Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What is the white drink from LA Weight Loss that makes u lose weight fast .And whats in it? -

What is the white drink from LA Weight Loss that makes u lose weight fast .And what s in it? I have a friend that goes there and she tells me that when she drinks this stuff the weight just falls off!LOL

There are a couple drinks that are white. There are the LA SlimDown meal replacements, and control trim, and some others that are whitish....

Try oolong works for its not woolong its oolong they ARE different...

How To Lose Weight Fast? -

Well its summer time and I want to lose fast . Any recommendations what diet program I should use , what exercises to take and so on. All suggestions welcome

You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it. Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it s well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.

Why Do Fat People Lose Weight So Much Faster? -

Watching The Biggest Loser and Celebrity Fit Club.. The fattest ones seem to lose the weight so much faster than everyone else..Also my sis is 276, she wants to know if she starts a diet will she be in the catagory to lose weight fast.

they have a lot more to lose plus the majority don t do much exercise so it feels like hell on them. She could go vegetarian which significantly drops a lot of weight, even for slightly obese people. I dropped about 20-25 pounds and about seven sizes off my waist. And the best part is that I eat carbs whenever I want!Even being vegetarian for the weekend could help. I suggest you start with weekends only and then advance a full week.Don t try the Acaia berry crap, just lies and spamming. Try Cranberries and oranges. very helpful.Oh and don t skip meals!!!

thats exactly true. the bigger you are, the more pounds you ll drop each week than someone who only has maybe 20-40 lbs to lose. but the closer you get to a healthy weight, the slower it becomes. honestly, a healthy range is losing 2-4 lbs each week. if ur losing under 2 lbs a week, ur cheating somewhere. also, your sis needs to get over the will i lose weight fast thing. no one loses weight fast on a realistic diet. tell her her absolute best choice for losing weight would be to join weight watchers. i gained 30lbs in college and was up to 165!! i joined WW (cuz i knew i d fail on my own) and i cannot stop saying good things about them. it works. and you re not starving yourself either. it just shows u the correct foods to eat... grilled foods, fruits, vegies, lots of water, etc. stay away from junk foods, fried foods, fast food, alcohol, pizza etc. but you can still eat whatever you wanna eat because they use a point system. for example, i was allowed 21 points per day. a piece of grilled chicken is 4 points, most vegies 0 points. but if i was absolutely craving pizza, ONE SLICE is 9 points!!! a margarita is about 15 points!!! no wonder we gain weight so easily.seriously, tell ur sis to join weight watchers. i lost 25 lbs with WW.