Monday, January 22, 2007

I want to lose 20 lbs in 2 months (at the most). Any tips? -

I weigh 130 lbs and am 5 4 at 13 y/o. I am very unhappy with my phsyical appearance, as I don t have much muscle. I want to lose 5 pounds before school starts at least, then over the course of two months, lose the remaining 15 pounds. I ll still be in my healthy BMI.Any tips? Also, I was going to download an IPod podcast dealing with weight loss tips, so any good ones?

i ll let everyone else do that self confidence building and tell you to do it the healthy way...because it s true. GOOGLE.COM GOOGLE.COM GOOGLE.COMi sware. google every quiestion you have about working out, dieting and stuff. you ll be amazed at the information you find.keep it simple. it s all about dieting and ways around it! keep your calories below 2000 a day! choose GOOD calories. you know- your fruits, vegetables,...good good protein and carbs.(egg whites, wheat bread, tuna....).RUN! the only way to burn fat is to keep that heart rate up. run for atleast 30 minutes a day...(or walk). i have asthma so i would just jog, then speed walk for 40 minutes a day. at first its horrible! but once you start getting into a routine, you feel bad not working out. it will soon become your new addiction with amazing results!random tips I found helpful? -i baught crest white strips and instead of eating while i watched tv, i left those on for 30 minutes. FIND SOMETHING to do other than eating when you do activities like watching tv, sitting online etc.- chew gum 30 minutes before and after meals. studies say it ll take of 30 calories of your meal? idk...random easy tip.(mint gum kills cravings!)- keep a realistic goal!- make working out fun.- have a weight loss buddy.-go outside!-NEVER skip a meal. (this can and will result in weight gain.)-DRINK LOOOOTS OF WATER!!!- btw, youtube has some great work out videos.hope it helped?

Firstly, you don t NEED to lose any weight but we all can relate feeling unhappy with ourselves. Whatever you decide to do, do not aim to lose more than 2-3 lbs per week max. I severely regret the years of abuse I put my body through starving and purging to achieve drastic weight loss at your age which have come back to haunt my health now. Please remember your body is still developing so don t be too harsh on yourself. There are lots of faddy tips out there but at the end of the day the most effective way of acheiving and maintaining it is a balanced healthy diet and exercise.

You re still only 13 years old, starting a diet right now isn t a very good idea since your body is going through alot of changes seeing as you re only just a teenager.So i suggest you should just eat somewhat healthier meals.Don t starve yourself or go on a diet just pick healthier options and cut down on unnessesary food and EXERCISE.That s the key to it.. Do some sports or the best exercise to lose weight is walking. Make sure you walk for 50 minutes or more and you can always make it fun by taking a friend or changing your routine so you don t get sick of it! Good Luck!

If you cut junk food out of your diet, drink PLENTY of water, eat smaller portions of healthy real food - lots of veggies (cooked and uncooked), lean meat, low fat dairy, and whole grains---you will lose weight. Eat balanced meals, don t cut out dairy or whole grains, etc., etc. . . . Your body needs the nutrition from each group to be healthy.Add exercising regularly- biking or walking or jogging or swimming laps, etc.. . .this will increase your weight loss.

Sorry, 13 is too young to put yourself on a diet, plus 20 pounds in 2 months is un-attainable. If you are overweight, you will automatically lose if you get 25 mg of fiber a day, 8 glasses of water, and at least 5 servings of fruits and veg...

How about loading that i pod and get out there and walk. best way to do it. I lost 2 to 3 lbs a week doing that by not changing my eating habits. i walked a mile a day/ Start out slow and work your way up everyday. you are young enough, you could probably do it now. i still recommend not going wild on the snack foods and pop.Usually the first two weeks a lot of people will lose 5 to 10 lbs and taper to 2 to 3 bls a week after that.

no carbs,try to as little possible and exercise alot.what ever you do,do not stop eating or your body will store up the fat,so eat five small meals a day,like for breakfast eat an egg,cheese and ham omelet, next meal a apple and yogurt,next a sandwich and some grapes,next a banana and a glass of milk,next eat a grilled chicken breast and a small salad.Good luck!!!

cut out the soda and junk food and go for long walks each day.5 4 130 is a nice size though you should be happy with that IMHOI am 5 3 135 and like my size although I d like to firm up in places

eat breakfast.. with high protein.. because it speeds up ur metabolism during the day and makes u less hungry thru out the day

Im wanting to lose about 5 pounds.....? -

I m 23 5 2 and weigh 110 pounds, do you have any weight loss tips or advice?

Absolutely- you really don t need to lose weight. But you might see about exercise to tone and shape what you have.

Jess you don t need to lose weight with your proportions.

Don t concentrate on weight. Concentrate on inches, on health, on how you feel. A wonderful program that will help you maintain the healthiest proportions and give you AMAZING energy is the Body For Life program by Bill Phillips. In a nut shell ... Eat 6 small meals per day, balanced 50-50 protein and carbs, add a small salad to two of those meals. Drink at least two cups of water with each meal. Alternate cardio and weight-training every other day (preferably in the mornings). This will help you to build muscle. Muscle is a fat burner, and it takes up less space than fat so you ll look much more svelte.

personnally i dont think you need to lose any weight... im 13, 5 2 , and weigh 120 pounds and i am perfectly fine

Lipodrene, or Lipodrene-SR with Hoodia will burn fat fast, and suppress your appetite with hoodia. This is powerful and it works!!!

Your proprtions are actually perfect, but you could excersise (don t use diet pills), ... then again your muscle mass may make your weight even highter than it is. But seriosly your weight is perfect.

Help with weight loss tips any answers appreciated xxx? -

hiya I just need a bit of help losing this last bit of weight....I m not overweight at all, I m 5ft 5 3/4 and 7st13 but I don t look bad or skinny or ewt I m healthy but theres a little bit of weight I want to get rid of it s just such a pain trying to get rid of it!! could anyone forward me any ideas whether there normal or crazy...any answers apreciated..cheers xxx

There are two types of ways you can lose weight. The easiest is through water weight. You can shed a significant amount of pounds in a few weeks.For information about water weight loss, check out:��This is not fat, however, which is harder to shed. You need to burn off 3,500 calories, eat 3,500 calories less, or meet in the middle to lose a pound of fat. You can do this through restricting your diet, or doing a lot more exercise. To read more about general weight loss, check out:��

you again lol. Simple... cut down on the carbohyrates you eat eg rice,pasta,potatos,bread,oats etc. And stay well away from fast food,ready meals,sugary foods and cakes. All these are energy foods. If you dont use up the energy each food provides weather its a choc bar or a bowl of rice, the energy is stored as fat for a rainy day. And exercise at least for 30 mins everyday!!!!!!

If I currently dont eat breakfast, but start, will I lose weight? -

I m trying to lose those last 5-10 pounds. I am starting to drink weight loss/ nutrition shakes as breakfast. I know that I will be consuming more calories than normal by adding breakfast, but many weight loss tips say to add breakfast because it speeds up your metabolism. Also, on days that I eat breakfast, I feel more hungry than days that I skip. Can you give me any insight? Should I be drinking weight loss shakes (such as Slim Fast or the Equate drinks) or Ensure? Thank you!

the reason for feeling hungry more after eating your breakfast could be one of two reasons. Firstly you could be working off the breakfast and therefore your body requires more fuel, or secondly. you have eaten a sugary breakfast which gave you and energy boost for a while which has ended and the body now craves more to keep you going. Try and eat a more balanced breakfast such as all-bran or bran flakes, shreddies, weetabix etc. Something that will keep you going till lunch, as they release energy slower. However slim fast shakes for breakfast are ok as long as you stick to the regime it is meant for. Good luck but dont over do it.

It is possible to lose weight quickly but you should be realistic and accept that if you lose weight rapidly then you will almost certainly put it all back on again just as rapidly. I lost 9 pounds over the past few weeks when I had a special celebration to attend, and I did it by following the guidance given on the web portal in the box below.

All those drinks make me gain weight. If you want your breakfast plan to work, switch to a much higher protein breakfast, preferably with some fiber as well. Being hungry tells me you are getting too many carbs in the morning.

Supposedly eating breakfast will boost your metabolism and if you ex cerise during the day then you burn off your breakfast

dont skip meals it slows down your metabolismWeight Loss Tips��--Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--��online weight loss workout videos��Yoga And Weight Loss����----------- Eat foods that speed up metabolism --- (Spices,High protein foods,High fiber foods)--Eat more fiber --Fiber is digested slower, keeps us feeling fuller longer and releases its energy slower which keep our blood sugar levels even and helps us avoid cravings. -- Eat more fruits and vegetables--Increase your protein intake-- Protein increases metabolism. It helps in building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat and increases your metabolism. Calories from the protein rich foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process.Protein is a good appetite suppressant. --------- Spices-Spices boosts metabolism, suppresses appetite, reduce fat absorption and adds taste to your meal. Replace butter or mayonnaise with garlic, chili, mustard, ginger. Saute vegetables and chicken in hot sauce as opposed to oil.--Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products----Drink more water--Water helps to lose weight. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.Most important-----Do not skip meals--��

I need to lose weight fast!? -

what are some easy weight loss tips?heres a story that is one of my reasons ok im in school and for gym we have to SWIM! and since i look so terrible in my swimsuit some people laughed AT ME!! and it was really sad i mean they didnt just laugh they even pointed! and many other stories i dont wanna admit so any advice appreaited

Never, EVER set a goal to lose weight fast. Put a goal of 2 pounds a week. In the coarse of a year, you d lose about 100 pounds, which is a lot in the end. Just because people laugh doesn t mean you need to listen. Put into consideration people that are actually heavy;;people who actually are critisized to thier face. Ignore what they say. You can t get yourself in a funk over what others think of you. Been there, done that. More trouble then it s worth, and you end up stressed, gaining even MORE weight.

the only way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than you burn off. So, the more you exercise and the less you eat, the faster you will lose.But I have to tell you that most people who lose weight quickly end up gaining more back than they lost.... slow and steady is best.

just dont do participated

Fist of all, don t worry about what other say. Use it for motivation to excell and out swim them. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise. You can also jog and do some resistance training. Diet, well just eat healthy foods, stay away from sodas and junk. Just remember the exercise is the key. Burn more fat and calories that you take in. Look here for some other information on exercise and weight loss. I hope this helps you. Now, swim for the gold.

Nourish your body thin, instead of starving your body fat. Good carbs like celery and carrots will never make you fat. Bad carbs like cake will, but you don t need to know the whole science of glycemic load. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin and healthy. Salt has no calories but makes you fat and burning more calories does not help this fatness.Find out about fastest way to lose weight, most effective exercise, good and bad fats, water retention and secret trick used by models to flatten their tummy before an event. Reading a book will take you hours but the information on a post, taking minutes to read, is not enough. The webpage below has just enough to know what you need to know. Links page has gov. BMI calculator to find out just how much overweight you are (teens plug in your age to compare to others your age). Read this page with teen advice to see that you are beautiful and then click on home page.