Friday, September 19, 2008

How to lose weight without getting an eating disorder? -

My sister had an eating disorder 2 years ago and i dont want to go down that road!! any weight losings ideas??

I would just try to eat healthier and work out a lot more. Instead of eating junk, like potato chips, eat raspberries. Hope this helps! =D

Ideas on how to lose weight? -

I need to lose around 22 lbs (10 kilos) in a month for a wedding. (I currently weigh 149 lbs, I want to get back to 127 lbs [68 to 58 in kilos]). Ordinarily I would just not eat and do exercise, however, I am currently breastfeeding so I have to eat and my normal exercise routine has still not returned since having my baby. Does anyone know any good no fuss diets or weight loss tips?

If you healthy food and in 1200 calorie count with at least 20 muntes of execise everyday it will work. I have lost about 22 pounds in amonth with that routine.

Mark Hyman, MD,��editor in chief of the medical journal Alternatives in Health and Medicine says (in Bottom Line Yearbook 2008), Myth 1: The less you eat, the more weight you ll lose.... In my experience, the average person who goes on a diet actually gains 5 pound instead of losing weight. Never go on a diet. Instead eat foods that turn on your metabolism. These are whole foods that come from nature, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans.... Myth 3: You can control your weight by counting calories.... Losing weight is not about counting calories-- it s about eating the right calories.... Myth 4: Eating fat makes you fat.... Myth 5: Going low-carbohydrate makes you thin. Carbohydrates are the the single most important food that you can eat for long term health and weight loss.... However, just as there are different fats, there are different types of carbohydrates.

There are 3 key areas that I like to focus on. They re called the 3 M s. these and you will be well on your way to reaching your weight loss and fitness goals.Moderation - What you put in your body more than anything else will determine how much and how quickly you will lose the weight. This section will focus on healthy eating and improving your habits.Motivation - Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes and need a good hard kick in the pants from time to time. Here you will learn the negative side effects of being over weight. As well as where and how to find positive motivation to reach your goals.Motion - Get your body moving! Whatever little amount you can do, just get up and do it. Motion creates energy and will speed up your weight loss efforts.Where to start? Well, to get down to where you want to be, you first have to know where you are. So, I suggest starting by finding your current stats. Namely your BMI (Body Mass Index) and your body fat %. You might also want to have a look at the Ideal weight chart and see what your ideal weight should be.Next Step - You are going to need a way to track your progress. There are many different ways to do this other than the scale.If you really want to drop the weight you re going to need a simple, effective plan that you can fit into your busy life. I ve personally used this style of eating without giving up my favorite junk foods using it.You can t change years of unhealthy habits overnight. For that You need patience and a plan.

Healthy weight loss tips��Strength training and aerobic exercise --Aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories, Strength training increases metabolism by increasing lean muscle mass which helps in long term weight loss. Eat fruits and vegetables --Increase your intake of fiber rich foodsThey are low in calories but high in fiber. Fiber is digested slower, keeps us feeling fuller longer Eat breakfast everyday --Eat smaller, more frequent meals--Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--Drink more water--Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.Increase your protein intake--Protein makes us feel full. It is also important in replacing and building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat. It helps to increase your metabolism - which burns calories.Do not skip meals--Skipping meals makes you hungry which you tend to compensate by eating a lot later. Spice up your food--Spices boosts metabolism, suppresses appetite, reduce fat absorption Eat Negative calorie food --Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain. Take the stairs and park your car further away from the shops--Eat slowly--Chewing your food longer will help prevent you from over eating.Cut down the sugar intake---Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism--Tips to stop food cravings��Boost metabolism����

Never not eat . As soon as you start eating again, you ll gain back all the weight you lost. You have to make changes that you can stick with. Eat when you re hungry and stop when you re full.When you exercise, incorporate strength training to rev up your metabolism.

doing 1 hour aerobic workout for 5 days on each of the 2 weeks. You can jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like. It you want to play basketball, tennis or take some aerobic classes,

Try drinking a lot of water. Have a glass whenever you feel hungry, before you go for the food. I guarantee you will shed the 22 pounds and then you can thank me.

The following article has 5 great, must do tips to lose weight.��

You have to exercise at least 1 hour 30 mins a day and watch your calorie intake. Get as much as fresh fruits, vegetables and protein in your diet. Avoid junk food and fried food.

Don t go on any diet fads or pills. They don t work! Don t skip meals. Drink more water and skim milk, and less carbonated drinks including diet or juice. Don t pack on junk food. Exercise! Good luck.

The Wii. It s awesome......Or Dance Dance Revolution.

Here is a really great article that gives ten weight loss tips that work:

Yes, have another baby!!!

Try this one:

Wii fit?

go to this website

This would be a Quick Help ... Try out the food based on your Blood group today . Mainly the Oil you use to cook is first to consider based on your Blood group .Selecting the Right Diet is a big question . I do not know if you are doing the same .No one is too young or old to start with good diet plan .Find out what is good diet or Bad diet for your Blood group. No Need to do pushpus or take any pills .NO TWO PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME FINGERPRINTS, LIP PRINTS,OR VOICE PRINTS. NO TWO BLADES OF GRASS OR NOWFLAKES ARE ALIKE. BECAUSE I FELT THAT ALL PEOPLE WERE DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER, I DID NOT THINK IT WAS LOGICAL THAT THEY SHOULD EAT THE SAME FOODS. IT BECAME CLEAR TO ME THAT SINCE EACH PERSON WASHOUSED IN A SPECIAL BODY WITH DIFFERENT STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES AND NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, THE ONLY WAY TO MAINTAIN HEALTH OR CURE ILLNESS WAS TO ACCOMMODATE TO THAT PARTICULAR PATIENT S SPECIFIC NEEDS.Your blood type is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health, disease, longevity, physical vitality and emotional strength. Your blood type determines your susceptibility to illness, which foods you should eat and how you should exercise. It is a factor in your energy levels, the efficiency with which you burn calories, youremotional response to stress and perhaps even your personality.Find what diet helps loose weights and what diet is + ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISON��

How to lose weight in your thighs? -

I am 5 3 and 125 lbs, and I ve been wanting to lose weight for a long time, and i have lost up to 5-10 pounds but ive always ended up gaining it back. I just cant give in to not eating sweets. I am mainly concerned about my thighs, they are the worst part of my body. Does anybody have good diet tips, or ways to lose weight in my thighs?

It sounds like you already know that you should be sticking to a pretty good diet, so I won t go over it. But here are 3 of the my favorite thigh exercises and they will help tone and tighten.The Squeezes work very well on both your thighs and butt. Oblique V-ups: Lying on the floor on your side, hands crossed over your chest, keep your legs together and lift them off of the floor about 4-5 inches. At the same time scrunch your body so that the elbow on the top side of you body moves a bit towards your top leg. You ll feel it in your legs, hips and side. Do 10 repetitions on each side and do this 2 times a day. You will feel this in your legs, sides and although you should not feel this in your back, the oblique muscles will be working to tighten the fat across your back.Side leg lifts: Again lying on your side, lower leg slightly bent, raise your upper leg slowly to the count of 10. Do this 15 times for each leg and do 2 sets. You should feel this in your inner and outer thighs and hip area.Squeezes: This is perfect for inner and outer thighs and butt. While standing with your feet shoulder length apart, knees bent so that your knees are over your toes, squeeze your inner thighsand pull yourself up to a standing position using your thigh muscles. Then lower yourself again without squeezing then start again. I do about 50 of these a day, scattered out during the day. You should not feel it in your knees and if you do it means that either you are lowering yourself too fat or you are not using your thigh and butt muscles to lift you up,

aerobic is the best solution for your case.

The only way you can spot reduce is by exercising that particular region of the body enough to cause weight loss in it.

easy lap dances! work those thighs!

How to lose weight for 21 year old woman!? -

my sister has been wanting to lose weight but she wants something a bit easy... her goal is to be 40 pounds less.

Food:Stay away from white grains like pasta, bread, flour, and rice. When eating grains go for whole wheat, it��s a lot healthier and has fewer calories. When eating meat, always go for lean or extra lean if available. Also stay away from junk food �C of course! But, don��t demonize it, because if you are the type who loves their chocolate bars and you completely cut yourself off, you��ll only want them more. Cut down you junk intake to once a week, and on the day you have that chocolate bar make a mental note to get an extra 15 minutes of exercise that day.Make sure you drink lots of water; it helps your metabolism and hydrates your body (obviously). If you don��t drink enough water your body will think its going to be starved, and will go into ��survival mode�� �C this��ll cause your body to retain all the water you do drink and all the fat it can get because its preparing to be starved. Also, drinking green tea every morning increases your daily metabolism by 17%. You can take vitamin b complex to increase your metabolism as well. Try eating 5 small meals a day to keep your metabolism working, and never skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast will slow your metabolism for the day!When you snack only snack on fruits and veggies �C they��re nutritious and delicious! And low in calories. My doctor recommended eating a slice of cheese with a piece of fruit as a snack so your also getting protein with your fruit. Try to stop eating after 7 pm, and only drink tea, milk, or water after that. This��ll prevent you from going to bed with food in your stomach that won��t be burned while you��re sleeping; it��ll just get turned into fat that you don��t want.Exercise:For exercise, make sure you get AT LEAST 30 minutes a day, but I��d recommend 60 minutes. Do cardio exercise every day as well as strength exercises like push ups and crunches. Combining the two exercises will help to prevent having saggy skin once you��ve lost weight. Swimming can be a good strength exercise if you like going to the pool or lake �C it tones everything at once and its fun! While you��re doing cardio (like jogging or running) make a routine that��ll challenge you but not over work you. Try running for 5 minutes then walking for 5. If that gets too easy try running for 6 walking for 4 etc.

she s got to be active. Tell her to get involved in some kind of sport. Next dont diet. Choose healthier options. Go for replacement, not diet. If she has a strong desire to be healthy and she changed her lifestyle to a healthier one the pounds would come off and the change would be permanent.wake up earlier, no snooze button, green tea instead of coffee in the morning, several glasses of water all day, stop eating after 9pm, integrate fruit, start excersizing. by doing what??? the answer: SOMETHING... ANYTHINGIf she does these things she ll want to start being healthier because she ll like the way it makes her feel


if your 21 your not really a woman.

How to lose weight for a kid? -

I m 13 and weigh 70 kg I need to lose weight and keep it off but the thing is I can t eat vegitables because they make me litterally sick please I want to be healthy!!! Thanks in advance for your answers

Take up a outdoor sport and play daily. Kids need to play and that is the best way to keep fitcheers,

If you don t eat your veggies your robbing your body of nutrients it needs. You are also throwing of the Ph levels of your body by not ingesting alkaline type foods.(i.e. broccoli, carrots, etc...) Find a way to eat them. Stay away from soda pop, limit your dairy intake to two servings and your bread (cereal) to six or less, your meats, nuts, eggs, to 3 servings, and fill the rest of your diet with fruits and veggies. You will grow to like them I swear.

as a child like myself i ve tried so many things and i lose interest so easily. so try fun things like making colorful fruit salads because that i enjoy a lot and play lots and lots of games. thats a good way of losing some of the weight. reduce on the junk food and try not to add more salt and sugar than needed in a meal or drink. oh and walk around a lot. that works too and its much easier than running which i don t like very much.

The best way to lose weight is by exercise and diet.If you not have enough time and want to lose weight without exerciseThis is the best way how to lose weight 4 IDIOTS program��

if you can t eat veggies, you can try less of the preserved stuff like ham, hotdogs, canned meat, etc.avoid junk foods. low salt diet and drink plenty of water.walk walk walk... don t be a potato couch.

i have great 50 tips for weight loss of any age persons but i can t told you here fulfill please visit

Just ask yourself this question when you re at a restaurant and you see a plate of vegetables and a quarter pound burger on the menu:Do I want to die at 40 or live to 90?

exercise, dont skip meals, down size meals a bit, eat less junk, AND EXERCISE!

eat less . move more .