Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How do u lose weight fast and easy? but that is healthy for u? -

I want to lose around 30 to 45 pounds by june. So i will look good for my sweet 16. I need a quick and easy way to shed the pounds but i want to do it the healthy way.

fiber diet!!!eat things like cereal and celery, food thats high in fiber. don t eat a lot of meat that tends to have a lot of fat.

Weight training, cardio, protein, Carbs, fat...and lots of water on a daily basis

hi i am on my way to start a weight loss/lifestyle change i want to lose 70 lbs and the way im planning to do it by eating as little as possible and drink pure fruit smoothies, i just got my self a fit and fresh smooth-blend mixer at gnc it kinda looks the magic bullet but its alot cheaper and made specifically for smoothies it currently on sale for 21 bucks good luck

Exercise and eat healthy. No simple way!

1. Start exercising - at least 5 km per day walk2. Start a diet3. Change the diet every 2 weeks to avoid body getting used- this is the top secret4. For diets and tips seehttp://www.best-fat-burn-strategies.com/

Exercise regularly, get a personal trainer. Don t go on a drastic diet you might not stick with, just give yourself less portions and cut back on the junk food. At 16 you don t need to do some fad diet.

want to lose weight fast and easy and in healthy way... i think that the below website will help you to find the right solution.

Try to get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile and get the advise from them to lose weight fast and healthy.

My brother is a UFC fighter and he did weigh over 300lbs and now he weighs 210 and he lost it by watching his protein in take and fiber in take. He eats 6 to 8 times a day,1800.And most of all working out 5 days a week. I know its hard but now he looks and feels great. Good luck honey I hope you do it. I am doing it my self too so I know you can do it.

Safe way to Lose weight fast and Easily? -

i don t want surgery,or pills, or to starve my self (i tried it and it didn t work (jk)). Just 50 pounds off this body by the end to this school year. and im a 9th grader so no alcohol or drugs.

The healthiest goal you can make is to lose around 2-4 pounds a week. So 50 pounds isn t far off.The best way to lose weight and the healthiest way is by portioning your meals (if you re the type to eat fastfood or other unhealthy food than you ll have to ween yourself off) and doing some sort of cardio excercise. Taking a multi-vitamin is good too.I have heard several people that when they eat (at home or at restaurants) they lay a napkin over a part of the food, say about 1/3 of the plate, and only eat the visible food. Also eating slowly helps the food sink in and you ll get full before you finish your meal.Your body burns carbs (simple, as well as complex sugars) as it s main source of energy. What you want to be burning is fat, which the only way to do so is to elevate your heart rate. The best way to do this is by running or riding a bike. I suggest riding a bike since it is lower impact and your body will last longer.ALL diets you see out there will work but only for a short time, and as soon as you return to your old ways the weight will come back and usually a lot faster, and possibly more than you had before the diet. Maintaining a healthy diet will obviously allow the weight to stay off, but usually if you return to your old eating habits the wieght won t come back as fast.If you stick with a healthy eating schedule with proper portions and excercise, you ll feel a lot better not only about your self but mentally and emotionally.

Well, exercise and eat healthy.And by eat healthy I mean stop eating processed foods and start eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains and such. Eat natural foods.Cutting calories is nice and all, but better to get 150 calories from whole-grain bread than to get 100 calories from a soda.

Eat only when u r hungry.Eat nourishing food with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables being part of it. Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will activate signal to the brain as soon as u have had enough. Besides this change in eating style, take regular light exercises and brisk walks every day. U will be able to gain/shed all extra weight gracefully and in a reasonable time span. No food or drink in between the food and not more than three meals a day, unless u r diabetic.


50 is unlikely. But a healthy diet and exercise EVERY day and you can expect to healthily lose about 3 lbs a week. Probalby won t hit 50 lbs by the end of the school year, but you might hit your goal sometime in the summer.You don t want to go on a crash diet and try to drop 50 by the end of this school year because there s a good chance that that 50 will come back next year and probably bring 10 or 20 of their friends to join them!Slow and steady is the best way and easiest way to keep it off. Balanced diet and daily exercise is your best bet.If you re not sure what a good balanced diet is for your age and body type, check with your doctor.

Does weight lifting and running help you lose weight faster then just running and not lifting weights? -

I saw on T.V. that you could run for 2 hours and it doesn t really do you any good unless you weight lift along with your running... I juts didn t know if that was true or not because it makes since because weight lifting builds more muslce and more muslce burns more fat so I just wanted to know if that was ture or not....

It is true that it takes more calories to support muscle than fat, so if you do weights and cardio then you will lose fat faster, however, since muscle weighs more than fat you might gain weight while losing fat. The show on t.v. about running not doing you any good is wrong. I am not sure what they said but your statement about the show is incorrect. You can lose lots of weight by running 2 hours per day, as long as your not eating more calories than you are burning.

yes it does, but keep your running time with in 30 to 45mins at a high intensity level. do not run for two hours or more your body will begin to use your glycogen stored in your muscle for energy. that is not good if your are trying to maintain muscle or grow muscle. Just look at your marathon runners for example.

yea running will make you loose alot even muscles if you dont work out,,,u have to maintain a high protein diet to get that nice cut physic,,,,both running and weightlifting come together to get a cut,strong and well built body,,,only working out will get you big but mayb not as cut. if you only run u will get skinny with not muscle ....so its better to do both