Thursday, March 28, 2019

How can i lose weight fast? I am excercising an hour a day an eating all healthy, and only drink water.? -

Is there anything else i can do to help my diet?

Studies have shown that you need to exercise at the right level. If your lactic acid levels go tooo high then the body stops burning fat and burns muscle and that defeats the purpose of losing weight.The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it slowly. Massive weight losses in small amount of time results in not maintaing the weightloss and regaining the weight loss plus more.

You can t lose weight fast without consequences.Slow and steady wins the race. No more than 2 pounds a week and you ll keep it off.

My answer/// you should run 1: 1 and a half hour every dayBut you must to be very serious with yourself . I don t like very fat person.How do you like soccer?

eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, don t limit yourself to just water to drink, its ok to have juice and stuff. I d say stay away from fatty foods, and it depends on the exercising you re doing but anything that gets your cardio up will help a lot. Personally I like running and playing a sport that involves running. there s no quick fix for weight thats healthy. just eat right and exercise and youll lose it and keep it off. hope this helps

take more water and add more roughage to your dietlike cabbage salad etc.take some honey with lime water in morning that will help you alot

are you eating fewer calories than you are burning? Because even if you re eating healthy, you don t lose weight if you re eating more calories than you re burning.You re probably losing more weight than you think.

if your exersising its possible to gain weight but loose inchesyou shouldnt be so caught up on weight, but more how your body looks..... but if you really want to dont eat? and take vitamins? works fer me... but than you ll gain it all back when you do start eating

Try to get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile and get the advise from them to lose weight fast and healthy.

How can i lose weight fast ? -

there s only one problem in me .. im a fattie and i want to lose weight as soon as possible because i m starting to get desperate! help me

You didn t put all the weight on in two weeks, it s not going to come off in two weeks. Diets rarely ever work for the long haul. You need to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes into your life. I speak from experience. It took me 34 years to reach 250 pounds, and it is coming off slowly but surely because I made some of the following changes:Drink LOTS of water- it s natural, it feels you up, gives you energy, helps your skin, and helps you lose weight.Add walking every day- walk to the store, take a before work walk and watch the sun come up, or an after dinner walk and enjoy the sights and sound, take the stairs instead of the elevator for one or two flights, etc. Little changes do make a differenceKeep a food journal- log everything you eat for a week, even if it s something as small as a tic tac. You will be surprised at what all it is and it will help you see where your problem areas lie, then work to change it. Make small changes at first- No seconds on dessert, one scoop of icecream instead of two, add some veggies with your meat dish, nix the mayo on the burger, then add more changes the following week, then more the next, etc. start slow so it doesn t seem like you are depriving yourself, and make changes that you know you can stick with. And if you slip up and have a bad day, don t stress, just get back on the wagon and keep going. Don t fall for the fad diets either. They hurt in the long run, more than they help.

You can t lose it fast. You gained it slow, you gotta lose it slow. Start getting just a bit more exercise (energy OUTPUT) than you are eating (energy INPUT) and you ll begin to lose weight. And, forget the BS about eating celery or all carbs or all protein or something. The fact is if you bring in more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight. I could probably eat leaves off the tree, and if I ate enough leaves to give me too many calories, I would gain weight. SO...slow down the eating slightly and pick up the exercise slightly. And, over time, you will increase your fitness and decrease your weight. Good luck!

Best bet is a healthy low-calorie diet, and lots of exercise. Most of those Lose weight fast diets just don t work, so don t bother with them


Losing weight fast is unhealthy.... You should talk to your doctor about getting on a healthy weight loss plan.

stop eating

Weight Watchers is very effective. I know many people that have done it and been very successful in losing weight.

There is no fast way.Exercise and eat healthy foods (fruits and vegetables)Get involved with sports or dance.


get the twinkies out your back pocket

Start exercising and stop eating bad foods. Just eat like a normal person and you will start to lose weight. Be careful if you try anything elese because it could really mess up your body and make you gain more weight.

Hey, don t feel bad. I m trying to do the same exact thing right now. Get in touch with me at and we ll trade tips!

Walk everywhere i recon(thats what i need to do)eat healthy - salads, fruit etcand lots of sex?Lou xxxxxx

start some coke....then, look in the mirror and tell yourself you are a disgusting, fat human being. then, make yourself vomit every time you put food into your system.

for me it works to go down to about 1000-1500 calories a day. that way ur not starving yourself and u will lose weight about everyday, at least i do!! try to exercise everyday and dont eat super fatty food like pizza or burgers. i mean u could even have a slice of pizza and still lose weight if u dont go over ur calories for the day! good luckx!! hope it works for u!! :)


THE ANSWER....LET ME HELP U....i can help u lose between 10-25 lbs each and everymonth with our world renound products and system...if u r as serious as u say u r then let me know and I will work with u to getting you to reach ur weight loss goals n no time...u can email me @ or visit my website @

do aerobic exercise it would B useful ...

you cant. it will take you about 1.5 times the time it took you to gain it to lose it. sorry but thats how it is. eat healthy, exercise. DONT do a fad dietDONT do anything without a doctors inputfind a good nutritionist

There is no fast way to lose weight other than being unhealthy... good results come with patience. There is no quick fix. Drink lots of water daily...Benefits of drinking plenty of water are, better metabolism, gets rid of toxins, slows your appetite, better skin complexion, all comes with patience. Also eats lots of fruit and veggies. I know easier said than done but eventually your body will get use to the water and think about this anything you do for 20 days becomes a habit. Also I recommend drinking 32 oz of water first thing in the morning before eating anything, that way your body will absorb it better and then 32oz at lunch and dinner, which is more than the recommended daily dose for the average person, however, overweight persons need to consume more. So excerise, eat right, no caffenine, and lots of bathroom breaks throughout the day but guess what lots of toxins leaving your body and a healthier you...Good Luck.

u have to control how u ll eat(diet) en to do train more(fitness), again to take in more fruits.

please get in touch with me, I may have the answers you are looking for. I lost 12 pounds in 10 days, went on to lose 69 pounds, and have kept it off for almost 3 years now!!

the low carb diet really does wrk! i did about 20 carbs a day and lost 7 lbs a week no lie! but also the heavier u are the faster u lose it! oOo and if u do a low carb diet make sure u take centrum vitamins cuz u can t eat a lot of fruits and it puts all dat potassium and stuff in ur body! try it...u can e-mail me if u have ?!HeAtHeR

How to lose weight fast? -

ok i m 16 and im about 147lbs i want to lose weight by the end of june what is the best way to do so. HELP ME!!!!

Drink a lot of water, no sodas or sugary drinks. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, stay away from the carbs, processed, and fried foods and exercise. Eat six mini meals throughout the day.

A guy I like said his exgf weighs 95lbs. I feel fat. How can lose weight fast? -

I m 5 5 and weight 118lbs. I thought I have an okay body. I mean.. I have a curvy waist and some boobs and butt lol. He said his exgf is 95lbs. (I think she s 5 3 or 5 4 ) I know I shouldn t compare but I couldn t help it. I m not fat, but I guess I m not lean enough. I try to exercise and eat right, but are there anything else that is helpful? I m asian, and it seems like most asians girls are so thin. I m actually fat compare to most asians =(. Maybe I should eat even less. When you like someone you would want them to think you are pretty right? =( Maybe I am fat to him. *self esteem going down the drain*

no guy is going to like you if you are that needy of his approval. you are healthy and do not need to lose weight. if he doesn t like you the way you are, maybe you should focus your attention elsewhere.

If she s 5 5 and wieghts 95 shes underweight, seeing as the human body needs 22% fat to be healthy.

Hunny, That is a perfect weight for your height. Who cares what a guy thinks. So what if your not 95 pounds!! (THATS WAY TOO SKINNY) Just be yourself when your around him. If he doesn t like you because you don t look right to him than he is not worth it.

118 is good. Under 100 lbs for any adult is way too skinny.

So he liked a girl who was 95 lbs. He s not with her anymore so maybe he realized the reason she weighed so little was because she had no BRAIN ! Keep your curves ! Men love curves.

Get a grip, girl! It��s your self-esteem that needs work, not your body. If this guy��s ex had been anorexic and weighed 70 lbs, would you want to strive for that, too?

Okay, first of all, you are looking things over in the wrong way. She is shorter than you so she is SUPPOSED to be skinnier! When I was in the sixth grade I was 110 pounds, which was at least 20-30 more pounds than all the other kids, but I was 5 4 and the tallest one there! You can gain and lose weight anytime, but a good height is a blessing! Most girls would die for long legs.Second, you are selling yourself short. What has this guy ever done for you that you would be willing to change who you are for HIM? And Asian girls aren t supposed to be super lean, they have the best food! I am your height and I am 125 pounds. People say I am skinny. If you want him to like you back, if he doesn t like you for YOU, your relationship will never, ever work. I don t even have a butt or any chest! Haha.P.S., all guys prefer curvy women as to a bag of bones ;)

Uh, that was his EX girlfriend - does he talk like he really liked her body? Or was he just mentioning that because people were on the topic of weight? This could have a lot to do with whether or not you really need to lose weight.I m 5 0 and weigh the same as you do, and I m not considered fat either! So, I really really REALLY would not suggest losing weight. If you were to lose weight it might make you unhealthy and you may end up getting sick. Just be very careful when you decide to do anything drastic involving your weight - don t want you to get hurt!Good luck!

Dont be jealous, be PROUD! 95 pounds is tooo thin! U sound great to me! =)

5 5 and 118 is tiny sweetie!! And you need to remember that his ex is just EX! There is a reason that they are no longer together. Maybe he didn t like that she was 95 lbs.! Most guys will tell you anyway that having curves is sexy...there is nothing appealing about a girl with bones sticking out! The most important thing is that he is into YOU, not your weight. I think that if you are comfortable in your own skin and confident in the way you look, there is nothing more sexy! Just relax and have fun... Best of luck to you! :)

You are not fat at all!!! 95lbs is anorexic skinny...

r u 4 real ????95 lbs??? what was she 11 or 12 years old???I would be honored to have you just as you are Some boob and butt is better then a rack of ribs with no butt ta spare. Look @ ya SKINNY is not in. What do ya want a size 0??? Im 6foot 4 and kinda thin so I prefer a well adjusted person who does not worry about some goof saying my x was a size nada. Be more confidant @ yourself and find a new boytoy