Saturday, March 21, 2009

Okay Im 13 and 200 pounds. I really wanna lose 30 lbs. So does anyone have some tips on how to lose weight? -

This is really serious ferr me so treat me with some respect and don t give me any stupid answers(:

I have always been overweight and I am 20! I lost 40 lbs and I am going on strong with continuing to lose:) I m so proud of you foro wanting help because that is the beginning of recogninzing the problem! I do lots of cardio...weights and yoga:) You should talk to your parents and maybe get a fmaily gyn membership. They should waat to help! Excersizing is very important but if you do not change your eating habits, you are not going to see results.Don t drink soda!Lots of water!Eat six small meals a day!When you are full, stop eating!NO fast food!Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine meals are nice because it deals with portion control!You have to WANT it bad enough!I hope everything works out and you start working out!!! Join a team at school and have fun with it!

Do some aerobic/cardiovascular exercises 3-4 times a week, for 45 minutes.This may be too much if you don t exercise much. If so, start 2-3 times a week for about 30. Get your heart pumping, then let it slow down, then get it pumping again. Look up interval training. Great for fat burning.Mix in some weight training too. You don t need to build muscle...just tone and support them. Muscle will burn calories on its own, while you re just sitting there, so very important.Since you re a teen, I wouldn t cut back too much on calories, cause you re still growing. Maybe cut back 500 or so. Basically, watch your portion size, and no seconds. Eat plenty of veggies and fruits. No processed carbs, like white bread or pasta.Be patient and look for encouragement when you can get it. It may take several months to even lose 30.

Im assuming you dont exercise. Start by doing that. Join an after school activity or something. Go running on the week ends. Stop with the sodas. You WILL notice a difference if you do this. Try eating less junk. Instead of snacking on chocolate, and all that trash, try fruit. Eat less bread, pasta and pizza. Basically, try a healthier diet. Dont try anything too extreme though. You re still young, and growing, and it would be terrible if you developed an eating disorder. Its horrible living with one. Hope i helped =)Good luck

Diluted apple cider vinegar dailyDrink plenty of waterEat fruits and vegetables at nearly every meal, dailyExercise one hour regularly (daily is ideal)Eat less fattening foods: share or save large slices or portions of food for laterMake juices with a juicer machine; the bulk from these drinks help fill you and decrease appetite.

holy COW how tall r u i mean you make me wan to go jogging sereously i am 12 120 5,4 an am try for 100 pounds i mean really just go joine a club or do conditioning it helps a lot! e mail me for HELP this is my opinione i guess :)

healthy diet and regular exercise - the basics

How to lose weight without starving...? -

I m need to lose weight, but I don t want to stop eating or take diet pills (I don t believe in them at all and they are known to cause health problems). I need to lose weight, want to lose it fast, but have at least 3 years to lose it. I need to drop at least 70 pounds before I can go into the military. BMI (Fat percentage on your body) is not a problem since I already meet those requirements.

ok, a good diet and regular exercise is the best way. Since you re saying you do have 3 years to lose weight. You can go about it in a planned way and lose weight and keep it off. I started practicing Yoga to lose weight. Yoga comes with a diet one needs to follow and a set of asanas(postures) that help in weight loss, fitness and toning of one s body. It also helps in keeping one s mind balanced and calm. It can be practiced anywhere, a few minutes in a day is good enough. There are many websites that offer Yoga as a weight loss method. is one of them. You can take a look at it.

eat healthier and do cardio or exercises like make a routine and stick to it.

The best way to lose weight without actually starving is just by cutting out fatty junk foods, replacing all drinks that contain calories with water, exercising at least 30 minutes a day, and by trying to be less stressy. I m sure you ll achieve 70 before 3 years.

eat healthy stuff and instead of having 3 junks/fat, eat a fruit or vegetables. and of course just jog 20 minutes a day. rest if you feel is neccessary.

eat a small healthy meal every 4 hours...workout 5 or 6 days a week combining cardio and toning really dont have to do anything else...��this stuff works!!!

Eat healthy stuff and instead of having 3 junks/fat, eat a fruit or vegetables. and of course just jog 20 minutes a day. rest if you feel is neccessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!��

Try these healthy tips��

How to lose weight effectivley and more fun? -

Have you tried this work out program?��

Great meal plans, good tips for weight loss and exercise and ways to make it fun. There are also teams of others who are in the same battle against weight loss and boredom you are and together you can encourage each other onto victory over the diet issues.This is a free site and it s great. There s lots of good recipes to try for different tastes and healthy eating. Hope you find something there you like. I ve been a member for a while but don t get to post as often as I d like. Have a great week.

you need to be willing to lose weight ... this is the first need to exercise .. and to reduce the fat from your food.of course you need to council a doctor if you have any health to make it fun ... well the best thing to do is to get a partner, so you can exercise together ...put a list of the exercises you are going to do everyday (put it in the morning) and do what ever it is to finish it all ..behave your mantra ... keep calling yourself nice and hot names ... lolvisit this blog .. you ll find some tips and information that will help you

Find something you enjoy doing, for example I do horseback riding and it doesn t seem like exercise at all. Just to a whole bunch of stuff till you find something you actually look forward to doing. If you can t do that, then music always helps at least :)

You should give this product a shot. It s called Acai Berry and it s new on the market, but already endorsed by people like Oprah! I just ordered a free 14-day trial from this site.. do it today! you won t regret it!

Swimming is the s fun and very good with loosing weight.

How to lose weight the most effective way? -

i am 29 years old male, and 185lbs at 5ft 7 with 29% body fat index, 36 inch waistline, id like to loss weight to around 150 or 140lbs whats the best way to do that, few years ago im around 140lbs, id like to go back to that weight and mybe 30 inch waistline.

they say a healthy waist size for a man is 43 inches...Dr. Oz (Oprah s doc) has partnered with another doctor and they wrote a new book talking about this...don t measure pounds measure inches...they recommend dropping 100 calories a day from your regular diet and you should go down in a few weeks.hope this helps...btw...don t get too skinny...women like to FEEL the weight of a man on them...

Losing weight is not just a matter of cutting calories. I have been 280lbs and am now at 200lbs. I tried all the diets out there I think and some worked but only as long as you stayed on the diet itself and NEVER strayed from it. Well that is not for me and neither is counting calories/fat grams or weighing my portions. So here is what I have done to take the weight off. First you have to decide that this is really what you want to do not just to lose weight but to be healthier. I did discover along the way that I have a problem with aspartme. Once I stopped drinking diet drinks and consuming anything with aspartme in it I lost 30lbs in 2 1/2 months without even trying to. I just started out eating healthy. Eating the right protions (which if you get some of the frozen dinners like Stoffers Lean Cuisne that will help you to recognize a portion) is important to. And at the time I only ate once a day sometimes twice. This is very bad for you. You should eat within an hour of waking up in the morning and then about every 3-4 hrs you should have something else. Not alot but something. Eat foods that you know are good for you. More veggies less carbs and fat. But DO NOT cut these things out of your diet. Drink plenty of water too. Also when you have a craving then eat what you are craving but just eat a small amount. I know you can do it. If I can do it so can you. By the way that weight has stayed off now for the last year and I have not yet begun a real excersice program yet. That is the next hill to climb. Hope this helps. Good Luck!

I wana lose weight within the next two weeks without spending any money any tips on how to lose weight quick? -

i wana lose weight and become lean as well as tighten up my abs

I got all of this out of the New York Body Plan by David Kirsch (heidi klum s personal trainer)- it is a 2 week plan but works- I lost 12 lbs. in two weeks. 1. No soda, water only and if you have to- herbal tea/hot or cold (but all natural, no sugar) to drink. 2. No red meat, no pork- really only fish (salmon, tuna, etc...grilled) and chicken (grilled or baked) as your meat. No carrots, potatoes (too starchy) or rice- Basically stick to salads (no balsamic vinegrette, only olive oil), fish and chicken and green vegetables. Don t eat out for 2 weeks- brown bag it for lunch and make your meals yourself- no quick fast food.As far as exercise goes- use a stability ball and jump a lot of rope! If you do sit ups on the stability ball that will tighten your abs. Do push ups and sit ups too. You can also look on the internet for particular exercises to do on a stability ball (I really recommend the ball as opposed to nothing) This is the way to do it without $$ and buying or using any expensive special equipment. If you can get through the first week without really really wanting some greasy food- you will lose weight! Good luck!

To lose weight successfully,you should know the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT!!!Yes,it is really important.You should know the truth:1.Low Fat Foods DON\ T always WORK...2.Low Calorie Diets DON\ T always WORK...3.Low Carb Plans DON\ T always WORK...I followed the guide above and I lost 7 lbs in 11 days and then 30 lbs in less than a month.I followed the guide on: ---http://www.fitnessreport.infoHope it can help you.

losing permanent weight is not a quick thing. Start watching what youo eat- limit sweets and things like fries and chips, and add more fruits and veggies to your diet. Don t drink regular soda- drink plenty of water. And, add some exercise to your day such as 30 minutes of walking, teadmill, jogging, swimming, aerobic video, etc as well as some crunches for the abs. You could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks.

run! cardio does amazing things. as for abs- do five sets of 20 crunches a day, you ll get amazing abs from what you eat, don t put crap in your mouth, drink water.

How to lose weight really really really fast!!!!!!!!? -

i weigh 113 and i am 4 11 but i really want to lose weight like as fast as i can WITHOUT buying anything. i would like to lose like 15 pounds. thank you

There s no magical shortcut to weight loss, just eat healthy and exercise. Now was that so hard?

eat normal becuse fasting does not work at ALL! It only make you fatter and it can kill you. Eat healthy and excercise at least 3-5 times a week...Preferably walking or swimming...You are fairly skinny already which means your matabilisms high,so you should have no problem losing weight. But you shouldnt want to lose weight just to look good becuse your already around your normal weight..Lose weight to be healthy XDI know this will work :]

drink seven cups of water every day and drink water when your eating fruits and vegetables. and eat some chicken sometimes for dinner but grill it or bake it preffurably bake it. and excersis everyday for two hours they say one but two hours will help you more. and the water helps because it flushes out the toxins and stores the nutrients. so when you drink water when you eating healthy food like fruits and vegetables your getting those nutrients. and drink some water before a meal and after.

if you know the singer jared leto from the band 30 seconds to mars he is a skinny guy. he put on 67 pounds for the role of a movie called chapter 27. HE LOST 67 POUNDS IN A COUPLE OF DAYS I THINK BY JUST EATING CAYENNE PEPPER WITH LEMON.

just choose healthier foods and you cant really loose wait fast, the fastest way tho would prolly be makeing yourself puke but that is extremly unhealthy

Burn more calories than you take in. one pound of fat is 3500 calories=do the math. A 10 min mile is about 100 calories

if you lose 15 pounds you will become anorexic=(

eat healthy, exercise. avoid fatty and high carb foods such as cheese and wheat. try to get an hour of exercise a week.

dont eat anything and exercise LIKE HELL!SWEAT THE FAT OFF.

sweat it off you might be able to pull of ten pounds lol or go on a cocain diet

Cutting off an arm would do it.

try weight watchers. it is free. it lets you loose the right amount of weight.


why?? Ur already skinny

go to the toilet and POOP IT OUT MAKE SOME NOISE

How to lose weight...? -

I d really love to finally find a diet/exercise program that actually works... or that I can stick to.My most difficult problem with the whole lose weight issue is willpower. After about a week of continuous diet and exercise, I find myself slacking and then ultimately stopping. Is there any advice on how to keep myself motivated? I mean, what should I do to keep myself on track? Also, is there any suggestions on weight loss pills that have worked for anyone, as well as a planned diet/exercise program? I m looking for a relatively fast way to lose weight.Things I already know:Lots and lots of waterno salty foodshealthy food onlyno eating past 6-7 p.m.eating all three meals is healthyStuff like that. I just really want something that I can stick to... please help me!Thank you so much in advance!

Rule of thumb for weight loss: Diet= 70% exercise= 30%Great 7 step plan to follow for LASTING and healthy results (My sources are I ve been a world-class athlete since age 6, read tons about this for years including Gunnar Peterson s book The Workout [he s trainer to A list celebrities] and Tony Robbin s The Body You Deserve and after educating my brother, he lost 45 pounds in 4 months and has kept it off for 1.5 years plus):1. Awareness of what you eat by keeping a diet journal to see where ure going wrong plus writing down very specific goals w/a time frame on them (be realistic yet firm) and view them on a regular basis. Also- tell someone about your progress toward your goals on a regular basis- this will keep you accountable. I have an excel spreadsheet that lists all my goals and my weekly progress toward them and I share them with my boyfriend each week so we can discuss it. Choose someone encouraging and motivating that wants to see you succeed. Family and best friends are great choices.2. Best cardio is running in terms of weight loss. It is however, very high-impact and can lead to injuries. If you get injured- 2nd best is rowing, 3rd is cycling (both of which are less impact). You should be doing cardio minimum 4 times a week 30min.-1 hr. Weight loss heart rate range is one where you can carry on a conversation w/o a big struggle. Mix it up to keep from losing willpower or getting bored. People lose motivation when exercise isn t fun and engaging. If you love soccer or basketball or volleyball...what are you doing at the gym? Cardio is cardio!3. Resistance program to help firm muscles and give a pretty tone (u can t spot-reduce- weight training results per individual body part will only be visible after the fat layer is off from the cardio). You should do this 2-3 times a week for 30 min-1 hr each time. It s important to have that break in between so your muscles can rest. Remember- each muscle gained= more calories lost on a daily basis b/c this revs up your metabolism! Jessica Biel is a great model for a muscular gorgeous body. Look at a picture of her and visualize your face on her body. The mind s thoughts literally create your reality and destiny. This has been proven over the centuries.4. 3 meals/2snacks per day: high fiber/ high protein helps keep you full and eat low carb unless its good complex carbs like salad and fruit and whole-grains. Bottom line: eat the natural foods our ancestors ate, no processed junk. The best foods for you are filled with FIBER (shoot for 35 gms a day- this will curb cravings like heck!) Anna Kournikova eats a fruit and has a glass of water 30 min before her meals to be fuller and eat less (you should always do this, esp b4 going out to eat where temptations are large). When you eat great, nutrient-packed foods, you dont need to obsess over counting calories- so many better things to occupy your time with, like reading! A clever mind will take you farther in life than a beautiful body :) Bottom line- keep perspective and don t let this consume you to the point of being OCD. Also, no diet sodas- the fake sugars actually make ure body crave more sugary stuff. Stick to tea (coffee makes your body crash and can increase appetite) and water and never bring bad foods into your house. A woman should never go under 1200 cals a day by the way, slightly more for a man...very unhealthy. Breakfast= eat like a king, Lunch= eat like a prince, and Dinner= eat like a pauper. Lastly, take a multivitamin each day...go to Whole Foods and ask them which is a really high-quality one, b/c it s not just taking a MV but the better ones dont cheat you on the grams and your body absorbs the vitamins/minerals best. Ask what is a good daily regimen for your gender, but don t let them oversell you. The most you should need is a multi and maybe fish oils.5. Americans in general want things QUICK and easy, we are impatient- you must be patient in terms of your results and never give up. Additionally, this is a LIFESTYLE change for LIFE: There are NOOO get-thin quick schemes, PERIOD. If u abuse your body u will ruin your metabolism and in the future u will gain weight MUCH easier than today. Diet pills will kill you as quickly as they helped kill Anna Nicole Smith. They are no better than drugs so don t take the cheap lazy way out.6. Weigh yourself once a week, never more often than that but get all measurements- waist circumference, body fat %, muscle %, water % (there are good digital scales that do this) b/c u could be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat or be full of water and be like- why the heck wont i lose weight! and then binge on donuts :) no no no! and reward yourself when you make progress! make it fun or else you ll quit sooner than later.7. Drink min. 2 liters of water per day (more for men) and whenever you re stressed- take DEEP BREATHS rather than reaching for food. Breathe in this ratio: Inhale for 5 counts, hold for 20 counts, exhale for 10 counts. If you do 10 of these 3x/day you ll be releasing toxins, decreasing appetite, your energy and vitality will boom. This is why people lose weight doing yoga which on its own doesnt lose many calories. Oxygen is so so important.You can do it! Good luck, keep a positive attitude, and never give up! :)

I think the best thing I have learned to lose weight is to break my normal eating patterns into a bunch of tiny meals (like 5-7 per day). In fact, most of the successful (big name) diet plans incorporate this into their overall regimen.Exercise makes a huge difference in losing weight, but it can deflate your ego if you hit it too hard, too fast. Noticeable results usually take 1-2 months. I would start it slow and accelerate gradually - three days for 20 minutes, five days for 40 minutes, and if you are up to it, then graduate to one hour going forward.The best exercise I have ever done to lose weight is the elliptical trainer (plus, it s easy on the joints as opposed to running or treadmills). You need to keep your heart rate in the fat burning zone. You should investigate the aerobic zone, fat burning zone, etc. It is a formula that has to do with your age, and it really, really works.There s a whole bunch of reviews of different diet plans that talk about some of these things at p.s. The smaller meals approach makes a huge difference. You get fuller on less. It s all a mind game, but you can rig it so that you win. Good luck!