Monday, November 26, 2018

What foods are a great source of protein for weight loss program and how much is recommended per meal? -

I have lost weight over the past year by changing eating habits and exercising. I m looking to set better eating habits but need help with the right foods. I hate to cook. :)

yogurt is said to be good. look at the serving size on the back of the container (usually 1/2 to 1 cup) or buy the single serving size.

The best protein to eat is salmon the size of a deck of cards. Portions are very small, like the size of the palm of your hand. Tofu is also good but almost tasteless.

Losing weight quickly!!? -

hi there since christmas i have managed to lose 13kg and now weigh 69kg although my bmi is now ok i wouldn t feel comfortable on the beach until i lost another 5kg. i am going on holiday next month and need to shed this 5kg really quickly any hints tips would be greatly appreciated.

hi..even if you dont have time for exercising, as we all know it s best to do also.. try 2-3 oz. of protein every 3 hrs. fill yourself up on a salad, and the proteins ( hard boiled egg whites ), chicken /turkey pieces.. yes fruits too. vegies too.all moderation. .if you head to store.. park a lil distance awy, as long as its safe , all those extra steps will help your body cooperate with you :) happines salways . and remember, be yourself, dont compare yourself to others... stay happy always .plze dont try the cabbage soup, or atkins. they are quick fixes, and you gain more back.

You need to cut sugar completely from your diet. Don t add sugar to anything. Don t eat anything that is naturally high in sugar like fruit and fruit juice, corn etc. Drink only bottled water. Eat very low or no-fat food. Don t eat late at night. Eat lots of veggies and drink veggie drinks (eg. V8) whenever you are hungry. Eat chicken breast for protein. DON T STARVE YOURSELF.As far as exercise is concerned, walking long distances is a good start. Find a sport that you like and stick with it.

There is this great program that help me lose belly fat and gain abs. Now I have six pack abs.Check it out( You will be glad if you did)=======================Sentalus Clowers

Lots of vegetables, lean protein and aerobic exercise.

Green tea. And don t mix food groups!!!!!!! It slows down digestion dramatically!!!

eat more fruit and things. erm cut out bread cheese and pasta. and b4 u go to the gym eat lots of protein :)

lots of fruit and exercise