Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How to lose weight and keep my booty? -

How to lose weight and keep my booty?How can I get a butt like J.Lo, Beyonce, Or Kim K.??!!I have hips but i dont have a big booty-But I want it to look like their s. Any tips!?I m not a tall girl-I am 5 2 and weight 160lbs

my booty got bigger as i lost weight.. lmao... actually, i didnt really lose any wieght, i just got taller. and my bobs/butt got bigger. so i look like i lost alot of weight since gr 6.. in gr 9 now lol.. do some butt excersises/cardio :)


Eat healthy and do squats. Jessica Simpson doesn t have much of a butt but really worked it out hard for her role as Daisy Duke in the Dukes of Hazzard. It helped those muscles (her glutes) get bigger in order to give her a bigger butt.

squats and stepper machine, lounges.

How to lose weight fast and without hassle.? -

I do not have time to get out and run or do crunches OR ANYTHING! I am extremely busy all the time, but i still need a way to get thin. Can anyone help me out?

Try the Little Jack workout seen here�� to lose tons of weight

Hi, I graduated high school at 240 pounds and at 5 foot 3 that made me about as round as I was tall. I was one of those overweight teenagers who ate anything and everything without any regard to the effects it was having on my own body. Therefore, I began the diet pills, which did not work; I ate the special diet foods and even began drinking diet beverages. None of this stuff worked for me, just as it does not work for millions of overweight people. Eating less did not work and I was not one to work out or even get up and do anything remotely related to exercise. I knew I would look silly and it would hurt. I never thought or really cared about the health effects this would have on me, back then. A year ago after a successful weight loss plan, now at 120 pounds, it is a major difference. I ve lost 30 pounds in the first month. The most significant change in my life is the amount of energy I now have and the way my clothes fit loosely. Everyone close to me and people I haven��t seen in a while are amazed and tell me that I look really good. This is a life changing experience for me although at first I was skeptical about the weight loss plan. Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life. Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight. The success has inspired me to help others and i am sure you won t be disappointed. The link is at the source below.

You will need to think of a diet plan. Eat smaller meals. Don t take 3 main meals but spread it out to 5 different meals in small portion. This will prevent hunger pangs. Avoid food that are rich in starch and carbohydrates such as pizza, potatoes, rice, spaghetti, pasta or noodles etc. Avoid junk food and no fast food either. Cut down the fried stuff too. For drinks, avoid the sugary stuff as this is the main thing that will pile on the weight without you realizing it.

i have found that eating smaller meals and not eating dinner has always helped. whenever you feel hungry drink like four glasses of water and soon you won t feel hungry anymore. the food you should be eating of course has to healthy (I know, everyone says that), but stick to lighter foods like fruit and vegetables, try to stay away from milk and dairy products - try rice milk instead. i found that when i gave up cheese for a months i lost about five kilos. one of my friends did the same but she gave up on chocolate ( no way i would give up on that) and she lost around four kilos. the excersise you could do is anything that can get your heart pumping. or even, do some yoga or pilates to help ton your body. you can always look up some excerises on youtube for certain areas of your body that you want to loose wieght. anyways, i know this stuff will help you. loosing wieght had got to do with 80% of what you eat and 20% of excersise. so its important what you eat. peace out.

Check out this website it provide solution to your answer! Email the wellness coach and he willl gladly to guide u along the way! The service is free and he will designed a personalized weight management program specially for you!��

I would recommend EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). It s an emotional, needle-free version of acupuncture and it works wonders!

just drink plenty of water and avoid junk foods and sweets. water speeds ur metabolism up and combined with a healthy diet u should lose weight. there s no fast way to lose weight but this should help

eat fruits and veggies all day long, and you can be doing some exersices while u on yahoo anwsers, i see u got time to do that

Try fat loss 4 idiots. Works really wellhttp://home-remedies-to-lose-weight.weeb��

How to lose weight in thighs,arms, and the love handles fast? -

I want to be skinny without none of them by summer how can I do this?

4 letters - DIET

Eat a healthy diet that includes healthy monounsaturated fats/plant oils and do cardio exercise and strength training. Body fat melts off with cardiovascular exercise, and building up your muscles causes your body to burn more calories at rest. This will result in less fat and a shaplier, toned body.Sorry - proper diet and exercise is the only way to go! :)

may be this info helped for you?

Weight loss tips ? -

does anyone have any tips to achieve a flat tummy ? i dont want strict diets - i dont have the patience...

My advice on how to get a flat tummy would be to make sure you have a good diet - I mean not many fatty foods and sugars etc. Good breakfast, lunch and dinner - with only fruit as a snack. You will need to exercise to get a flat tummy. I would suggest you join an exercise class at your local gym or leisure centre. This will encourage you to workout, rather than rely on your own will power to exercise at the gym. If you eat the right stuff and work-out for an hour 3 times a week, you will see results. Its important to stick at it. You may even start to have fun with the other people at the classes. So I would say, dont worry about strict diets - look more at a exercise class like cycle-fit or circuit-training or body-tone etcGood luck - you can do it!

work the large muscle groups in your body, ie your thighs and hamstrings. that will help you with overall weight loss, and your lower abs. also, drink lots of water. helps you with alleviating hunger, and you won t snack as much. no tricks to weight loss, but you have to be patient. if you lose weight too quickly, you will gain it back, plus some!!

drink lots of water, it ll curve your appetite.

no bread, pasta carrots have high suger

Try a Pilates dvd. Winsor Pilates is a good one! It s definitely a good way to firm the tummy.

When you snack - snack healthier stuff- carrots, celery- etc. Cut off the soda.