Sunday, April 22, 2007

Any good weight loss tips or diet ideas ? -

Not a quick fix but just things that you found worked well or made it easier !!!

Cardio.....4 x s a week for 45 min to an hour and chicken, broccoli...the diet is the most important part. Be sure to eat only whole foods, which means nothing processed at all, which means don t eat anything that isn t the way nature intended.

Well, there ain t no easy, quick or painless way to lose weight; furthermore to keep it off. It takes plenty of self control and if you go off for a minute.....forgive yourself and get back on the train. I use the low carb. method and very little fat. Toss egg yolks, very little potato, rice, bread and such. Just say nooooooo as much as possible. Exercise is the most important of all; everyday; even when you don t feel up to it. If someone wants you to eat something, just tell them you just ate or that you have a slight stomach ache.

eat healthier n no junk food x

Eat everything you usually eat but only half the amount.

Drink a glass of water before the meal - you will feel fuller not eat so much.Also - sounds obvious, but......stop eating when you are not hungry. We all have a tendency to finish up whats on the plate even though we don t need it.Of course, do all the other good stuff like eating healthy food etc.

always stay ahead of your hunger so you don t feel tempted with wrong choices and just stick to heathy low fat foods and don t obsess!

Eat less, exercise more. It worked for me !!

Kellogg s special diet

Weight Loss Dilemma? -

Hellooo. I ve got a small potbelly, and I really hate it. My arms, legs, face and etc. are really well proportioned and toned, but my stupid stubborn stomach is always there. I m even getting into a habit of sucking in at school and stuff. So these are my questions:1. What are excersises I can do without equiptment to get rid of the excess stomach fat?2. I used to eat a LOT, and now I m trying to eat more in moderation, but when I see my favorite foods, it s really hard to not eat them! Help me get over them?3. What are some really good overall weight loss tips?

Excercises you can do to get rif of your tummy:1. Do 30 situps in the morning and before you go to bed.2. crunches - but your legs up at a 90 degree angle and bend at your knees. Cross your arms over your chest and lift your torso up from the abdominals. Hold for three seconds. Try for 3 sets of 15 and work your way up to 4 sets of 50.3. leg lifts - lay flat on the ground, feet together, hands under your glutes. Lift your legs six inches of the ground, hold for a few seconds, bring legs back down without touching the ground and then repeat. Try for three sets of twenty.If you really want a flat stomach then in any free time you have like while watching tv or something just do ll start seeing results in a fe days.Also, lay off the carbs because the more carbs you eat, the more water your body stores (usually around your stomach making you look bloated adding to the potbelly).To make it easier to not eat the foods you love are get rid of all those chip bags or split them into little baggies with the number of chips/ other junky food it says for a serving size. That way if you MUST have it you can take one baggie instead of the whole bag and be less tempted to eat more. Stuck up on dried fruits if you have the need for something sweet and eat as many fresh veggies as you want! Once you get into the habbit of eating healthy it will be easier to stick with it!Lastly, Walk, Walk, Walk!!!! running and walking is really good for overall weight loss!! I would suggest running but you may want to work your way up to that and start of with brisk walking....keep in mind, you need to walk for fifty minutes to get the equivelant of a twenty minute run. Jump roping and other cardio activities are really good for over all weight loss as well!Hope I helped =] Good luck!

..EXERCISE!.......drink lots of water, ..sit ups - crunches....

Weight training, crunches, any movements that strengthen your core. Avoid foods and drinks that cause water retention such as soda. Cut out excess fat to help lose those last few pounds.

cardio and dont eat alot of salty foods

Do roll ups or some other pilates moves. But roll ups are good. They are equivalent to about 15 sit ups, but feel so much easier. Also, crunches and sit ups can hurt your neck, these won t. You can look up how to do them on google.Or, you can lie on your back on the floor, stretch your legs out so they are straight, keep them together and lower them towards the floor, as much as you can. Stay like this for a while, it helps your abs

1. Crunches, they build muscle which will burn fat in your tum tum. Oh and cardio exercises such as treadmilling, etc.2. When you have a sugary craving, go for fruit or low calorie sweets.3. Eat smaller meals 3 times a day, do a lot of cardio exercises.

do lots and lots of crunches

It can be very simple. Brisk walk daily for atleast 45 mins and you can forget about all other excercises. Have your dinner atleast 2.5 hrs before going to bed. Drink warm water in between lke 3-4 cups whenever you get a chance. This will certainly help and its so easy. Also, this is something that worked for me very well. Try to pull your stomach in. I use to have this tummy popping out and my mom always hit me whenever she saw my tummy out and would ask me to pull it in. It was hard but with few months of constant trying to push it in , now its been 7 yrs I am out of this problem. But the idea is to push it in all the time, specially when walking and sitting and doing household work.

STOP EATING MEAT- ITS HORRIBLE FOR YOU!your body wasn t made to process other animals- it adds POUNDS that you can t get rid of.if you are die hard serious about this, you should be eating salads, fruits, and water all day. No bread, dairy, or nuts.Drinking Vinegar actually helps you lose weight- it speeds up your metabolism, and exercise is a major part of losing weight- note: you cannot lose weight without cardioyou should be running and doing crunches each day, try dancing too! even just dancing around your room burns a lot of caloriesthere are a million things you could do.

You should do more cardio, along with a good diet low in fat. You can do all the crunches in the world and you still wont have a six pack if you have fat around it. You can also check out they have alot of article about burning the fat around the stomach area.

you need to retrain yourself to crave the right foods....this is easily done with taking Superfoods,Probiotics, and enzymes. Chances are, you need to do a Parasite cleanse. We all have them, and they show up as visceral fat (belly fat). Pure water, and lots of it helps...would be best if it were restructured water though...good luck.

You should really just go on the treadmill and do as many crunches as it takes to get to the weight you want to be at. Dont starve yourself or anything just cut on the foods that can be a problem when your trying to loose that weight.

Weight loss tips, tricks, amp; help...PLZ!? -

Hi, I am 13 years old and weigh about or almost 200 pounds, All I want to do is weight, sounds easy right...well, not to me. I need weight loss help, please diets that work, tips trick, pills, I dont know whatever works.- I WILL DO ANYTHING TO LOSE WEIGHT

Start with the Fat X program and go from there.

The key for losing weight is easy - eat less food and move more often - the problems arise when we in reality try to put that into operation! There are lots of stumbling blocks out there don t you think?! The only diet that really worked for me is wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a small number of free trials in stock, it has been highlighted in Fox News and CNN. I worked off 25 pounds, it really does produce success!

Are you comfortable with talking about this with your parents? They should be paying attention to this, for your own health. Ask them if you can make a doctors visit or get a nutritionist, have them put you on a diet plan. Or at the least they could stop stocking up on junk food. Unless of course your parents are overweight too, then it will probably be more difficult...Maybe there is some kind of physical fitness teacher at school that can help you out, or even go ask the nurse. You are young and shouldn t have to deal with being overweight at such a young age. When kids are young and overweight it s the parent s fault.Well a couple things you can do are:-only drink diet soda, not regular! Get used to diet!-eat as much fruit as you want-stay away from potatoe chips, choose pretzels-grilled chicken not fried

Did you know that additional weight is not always thanks to additional fat? There can be a lot of extra weight just sitting around in the colon. The latest diet supplement will flush out the colon and help you to reduce up to 20 lbs, frequently from the tummy (show me someone who doesn t want to reduce some inches from their tummy LOL!!). There is a risk free trial on offer at I ve been taking it for 3 weeks now and it s certainly having an effect!!

Does anyone have easy weight loss tips? -

what kinds of foods should i eat? how much food? how little? are there any things i can do specifically to target my stomach? i just want to loose 10 lbs. i weigh 140

Eat less, exercise more. Yes , I hear you saying, we ve heard all that , but it really works if you stick to it. It s going to be hard for the first few days, but it ll get easier. When you go shopping, remember - what you buy now you ll have to eat afterwards. So it s best to load up with fresh fruit and veg and foods high in fibre - like cereal. Never skip your breakfast - it s better to reduce your dinner portion size because you don t burn as many calories as during the day in your sleep. Drink more water - not necessarily 8 glasses a day, but if you feel like snacking have a drink of water instead. It will help flush out the waste out of your body, and it will help you feel more energetic.Find an exercise that you enjoy (I love Latin American dance). Do it for at least 3 hours each week. If you decide to join the gym you should consult your doctor first. Finally, to make your stomach flatter you ought to do some sit-ups. They are not a waste-of-time, trust me, they help. Don t try fad diets - they don t work, and as a result you may be very angry and frustrated.Try and experiment - find a lifestyle that suits you. Feel free to e-mail me if you d like to talk about this more.Good luck =]

HiWell, those questions can be answered. provides all the information that is needed such as; healthy meal planning, heatlhy snacks to eat, healthy recipes, how to burn 3500 calories per week and 14,000 calories per month and more. Also check out as well

My husband just got these Fiber One bars (oats and chocolate). They re really good as in taste wise, but he says they work so far...the box says eat 3 per day and you should lose some weigh...I guess it gaurenteed by The Biggest Loser people, but try that and if it doesn t work you can always try something else ^_^

diet and exercise ;) that is what is being told to me, but i am not doing that either :( so if you get a good tip, pleaase let me know too, i am desperate .. 140 that is not fat!! you look great at 140, not like me i am 178 ! i wish i was 140 good luck

you can t target weight loss

Whats the best way to lose weight? -

I really don t eat a lot and i walk and exercise but it seems like i m gaining weight. ive tried diets but i can t stick to them. i tried a weight loss pill when i was 18 and it made me sick. im trying but its just so hard. i don t have a lot of will power. can yall give some of your weight loss tips? thank you...

Drink 4-5 !6.9 oz bottles of water a day, don t drink soda, alcohol, or beer of any sort. things that contain sugar, turns into fat. Don t eat bread, wheat is ok, because flour turns into sugar as well. Starch is turns into sugar too. get an elliptical tredmeil, work out on it 20-45 mins a day or every other day. Don t use your a/c, You neeed to sweat all the toxins out. Don t Strave yourself, you ll lose muscle, not fat. Eat only fruits and veggies. Go to the store, get 2 (or as much as you prefer) of every fruit they have. Go home eat 2 or 3 pieces of fruit Five times a day. eat small meals at normal meal time. Bake every thing! eat mainly chicken and fish, no red meat. Rice is good. Don t bother to much with salad. DON T EAT RANCH! It is the fattiest dressing for you. If you want to eat salad and veggies, eat them plain. Don t eat to many cooked things, stick to raw foods (except meat, You do cook that!)Imagine youself to be skinny! Pretend you weight 112! using your mind along with you body builds stregnth AND character. Mind and will power can be the strongest thing you have! If it is so in your head, it will be so on your body as well!Have fun, and build more Will power!!Love BeckyP.S. Weight loss (this Should help you a bit!!)Limit gas-producing foods, specifically broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, beans and cabbage. When you do eat them, try taking Beano, an over-the-counter supplement which can help your body digest them.Don t overdo the amount of fiber in your diet. Fiber is incredibly important, but too much can exacerbate bloat in people who are sensitive. Thus, be sure to increase the amount in your diet gradually and drink plenty of water to help wash it down. Avoid large meals heavy in carbohydrates and fat. Instead, eat low-volume meals throughout the day (and eat every four to five hours).Be sure to incorporate some type of protein with each meal and snack. Protein acts as a natural diuretic and helps your body get rid of extra water.Some examples of low-volume meals containing protein: ?8 ounces nonfat yogurt with one cup fresh berries ?4 egg-white omelet with saut��ed spinach and mushrooms ?2 cups vegetable salad topped with 5 grilled shrimp ?4 ounces turkey or ham sandwich on whole wheat bread ?One apple with small handful unsalted raw almonds ?4 ounces turkey/lettuce rollups with one cup baby carrots ?One cup whole grain cereal with half-cup skim milk and ? banana

reduce your caloric intake by 500-1000 calories, and add in 30-45 minutes of exercise(walking, running, swimming, etc.) at least every other day (preferably every) this should cause you to loose between 2 and 4 pounds a week which is the most that any diet can promise without lying or putting your health at risk.

exercise and cardio?

-Try eating healthier food. -Cut out the fast food. -Get a membership at a gym.-When you get hungry between meals do something else to get your mind off of eating.-Get a friend or two to do this also, it will make it much easier.-Try reaplacing one meal a day(I suggest lunch) with a protein shake, no food only a protein shake. It will fill you up.

Eat less and work out

Perhaps you should modify the exercise that you do. Find something that you like to do, that you will look forward to doing. It may take trying some new things. Have you ever tried lifting weights? Personally, I find this a lot more fun than doing cardio. When you lift your body gains more muscle, which burns more calories when you are at rest. Don t try any pills or diets. I try to eat what I want, but in moderation. It is easier said than done, but I find that if I plan out what I m going to eat ahead of time I am usually able to stick to it. If I feel like eating out of boredom, etc., I try to occupy myself with something else, or chew a piece of gum, or brush my teeth. I also eat a lot, but I eat healthy. For example, if you aim for 2,100 calories per day, that means you get 700 calories per meal to work with. So, for breakfast today I ate 2 waffles (170 calories), an orange (? about 100 calories), 2 pieces of toast (140 calories) with 1 tbsp. of peanut butter (90 calories), cottage cheese (90 calories), and a cup of cereal (100 calories) = 690 calories. It seems like a lot, but it is within the ballpark of what I need in a day. Don t try to cut back too much, find out your daily caloric needs to maintain a healthy weight, and then eat that many calories. Good luck!

Get a full length mirror and hang it in your bathroom..

All I can tell you that it actually is all about will power.Anything else like crash diets or pills are just little helpers but as soon as you start living normal again you fall back into old habits and start gaining the weight you lost.For losing weight you eventually will have to denie yourself things you want to have. You will have to go to bed feeling hungry and stop eating while you still could eat a lil more and thats just the plain truth.So ask yourself if its really worth the effort, and if your answer is yes... then go for it: Learn to stay hungry and embrace the pain and sweat of exercising ...and never give in.

Maybe you re not eating enough of what you need and your body is clinging on to what you do eat to survive. Eat alot of leafy greens, the greener the better. Drink a lot of water. If you drink coffee, drink two equal glasses of water to run the coffee out of you. You don t have to eat 100% healthy but eating close to it will help. Cut down your carbs, fat, and calorie intakes. 3,500 calories= 1 lb. Try to walk at least an hour a day at 4 mph or work your way up to it.Good luck to you, I hope this helps.

if you are not eating a lot if could be what youa re eating also. if you are eating healthy, and exercising, you may want to consult a physician you could have a thyroid condition, metabolic disorder or PCOS.

Hi~Exercising is one of the most effective ways. 20-30 minutes of exercise each day is quite enough, depending on how much free time you have. I think diets aren t extremely useful. Count the carbohydrates in food before you eat them, and keep away from high energy food. (Same concept as diets, just with a different approach). Remember, you are what you eat.Personally, I don t like weight loss pills, because there might be side-effects. Losing weight is difficult (sort of), but it will get easier once you get started. Good Luck! =)

The best way to lose weight is to work out and eat healthy. Ways to speed your metabolism:Drink water, Green tea, lift weights (muscle helps burn more calories even when you arent working out), eat smaller meals (6 six meals a day) rather than 3, eat breakfast (it starts your metabolism in the morning), eat spicy foods and protein

the first thing is -don t skip meals it only makes u eat more when u do eat- make sure to eat healthy food lots of veggies and fruits to keep your bowels clean- only eat fish or chicken-eat only whole grain bread no butter no salt and no sugar-and drink only low fat milk -good luck to u

u need to do excersise if u want to become slim,or there are some tea for those fat people,its cold slim tea..u cn try that one if u want..butdiet is must also...

go on a diet

I did atkins diet and walked maybe 20 minutes a day. Lost over a 100 pounds from 265 to 165. Most people say you gain it back, but I have been off it now for well over a year and haven t gained a pound back. I think it is because most poeple just go back to eating fastfood and junk food, which you really have to limit even when you are done.

It isn t really a matter of how MUCH you eat, but rather WHAT you eat. Are you eating fresh fruits and veggies mostly and cutting out fat and sugar and other carbs? And we don t start burning fat until after 20 minutes of exercise.It s really pretty basic... consume less calories than you work off. OR work off more calories than you consume. Reducing stress and getting plenty of sleep helps too :) And best of luck!

Diet Exercise

Well diet pills tend not to work and can actually make you gain weight. What you do lose from them is just water weight and you will gain it all back and more later. I recently lost like 30 lbs and what I suggest is go for 1 to 2 walks everyday and if you crave some fatty snack have some yogurt or healthy fruit instead, also do some crunches or push ups everynight before you go to bed to build lean muscle and burn fat. I tried and it worked. So basically don t listen to those stupid commercials even how convincing they seem, just exersice regually and eat healthier and i m sure you ll see results. Motovation would also help like if you feel like not doing something all day tell yourself you need to get up and do it for you. Well hope that helps.

People who have failed with other diets have success with Lida check out the web site

First of all, if you are eating too little calories a day, your body thinks it is starving, and adds everything you eat as fat. Make sure you are eating the right amount of calories. Try something like weight watchers (you can buy the books on ebay), and continue exercising!!! Good luck, I am attempting to lose wieght too, I know where you are coming from!

Weight loss tips and questions? -

i wanna lose about 30 pounds and i need to know what should i eat less of calories,carbs,idk and i need to know some good tips on keeping my diet i am in cheerleading but only twice a week i need to know what excercises can help me with my belly fat

Hi,You have several hundred muscles in your leg, butt, hip, thigh and lower stomach area. The major problem is, not exercising these muscles correctly will make your trouble spots worse and more pronounced, while risking serious injury. However, the right exercises that use these muscles in harmony with each other can bring definite results without spending unrealistic amounts of time on ineffective exercises and risking long term set-backs. You don��t need access to a gym because this type of approach doesn��t require weights and machines.A year ago I was an out of shape with my lower body was the worst, carrying an extra fat on my stomach. My thighs and butt are quite big. After joining a program which i accidentally found while surfing the web for my consultancy project, i have made the dramatic changes and i feel young, healthy and sexy again. Even my legs are much more slimmer then before. The point is, there s a much FASTER, BETTER and CHEAPER way to get fit and melt the body butter once and for all without gyms, weights or fancy shmancy expensive exercise equipment.Previously, i have tried all kinds of workouts and spending a fortune just to look good while presenting my clients, but without success. I recommend this workout to you because it s affordable and this is the program that finally boost my self esteem and it probably could help you too. The trainer is a real pro with a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology and Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science. He could easily be contacted by email or through toll free number and office address display at the site. You could contact me at for a FREE copy of ��The Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Enhancement e-Guide��. You ll experience the dramatic change that I have experienced before.

Well for one you cannot spot reduce, which means you cannot pick where you want to lose fat by doing targeted exercises. You will only only lose fat evenly around your body which is a good thing because if you lost 30lbs of pure fat from around your belly you might have nothing left to cover your ribs and intestines.Calorie reduction should come from foods that do not promote ideal health such as processed food, refined sugar and saturated fat. To do this properly try to learn as much as you can about proper nutrition. Don t fall for diet myths and so called super foods . although generally healthy foods to begin with, it takes more than just acai berries and homemade soup to really make a difference in your diet.Exercise wise you re doing well so far. I understand cheer practise can be very demanding, but do try to increase your activity level anyway. Aim for about three to four times a week.I hope you succeed in weight loss. Good luck!

Have a friend/spouse/relative do it with you. It makes it easier both of you can keep the other from breaking from the diet. As for exercises, I d suggest that you try out Jazzercize but only if you feel like Cheerleading isn t doing enough. Cause Jazzercize is fun (if you have a good instructer) can really help you lose the pounds if you stick to it.

join weight watchers! it s easy, doable and you can stick to the plan without starving, depriving your self or going crazy with some eating disorder. WW is for all ages, and if you re under 18, you just need a Dr. note - i think... it s an investment - an up front cost, but it s well worth it for the meetings, the community you get to be apart of and the accountability to the scale, which all seem to keep you motivated. i lost 30 lbs a few yrs back and now that i ve had a few babies, gonna go right back!

Drink lemon juice before breakfast, lunch.Drink Green Tea at least once in a day.Try to include fresh fruits and vegetable in your diet system.Try to include fiber content food in your daily eating system.The below links are more useful for you.����

Go swimming. Walk or jog once in awhile. Eat less but keep eating. I am skinny but my extra belly fat was bothering me so I went on a little diet and almost passed out once. So don t try that. Keep eating. 3 meals a day plus a few snacks. One can be a treat though.

tumbling, hiking, jogging or walking, yoga, pilates1500 calories- 3 dairy, 2 protein, 2 fruit, 3 veggies and 5 carbs��Go there and fill out the info!! It will tell you how many calories you should loose

just eat healthier and eat junk food like twice a weeek . also excersize like jogging or running