Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to lose weight fast without using something like south beach diet?!? -

Goal setting, weight training, cardio, and nutrition is KEY to losing body fat. DO NOT do the fad diets, they will fail you and cause you to lose muscle mass so when you go back to normal eating you will most likely weigh more with a higher BF%. Losing weight isn t rocket science, people just want the easy way out. When you begin you will lose probably 3-5 lbs for one maybe two weeks but a healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs. Workout videos (I love Tae Bo!) are a good, cheap way to lose body fat. Make sure to weight train with cardio, the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism, and the more fat you will lose. Have fun becoming lean, you can do it!!

Drink plenty of water have six small rather then three meals donteat after 6pm Try the lil Jack Ecercie Program��