that these treats are really sporadic. I treat myself to something daily but I have redefined for myself what treat means and sometimes for me too, the treat is pizza.Lastly, drink a lot of water and stretch a lot too. Exercising the muscle tend to cause them to retract and cramp and create a lot of pain for you. Exercise professional always maintained that there is no way to avoid being sore but after a hard core workout, I make sure that I drink a ton a water and stretch a lot at intervals throughout the day and I have found that this minimizes soreness for me. I see no reason why it should help others in spite of what the professionals say.The most important thing to remember that there is no easy quick solution. Diet pills and staving yourself and things of that nature is a great way to ensure that you gain any loss weight back and maybe even more. Put in the effort and the hard work and your body will reward you. I live by the mantra that if I am good to my body, it will be good to me. It may seem like a lot of weight to lose by the end of August but if you stick with a great fitness program it should not be a problem. I hope this helps! Best Wishes! ?

I have never seen you, but I am SURE you don t need to lose any weight at all. You are growing.��

20 lbs is too dramatic of weight loss for 15 years old in that little of time, just stay active and eat right. drink plenty of water

Dear friend, I learn from a famous Physician that the fat in the human body starts forming right from childwood. Since you are in a growing age of 14, eating cannot be restricted but the eating habits have to be changed. First of all, stop taking fatty foods, reduce sweets and ice creams, use dry foods that are without much oil content. Secondly, fix a time for your breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner and don t eat anything in between. Continue present exercises and in addition, do selected Yogasanas for atleat half an hour every evening between 17 hours to 18 hours. Then you see the miracle.

that sounds like your doing everything right make sure you cut out cokes and that kind of drinks and drink alot of water and cut down the pizza days if you can but you should see it to come off and also you should grow taller since your going through puberty

Herbalife! Get some asap! It works. I lost 45# and 55 inches in 2000 on Herbalife. I m now a believer and a distributor. You appetite big will drop off after you ve been on two shakes a day for a week or so. Your third meal of the day should be a normal healthy meal (not diet food or small portions). A drop of 15 pounds could prob be accomplished safely by August. Look on-line for a dist in your area.

You don t say how tall you are, and that s part of the picture.If you truly are overweight for your height, cut out all (or most) desserts. Also: Get eight hours of solid sleep a night. People who don t get enough sleep are fidgety during the day, and that makes them turn to food to calm their nerves.Good luck, bro!

score some ritalin from a kid in skewel. it s kewliez

Eat less exercise more! Keep consistent it will come!

Does someone know a weeklong meal plan for healthy weight loss of 1-2 pounds? that I dont have to pay for... -

Im not sure if this is healthy sorry, but my mum every now and then (to lose those extra couple of kilos put on at special occasions) eats for breakfast: 1 boiled egg, Lunch: Salmon or Tuna Salad, and Dinner is the same as lunch, it sounds very boring, but this is only a 3 day diet and she loses 2 or 3 kilos every time then just eats healthy after that.. it didnt work for me because i started getting headaches because i went from absolute junk food to absolutely nothing so quickly, Just a suggestion tho..

it is dangerous 2 lose that much in that time

Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I m also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me (it s all 100% natural - a colon cleanse that was really gentle on my body. I feel so good and I lost 15 pounds). You can check the website at ct=us/3-0 fd=R url=%68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f%77%77%77%2e%62%65%2d%68%61%70%70%79%2d%64%69%65%74%2e%75%73 , I had a free trial and paid less than $5.00 shipping and handling. Best of luck!