Monday, September 15, 2008

How to lose weight succesfully? -

I am 22 yrs old 5 2 and maybe a stone or two overweight. I live with my super skinny boyfriend who can eat anything and not put on weight. I always start with good intentions but never succeed! can anyone help me?

Make an exercise and diet plan you can stick to... Like one guy said, eat 5-6 small meals a day, and (I know it sucks) count calories. Limit yourself to 1200-1500 a day, and you will probably see some results just from eating less. Eat fruits and vegetables, and drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. It s honestly not that hard to drink, just have a glass with every meal. As for exercise, start small (unless you want to do more, go for it) try fast walking for 30 minutes, or swimming laps for 30 minutes (this can be hard, take super short breathers in between of course) pretty much do anything cardio for 30 minutes. Crunches and other calisthenic exercises won t do you any good in the weight loss area. As for quitting a bit after you start, it happens to a lot of people. The way I got over it was by starting small and focusing all the time on how much I am taking in and putting out. Keep track of it in a journal or something, it really does help. Anyhow, I hope I helped and good luck!

Hello,I have the proper answer for your specific condition, read along.Everybody wants to look their best and what better way than to go on a lose weight. Losing weight can be a boring experience but it is important to avoid boredom at all costs. That way you stay focused. The other important thing is to have the drive to lose weight. Go ahead and find something that will motivate you. Visualize yourself succeeding and then actually take action. It is that easy.So in order to lose weight and look great you need to diet correctly. Do this by eating healthier foods. You may want to cut back your calorie intake but not to the point where you feel out of energy and hungry all the time. To avoid hunger you should eat frequently so that you stay satisfied all day. This technique also boosts your metabolism so that you burn more fat and feel better. Eat clean foods that are not high in fat and sugar. Consume foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and lean meats.Start a work out program so that you burn more calories. Try to get at least twenty minutes of exercising in each day. You can also take a day off each week. I find it is easier to Work out during the week days and then take the weekend off. Just start working out slowly and then progress. Once you get in shape it will be much easier to burn off more calories. Dieting to lose weight does not have to be a boring task.All the best, and do let us know how it goes!

1 pound = 3500 calories.If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose, if you eat 2000 calories per day and burn 2500, you will lose 1 pound every week.the average person burns 1500-2000 calories per day, just being alive.powerwalking can burn 200-500 calories per hour.exercise bike can burn 200-600 calories per hour.swimming can burn 100-800 calories per hour.jogging/running can burn 300-1200 calories per hour.*********VERY IMPORTANT************when trying to lose weight, very important to drink lots and lots of water ! ! ! you should drink at least 10 glasses per day, like 1 glass every hour !this helps your body get rid of the fat when you are burning calories

You ever heard of 5-6 small meals a day? Well it works wonders, as long as they are healthy meals that you enjoy, you can eat every 3 hours with breakfast being your biggest meal. It really is a nice plan to have because you never go hungry. And to your boyfriend, he is blessed with a high metabolism, some people have it some don t. Don t worry if he keeps eating like that he will get fat as soon as his 30 s creep up, but for the rest of us it s healthy eating and exercise ;)

i found this article - 10 tips to lose weight successfuly - hope this helps��

Anybody know how to lose weight with a bad back problem? -

I have a seriously herniated disc in my low back. It has been hard to lose weight because I can lift weights or anything like that. Does anyone have any good diets or workouts that have worked for them?

The Acai Berry is the most impressive diet pill I have ever used. I tried so many other diet pills and weight loss programs without much success. Once I started using the Acai Berry, I lost 44 lbs in 90 days. You can read more about my story on my blog -

How to lose weight at eleven years of age? -

I m 11 and my school says I m over weight for my age. And I know I m to young to be worrying about this but I m upset of how chunky I am. I m not going to take weight pills because thats unhealthy for me. What should I do?

You are very mature for your age just cause you dont want to take weight loss pills.Because of that, im proud of you, but i know you still need help.There s a lot of things you can do for exercise.Try running, Jump rope, Jumping Jacks, Push ups, sit ups, walking, speed walking, dancing, etc.Do that for 30 mins everyday, and if you get tired dont worry about taking breaks, just dont make them last over 1 minute.also, switch them around, so you do 10 mins of jump rope, 5 mins jumping jacks,5 mins running, 10 mins push up/situpsalso try Get ups . its simple just carry something kinda heavy, but not too heavy. have it in ONE hand. stand tall and raise your hand with the weight. drop slowly on the floor and lie down, then with your hand still in the air, get back up, and repeat.They re simple but they get you sweating.Stay away from Fast Food and junk food.Eat whatever is at home. anything home cooked is MUCH healthier than fast foodGood Luck. i know you can do it

Hang a mirror opposite your seat at the table. One study found that eating in front of mirrors slashed the amount people ate by nearly one-third. Seems having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals, and reminds you of why you re trying to lose weight in the first place.

You can lose weight if you did right program. I tried many program, but could not lose weight. I found the best program that works fast for anyone. I lost my weight fast using this diet program. You should have look right info that works. I lost 23 pounds after 45 days with this diet program. I highly recommend you. You can get more info here link below.

How tall are you and how much do you weigh? My brother and I would always get chunky before hitting a growth spirt. That s why a lot of people say you re too young to be worried about your weight. Just concern yourself with your health and everything else will fall into place. ?

Eat a frozen dinner. Not just any frozen dinner, but one designed for weight loss. Most of us tend to eat an average of 150 percent more calories in the evening than in the morning. An easy way to keep dinner calories under control is to buy a pre-portioned meal. Just make sure that it contains only one serving. If it contains two, make sure you share.

Pack nutritious snacks. Snacking once or twice a day helps stave off hunger and keeps your metabolism stoked, but healthy snacks can be pretty darn hard to come by when you re on the go. Pack up baby carrots or your own trail mix made with nuts, raisins, seeds, and dried fruit.

You can t be overweight for your age, it depends on how tall you are. We need to know how tall you are and how much you weigh.

Get more active and eat healthier foods. Eat an apple instead of some Doritos and go outside and be active instead of playing a video game.

how are you overweight. ur 11. im 11 too and im tall lean and muscular. you just exercise.

Cardio and a bit of weight lifting to gain muscle.

How to lose weight as quickly as possible?!? -

I want to get down to 108 and I m 124 right now. How do I lose as much as possible in like 20 days? I wanna look great when I go back to school! And please give me specifics and not just exercise daily and eat well. THANK YOU!!!!!

Let me just say this.... Losing nearly 20 Lbs in 20 Days is not safe. Try to eat around 1700-1900 Calories a day, and eat tons of protein. You don t want to eat any less than that or your body will go into a starvation mode. This will hurt your metabolism and hinder your long-term weight loss goal. When working out; do both cardio (running, biking, swimming laps) and weight training (push-ups, chin-ups). Both will help you lose wight. Try eating many small meals a day instead of 3 big ones like we have all been taught to do. Try to drink a gallon of water a day, and include green tea. This will speed up you metabolism.

At your current weight you will not lose 16 pounds in 20 days no matter what you do (healthy or unhealthy). To lose, just eat 1200-1400 calories in a day focusing on proteins, some good fats, fruits veggies and dairy. Also, if you eat carbs stick to good carbs, like whole wheat or whole grain breads and pastas.No sugars, low starches. Eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 large ones. Drink 1.5-2L of water in a day.Do some light - moderate cardio or some other activity regularly and you will eventually lose weight.If not underweight, you are likely in the normal weight range. Meaning you will have a really tough time losing weight, no matter what you do. You may get anywhere between 2 and 5 pounds within your time frame.. but you will eventually reach your goal

My brother had problem of weight. My brother did prayanam, which is a type of yoga that helped him out. Please do not try it without proper guidance. Make a search in you tube and you will find many video. It is important to have a control on your diet. For that you must have information on diets. These are some of the best information sources on weight loss control and diets��As you know, knowledge is power. Good luck.

Ever heard of Medifast? You eat 800-1000 calories a day...and no, you arent hungry all the time :)I m 20 years old and extremely overweight. I have tried everything to lose weight. I found Medifast and I knew this would be my last hope at losing any weight.I started one month ago on July 15th, and today, I swear to god, I am down 20 pounds and 9 inches. I went for a check up yesterday and rubbed it in my doctors face for doubting me. HAHA. I know what its like to want something so bad, but struggle so hard and get no where.I m also a free health coach with Medifast. I offer discounts and big coupons. Plus, isnt it better when someone is going thru the same thing you are, and you are able to share experiences?my site- www.beatthescale.tsfl.comKacie Schendel

If you know correct diet information you can lose weight. I use the method from this site and I lost 13 pounds in 4 weeks. It is very fast to lose weight. You can get my diet method that lost me 21 pounds in 45 days from