Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to lose weight in my upper arm?? -

i try push-ups but it just seems to get bigger.. i m a pretty thin teen, but when my arms are by my side, they look big! is it because i have broad shoulders? what can i do to lose that flab?? go on a major diet scheme? any exercise i can do??

You want to try tricep dips, with your back to the edge of your bed, or your bath will do - that s what I find is a good height - bend your elbows down so they go to a 90 degree angle, make sure you use your arms to pull yourself back up not your legs as this defeats the objects. Do as many as you can without injuring yourself - this will help with toning your arms - failing that - dumb bells - or large tins of beans etc, anything to do with weights will give you lean toned muscle, nothing bulky.

Any exercise will increase muscle tone but it also burns the fat. Try arm exercises with lighter weights, they will tone without the bulk.

Asa teen, I would be more concerned with your body image - you say your body is thin but your arms look fat. Ask a trusted adult at school how you can get help with body image issues before it gets out of control.and for the record, you can t do exercises that will do spot reductions, although I promise you, you will hear people try to sell you otherwise all your life just because so many people wish it were so. It isn t so.Get help with that body image - your arms are not fat if the rest of you is thin and vice versa.

it is very clear that you need to improve your arms the best way for a girl to improve her arms is hand jobs 10/15times a week this will give u very good hand job muscels... failing this you can always try and take Dat Der Cell Tech

Try to get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile and get the advise from them to lose weight fast and healthy.

You can not target that fat under your arm. You must lose fat all over.The key is: Diet Diet Diet, then exercise:You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eat some protein with each meal! Cut out all refined sugar!!! Also add more fiber. The fiber and protein will fill you up, helping you to cut down on your unhealthy eating. Also by eating more than 3 meals spread out through the day you will kick your metabolism in high gear. Here is a general meal for a day:Breakfast: 2 poached eggswhole wheat toast1/2 cup fruitSnack: Cottage Cheese with veggieLunch: Turkey, lettuce, tomato, whole wheat bread sandwich1/2 cup fruitSnack: Protein ShakeDinner: Turkey Burger ( no bun )Side of brown riceSide of Broc.Then exercise regularly 4-5 days a week. Do both cardio and lifting. But on days that you do both. Do lifting before your cardio and you will maximize your fat burn. Cardio can be a sport: basketball, soccer, football, anything with losts of movement. Golf is a no no.So Example :Monday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioTuesday - 1 hour liftingWednesday - RestThrusday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFriday - 1 hour liftingSaturday - RestSunday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFor exercises check out:http://www.xercisefactor.comThey have hundreds of exercise video clipsAlso check out the XGen to randomly generate a workout routine. You have to sign up, but it is free.

How to lose weight: for 13 year olds? -

I am 13 years old, and about 5 8. I am about 170 lbs. and i need to lose weight. Any quick ways? (about half a year?)

well your pretty tall for 13 but stop eating junk food and just get more activity.if you really want to lose weight, write down what you eat- it helps more than you think.drink water and if you want to drink soda drink diet cause you don t want to drink away your calories for the day.bring your lunch to school too so you know how many calories are in your lunch instead of the greasy school food.and just walk if you can t workout one day, its better than the biggest loser for inspiration too ! haha

Everyone wants fast results, but nothing has been shown to do that without causing other problems. every quick fix pill that has ever come along has been shown to damage the heart or liver. also you cannot pick and chose where the fat comes from. you can t reduce your legs, stomach or hips by design. you lose weight, and your body uses its fat stores however it sees fit.Your best bet, and the only thing that has been proven to work is a lifestyle change. you have to begin eating right and start getting much more active. focus on healthy/whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains. avoid sugar, salt, simple carbs like rice, potatoes and white flour. limit dairy such as milk, cheese, butter, and watch fats like oils.

You need to exercise a bit or you will get puffed no matter what you do because you are unfit. Losing weight fast, I would suggest a closely watched diet (probably by a nutritionist if you have breathing problems as you will have to watch your diet for life). Pepsi still contains calories, even diet pepsi (the calories are hidden due to conversions with artificial sugars in the body). Switch to water. It may not be fizzy but it really is so much healthier and can t be beat.

First at 68 inches you are not that overweight. You are a big 13 year old. You should try to drink lots of water for more than just weight control. It will also help complexion issues. try to eat low calorie foods first (ie veggies) then eat protein and carbs at meal so that if you get full, you have eaten lower calorie foods first. Try to limit the amount of cals you are eating in a dayYou MUST exercise. Do NOT sit in front of the TV if it is light outside. Play sports and hang with friends just do not do it in front of a TV though. Sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of weight issues inteens. Light weightlifting could be done just do not over do it....

It is not complicated, you should not eat fatty food for example frozen foods or fast food try exercising and eating two hours before you go to bed, that way your body will have time ti digest. And don t worry your body is growing that s why you might be chubby as you get older your body gets skinnier, but follow the tips.

Go for regular walks. If you have a trampoline jump for a set period every day, and eat healthily. Don t kill yourself. Just be in a routine and never slack off. Pushups as well. And situps. But again, only for a set time. If you just tire yourself out too quickly you re not helping yourself. Go slowly at first, and soon you ll be in great shape.

Get a summer job, that makes you work really really hard. When I was 15, I got a summer job, that was like maintenance around town, gardening, mowing, building sheds, packing things and putting them into trucks, etc. I lost 45 pounds in ONE summer! Not to mention, boy was I tan! And when I went back to school, everyone was like what? who is that? Lolz.... Good Luck!

13 ? NOT a crash diet basically watch your diet cut down fats and sugars concentrate on fruit and vegetables light exercise, walking jogging ect DON T go to a gym at 13 your body actually is still growing and any strenuous exercise will cause damage rather than aid you

I am 13 years old, and about 5 8. I am about 170 lbs. and i need to lose weight. I read that out loud, its like the sweetest rhyme ever. You should cut a record deal rapping about your yahoo answers.

join sports. eat healthier(or just not as much). run for 1/2 hour every morning.

jog, pushups, situps, jump rope. a lot of cardio


diet and exercise

DON T stop eating. Just eat healthier and excercise

I am 16 years of age and weigh 175 any tips on how to lose weight plzz? -

i will appreciate any help thanks

AVOID dieting and restricting calories. Also? don t fall for gimmicks, such as magic diet pills, crazy weight loss devices, and other expensive and useless things. You can easily lose weight by starting to do more cardio exercise, and of course eating healthier on a daily basis.-Definitely get into an exercising routine, and try to find something that you enjoy! If you re in school, definitely try to join a sport - even if you think you won t like it. Sports will give you the excuse to exercise nearly every day, and it can also be fun interesting you can meet new friends.-Drink water. Water is ESSENTIAL for you your body - and definitely does help with losing weight. Water gives you minerals, increases circulation, and of course suppresses your appetite. Try to drink water (or 100% juice) instead of pop, coffee, or any other carbonated beverage. Water s definitely better for you.-Change one small eating habit at a time; take it week by week. Start eating more fruits during the first week, eat more veggies the second, switch your milk from whole to skim the third, etc. Making small changes over time will definitely help you more in the long run than trying ( failing) at dieting.Good luck =]

The best thing is to cut out sweets and crisps and fatty food and find a form of exercise you enjoy and go for it. Dancing swimming walking tennis. The number of calories you burn has to exceed your intake for you to lose weight. Good luck

hi Cathy.There are so many things you can change and lose weight. Actually you do not need to make it hard. You can make small nutrition changes and this will help you lose lot of weight. If you add physical activity this will make it better.Here is big list of changes you can do (training, nutrition, supplements):��Hope it will help you.

Proper diet is the only way to loose weight.Here is a popular diet program that worked for me Luck

Lay off the cheese burgers and have a salad!

ok honestly eat moderately but eat less of your junk and fat, and exercise !! simple !!

Since you are young, you have the blessing of a youthful metabolism. Once you start a sensible eating / activity plan, you should be able to return to a more healthy weight quickly. I ve personally found that having feedback really helps me keep on top of my diet. I m using a web based calorie / exercise tracking tool. So whenever I eat something, I immediately log it. When I do activities, I log it also. I get to see my caloric intake/burn for the day. It helps to see how many calories you re taking in daily. The website is: also have a lot of foods listed so you can immediately determine calories for something you re eating. If you can t find what you re eating, you can input it yourself manually. I ve been using this tool, and I ve already lost 10 pounds. Remember that slow and steady wins the race. Use whatever tools work best for you.

Don t worry about it too much, you re not that heavy, and losing weight as a teenager can harm growth procedures. Besides, even if you still think you are slightly heavy, plenty of guys, including me, like big girls.

How to lose weight effectively? ? -

please can someone recommend a healthy eating, diet and exercise plan based on a weekly basis, to lose weight effectively.

Forget about losing weight. Just adopt a healthy lifestyle.Eat a good healthy diet and excercise a lot!!! The more excercise you do the better!For a healthy diet, you need to be eating small to medium meals regularly. 4 or even 5 times a day. Each meal (apart from breakfast which should preferably be fibre rich), should contain a balanced ammount of carbohydrates for energy, (from potatoes, rice and pasta, etc) protien (from fish, chicken, occassional red meat is fine, soya is good too) and plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (simple fresh fruit and veg). Eat like this and make sure you are well hydrated (fruit juice is as good as water, any fluid counts, but some fluids have negative effects too, such as alcohol or caffiene rich drinks.)You can have a wide range of healthy meals with this, from Thai, Chinese, Italian, British, Indian, etc. Just make sure each meal contains balanced ammounts of these three. On the bright side too, fresh veg and rice and pasta is a lot cheaper than crappy junk food!This doesn t mean you cant have chocolate or pizza/takeaway/etc, just save them as very occassional treats.The big secret to keeping a healthy weight and staying healthy is EXCERCISE, particularly cardio excercise. Cardio exercise includes any form of excercise such as running/jogging/swimming/cycling etc that gets your heart rate pumping and you sweating and out of breath. It will not only burn calories and reduce your body fat levels, therefore making you slimmer by having less fat on you, but will also improve your resting heart rate and lung function, making you healthier. I cannot understate the importance of cardio excercise. It is this which will basically burn the body fat off you. But you have to remember that once you have shed a bit of fat you have to have a nice toned body underneath the fat to show off. Strength training will help you strengthen and tone your muscles. This is done with the use of weights or by free training.There are essentially (without getting overly complicated) two types of strength excercises based on different types of muscle fibres depending on wether you want to build size, bulk and power, or just tone up the lean muscles an get more muscle endurance.Heavy weights with short reps/sets will build your fast twitch muscle fibres and build size, power and strength. Imagine big guys at the gym lifting heavy weights. But if you use light to medium weights with lots of reps/sets you will excercise your slow twitch muscle fibres, you wont build size, but you will tone up your body and train muscle endurance. This will obviously make you look healthier and more toned, but will also increase your metabolism (as your muscles demand more energy) so you will burn calories faster. These muscles are also excercised a lot with cardio workouts (i.e your leg muscles when running).Your arms for example, will need bicep curls and tricep dips using weights and reps of your choice (heavy - low reps, light - lots of reps) and also shoulder excercises such as holding the weights at your waist and lifting them perpendicular to your side or in front of you, etc etc.Your stomach will need excercises that cover the entire torso. Leg raises for your lower ab wall, crunches, sit ups and planks for your upper and all over ab wall, oblique twists for your sides and superman stretches for your lower back for example.These are just basic examples, there are literally hundreds of excercises, but it is impossible to show you on a site like this, get a trainer at your gym to show you some but remember the basic rules of muscles and weights. As far as excercise goes, you should aim to strike a balance between cardio training and strength training, this way you will build good strong and toned muscle, but also keep your body fat levels down and increase your heart and lung performance, making you much fitter and healthier.Hope this helps.

The only way to lose weight is to consume less calories. This can be done through eating healthier or exercising or a combination of both.You need to cut 500 calories a day to lose 1lb of fat a week. You can either do this by making healthier meal choices and cutting back on snacks. A chocolate bar can have up to 250 calories and crisps about 120 so by cutting snacks likes these out you can instantly reduce your calorie intake significantly.I have been losing weight by cutting down on snacks and having healthier meal choices. But I have very little will power. So I have been going on the treadmill at least 5 times a week for more than 30 mins. It tells you how many calories you burn so I aim for at least 300 calories to burn off on the treadmill and then try and avoid chocolate and crisps. Since doing this I have been losing 1-2 pounds a week. I lost 6 pounds in the first fortnight.

Exercising helped me to lose loads of weight once I combined it along with taking acai berry. I know they say that pills will not work, nevertheless they definitely worked for me, and they ve been shown on CBS News too. There is a free trial going on right now at , why not check it out, what s the worst that could happen?

try this��

How to lose weight in butt and thigh areas? -

I have a problem with losing fat in my butt and thigh area. I need exercise tips on how to do it.

Honestly, its better you consult a specialist to find out what s best for you. I really want to help but I don t think I can give better answers than specialist do. Sorry.good luckLove is omnipresence, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

The best way to lose weight in your thighs and butt is by SWIMMING. I have lost quite a few pounds when i swim. It reduces a lot of fat in that area. u can also combine it with cycling, walking and jogging. Thats thebest excercise to lose weight and tone up your body. Swim at least 3 to 4 days a week and u r in shape. All the best.

Lots of lunges. It was the best thing I ever did for my rear end. Hold a 2 to 5 lb weight in each hand and take large steps forward dipping low with your knee. make sure to keep your hips back. and use good posture.

Can someone give me ideas on how to lose weight? -

I want to join the air force but im thinkin im to big i weight 270 pounds and is 6.3 i play football for my school i was very difficult and still didnt lose weight when i got home i didnt eat till breakfast the next day so what am i doing wrong?

dont skip will cause your metabolism to slow down which will actually prevent you from losing weight. try eating like 5 smaller meals than 3 big meals...each of your meals should stop your hunger but not make you full and make sure there healthy and your drinking plenty of water.

Join a gym. Eat healthy drink only water.

weight watchers my friend

don t skip meals. just eat healthier

How to lose weight??? -

okI m 13 and want to lose weight about 3kg in 2monthsso give me ways to lose it like give me a routine on exercise what to eat and thnx

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, whichwill lead to increase of weight, or muscle growunderneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet withoutexercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. Fordiet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no foodafter 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending onyour initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. Ifyou don t eat wheat then you don t eat all those sticky, fatty goeycakes, you don t eat junk food, and you don t eat biscuits. But yourdiet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have tocalculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is themost efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight alot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to targetyour problem areas for men and women. It s not necessarily to become abodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help youto target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Jogging, boxing, swimming, cycling, walking - Anything that gets you moving and makes your heart beat faster causes you to lose weight over an extended period of time (so dont expect yourself to lose weight for going jogging 3 times for a week). You have to train hard, and continuous, only then will the benefits show.On top of that your diet is very important, going jogging then going and eating a load of rubbish foods is a waste if time, and is not going to get you anywhere.

there is no quick answer other than the ones you already know:cut out the sweets, DO NOT drink any pop even the diet stuff is bad for youeat sensibly smaller portions, NO bad snacks and don t pig outget up and move around this doesn t mean pumping iron but at least get up and walk or do some exercise even if it is only walking up and down stairs or doing step exercises.Lastly at 13, 3kg isn t that much your body is going to be going through a lot changes right now, therefore don t worry too much about it. If it was 60 kg then that is a different thing.

Drink two tumblers of water on rising from the bed, and in a day drink at least three litres of it. Avoid cream, ghee, sweets and fried food. Take regular exercise sufficiently, so as to burn more calories of energy, than its intake.

Hi There -There is a community for teens on a healthy lifestyle and it has many helpful tools on there such as calorie counters, teen groups to join. This site has a lot of helpful information and also other people your age that are facing the same challenges that you are experiencing.www.sparkteens.comHope this helps!YT

Work out at least 3-5 times a week. If you cant get to a gym then do crunches, squats, pushups, or go for a walk outside. And try not to eat junk. Hope this helped :)

That is a pretty reasonable goal.This is what I do to lose weight and it worksBreakfast: a serving of fruit (not a banana), 2 pieces of wheat toast with peanut butter, a glass of skim milk, and a vitaminLunch: a wheat bagel with 2 tbs 1/3 less fat cream cheese and another serving of fruitExercise: run 2 milesPost-workout snack: 10 baby carrots and 20 unsalted almondsDinner: I m a vegetarian so I usually have a veggie burger on a wheat bun or some vegetable soup or vegetarian chili. But, you could have some chicken or turkey or fish and lots of veggies (especially dark green veggies)Exercise: Toning exercises. Tone your abs some days, legs other days, arms other days.Dessert: a serving of fruit and 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt

How to lose weight fast with out the stupid diet pills? -

Eat low fat, low carb. Only eat fresh fruit and veggies, stay away from processed foods. Eat lean meats, chicken (take skin off) and fish. Watch portion sizes, make one plate of food - don t go back for seconds. And most important, start exercising. Walking is great and really burns up the fat. No pills required. Good Luck!

REad the answers like this that so many others have asked.

Hi - any weight loss program you follow is going to be an up and down process. Losing 3 lbs per week for 6 weeks straight sounds good but it seldom works. Once you are OK with the idea that your weight will fluctuate while you are trying to shed the pounds then you are on the right track! The best way to lose weight fast is to start out on a fairly strict diet program (eg Atkins), lose some lbs and hopefully motivate yourself to keep going. Then ease back a little and follow a diet and exercise program you can live with.There is more information about rapid weight loss on the Get In Shape website at

If you have the weight to lose, losing 1-2lbs a weeks is very healthy. I recommend a healthy combination of working out, diet and supplements.GYM WORKOUTI always start a workout with a 10 minute warm-up on an rowing machine, elispe or cycle.30 minute weight program1. Chest, Shoulder, Back (Mon, Thu)2. Biceps, Triceps, Abs (Tue, Fri )3. Legs (Wed, Sat)26 minute interval training on cycle or treadmil5 Minutes: RPE 3-4: Warm Up2 minutes: RPE of 5: Increase speed and/or incline from warm-up to slightly higher than comfortable pace2 minutes: RPE from 5-6: Increase the incline 1% every 15 seconds2 minutes: RPE from 6-5: Decrease incline 1% every 15 seconds1 minute: RPE: 8 Increase speed to fast walk or run2 minutes: RPE: 5 Decrease speed to recover back to a medium intensity2 minutes: RPE: 5-7: Increase incline 1% every 15 seconds2 minutes: RPE 7-5: Decrease incline 1% every 15 seconds1 minute: RPE 8: Increase incline to 5-10%, work as hard as you can (don t kill yourself!)2 minutes: RPE 5: Decrease incline to 0% to recover back to medium intensity5 minutes: RPE 3: Cool down by walking at a comfortable pace5 Minute stretch out all your muscles especially calves and hamstringsOR if you have access to a pool (heated indoor in this weather) 30 minutes lap swimming 3 times a week will shed off the pounds.DIETEating 5 smaller meals over 3 is healthier. Skipping meals is not good. Your body things you are starving it and will store more fat. Also you shouldn t eat after 8pm.Water: 64 oz minimumFood: 5 small meals a dayDaily calories: 1500Example menu plan I use which is rich in carbohydrates - 50%, proteins - 35% and fats - 15% includes:Meal 1Shredded Wheat Cereal - 1 1/2 cupsSkim Milk - 1 1/2 cupsStrawberries - 1/2 cupMeal 2Scrambled Eggs (4 egg whites, 1 whole egg)Grapefruit - 1/2 largeMeal 3Brown Rice - 1/2 cupGrilled Chicken Breast - 110 grams (3 oz)Green Beans - 180 grams (6 oz)Meal 4Salmon - 150 grams (4 oz)Broccoli - 1 cupYams - 150 grams (4 oz)Meal 5Grilled Chicken Breast - 110 grams (3 oz)Light Italian Dressing - 3 TbspLarge mixed green salad - 2 cupsSUPPLEMENTI RECOMMEND The APPLE PATCH Contains 3 natural ingredients:Garcinia Cambogia - hydroxycitric acid extract, which inhibits an enzyme called citrate lyase that helps turns excess carbohydrates into fatGuarana Extract - Seeds that contain caffeine to help increase energy.Fucus Vesiculosus - Brown seaweed, which stimulates metabolic rate, and promote weight loss.The patch uses a delivery method allowing the skin to absorb the elements within the patch at CONSISTENT levels over several hours. Unlike pills which must be taken several times a day, the transdermal patch method requires only a single application EVERY 3 Days. The patch is discreet and no one has to know you are on a diet.

Eat less, move more. It sucks, but works every time!

try what my friends and i did.....we got the name of the company independent achievement from this forum....and they work so far...we ve been on them for 3 weeks....and by day 4 we all started noticing a dramatic change in how much food is left on our plate....waiting for the downloads to get more dieting titles.....should be out sometime this week we heard.....

We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out for all info regarding weight loss.

How To Lose Weight, What Should I Do? -

Hi :)Im 12,Weight 9 stone 3,Size 6 - 8 - 10 in UK Clothes5ft 3What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight?PLEASE Help!Beth xx

Pump some iron. Resistance training, (weight training), can help both sexes stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism. The fact is, hours and hours of aerobic exercise won t help most people lose weight fast because your metabolism drops back to normal fairly quickly after stopping the exercise. If you gain muscle, however, your body s resting metabolism, (the amount of calories you burn when you re just sitting still), increases, because muscle requires a lot of calories to maintain. Studies have shown consistent weight training to raise the body s metabolism by 15%. This means an average woman might burn 200-300 more calories at rest every day! Resistance training is the gift that keeps on giving! Although, keep in mind that muscle mass weighs more than fat (don t be surprised if you gain weight but look slimmer).

run a lot.