Friday, October 11, 2019

Help me create a weight loss program...? -

Heylo there.So yeeah, I m looking to lose some weight. I m not that heavy or anything, just a bit more than I want. But I really know nothing about diets, so I call upon the people of Yahoo Answers!Here s the thing though: I m 14. I d really prefer not to screw over my developing body, so that means no crazy crash diets or anything, and probably it just helps you to know my age anyways.So yeah, I don t see any glaring flaws in my intake. I usually have Post Shredded Wheat for breakfast, no sugar/topping or anything. That s not even a new thing I put in to lose weight, I just like the taste of it anyway compared to like Trix and whatnot which is kind of disgusting. I think we have 2% fat milk at my house usually... anyway. I only drink water, besides milk for breakfast, which is something relatively new I ve been doing: past couple of months or so. I used to drink a lot of juice, but I never really liked soda. I was able to give up the juice pretty easily though, so pretty much all I drink is water.For lunch I typically have a sandwich. Me pops gets pretty nice meat from the deli, so that s probably not a problem- turkey, pastrami, ham and swiss/provolone, etc. And then I usually have some fruit- some slices of apple, peach, banana, etc. I don t really have snacks in-between meals, except occasionally a banana or other fruit, so I also doubt that s a problem. I stopped eating crackers, cookies, that sort of snack thing. I was on Triscuits for a while, which were good, but I haven t been having as many recently. I dunno if that s a good or bad thing- I think they re somewhat healthy, but probably beat out by fruit.For dinner my mom usually cooks, as she s a pretty good cook. This varies a lot- chicken, pasta, fish, meat, soup, etc. I can t really give many specifics, because it is pretty random. Overall nothing that s incredibly unhealthy though, we have fried stuff once a blue moon, and fast food every few years at most. We typically have fresh bread (IE not package bread, baguettes and whatnot), and cheese on the table as well. (Cheese as in large blocks, not slices). I usually have a slice or two of bread- I cut out on putting butter on it though, just have it plain, so that probably helps a lot. And I usually have a couple slices of cheese. Maybe I should cut down on that.That usually lasts me until I decide to sleep, except for maybe a banana or something if I m pretty hungry. Bananas are very convenient.As something to note, every Friday we order pizza. I imagine this is pretty unhealthy. Not much I can do about this though, except maybe have some fruit beforehand and just have a few less slices. I usually have 4, I could easily cut it down to 3, maybe 2 if I had something beforehand.As far as exercise goes, I lift weights in our basement every other day. I lift 35 pounds 10 times in 5 positions, so 50.. lifts I guess. I have no idea what the positions are called. But basically, 10 arm curls standing, 10 reverse arm curls (correct term?) standing, 10 lifting it over my head from sitting, 10 lifting it behind my head over my head from sitting, and 10 bench press (right term?). I do it every other day because apparently it s not good to do it every day. So if you could give me some exercises to do on off days that would help. Maybe leg exercises? Or something. I d prefer them to be indoor. It d just make it a lot easier for me, I d rather not make this into a big thing and get my parents involved. So yeah. I could do crunches or something. I also have a trampoline: maybe I could jump for a good half hour or something every day.I also go swimming fairly often for a good 45 minutes doing laps. I d say every other day to every third day I go. (1/2 to 1/3 of the time...days). So that s good. Maybe I could make it everyday.I guess that covers it. I do like video games, so I d imagine the problem is more lack of exercise than dietary stuff. But still, any healthy eating tips ya got are appreciated.But mainly I m looking for some good indoor exercise solutions! I much prefer to work hard for half an hour to pacing myself for two hours though, so if you have anything like that, it d be great. I m more looking to lose fat than build muscle, but I guess that s good too... still a second priority though. I can work on a six-pack later, now I just want to lose some weight!Er... thanks in advance!P.S. If I get one of those automated things that s like TRY FAT-X- I LOST 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS. CLICK MY LINK. that clearly didn t read my post, I will slap somebody.

I have released over 85 pounds without exercising. I m not saying it s not important, what I m saying is food control is 90% of the losing game.I weigh and measure each meal so I know exactly what I m eating and I feel free from all the brain chatter and thinking....I m just losing

45 minitues of running 45 mintues of working out10 mintues of jump ropeing eat protien to build muscle no FAT like potato chipseat foods like boiled chickenbeans,bread,fruits,

How can i lose weight quickly? -

i am 75kg and i want to lose weight quick (also i am a female) anyways i really want to lose weight quick does anyone know any exercises that losses allot of calories also i would rather do the exercise at home.....please!!!!

Cut your calorie intake in half! And run or jog. It s free and the most effective.

Cardio is the best and quickest way to lose weight. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Jogging and Walking are great work outs. Jog for a few minutes then walk and so on. Anything to get your heart rate up. Find five to ten exercises you enjoy (push ups, crunches, jumping jacks etc...) and do three sets of 10 reps. You are constantly moving but you have a variety of exercises to do to target different parts of your body. Of course eating a healthy diet plays a huge role in your outcome. Drink a glass of water before eating so you don t over eat. Eat six small meals a day to keep your metabolism going and don t forget to reward yourself daily with a treat. For me its a piece of dark chocolate. Hope this works for you!!! Good luck!!!

hmm Drugs..Speed, E...all make you lose it within weeks...but if you are anti drugs i suggest working out, running, eating stuff without Carbs/Fat....and working out DAILY, for like 3 hours.

Hello,the first thing u need to do is to keep urself motivated... Drink lot of water, and also green tea helps raising the metabolism... Cut down on sweets, junk food... Don`t eat after 7 pm... And also, don`t forget to exercise... Cardio the best...I wish you good luck

Get your hands on some Klean Prep. Follow the instructions. That should be a good starter. After that consume only diet preparations and some fruit, especially bananas.

lower your calorie intake and do more exersize

On the slimfast plan.A shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch

Whats a good name for a cat weight loss program? -

Piquant Puss

Flubby Tubby Cat loss program


Kitty Kitty Diet

Kitty Kraig! Or, how about The Catkins Diet?

itty bitty kitty

Bitty Kitty

how to trim your p*ssy

Puuuurrrrrfectt Body

How does this weight loss program sound? -

I m a girl 11 years old (this is my dad s account) and I m overweight and my body fat percentage is also too high. I m not body obsessed, I just want to address the problem. How do you think this program will work?I exercise 20 minutes in the morning, afternoon, and night (60 minutes of cardio in all). I ll eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and lean protein (like chicken... I love chicken! :D). I ll drink only water, no soda or juice. I ll also avoid aspartame and watch my carbs after 3:00 PM. I ll avoid bad carbs, i.e. sugar and white bread, and make sure that if I eat bread it s whole wheat.So... yeah, give me your opinion on this. I d also like to know how much weight or how many inches you think I ll lose. I m 5 2 and 130 pounds with a 33.5 inch waist (I told you... Please don t critiscise me : (! Or tease me!) Thx!

I think it sounds like a good program! Just remember, your body doesn t take sudden changes well. Ease into the 60 minutes a night by starting at half an hour a night and adding ten minutes a night till you get to 60. Hope I helped. Good luck to you! :)

don t worry about ur weight ur not that big u have a good workout routine by try bumpin it up to30 min each ur still young and alot of that is Just fat so once you lose up to 20 lbs just start liftin little weights like 5 lbs just to secure your new form.don t worry about getting to skinny as your still growing and you don t want to be anorexic since your tall fir you age just stay calm youll lose it dont worry

Hi i am trying to loose weight myself. I was 136 and now I m 124 or 125. I am still not happy with my weight I am not trying to discourage you. I am 13 years of age. How much have you lost so far? i think you have started a nice great way of loosing weight. Also i Love chicken too :) I have posted a question as well could u answer it? thank u!

sounds good seems like it will work.

very good..

Well, first of all, anyone who teases you is a complete jerk and should just back off...x)That sounds like a really good plan! But make sure to eat more vegetables than fruits, because fruits have fructose (fruit-sugar =D), which turns into fat, as you probably know. I also suggest to drink 1% milk! 2% is also long as it s not whole ;)Also watch how much cheese you eat! I m also trying to lose weight, and that s a bummer for me because I love cheese! :P But it ll be worth it when I see the results after it all...Also, make sure to boost your metabolism through out the day! Have a 3:00 snack, and another snack about an hour or so after dinner. Make sure these snacks aren t chips, fruit-cups or anything like that. It may be very convenient, but it s definitely not good for you! Grab a handful of almonds, an apple, or low-fat yogurt. Good luck!

That sounds pretty good. I hope it follows something close to what I ve posted below.Let s start with the easiest of substitutions where people will probably not notice:Week 1. Stop all soda pop, juice, etc. {No slurpees, milkshakes, floats}~ only drink water or crystal lite~ Walk once around the block or swim one lap each day to raise metabolism (5 days unless you enjoy 7 days) If your block is more than a mile long then only walk half or substitute with another activity equivalent.Week 2. Stop all breads, buns, cakes, muffins, etc. {No chips, nachos, cookies, cheezies, snack chips of any sort}~ only one piece of a bun or one piece of bread~Walk twice around the block or swim two laps each day to raise metabolism (5 days unless you enjoy 7 days)Week 3. Eat 6 mini meals a day.~Maintain at least 45 minutes of cardio because your weight is higher, you will require longer bouts of cardio. ~You don t need to share this with your parents if you find the unsupporting; however, they will be buying the groceries, so you ll have to give your mom a grocery list every 3 days (1 Tub Yogurt /day).That s for starters. I also want you to try your hardest to eat a special type of yogourt which is more appealing than others, but if you already like a yogurt than use that one. I use Activa Strawberry, but if you prefer another or if you like the SOY yogurt (that would be best).If you have a dog, there is no reason why you can t go for either part of your walk in the morning and the rest in the afternoon, or if you re enjoying how you feel afterwards and want to walk twice a day in the beginning, that would be best to get the metabolism up. Once it s up, you won t have to work as hard to lose, as your body will start kicking in and distributing the energy and burning the fat.~?~?~? ~?~?~?~?~?~? ~?~?~?~~?~?~? ~?~?~?~?~?~? ~?~?~?~Is there anyway that you could meet with a nutritionist either at the hospital or the gym? They can help you set up a menu for the week, but I ll give you a link for a chart website so you can find the charts you want to use and print them off.I find the best way to monitor your daily needs is to follow the breakfast snack lunch snack dinner no snack. (7:30am-9:30am-11:30am-1:30pm-3:30pm-5:3�� It ll seem like you are eating more than other people, but the great thing if it s all healthy, your metabolism will burn it all off because it s spaced out. People don t understand that more food at little bits will cause you to lose weight if you have fat reserves or gain some weight back to your body s normal size.In the beginning, I was really scared to eat. I started out getting a tub (approximately 2 cup) of Activa yogurt (you pick flavour). I bought Ziploc the smallest cup; it only holds approximately 3 Tablespoons or half a doesn t quite measure out because of scraping little bits here and there don t always fit nicely in the cup, so I usually eat what s leftover because it won t fill a cup.It was easy to eat it 3-4 a dayof yogurt to maintain a portion of my protein intake. It s also the most tolerable. I have it at every meal and it s the perfect substitute for craving ice cream because it has a function in the body it doesn t put on weight and regulates your bowel to act on its own rather than depending on a laxative.So, I know I have a portion of protein and calcium coming in. You have to trick your mind to get a way from thinking about size. It s not the same as eating a tub of yogurt in one sitting because the body has to try and digest 2 cups of yogurt, however, a little bit throughout the day balance out its use and uses it up.Breakfast is really important. Some days I make a smoothie with protein powder, yogurt, 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk or (milk) half banana (large) or whole banana (small), 1 egg all in a blender and I drink one glass. Sometimes the portion comes out to more than one cup so you can either drink it later or throw it out because it won t taste right after a day.Otherwise, I look for portion size of the meal. A bowl of gruel or hot porridge is the perfect size breakfast and easy to add things as side dishes, 2 bacon or 2 sausages, your yogourt, and juice, water or tea.The hot cereals are porportioned accordingly if you following 1 serving on the box or the prepackaged (instant)2 pieces of French Toast or Pancakes. Restaurants always send double the amount recommended on the plate so I usually ask for 2 plates and divide it in half to share with whoever is with me.My snack in the morning/afternoon is usually either yogourt, banana, 1/2 cup carrots with dip and 8 oz water (1 cup), snack bag of grapes, strawberries, canteloupe, mango, etc.It s hard in the beginning, so I stuck to pretty easy things to eat like chili. It contains everything I need all in one bowl. So I would eat 1 Cup of Chili along with either yogourt or a vegetable, and if you can eat a dinner roll (the smallest square bun). You m